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Disclaimer/Special Note: These are just the sample of the Answers/Solutions to some of the Questions given in the
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Long Answer Questions
Attempt any One of the following:
Q. 1. What do you understand by communication channel? Describe the characteristics of communication
Ans. Definition of Communication Channels: Communication channel refers to the concept where a message
is sent from a source to a receiver. Communication channel makes a strong association with receiver and source.
Communication requires a channel for the transmission of message. The channels may be radio, television, newspaper
and magazines. When you select a channel suppose you have selected television you also have to make a choice that
it should be telecast on national, international or regional level like: Zee TV, Jain TV, BBC or Doordarshan. If you
choose a magazine you also need to select among various magazines in the market. You have to decide the channel
depending on cost and availability. It is very true that the receiver may not get oral information as he can get through
visual process. Oral information is less preferred by the audience. Hard content or information may be transferred
more easily through visual process. According to the source we choose the channel. Keeping in mind the source we
choose the channel whether we choose oral process or visual process. The message is encoded so that if should be
decoded by the receiver to see, hear and touch? Message sent by the radio might be channeled so that it can be heard
by the audiences. Television is the port that ensures the channel so that they might be heard or seen. Newspaper is
also the medium which may be seen and touched by the people.
Communication channels are categorized in two categories: mass media and interpersonal channel. Interpersonal
channel refers to face-to-face communication or interaction between two people. Mass media refers to few audio
and visual medium for transmitting the message such as film, radio, television, newspaper and magazines. Mass
media and interpersonal channel are complementary to each other. These channels are not competing with each

other. These channels play a significant role in transmission of message from source to receiver and these are very
preferable to acquire sufficient output. Communication channel may also be categorized as local or cosmopolitan
source. When mass media channel are cosmopolitan the interpersonal channel might be from outside the social
system and source will be from inside the social set up.
On the basis of impersonal and personal dimension and cosmopolitan and localite dimension the communication
channel is Categorized in two types:
1. Interpersonal Channel: It is based on localite and cosmopolitan.
(a) Personal cosmopolitan channel include communication with extension agent and communication with change
agent. Personal cosmopolitan channel include communication with person from different villages.
(b) Personal localite channel refers or communication with friends, family member’s neighbours and so on.
Mass Communication Channel: It include Radio, TV, films, magazines, newspaper, etc.
Interpersonal channel refers to face-to-face communication channel. The flow of the information is to way in
interpersonal channels. Feedback is readily available in the interpersonal channel. Feedback is very essential for
good communication. These channels are slow for the reach of the large audiences as compared to mass communication
channels. These channels are very essential for attitude creation and for bring changes and transformation in the
Mass Communication Channel
These channels are helpful for larger number of audience have for those people who live in far from the source
of the message. The major source in these channel are institutionalized person or communication organization
include editor, broadcasting station, etc. The organization work as interpreter, encoder and decoder. The organization
plays the role of individual communicator. The organization work as individual communicator. The difference is that
in an organization the communication is forwarded by a group of person rather than one single communicator. An
organization has to send millions of messages to the large number of audiences. In mass communication we have
little scope of feedback as compared to interpersonal communi-cation. But it is more influential and very quickly the
message is sent to number of audiences.
Characteristics of Communication Channel: Mass media and interpersonal channel may be categorized in
term of one way or two way messages. These messages may be mediated or not. These may be depending on the
speed to reach the audience in order to affect their mentality and attitude. Different media methods and technology
may be used to reach the audience.
Flow of Message One/Two Way
Flow of message may be one way or two way to watt it is one way in mass media and two ways in interpersonal
communication. Mass media refers to larger number of people who are removed for the source of the message they
are not able to get the message as they live very far.
Various authors of the communication process says that the information and the idea often flow from radio,
televisions and print to the opinion leaders and from opinion leader to the common masses. Communication is a
multi-step process where opinion leader transmit the message to other leader and their other followers.
