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(Civic Welfare Training


The leading center for academic and Develop competent and morally upright
technological excellence and prime professional and generate appropriate
catalyst for a progressive and knowledge and technologies to meet the
sustainable Quirino Province and needs of Quirino Province and Southern
Southern Cagayan Valley. Cagayan Valley.

1. Perform the mandated functions of the university through an effective
management system.
2. Provide innovative and quality academic programs and produce competent,
productive and committed professionals.
3. Generate relevant knowledge and responsive technologies through quality
4. Develop and implement techno-transfer programs/modalities through effective
and efficient training and extension services.
5. Generate adequate resources to support and enhance institutional development.

Music and Lyrics by: Hermenegildo F. Samoy, Jr. & Francis Gunayon
Musical arrangement: Jumreih Cacal & Jeff Manalo

Quirino State University

Cradle of Wisdom, Hope and Truth
With Fervor we offer our Visions and Dreams
To serve God and Humanity

Within your portals, dear QSU

We sing with Pride
Our burning Passion to strive
Let your light shine upon our Path
Hone our minds and
Let us soar up high!

Quirino State University

Bearer od Ideals, home of Peace
With Honor we pledge you our Loyalty
And uphold ‘til Eternity

Within your portals, dear QSU

We sing with Pride
Our burning Passion to strive
Let your light shine upon our Path
Hone our minds and
Let us soar up high!
Soar up high!

Quirino State University

Cradle of Wisdom, Hope and Truth
With Fervor we offer our Visions and Dreams
To serve God and Humanity
To serve God and Humanity

Quirino State University


We envision the College of Information Technology to be a provider of quality
graduates who are values-oriented, highly academic competent with vital
technological skills attuned to the demands of the global community.

The College of Information Technology aims to provide quality instructions, programs
and globally recognized IT-based education in all level to produce God-fearing,
competent high-skilled professionals in information technology.


1. Produce graduates who can execute software, design and correct program needed
in different establishments.
2. Produce graduates who can apply standard concept and operating procedures to
the optimum operation of the computer system.
3. Produce graduates who can code self-documenting program based on the
computer languages taken.



NSTP is designed to develop and enhance consciousness and defense preparedness

among the Filipino youth by developing the ethics of service, nationalism, and patriotism
while undergoing training in any of its three program components.
A classroom-based discussion that encompasses the common module phase for all
National Service Training Program students. Topics include the orientation on the NSTP Law,
discussion on the Human Person, The Filipino Value System, Groups, Leadership, Decision-
Making, Disaster Preparedness, Awareness and Management and Substance Abuse


At the end of the semester, the students should be able to:

1. Develop in the student quality values and attitudes needed to produce moral and ethical
2. Provide opportunities to develop critical thinking and sound judgment essential in the
practice of one’s profession.
3. Foster strong ties among the faculty, students and alumni.
4. Develop workable technologies that could tap the potentials of the country’s resources


The key to SUCCESSFULLY FINISH this module LIES in your hands. This
module was prepared for you to learn diligently, intelligently, and independently. As would-
be-programmers and computer scientist, doing these will greatly help and prepare you to
become a great inventors and system developers. Aside from meeting the content and
performance standards of this course in accomplishing the given activities, you will be able to
learn other invaluable learning skills which you will be very proud of as a responsible
learner. The following guides and house rules will you further to be on track and to say at
the end of the module, “I DID WELL!’

1. Schedule and manage your time to read and understand every part of the module.
2. Study how you can manage to do the activities of this module in consideration of your
other modules from other courses. Be every conscious with the study schedule. Post
it on a conspicuous place so that you can always see. DO NOT ASK ABOUT
3. If you did not understand the readings and other tasks REREAD. FOCUS. If this will
not work, engage all possible resources. You may ask other family members to help
you. If this will not work again, TEXT OR MESSAGE me first so that I can call, text or
message you back for assistance.

Contact Information: 09164605157

4. DO NOT PROCRASTINATE. Remember. It is not others who will be short-changed if
you will not do your work on time. IT WILL BE YOU.
5. Before you start doing your tasks/s, READ and UNDERSTAND the assessment tools
provided. Do not settle with the low standards, target the highest standards in doing
your assigned task. I KNOW YOU CAN.
6. You are FREE TO BROWSE and read the different units of the module even prior to
doing the tasks in each unit. However, you need to ENSURE that you will not miss
any part of the module and you will not miss to accomplish every activity in every unit
as scheduled.
7. BEFORE THE END OF EACH TERM, you will be tasked to SEND BACK through
correspondence via DROP BOXES in the designated places in your barangays the
ACCOMPLISHED AND SCHEDULED modules for each term to me. Make sure you
will follow it up with me through text or nay other media available for you.
8. While waiting for my feedback of your accomplished modules, continue doing the task
in the succeeding units of the module that are scheduled for the succeeding.
9. If needed, do not hesitate to keep in touch with me through any available means.
Remember, if there is a will, there is a way.
10. DO NOT WRITE anything on the module. Use your NOTEBOOK for this course in
answering all the assessment and self-check activities. Please WRITE LEGIBLY. You
must remember that all activities in the module are academic activities, which mean
that the relevant academic conventions apply. THINK BEFORE YOU WRITE.


