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Muhammad Heickal Pradinanta

01 02 03


Who is AnakJajan?
ANAKJAJAN is a diary of COM
Marius Tjenderasa and Julia
Veronica that focused on food,
travel and lifestyle content.

02 03
Started in 2011, AnakJajan was
As a well-known Indonesian
grown out of their love for food
food blogger, AnakJajan has
and photography, where Marius
several prestigious
Tjenderasa aka Mr. Jajan is
winning-award such as ‘Blogger
interested in Photography and
of The Year’ Winner - 2016 and
his wife as an editor.
Winner of Influence ASIA for
food category - 2017
Here’s what you’ll find in the Anak Jajan’s website based on my experience::

1. First of all, AnakJajan’s landing page is decent and quite informative for
homecook recipes, travel experience and dine-in experience for hangout.
2. In terms of aesthetics and function, I found out that the website itself is

less-aesthetic, it shows too much features in the sides of blog, hence
crowdedness and less-speed appear.

Website 3.
The white color as a background is very useful to pop out the images.
However, some of the posts, AnakJajan shows too much photos rather than
copywriting. For instance, Recipe posts - some of it, they only share photos and a
little description with Youtube link.
5. As can be seen in the homepage, the interface crowdedness increases as they
put many tags for each posts, so for UI, I consider this homepage is unpleasant to
look at due to crowdedness.
COMPETITORS There are several competitors that also
an Indonesian food blogger like
AnakJajan such as EatandTreats,
MyFunFoodDiary etc. Most of these
food bloggers have problems in their
site either their site can’t be reached
through desktop or they have not
updated yet in their blog, since a lot of
interactions happened in other
platforms such as Youtube and

From UK, there is Cookie and Kate,

which also food blogger since 2010. I
used Cookie and Kate for SEO Audit
competitor, since this food blog could
be a benchmark for most of
Indonesian food blogger.


35/48 Domain Authority / Page Authority 70/56 Domain Authority / Page Authority

63,8k Total Backlink 756,8k Total Backlink

6,5k No-follow 32,1k No-follow

10,2% Quality of Backlinks 4,24% Quality of Backlinks

46,3k Monthly Traffic/Visitor 9,6M Monthly Traffic/Visitor

78,6% Bounce rate 84,9% Bounce rate

13/22 PageSpeed Mobile / Desktop 82/98 PageSpeed Mobile / Desktop



Acquire Quality of Acquire 200 Make a list of Create 75 ‘follow’ Within 3 months
Backlinks backlinks with backlink sites that backlinks
‘follow’ will potentially
improve our
performance in
google pagerank.

Reduce bounce rate Produce 25 attractive Make a list of potential Create 10 attractive Within a month
contents keyword that has low contents
SD and proper volume
What things can be improved?
‘Actionable plan’

01 PageSpeed
Since AnakJajan’s site is too crowd, it has impact to their
PageSpeed, therefore it should be managed, either they
have to control unnecessary feature or images.

02 Backlinks
Improving backlinks’ quality could increase engagement
and pagerank for AnakJajan’s blog. As can be seen,
No-follow backlinks of AnakJajan is about 10% compared
with cookieandkate of 4,24%.

03 Enhancement of website
There are several that can be improve such as:
● Duplicate meta description must be reduced
● Title tag should not be duplicated
● Some title tags are too long nor too short, 10 - 70
characters should be enough.

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