Personal influence refers to direct face-to-face interaction between communicator and receiver and we see the
change in the behaviour and attitude of receiver. It is noticed that personal influence is very effective and frequent in
decisions as compared to another means of mass media. It is also noticed that neighbour to neighbour communication
was also relevant in the village area where people are illiterate or they are not well educated and in the village area
they are not able to use mass media communication.

Face to Face Vs Interposed Communication
Mass media communication also referred as mediated or interposed communication because print or electronic
channel relate the source and the receiver. In the face-to-face communication both the source and receiver need to
have the access of encoding and decoding parameters which is useful in transmitting the message to the receiver. The
source refers to the speaker and receiver refers to the listener. The message which is oral produced by source must
reach to the receiver through message vehicle or message carrier. The vehicle refers to sound waves through which
message are sent to the receiver. The sound waves need some support and it is supported by wave carrier. The sound
waves are supported by air in the face-to-face communication.
In mass communication the means of sending message are radio, television, newspaper, magazines etc., Message
vehicle and message carrier are the concerned department of professional engineers. Any radio station or any
advertising agency requires source, encoder or decoder.
Satellite technologies are very big hurdle in mass communication in terms selectivity and feedback. Satellite
technologies are not relevant in terms of time and distance. Information highway tele-bulletin, electronic mail, tele-
conference are the examples of satellite technologies. These are barriers in mass communication.
Ability to Overcome Selectivity
1. Selective Exposure: Selective exposure refers to the ability of the individual to engage in the communication
which agrees with their attitude, belief and existing option.
2. Selective Perception: Selective perception refers to the ability of the individual to analyze the message or
information with their attitude, belief and existing option.
3. Selective Retention: Selective retention refers to the ability of the individual to remember and reverse the
message or communication that agrees with their attitude belief and existing option.
We can get better scope of exposure in the personal or individual communicate rather than mass media process.
In the personal influence we are able to overcome the barriers of the communication very easily. If the receiver
misunderstands or miscomprehend the message in the interpersonal communication in that case the sources are able
to take corrective measures. We come across lot of mass media products but very lees producers may register in our
mind constantly.
Speed to Large Audience
Interpersonal channel are slow as they are not able to reach a large number of audience. The information which
are time bound or the information which become irrelevant never reach to the concerned audience. In the mass
media the cost is less as compared to interpersonal channels. In mass media awareness and interest are aroused in the
common people by the communicator. Maas media may not be very efficient and cost effective to reach a larger
audience for the information and idea which are not sent through any other medium.
Possible Effects
Klapper points out that mass media work as the agent of reinforcement rather than agent of change. All the
information which we get through mass media channel work as reinforce and the scope of direct communication we
get in mass communication. We may initiate action in mass communication and mass communication play major
role in bring about change in situation.
Berelson says “Effects upon the audience do not follow from and in correspondence with the intent of the
communicator or the content of the communication. The pre-disposition of the reader or listener are deeply
involved in the situation, and may operate to block or modify the indented effect.”

Schramm says that mass communication play a significant role in change of the attitude but few factors and
elements should be introduced to bring change in the attitude. O’Hara and Schramm opine that mass communication
channels have capability to bring change in the society “Attitude towards life, ourselves, and of those we once in to
contact with.”
Selection of Channels
The source selects the channel or combination of channel to forward the message. A lot of precaution is to be
taken while choosing the channel.
Difficulty in selecting the channel
1. What is available?
2. Which channel is chosen by source and receiver?
3. How much money should be spent?
4. Which channel is most adaptable to the kind of purpose and source?
5. Which channel is used by majority of people?
6. Which channel is most influential?
7. Which channel is most adaptable to the content of the message?
There is little peel that has knowledge to choose and select among various channels. There is many channels
which analyze the impact of message over different channels. There are agencies which analyze the readership of the
newspaper. These agencies check the probability of message sent through mass communication. The experience and
review of this entire element will help in selecting the particular channel.
Functions of Communication Channels
To understand the various functions of communication channel we need to understand the concept of adoption
process. The adoption process refers to where the individual hear about the new idea and react to the final stage of
adoption. The process is formulated in five steps.
