Literature Review

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Literature Review

Dr. Arun Mittal
Assistant Professor
Birla Institute of Technology
Deemed University (Mesra Ranchi)
Noida Campus
E-mail:, 9873957205
“Understand, You do not understand, you

will not understand, you may not

understand, everything of research

methodology…. Still you have to do your

best to understand it”

We know…. There are many things
We don’t know…

Be Blank, before you start
reviewing literature

“Literature Review is probably the
most annoying, frustrating and
time-consuming part of the project
you are about to undertake”

What is a literature review?
It is an examination (not an information dump) of the
research that has been conducted in a particular field of

The selection of available documents (both published and

unpublished) on the topic, which contain information, ideas,
data and evidence. This selection carried out to fulfill certain
aims or express certain views on the nature of the topic and
how it is to be investigated, and

The effective evaluation of these documents in relation to

the research being proposed.
Why Literature Review is Important?

Importance of Literature Review
• Bring clarity and focus to your research problem
• Broaden your knowledge base in research area
• Improve your methodology
• To provide you new, out of the box, innovative ideas
• To understand the research design, results and limitations of
the kind of research you are conducting.
• To find information for Questionnaire designing
What do I think is Correct.
(Researcher Does not seek to review
What do I think is Correct ?
(Researcher Seeks to review literature)


The kinds of literature to be reviewed at the

various stages of the research process and its
purposes are different

Steps in the Purpose of review Kind of literature to
research process be reviewed
1. Identification of To gain Preliminary encyclopedia, Text
Problem orientation & Books, Reference
background knowledge books
To gain up-to-date Latest Publications on
knowledge in the field the discipline
To know the work ICSSR/EBESCO/EME
already done on the RALD survey of
subject. research
To identify research Bibliography of
gaps in the field Doctoral Dissertations
(Published by AIU)
To avoid duplication Theses in the selected
Steps in the Purpose of review Kind of literature to
research process be reviewed
2. Formulation of the To become familiar Previous studies in the
selected problem with appropriate field, Journals,
methodology and published and
research techniques unpublished theses
relevant to the study
3. Research design For clarifying concepts Secondary data
formulation and knowing measuring analysis, primary data
techniques. collection,
questionnaire design
4. Field work data To develop alternative In-home, telephone,
collection design mail, e-mail, internet

Steps in the Purpose of review Kind of literature to
research process be reviewed
5. Data Preparation and For gaining a through Illustrated books on
Analysis knowledge of the methodology of
process of tools and research copies of tools
measurement and scales furnished in
techniques the appendix of these

6. Report preparation Journals, textbooks,

and presentation Reference books and
Reports on the subject
matters used for

Sources of Literature Review
 Books
 Chapters in Edited Books
 Translated Books
 E-Books
 Magazines
 Printed Journals
 E-Journals and Journals Database
 Newspaper Articles
 E-Newspaper Articles

 Acts of Parliament
 Statutory Institutions
 Governments Official Publications
 Companies’ annual reports
 Law Reports
 Conference Reports
 Conference Papers
 Dissertations
 Interviews
 Press Release

 Websites
 E-Mail Correspondence and Discussions
 Podcasts or TV Programmes
 Blogs
 You Tube Videos
 Unpublished Work
 Informal or In House Publications
 Personal Communications

Which is the best source ?

Which is the most appropriate source ?

Article Vs Research Paper

 Pure Article is a piece of writing by an expert in
the filed. In an article author gives his own
suggestions based on his experiences/observation
etc. without a formal research design/testing of
hypothesis or empirical evidences.

 Research Paper/Technical Paper are written on the

basis of empirical evidences (primary or secondary
data) or on the bases of literature review in some
cases. In research paper the researcher makes
recommendations based upon the results of the
study carried out with the help of
primary/secondary data.
How to select

 Pure Article – Reputation of the Author

 Research Paper – Reputation of the Journal

How to keep Literature Review in collection

1. Reference
2. Topic
3. Scope – Area Culture etc
4. Methodology
5. Statistical Tools and Software Used
6. Conclusion

Topic-Objectives- Literature Review and

To Analyse Customers’ Bank Selection Criteria in Customers’
Opinion to Recommend Key Inputs in Banks’ Promotional

Literature Review
 Khazeh and Decker (1992) analyzed the determinants of consumer’
bank selection decision through a survey covering 1198 business
school alumni of Salisbury State University in Maryland using a
questionnaire containing 22 factors that were identified to influence
the banking decision. Service charges, the reputation of the bank,
interest rates on loans, time required for loan approval and friendly
tellers were identified as the top 5 determinants of bank selection
decision. Effective advertising was considered as least important
(Rank 22) while ATM availability, proximity to workplace, closeness
to home, were ranked 12, 16, and 17 respectively.

