St. Paul University Philippines: Factors That Influence Student of Cagayan in Choosing ABM STRAND

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St. Paul University Philippines

Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500

Factors That Influence Student of Cagayan

In Choosing ABM STRAND

A Research Proposal

Presented to the Faculty of the

Accountancy, Business Management

St. Paul University Philippines

Tuguegarao City, Cagayan

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in

Practical Research 1

BY: Noer Dela Cruz

Jademae Esteves

St. Paul University Philippines
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500



A career choice is important because it

determines your success in the next stages of your life

(PAMS, n.d).

Choosing a track is critical for making a

student highly proficient in the field where his or her

chosen track is related to, especially if the student wishes

to work immediately after graduating from Senior High

School. As most educators say, a mismatch in the track and

the student’s interests, personality and passion may lead to

a poorly knowledgeable graduate who will find it hard to

compete in the job market or keep up with other students

when he or she goes to college. The researchers chose this

topic for the students to know what are the factors that

influence the students in choosing Accounting, Business and

Management track or strand. Each student in Senior High

School can choose among three tracks: Academic; Technical-

Vocational-Livelihood; and Sports and Arts. The Academic

track includes three strands: Accountancy, Business

Management (ABM); Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS);

and Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics (STEM).

St. Paul University Philippines
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500

The Accountancy focuses not only for the people who wants to

have a business someday but also to get knowledge about

auditing, accounting, and communicating to the investors.

Accountancy, Business and Management can also lead you

to careers on management and accounting which could be sales

manager, human resources, marketing director, project

officer, bookkeeper, accounting clerk, internal auditor, and

a lot more.

Accountancy can help you to have opportunity to have a

good job and to be a Certified Public Accountant in the


According to R.N Anthony, “nearly every business

enterprise has accounting system. It is a means of

collecting, summarizing, analyzing and reporting in monetary

terms, information’s about business”. According to Smith and

Ashburne, “accounting is the art of recording, classifying

and summarizing in a significant manner and in terms of

money, transactions and events, which are, in part at least,

of a financial character and interpreting the result


Accounting is an integral part of this track. By

getting attune to the critical principles of how the

St. Paul University Philippines
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500

exchange of money actually works and the foundational

mathematical syllogisms that makeup accounting theory, you

are going to learn how to properly handle a business and

your own finances.

The researchers are conducting this study to open

the minds of students about what they will be when they take

the ABM stand.


Senior High School is two years of specialized

upper secondary education; students may choose a

specialization based on aptitude, interests and school

capacity. The choice of career track will define the content

of the subjects a student will take in Grades 11 and 12. SHS

subject fall under either the Core Curriculum or specific

Tracks (Official Gazette, 2012). Accountancy and Business

Management (ABM) strand officer subjects which will help and

open our minds into the business world therefore become the

ticket to the corporate world. And as our economy grows the

years, more and more job opportunities are being available

(Sparksbooks Nicholas, 2017).

St. Paul University Philippines
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500

This research was proposed to recognize the range

of influenced students that'll choose ABM as their strand.

To the one of the most important demographics for incoming

grade 11 students depending on their interests. For this

research the grade 10 students who are going to enroll and

being able to locate at the SPUP principally the higher

school of SPUP incoming grade 11 students.

There are some of the students, chooses their

strand based on their interest. Some choose their strand

based on what their close friends will take. There are also

some, choose according to what their parents wanted

This research was proposed to recognized the range of

influenced student that’ll choose ABM as their strand. To

the one of the most important demographics for incoming

Grade 11 students depending on their interest. For this

research, the Grade 10 students who are going to enroll and

being able to locate at the Saint Paul University of the

Philippines, principally, the Higher School of SPUP incoming

Grade11 students.

The researchers conduct this study to know why

students choose the Accountancy Business Management strand

St. Paul University Philippines
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500

instead of other strands. Also to know what influences the

students to choose Accountancy Business Management Strand.


Survey Survey
Preference Data Data
Gathering Gathering


The paradigm shows the input, process and output of the

study. The input are track preference and interest, to

know what does influence the students to choose their

strand, it’s in what track preference they are and

their interest. To finish the output, the process that

the researchers conduct is survey and data gathering.

After the process is done, it come up with an output

St. Paul University Philippines
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500

which is the students will know what are the factors

that influence ABM students to choose the ABM strand.


Topic: Choosing ABM strand

Title of the Research: Factors that Influence Students in

Choosing ABM strand.

1. What are the factors that influence students in

choosing ABM strand?

2. What are the advantages of the students in choosing

ABM strand?

3. How will the ABM strand help these students in

preparing for a business



St. Paul University Philippines
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500

The study will cover Senior High School students who

wants to pursue their career on business world. Our

research is for the Grade 11 and Grade 12students that

take the ABM strand as their career path here in SPUP.

This study will not only focus on what ABM strand is

all about but what factors it influence the students to

choose this strand.


The importance of this study is to know what are the

factors that influence the students of Senior High

School of SPUP to take the ABM course.