At the awareness stage you need to take proper information about the project you heard about. You are aware
about technology but you do not have full idea and pros and cons of the technology. Mass media is the most
commendable way of creating awareness among the people.
At the interest stage you suppose to arouse the interest among the new peel and learners. Efforts should be done
to arouse the interest of the people interest may be aroused through films, home and farm visit and personal contacts.
At the evaluation stage when you are aware with the technology and when you are interested in the technology
you will start assessing its utility and its pros and cons. At this stage you can able to take decision that you should
take this technology or not. You discuss this with the experienced people. You assess the resources you analyze the
performance of the technology and you judge the means of technology.
At the trial stage when you are convinced with the technology you will try the technology to see the performance
of it. You will seek the guidance from the people who have tried it already and also you will seek the guidance and
experience from the other agent.
Adoption stage is the last stage when you decide to make use of new ideas and perception. When you will see the
performance of a new technology on a limited scale you will compared its performance with your previous experience.
The experience of your relative and neighbour and then you will decide to choose the technology on the larger scale
and you will continue to use this technology until you are exposed with some other technology on the larger scale.
The new idea may not be applied at every stage. New idea may not be applied until it is beneficial and useful to
put forward for adoption. It is not mandatory to follow all the step of adoption. If new idea is convinced too the
person or if there is scope of return on investment the idea may be adopted at the awareness stage only.

Mass media and interpersonal channel are very important in creating awareness in the adoption process and
interpersonal channel are very commendable at the evaluation stage in the adoption process. Communication channels
may also be categorized in terms of cosmopolitans. Cosmopolitan channel refers to that channel which is from
outside the social system. All the cosmopolitan channels are cosmopolitan but Interpersonal channel may be local or
cosmopolitan. Local channel are beneficial at evaluation stage while cosmopolitan channel are beneficial at awareness
stage. Experts say that mass media channels are most important in awareness stage and interest stage of the adoption
process for the new farm and home making experience. At the stage of trial, evaluation and adoption magazines,
newspaper, and radio may be good source of information. At the awareness and interest stage people are learning
new ideas and they seek more and more information about the technology.
Communication Channels by Receiver
Communication channel is a device which is used to transmit the message to the receiver. The message may be
in form of idea, an innovation or a practice applied by a new individual. Awareness about the new idea spread in a
rapid rate than an adoption process. Few people may adopt the idea in one faster way than other. On the other hand
few people may not adopt the idea. Innovativeness is a process in which an individual is tends to adopt a new idea
than other people of its social set up. Individuals are categorized in the social system on the basis of their innovativeness.
The adoption process shows bell shaped curve over time and this process approaches normality. This distribution
has been categorized by Roger in five categories which are innovators, early majority, late majority, early adopters.
The early adopters are basically younger in age, early adapter are financially stable and they have higher status, they
have more opinion leaders and followers and these early adopters have multiplicity of communication channel as
compared to the modern adapters.
Mass communication channels are very essential for the early adapters. If an innovator adopts the new idea there
is no one in the social system that has any idea or experience about the new idea. Those people who adopt the idea
late need not to depend on mass media because till the time he has accumulated in the society and later on will get lot
of interpersonal experience and experience of the local people. Interpersonal influence is not as important as they do
not help in promote the earlier adopter to choose as compared to new innovations and idea. Mass media message
provoke and encourage them to take up the adoption. Modern adopters need more influence and motivation.
Cosmopolitan channels are very essential for earlier adopters. For innovation we need external sources. Those who
adopt the idea very early are supposed to depend upon cosmopolitan channels. Earlier adopter work as interpersonal
and localite channel for modern adopters.
Selection and Combination of Channels
According to the type of message we choose the channel. We choose channel according to content, code and
type of message. Channel also depends on the knowledge of the receiver if the channel would be appropriate the
receiver can encode message by ear, by eye or by touch. The receiver would be able to decode the message perfectly
if he can see it and hear it. The receiver cannot respond much information when the message is disseminated through
visual process or any other means. A lot of channels have been used in order to decrease the time as well as channel.