Bank Selection Criteria Most Important Least Important

Safety of Money 5 4 3 2 1
Interest rate on loans 5 4 3 2 1
Effective Advertising 5 4 3 2 1
More variety of Services 5 4 3 2 1
Internet Banking Service 5 4 3 2 1
Interest rate on Deposits 5 4 3 2 1
Accuracy / Absence of Errors 5 4 3 2 1
Any Branch Banking (CBS) 5 4 3 2 1
Number of ATMs 5 4 3 2 1
Good Complaint Handling 5 4 3 2 1
Quick/prompt Service 5 4 3 2 1
Convenient Location of Branch 5 4 3 2 1
Behaviour of Employees 5 4 3 2 1
Goodwill/Brand name of the bank 5 4 3 2 1
Service Charges 5 4 3 2 1
Time required for Loan Approval 5 4 3 2 1
Recommendations by Friends/Relatives 5 4 3 2 1
Employers’ Choice for their Employees 5 4 3 2 1

Styles of Writing Literature Review
 Chronological – Latest to Oldest or Oldest to Latest
 Thematic- As per the topic
 Methodological- Statistical Method etc.

“Paired Comparison of Promotional Methods

prevalent in Banking Industry in India: A Study
with the help of Multidimensional Scaling”



This chapter includes the outcomes of the studies in the present

area of research. These studies have been categorized in the
following five sections:

 General Concepts of Promotional Mix

 Services Marketing
 Financial Services Marketing
 Bank Marketing
 Banking Promotional Mix

How to structure a literature review
- Generally use the inverted pyramid
Broad introduction to topic

At the end of your

literature review the
reader must have only one
thought in their heads…….
level of detail

That this research

question must be

Your research question

Author/Yea Methodology/ Independent Variable(s) Sample Result
r Vertical
Boshoff 1997 Experimental 1) Level of Atonement 540 Level of atonement turned out to be the most
Survey 2) Time Delay international significant main effect, following by time delay. The
Airline 3) The organizational level of tourists organizational level of the person involved in service
the person performing the recovery efforts is not significant as a main effect and
service recovery has only a marginal impact if combined with time.
Tax Brown Cross sectional 1. Distributive justice(i.e., 257 The three justice dimensions each significantly
and Chandra- survey on compensation and an employees contribute to recovery evaluations and combine to
shekharan respondent apology) from the explain a high percentage of variation in satisfaction
1998 evaluations of 2. Procedural Justice(i.e., local or with customer assessment in service recovery
their most recent customer convenience, national encounters. While interactional justice accounts for a
service –related firm follow-up, and office of 4 relatively large percentage of the overall effect of
complaint accessibility) medium to perceive justice on satisfaction. The predicted scores
3. Interactional Justice (i.e., large sized indicate that to achieve even a modest satisfaction in
honesty empathy and firms handling service recovery, a firm must attain a
politeness relatively high score on all three justice components.
Thus, for a firm to perform poorly on even one
justice dimension may severely limit the potential for
a customer satisfaction of the service recovery

Mc Doughall Experimental 1. Level of customer 592 guests Overall, the results of the two experiments suggested
and Survey expectation (low vs high) staying at a that when pre –process, post-schedules waits occurs
Levesque1999 Hotel and 2. Apology only 1600 the provider must, at least do something to partially
Restaurant 3. Compensation room hotel recover. Assistance plus compensation was most
4. Assistance effective in every situation. Offered alone assistance
5. Compensate and assist and compensation each has the same beneficial
Literature Review
 Khazeh and Decker (1992) analyzed the determinants of
consumer’ bank selection decision through a survey covering 1198
business school alumni of Salisbury State University in Maryland
using a questionnaire containing 22 factors that were identified to
influence the banking decision. Service charges, the reputation of
the bank, interest rates on loans, time required for loan approval and
friendly tellers were identified as the top 5 determinants of bank
selection decision. Effective advertising was considered as least
important (Rank 22) while ATM availability, proximity to
workplace, closeness to home, were ranked 12, 16, and 17

When to write your literature review

Because it takes a lot of time, which you probably have more of now than you will in
next month

After you have your first major set of results or findings:

Because your results may change the direction of your project slightly or suddenly
make other literature relevant

At the end:
Because a good literature review sets up the rest of the report, which you have only
just finished writing
Who can you trust (everything you read isn't 100% true)?
- What you may need to consider when assessing the

• Who wrote it and why did they write it (what info did they leave out
and so on)
• Where was it published and how was it reviewed/edited (i.e. journal
paper or mad magazine)?
• When was it published (and what info has come out since)?
• Are the conclusions valid based on the results?
• How rigorous were the tests performed/data analysed?

- You will need an opinion on the literature you review as to how good,
bad or useful it is – this needs to come out in your review
Only one or few reviews are never enough

e.g. Conclusion of a Research:

“Smokers are not Brand Loyal”

Don’t discuss the existing concepts

Das (2003) stated that the conventional 4 Ps framework

seems to be less effective when it comes to marketing service.

General tips
• Make sure your structure is logical – a good literature review
will ensure that the reader doesn’t need to think while they
read it
• Make sure your research question is obvious and its
importance clearly highlighted by the end of the review
• Referencing – use the style recommended by your university
• Read full research papers or gist with objectives,
methodology, findings, results and limitations. Reading
abstract is not enough.
“Can We write and get published a
full research paper on the basis of
only literature review”

“Success has a simple formula – Do your best
and People must like it” –YES

“Research has a simple formula – Do

whatever but your supervisor must like it”

Thank You



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