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1.Criminal Investigation is not a science but an art, an art that deals with the identity and
location of the offender and provides evidence of his guilt by criminal proccedings, and
governed by intuition, felicity of inspiration and to a minor extent by chance.
2.Objectives of Criminal Investigation are : (1) to identify or locate the guilty where in the
Criminal Investigator need to find the person being accused of the crime or the suspected
person and then arrest him/her. (2) provide evidence of his guilt, this involves investigation and
seeking information or evidence from witnesses, or from the confessions of the suspect that will
be presented in court.
3.The primary job of an investigator is to discover whether or not an offense has been
committed under the law, discover how it was committed, where it was committed, when it was
committed, why it was committed , and, who committed it.
4.The qualifications set forth for a Criminal Investiagator includes genral knowledge, alertness,
perseverance, integrity, logical mind, power of self-control, and, playing a part.
1.The three tools of Investigation are:
* Information-this is the knowledge or details that the investigator acquired and gathered from
other persons, this can be files and records that they get from their sources or informants or
from the witnesses that can help the investigator to solve the case.
*Interrogation/Interview-interrogation is defined as the forceful or vigorous questioning of an
unwilling or un-cooperating witness . the process of which the investigator questions the witness
and suspects to gather data or information. Also, sometimes to force the suspect to confess and
admit the crime they committed. Interview is the act of simply questioning to gather information
and can be done in crime area.
*Instrumentation-this is the application of physical science to be used as instruments in solving
the case such as biology, chemistry and physics, and also known as the criminalistics.

3.Information to Criminal Investigation is very important because it will help to solve the case,
example information gathered from cultivated sources like paid informants, through their given
information it will be easy for the investigator to find the suspect of the case.
4.Interrogation is the forceful way of gathering sensitive and critical information by questioning
the unwilling or un-cooperating witness and suspects, it’s objective is to obtain a confession and
admission from the witness and suspects that will serve as an evidence to solve the case. This
interrogation far different from interview because during interview the investigator only asked
simple question and only to those willing person who knows about the suspect and has known
the case. is not advisable because it will results to inaccuracy of the answers of the person being
asked, and also because yes or no cant hold integrity in solving the case, the person can simply
answer yes and no even if he/she really don’t understand the situation, and he/she might only
base her/his answer on what he/she heard from other people.
1.Arrest is defined as the taking of a person into custody in order that he maybe bound to
answer for the commission of an offense. Arrest is made by an actual restraint of the person to
be arrested, or by his submission to the custody of the person making the arrest, no
unnecessary force shall be used in making the arrest unless the life of the officer making the
arrest or the safety of the citizen helping the officer is in imminent danger.
2.Warrant of Arrest is an order from the court authorizing law enforcement officers to make an
arrest or conduct a search. Warrant of Arrest is valid for ten (10) days upon the receipt thereof..
it is also essential that the person to be arrested is identified by name, description if possible
and by the terms of the warrant. If the name is unknown then the warrant is consider as void.
3.The Philippine Consttitution, Article III, No.3, Bill of Rights, serves as the legal protection from
and against illegal and unreasonable searches and seizures where in the people has the right to
be secured in their persons, houses and papers and not be violated. This constitution prevents
the unlawful invasion of the personal properties by the officers especially in their home.
4.If I am the police officer that in charge in arresting Juan dela Cruz, first I will read to him the
Miranda Warning, then I will inform him of the cause why I am arresting him and then tell him
that a warrant had been issued. Lastly, handcuffed him and bring him to the police station.
5.Warrantless Arrest may apply in the following instances; when he/she is pulled over for
speeding or reckless driving by an officer then he saw that you are drunk. Example also is when
he/she has committed a crime of making and spreading of false information or fake news. There
is also the buy bust operation by the police, when the officer caught you in the act of using
drugs then they have the right to arrest you even if he don’t have a warrant of arrest.

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