It may be that people may attend one type of exposure at one time and attend another exposure at other time also and
this process is known as overlap for time. On the other hand, person who is exposed to one type of channel; may also
be exposed to another type of channel. This process is known as overlap of channel. This process is more relevant in
our country as the source of media are limited.
It is analyzed that when mass media and interpersonal channel are used together they can produce much effect as
compared to the individual method. It is noticed that the receiver might be influenced by the message if he will get
the chance to speak. Lewin opines that the group discussions are more influencing than one way lectures.

A meeting of small group of individual has been called by the media forum to discuss the functioning of the mass
media programme. The concept of mass media forum was first initiated in Canada and then it was also spread in
Nigeria, India, Brazil and Ghana. In the media forum few types of mass communication channel may be associated
with interpersonal channel and these media form have group pressure and they also have to fulfil the social expectation
by the small group. Canada group listening was formed in 1941 during the depressing days of agriculture. This was
ended in 1965 due to prosperous agriculture. This process again appreciated in January 1966 when the representatives
of Ontario group view TV series. This became much popular during those days. The experiment of French club have
shown commendable qualitative result in discussion and change in attitude from modernization and upgradation.
Chinese communist party has implemented magazine and held newspaper discussion group as a source of
indoctrine and these was formulated for spreading learning along party cadres and recruits. Himker say that Chinese
participate in study meeting where magazines are read, analyzed and discussed. In this theory all the Chinese population,
literate, women, urbanites and peasants use to participate. Neurath opines that “The group method of decision
bought with a learning process both in meeting and discussing things together in decision-making. A list to work of
the activity in the village is shown to the forum with the content of broadcast”.
We know that combination of mass media and interpersonal channel offer lot of benefit to pure interpersonal and
mass media channel. Cakulia Pandas are known as story singer in Orissa which play important role in innovating
new ideas. They need to walk one village to another to announce their idea. They are very beneficial channel for the
village and rural people. Awareness and knowledge about the family planning is spread by the elephant. The purpose
behind this idea is storytelling and giving new idea to radio forum. The modern radio forum was more formal and
Medium Answer Questions
Attempt any Two of the following:
Q. 1. Define audio-video aids and describe the different types of audio-visual aids.
Ans. Definition of Audio Aids: Audio aids, as the words indicate, are things that you can listen to or hear
(sound) that help (or aid) you in learning. For example, if you are studying a language, listening to a song in that
language is an audio (or sound) aiding/helping you.
In classrooms, teachers use things that produce sounds, music, songs, conversations, documentaries, etc. to
make learning easier.
Furthermore, an audio aid (hearing aid) can also be a device that helps you hear well. In other words, the device
aids your auditory system (your sense of sound) receive the sound.
Types of Audio Aids
Radio: Radio is the radiation (wireless transmission) of electromagnetic energy through space. The biggest use
of radio waves is to carry information, such as sound, by systematically changing (modulating) some property of the
radiated waves, such as their amplitude, frequency, phase, or pulse width. Radio remains a strong advertising medium
with continued growth in advertising revenue, according to the Radio Advertising Bureau. The Bureau’s membership
includes more than 6,000 radio stations in the U.S. offering advertisers a choice of local, regional and national
coverage. The availability of radio on mobile devices such as smart phones with Internet connectivity gives advertisers
access to a new mobile audience, as well as the traditional audience at home, at work or in cars. Radio represents a
powerful local medium. Local radio attracts an audience that wants to keep up with local news, events and personalities.
Businesses with a focus on local audiences led the growth in spot radio advertising in the third quarter of 2011,
according to the Radio Advertising Bureau. Auto dealers and restaurants took the first two places with entertainment
venues and home furnishings figuring in the top six. Radio enables small business to match advertising campaigns
with their geographical markets. Local businesses can use local or regional stations to reach local customers, while
small businesses targeting national markets can advertise on national radio. Using national radio in conjunction with

an e-commerce website means that small businesses do not have to build a network of outlets to reach a national
Gramaphone Records: Gramaphone Records are very popular in the rural areas. Gramaphone Records are
good source of the entertainment during festivals, fairs and melas. Gramaphone Records consist a disk recording.
