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Name:Rachelle B. Samoranos Date:

Section:BSHM 411 Score:

Food Cost
List down all the ingredients and their quantity used in the recipes. Attach the receipts on a separate sheet of

Recipe Title: Chocolate mousse with lace tuile No. of Portions:4

Unit of measure
Ingredients Quantity Unit price Ingredient cost
Weight Volume Count
Semi-sweet chocolate 200 g 50/200 50
Whipping cream 400 ml 194/1000 77.6
All-purpose flour 90 g 15/500 2.7

Total Recipe Cost
Cost per Portion

You will be graded based on the following rubric:

The name of the recipe and ingredients are correct, the ingredient list is
Correctness 10
complete, and proper units of measure are used to indicate quantity.
The receipts are properly organized, and the ingredients are grouped
Organization 5
according to their type.
Computation All computations are correct. 5

04 Laboratory Worksheet 1 *Property of STI

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Journal Entry

1. How did you apply this week’s topic to your laboratory output?

In this laboratory we were able choose on what technique we should use and I was able to make a lace tuile to combine it to our
personal choice that we think match to the dish.

2. What new cooking technique/s or skill/s did you learn from this laboratory session?

I was able to do a lace tuile even though it was not perfect. I was able to learn on how to make such beautiful piece that could make
the dish more presentable.

3. In what area/s of the laboratory exercise did you feel most challenged? Did you overcome this? If yes, how? If not,
what will you do differently to overcome this next time?

I was most challenge on making the lace tuile and making my whip cream to stif. It was challenging for me because I had to re do
the lace tuile just to make it more presentable. And aside from that my whipping cream was not stiff enough.

4. How was your overall experience during the laboratory exercise, and how do you intend to share what you learned
this week?

Even though I find the laboratory challenging it was also fun doing it because I had a new knowledge on how could I improve the
lace tuile next time.

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