This study will be beneficial to the following:

Students will benefit from this study because Students

who want to enter the business world will learn from

this study. This would also help them to know if they

are compatible in this strand.

Teachers can have some tips on how will the students be

interested on this strand and this can also be their

guide for teaching.

Schools will benefit from this study because they will

know what the students want to learn about ABM.

St. Paul University Philippines
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500

To Future Researchers, for future references.

Definition of Terms

Accountancy -In this study, accountancy is a major course of

the business course, and the second most popular course in

the SPUP.

Business -In this study, business courses is a program or

study offered at different universities and colleges that

focuses only on business theory.

ABM strand -In this study, ABM strand is one of the academic

tracks. This means Accountancy, Business and Management.

This strand also a big help for those people or students

who plan on taking up Business Administration or getting a

business someday.

SHS (Senior High School) Curriculum –In this study covers

the last 2 year of the K-12 program and includes Grade 11

St. Paul University Philippines
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500

and 12. In SHS, students will go through a core curriculum

and subjects under a track of their choices. SHS curriculum

has 4 tracks, Sports Track, Art and Design, Technical-

Vocational Livelihood and Academic Track. The ABM is one of

the part of Academic Track.


Chapter 2 is divided into 4 parts: (1) Review of

related Literature; (2)Review of related Studies;

(3) Theoretical Framework; (4) Definition of Terms.

Part 1, Review of related Literature, contains the

Senior High School or the Academic Track and what are

the subjects that fit the Business Courses. Part 2,

Review of related Studies, enumerates on how the

Business Course or ABM strand could be effective to

St. Paul University Philippines
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500

enter business world. Part 3, Theoretical Framework,

the researchers are looking forward on what are the

advantage and disadvantage of the Business Courses or

ABM strand. Part 4, Definition of Terms, the


explain what are the important terms.


A.B.M. (Accountancy, Business and management Track)

The ABM Track or the Accountancy, Business and

Management is for those who are planning on taking up

Economics, Business Management, Accountancy and

Marketing on college.The Accountancy, Business and

Management (ABM) strand would focus on the

basic concepts of financial management, business management,

corporate operations, and all things that are accounted

for. ABM can also lead you to careers on management and

St. Paul University Philippines
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500

accounting which could be sales manager, human resources,

marketing director, project officer, bookkeeper, accounting

clerk, internal auditor, and a lot more. One of the

significant features of the K to 12 systems is the

integration of specialized tracks designed to help students

in determining their respective career paths. These four

tracks—academic, technical-vocational, sports, and arts and

design—are aimed at enhancing a student’s ability based on

what he wants to do after graduation. The technical

vocational, sports, and arts and design tracks will allow

students to join the workforce immediately upon graduation

while the academic track prepares students for further


The ABM strand in its most fundamental sense refers to

the accountancy, business, and management academic programs

that concentrate on the foundational concepts in corporate

operations, financial management, business management, as

St. Paul University Philippines
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500

well as each and every factor that revolves around those

central fields.

The ABM strand can take you on a direct path to careers

in accounting and management: sales management, human

resources, marketing director, bookkeeper, project officer,

accounting clerk, internal auditor, and many more.

The ABM strand curriculum opens the avenues for you to gain

a more nuanced appreciation of the intrinsic elements that

make up the world of accounting and business management

courses in the Philippines without having to dive

deeper into the specialized complexities of mathematical

fields such as algebra, geometry, trigonometry, and others.

The subjects involved in the ABM strand are designed

and crafted for you develop the appropriate tools that you

are going to utilize all throughout your journey in the

corporate world. By taking the ABM strand you will be

St. Paul University Philippines
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500

trained to analyze assets, understand everything involved

with financial positions, interpret various profitability,

and prepare audit accounts.

In Senior High School there are four career tracks for

students to choose from: Academic, Technical-Vocational-

Livelihood, Sports, and Art & Design. One of the strands in

Academic track is Accountancy and Business Management (ABM)

which offers subjects which will help and open our minds

into the business world therefore, become the ticket to the

corporate world. The purpose of writing the literature is

to highlight and broaden the knowledge of the students of

what ABM really is. The literature review focuses on the

ABM strand, for the students to have a background knowledge

about it, to let them know what are the possible courses

they can take up in college in line with the said strand and

the potential jobs they can acquire in the future.

Accountancy and Business Management (ABM) strand offers

subjects which will help and open our minds into the
St. Paul University Philippines
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500

business world, therefore, become the ticket to the

corporate world.


When participants are grouped according to their profile,

there is no significant difference in their assessment of

the implementation of the practicum program and the

technical skills required in their chosen strand.