Gramaphone Records is a recording device which records the voice in a mechanical process.
Tape Recorder and Audio Cassette: An audio tape recorder, tape deck or tape machine is an audio storage device
that records and plays back sounds, including articulated voices, usually using magnetic tape, either wound on a reel
or in a cassette, for storage. In its present day form, it records a fluctuating signal by moving the tape across a tape
head that polarizes the magnetic domains in the tape in proportion to the audio signal. Tape-recording devices
include reel-to-reel tape deck and the cassette deck.
Public Address System: A Public Address System (PA System) is an electronic sound amplification and
distribution system with a microphone, amplifier and loudspeakers, used to allow a person to address a large
public, for example for announcements of movements at large and noisy air and rail terminals or at a sports stadium.
The term is also used for systems which may additionally have a mixing console, and amplifiers and loudspeakers
suitable for music as well as speech, used to reinforce a sound source, such as recorded music or a person giving a
speech or distributing the sound throughout a venue or building.
Role of Audio Aids in Rural Development: Audio Aids include gramophones records, pre recorded cassettes,
and radio. These are very useable and easily available to the rural people. These are good source of development
information. These can load be used for independent study and independent use. These aids either can be used alone
or with printed material.
Uses of audio aids in rural development are:
Very helpful in spreading awareness about innovation and real development programme.
Information from these sources is helpful in creating favourable attitude and people are encouraged for
adoption innovations through these media.
Radio are helpful in providing daily forecast of weather and news about the market, rural development
programme and they are helpful in providing information in emergent in case of flood, drought and so on.
Recorded device are helpful in individual training and learning of farmers, extension personnel and officers.
Definition of Visual Aids
Visual aids are an instructional device (as a chart, map, or model) those appeals chiefly to vision; especially: an
educational motion picture or filmstrip. It is an an instructional aid, such as a poster, scale model, or video, that
presents information visually. Visual aids refer to any of various materials depending on the sense of sight, as films,
slides, photographs, etc., used as aids in teaching.
Types of Visual Aids in Rural Development
We will read types of visual aids which are beneficial for appropriate communication and rural development.
Definition: Audio-visual is, of course, a combination of two words: audio referring to that which we can hear,
and visual referring to that which we can see. The basic frame of reference here limits our application of the term to
a speaker and his audience, although they are not necessarily in the physical presence of one another, as in the case
of a motion picture or television presentation.

Types of Audio Visual Aids
Motion Pictures (Movie-film): Motion picture, also called film or movie, series of still photographs on film,
projected in rapid succession onto a screen by means of light. Because of the optical phenomenon known as persistence
of vision, this gives the illusion of actual, smooth and continuous movement.
The motion picture is a remarkably effective medium in conveying drama and especially in the evocation of
emotion. The art of motion pictures is exceedingly complex, requiring contributions from nearly all the other arts as
well as countless technical skills.
Television: Television during the 1950s, television was the primary medium for influencing opinion. In the mid-
1960s, colour broadcasting was introduced in the US and most other developed countries. The availability of storage
media such as VHS tape (1976), DVDs (1997), and high-definition Blue-ray Discs (2006) enabled viewers to watch
recorded material such as movies and broadcasts. Television signals were initially distributed only as terrestrial
television using high-powered radio-frequency transmitters to broadcast the signal to individual television receivers.
Alternatively, television signals are distributed by co-axial cable or optical fiber, satellite systems and via the Internet.
Until the early 2000s, these were transmitted as analog signals but countries started switching to digital, this
transition is expected to be completed worldwide by late 2000s. A standard television set is composed of multiple
internal electronic circuits, including a tuner for receiving and decoding broadcast signals. A visual display
device which lacks a tuner is correctly called a video monitor rather than a television.