The following rubrics will be used as an Assessment Tool to evaluate your

Reflection, Essay, Activities (Debug Your Skills).

1. Rubric for Reflection and Essay.

Criteria Superior Sufficient Minimal Unacceptable

(8-10) (5-7) (3-4) (1-2)
Depth of Response Response Response Response
Reflection demonstrates an demonstrates a demonstrates a demonstrates a
in-depth general reflection minimal lack of reflection
reflection on, on, and reflection on, on, or
(25% of the and personalization and personalization
total points) personalization of, the theories, personalization of, the theories,
of, the theories, concepts, and/or of, the theories, concepts, and/or
concepts, and/or strategies concepts, and/or strategies
strategies presented in the strategies presented in the
presented in the course materials presented in the course materials
course materials to date. course materials to date.
to date. Viewpoints and to date. Viewpoints and
Viewpoints and interpretations Viewpoints and interpretations
interpretations are supported. interpretations are missing,
are insightful Appropriate are unsupported inappropriate,
and well examples are or supported and/or
supported. provided, as with flawed unsupported.
Clear, detailed applicable. arguments. Examples, when
examples are Examples, when applicable, are
provided, as applicable, are not provided.
applicable. not provided or
are irrelevant to
the assignment.
Required Response Response Response is Response
Components includes all includes all missing some excludes
components and components and components essential
meets or exceeds meets all and/or does not components
(25% of the all requirements requirements fully meet the and/or does not
total points) indicated in the indicated in the requirements address the
instructions. instructions. indicated in the requirements
Each question or Each question or instructions. indicated in the
part of the part of the Some questions instructions.
assignment is assignment is or parts of the Many parts of
addressed addressed. All assignment are the assignment
thoroughly. All attachments not addressed. are addressed
attachments and/or Some minimally,
and/or additional attachments and inadequately,
additional documents are additional and/or not at
documents are included, as documents, if all.
included, as required. required, are
required. missing or
unsuitable for
the purpose of
the assignment.
Structure Writing is clear, Writing is mostly Writing is Writing is
concise, and well clear, concise, unclear and/or unclear and
organized with and well disorganized. disorganized.
(25% of the excellent organized with Thoughts are not Thoughts ramble
total points) sentence/paragr good expressed in a and make little
aph sentence/paragr logical manner. sense. There are
construction. aph There are more numerous
Thoughts are construction. than five spelling,
expressed in a Thoughts are spelling, grammar, or
coherent and expressed in a grammar, or syntax errors
logical manner. coherent and syntax errors per throughout the
There are no logical manner. page of writing. response.
more than three There are no
spelling, more than five
grammar, or spelling,
syntax errors per grammar, or
page of writing. syntax errors per
page of writing.
Evidence and Response shows Response shows Response shows Response shows
Practice strong evidence evidence of little evidence of no evidence of
of synthesis of synthesis of synthesis of synthesis of
ideas presented ideas presented ideas presented ideas presented
(25% of the and insights and insights and insights and insights
total points) gained gained gained gained
throughout the throughout the throughout the throughout the
entire course. entire course. entire course. entire course. No
The implications The implications Few implications implications for
of these insights of these insights of these insights the respondent's
for the for the for the overall teaching
respondent's respondent's respondent's practice are
overall teaching overall teaching overall teaching presented, as
practice are practice are practice are applicable.
thoroughly presented, as presented, as
detailed, as applicable. applicable.


I. Develop awareness on the University and Computer Science Department VMGO

and the QSU Hymn by doing the following activities:

a. Make a minimum of 300-words reflection paper on the university and Computer
Science Department VMGO. Write your reflection on your BIG NOTEBOOK. Refer to
the Assessment Guides for the Reflection rubrics (Rubric #1).

b. Take a video of yourself singing the QSU Hymn with the following criteria (Mastery of
the lyrics of the hymn = 50%; Timing = 35%; Rendition = 15%). Save you video and
wait for further notice on the submission.

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