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BPO 1 (Group 3)

Kilapkilap, Trexie
Pajares, Flora Mae
Esoy, Christine
Supat, Clent John
Gainsan, Chill Anne
Introduction Article
MST Maceda Targets call agents

 Who – is involved; personalities, communities, agencies/ companies?


Involved in the said article are Call Agents, BPO (Business Process Outsourcing), DOLE
(Department of Labor and Employment), and Senators (including Maceda).

 What – are the involved parties (the who) engaged in, are the effects on the involved parties?


The article is about Marceda who urged senators to address the issue of call agents having poor
and unhealthy conditions in BPO industry to the DOLE.

 When – did this (the what) happen, when is this going to take effect, how long has this been
going, for how much longer will this continue?


When Maceda has the awareness on Call Agents’ conditions he addresses it to senate
Committee in order to be given action by the DOLE. Reaching their goals towards the issue would give
the employees reach their satisfaction.

 Where – did this happen, are the involved parties from or where are they based, where will the
effect take place?


It happened in the world of business in the country of Philippines wherein DOLE has to take
action on the issue addressed to sustain the needs of BPO industry’s employees.
 Why – is this (the what) significant, is this important to the city or province that it is happening
in, is this important to the Philippines


Resolving the issue of call agents having poor and unhealthy condition is important as it is said
that Philippines is the “call center capital of the world.” It could be helpful to BPO employee having a
healthy conditions in the industry. In that way, it would help the economy increased.

 How – did this particular article affect; what we know or our initial impressions about the BPO
industry in the country?


When the issue resolved in this particular article, it would help the BPO industry improved. Also,
call agents will be given courage to take effort due to the assurance of having good paying job and their
safeness. BPO industry may be facing a hard time on their job but it has a big help to the progress of our
country. Thus, support stability to the employees of BPO industry must sustain.

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