Videotape: Videotapes are also used for storing scientific or medical data, such as the data produced by an
electro-cardiogram. In most cases, a helical-scan video head rotates against the moving tape to record the data in two
dimensions, because video signals have a very high bandwidth, and static heads would require extremely high tape
speeds. Videotape is used in both video tape recorders or, more commonly and more recently, videocassette
recorders (VCRs) and camcor- ders. Tape is a linear method of storing information, and since nearly all video
recordings made nowadays are recorded to random-access media such as a hard disk or flash storage, videotape is
expected to gradually lose importance as nonlinear/random-access methods of storing digital video data become
more common.
Role of Audio Visual Aids in Rural Development
Audio Visual Aids includes motion pictures, television, and video. This is very useful in communication. This
is very useful in transfer of information as compared to the audio aids and video aids.
Role of the Audio Visual Aids in Rural Development are:
These medium are helpful in effective communication these are helpful in creating the effect of demonstration.
These medium are more economical. These are useful medium for development agencies.
Audio Visual Aids are helpful in changing the behaviour of rural people and they are helpful in adopt improved
and new practice to their farm and home.
These medium are helpful in development programme for the rural people and for transmission of message to
rural people.
These are helpful in draw attention and create awareness among the rural people to solve their problem and
solve the issue.
These medium are helpful in forming and changing the attitude of rural people.
Media Mix for Rural Development
In the previous unit we learned about visual, audio is and their role and use in rural development. Much time we
use one of these Audio Visual Aids to serve our purpose and fulfil our needs. For effective communication and
transmission of message we need to combine different aids. For communication strategy for the development in the
rural areas we need proper mix of different media sources.

Q. 3. Describe the basic elements in extension management.
Ans. Basic Elements in Extension Management: Few elements which are very important in the extension
management are:
Professionalism: All the extension organization need technically qualified staff to understand the needs of the
farmers. Technically, qualified staff is essential to understand the problems and complications of the farmers. They
understand the needs, requirements, problems and they check out the attitude of the farmers towards new technology.
People are selected with lot of attention keeping in mind the requirement of the job. Diligent people are selected to
take up the responsibility in particular job. The skills and competencies of the professional and personnel are given
in-service training.
Organizational Structure: Extension organization should have good and stable organizational structure. Defective
and faulty organizational leads to very problems, complication and problems in the organizations and defective and
faulty organization makes the agency ineffective.
Concentration of Efforts: The extension worker needs to concentrate on the following subjects like agriculture,
horticulture, animal husbandry, or fisheries. If they will work in these sectors their work will be more effective. They
will be able to provide solution to the problems of the farmers. If they will or concentrate on these sectors they will
not be able to comprehend all the technical problems.
Specificity: An extension worker needs to analyze its target group, the nature of the extension activity. He needs
to analyze the agricultural technology and its use in particular works. He needs to plan as per different category of
the farmers like small farmers, marginal farmers and big farmers. He needs to identify various extension methods
like campaign, demonstration methods, result demonstration, group meeting, farm and home visit. He need to check
out various agricultural technology like improved seeds, fertilizes, plant protection chemicals, irrigation, etc.
Development of Professional Competence: The development of the skills and competencies of the extension
personnel are very important in this fast growing technology around the world. The skills and competencies of the
extension workers may be developed with the help of human resource development and training. It is very essential
to improve and update the skills and technical knowledge of the extension personnel. The skills of the extension
personnel may be increased with the help of on the job training on subject-matter and on the extension methodology.
Linkages and Coordination: These extension organizations need to have linkages with research system and
client institutions. These extension organizations need to have linkages with these institutions to get knowledge
from research institutions and motivate the farmers to adopt these technologies on a very scale.
Coordination with Other Support System: The extension organizations should have contact with several
credit inputs and other inputs agencies to help the farmers. These extension organization need to meet the needs and
requirements of the farmers. To achieve the desired goals and results coordinating are very important in these
Personnel Management Policies: Intelligent, management of the personnel is essential in an extension
organizations. He needs to take risk in promoting the cost intensive technologies. Extensions personnel are supposing
to met and handle all kind of people.
Characteristic of Extension Management: Few policies and decisions are taken to promote these people.
These people are encouraged with zeal and enthusiasm to serve the needs and requirement of the people in a better
A very good source of organizational communication which provides free flow of communication upward,
downward and horizontal.
The organizational environment should be appropriate for better functioning of all the activity.
Pre-service and in-service training for the staff should be conducted to improve and developed skills and

The scheme of the extension organization should help the organization in recruiting, retaining and utilizing
the services of individuals. Individuals should be recruited who possess integrity, honesty, initative and
It is a better source for service and support function to fulfil the requirements of the organization in terms of
quantity, quality and duration of the supply.
Immediate action and initiative of the authority in the field level to take decisions on sensitive matters.
Strong association with research statement to help the scientist to understand the needs and problems of the
farmers and to finalize research priorities and solutions.
Very effective pattern for large scale participation of people very helpful in planning and execution of
agricultural and rural development programme.
Have a system of monitoring for talking modifying steps in an ongoing process or programme of the
Short Answer Questions
Write short notes on any Five of the following.
Q. 3. Shanon-Weaver Information Model
Ans. Shannon Weaver Information Model: The model designed by Claude E. Shannon and Warren Weaver
they define communication as “all the procedure by which one mind may affect other. . . Shannon and Weaver say
that the word information in his theory is used in a very special manner. It is different from “meaning”. They
established the idea of redundancy and entropy. Redundancy means certainty and entropy means uncertainty. If the
noise of the channel would be greater the need for redundancy would be greater which reduce them entropy of the
message. Shannon Weaver Model the source of the information produce the message in form of signification through
spoken or written words, music or pictures. Transmitter gives the signal to show the message convenient for the
channel to be used. Channel refers to the carrier which transfers the message. Paper is also a channel for writing. In
a conversation source of information is brain. Voice mechanism is transmitter and the signal is spoken word and
vocal system. The air is channel and signal is air and pressure passing from vocal system of one person to the ear of
different people. The message is encoded by the transmitter and decoded by the receiver. Transmitter signal and
received signal is the noise source which interfere the receiving of the message. The received signal refers to what
the receiver understands and what he makes sense of the message. Destination refers to the person or thing who
receives the message. Destination also refers to tele-printers, receiving electric impulse and transfers them into
roman letters.
Claude Shannon established the theory for the engineering field which is also relevant to communication theory.
In this model communication is basically one way process. This process is known mathematical theory of
communication and it is also known as information theory. The most important feature of this theory is it approaches
to what constitute information. The source is the information from which we make out different meaning which we
make out in different circumstances. This theory is a technological model which confirms the transmission of message
through machines, humans and different means. In this model there is very little scope for feedback and context.
Q. 5. Krishi Vigyan Kendras
Ans. Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVKs): The Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), New Delhi has
started the Krishi Vigyan Kendras (KVKs) in all the districts of the country with the following mandate.
The objectives of Krishi Vigyan Kendra are Conducting on-farm testing to identify the location specificity of
agricultural technologies under various farming systems. Organizing frontline demonstrations to establish production
potential of various crops and enterprises on the farmers fields. Organizing need based training for farmers to update
their knowledge and skills in modern agricultural technologies related to technology assessment, refinement and
demonstration, and training of extension personnel to orient them in the frontier areas of technology development.

Creating awareness about improved agricultural technologies among various clienteles through an appropriate
extension programmes. Organizing vocational training programmes. Providing soil, plant and water testing laboratory
facilitates. Setting up of demonstration units. Production of quality seeds, planting materials and bio-control agents.
Providing advisory and consultancy services. Conducting need based training programmes. Production of quality
seeds, planting materials, livestock breeds, animal products, bio-products etc., as per the demand and supply the
same to different clienteles.
Work as resource and knowledge centre of Agricultural Technology to support the initiatives of public, private
and voluntary sectors for improving the agricultural economy of the district. Each KVK is provided with 16 technical
and non technical staff headed by the Programme Coordinator (Associate Professors Cadre) and Six Subject Matter
Specialists (Assistant Professors Cadre) in the discipline of Crop production, Extension, Horticulture, Plant Protection,
Animal Sciences, Home Sciences, etc., are provided to assist and implement the mandated activities of KVK. Further,
the Training Assistant Cadre – Farm Manager, Programme Assistant (Computer) and One Programme Assistant in
the most relevant discipline are also provided to assist the Programme Coordinator and his staff to carry out the
functions of the KVK.
The Krishi Vigyan Kendras provide intensive hands on training in various aspects of agriculture, horticulture,
animal husbandry and so on to encourage unemployed farm youth and farm women to start their own agro based
enterprise in their locality. These KVKs would also conduct on-farm testing of various agricultural and allied
technologies for refinement and conduct frontline demonstrations on oilseeds, cereals and pulses.
The Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) is the advisory body to plan and review the activities of the KVKs.
The SAC is headed by the Vice-chancellor as the Chairman, Director of Extension, Zonal Coordinator, ICAR and
Officers of the Developmental Departments of the district, two farmers, two farm women as the members and the
programme Coordinator of the KVK as a member – secretary.
Q. 6. Objective Setting
Ans. Objective Setting: The objective is to set the goal, target or aim in order to get desired result which we set
before starting the work. In the objective the purpose of work is mentioned. We need to check out the audience
analysis report in order to understand the communication objectives. For analyzing the data we can also check out
information collected through secondary sources. Secondary sources are assessment of documentation and reports,
consultation with knowledgeable person. Group discussion and observations. Let’s check you the definitions and
assessment of communication objective.
A communication objective is a target which specifies the intended audience, the type of changes is expected,
when and where the communication activity is a take place and finally, what criteria will be used to measure the
degree of success.
Four major steps in creating an objective are:
Checking the problem
Preparation of objective
Identifying the intervention
Checking the audience
The improvement and changes that are expected to occur in a communication intervention should be mentioned
in objectives.
The features of the objective as per WHO educational handbook (1984) are:
Relevant – to the audience or trainee.
Logical – to fulfil the needs and requirements
Measurable – the changes which are about to be implemented should be able to measured.
Observable – overall result may be seen or observed.

Feasible – in limits and requirements.
Unequivocal – without any controversy or arguments.
In example we have shown above that the planning irrelevant and appropriate in setting the communication
objectives. We need to set the objective in advance so that we became aware that which direction we should do effort
to reach the goal. It is helpful in saving the time. If we set out the objectives in advance, it help us to measure the
results of the communication package.
Q. 7. Visual Communication
Ans. Visual Communication: Any image that is used to communicate an idea, whether it’s a sign, poster,
drawing, photograph, or television advertisement, can be included in the field of visual communications. If you have
a creative flare for visual media, you may be interested in pursuing an education and career in visual communications.
Visual communications effectively uses images to persuade, entertain, inform, and enlighten an observing audience
of products, ideas, and messages. Visual communication is a quarterly, peer-reviewed academic journal publishing
top research in visual studies. It welcomes contributions from scholars in anthropology, sociology, history and
scientific research. Articles cover still and moving images; graphic design and typography; visual phenomena such
as fashion, professional vision, posture and interaction; the built and landscaped environment; and the role of the
visual in relation to language, music, sound and action.
Q. 8. Audience Analysis
Ans. Audience Analysis: When communicating in a time of crisis it is crucial to have a plan and know who your
audience is. First the problem should be identified then analyze the key groups or people you want to reach and what
their needs are. Also consider is there anyone else who may need communication, make sure there are not any gaps
in your chosen audience. When the problem has been identified and the audience selected, develop communication
objectives. In the communication objectives things to consider might be: What do we want the audience to know,
believe? Are you trying to educate or build support? Do you want to defuse a situation? The communication objectives
are where you want to define this. Make sure your objectives are measureable, specific, achievable, realistic, and
time-focused. Next consider a channel for communication; it is important to provide the proper environment, character,
tone, and language suitable to the audience being addressed. Knowing how to address these vital points of information,
will help you determine how and what to write or present. Finally, implementation and feedback must be considered.
What methods of communication must be decided to receive feedback from the audience? Feedback is very important
so that you know they received the communication as intended.


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