Factors that influence the choice of specialization of


The respondents of the researchers should rank the

interest first, second, the personality, third, the

family’s influence and fourth, friend’s influence. The

earning potential of your chosen profession is likely

to be a factor that influences your career path. You

may find one aspect of your career is more financially

St. Paul University Philippines
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500

rewarding than another, or that working your way

through the ranks holds greater financial incentive

than staying in the same job. Your personal financial

needs are also likely to influence the career choices

you make. Opportunity is the third factor that has

shaped career choices for students. Opportunity may

influence how students have perceived their future in

terms of the reasonable probability of a future in

particular career fields.

Personality plays an important role in the choosing of

the right career. A student’s personality must be self-

motivated type, as to investigate career

possibilities from early on in their lives, and not the

procrastinating type that waits till they are compelled to

decide. Students must take seriously the role grades play in

limiting opportunities in the future. Splaver went on to say

“It is important for you to have a good understanding of

yourself, your personality, if you are to make intelligent

career plans”. (Splaver 2000, p. 12), perception of being

suitable for particular jobs also has been found to be

influenced by a number of factors including ethnic

background, year in school, level of achievement, choice of

St. Paul University Philippines
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500

science subjects, attitudes and differences in job

characteristics. Most of the students lack adequate

information regarding various careers hence the choices that

they make are embedded in their perception of the ideal job

and the subjects they study in secondary school. Parents

often have an influence on the career paths their offspring

pursue. A parent may urge a child into a vocation similar to

their own, or to one that has demonstrated high earning

power. You may find yourself attracted to a particular line

of work because of your parents’ professional history, which

likely has given you a first-hand perspective on that type

of work. Many children grow up idealizing the professions of

their parents. If you always looked up to your mother and

admired her teaching skills, that may influence you to

pursue a career in education. Parents may also intentionally

or unintentionally push a child toward a particular career

path, especially in the cases of family-owned businesses,

where parents expect their children to take over the

company. Still other parents apply pressure on their

offspring to strive for particular high-profile careers,

feeling they are encouraging their children to reach high.

One consistent finding in research suggests that

adolescents’ own aspirations are influenced by their

St. Paul University Philippines
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500

parent’s aspirations or expectations. Parental support and

encouragement are important factors that have been found to

influence career choice. Children may choose what their

parents desire simply to please them. Friends and Classmates

also influenced individuals in choosinga career. People

around contribute a lot in one’s decision-making. Friends

may influence an individual choice of career. Individual

interest may be affected by peers for the reason that one

wants to be with them in fulfilling dreams or a certain

career. Classmates also play an important role in the

formation of student’s achievement, related beliefs and

values, even if these classmates do not always correspond

with the peer group of leisure-time friends. These RRL’sare

related to the researcher’s study because it is the factors

that influence the students in choosing their strand. It can

be because it is their interest, because of family that is

handling a business that will pass to them in the future,

it’s a big responsibility for the family. Friends can also

be the factors of the ABM students to choose the strand

because it influence them.

St. Paul University Philippines
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500

Burns and Grave (2009) define a research design as 'a

blueprint for conducting a study with maximum control over

factors that may interfere with the validity of the


This research will use a descriptive research paper to

survey 50 Grade 11 and 12 students in Saint Paul University

of the Philippines. The researchers used a qualitative

research in conducting a study. This research involves the

collection of

information to answer the questions concerning about the

current status related to the main subject. It will tackle

the factors affecting the students in choosing the

Accountancy, Business and Management strand.


Data gathered through the instrument was subjected to

statistical treatment to test the alternative hypothesis

advanced in the study. The following statistical treatments

are to be use:

1. The frequency distribution will be used in order to show

the number of respondents according to how they view their

work. Such frequency distribution will be made for

St. Paul University Philippines
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500

interpreting the data and representing it, which will make

it easier to analyze, handle and interpret.

2. To be able to know the average (mean) and percentile, the

following formulas are made.



N = total number of students

∑x = sum of the factors that influence students in choosing

ABM strand.

3. In testing the null hypothesis that there is no

significant relation between the HSU students that influence

to choose ABM as their strand. The researcher will make use

of Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient with the


r =


The instrument used to collect the data is through survey

which is classified as formal. The formal survey is composed

of open-ended questions related to the research problem

St. Paul University Philippines
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500

which is Factors that Influence Students in Choosing ABM

strand in St. Paul University of the Philippines.

The questionnaire is composed of an open-ended question that

is easy to answer. The content of this questionnaire, is it

their interest that pursue them in choosing the ABM, is it

their parents, friends or track preference, etc. Research

will be conducted as a result of the survey as it is the

most effective and fastest process in obtaining our

respondent's answers. The question provided was made for the

convenience of the respondents in order for them to

understand easily the thought. The survey was divided into

parts to give a step-by-step process in the knowledge of



For the study's execution, the researchers will send a

letter of approval to the Senior High School Coordinator

Set-A. The researchers will also send a letter of request to

the principals of each chosen school in Cagayan, requesting

permission to conduct the study and distribute the

questionnaires to the participants. To ensure a more

reliable and valid response, the researchers will personally

distribute the questionnaires to the participants. Following

St. Paul University Philippines
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500

the completion of the questionnaires, the researchers will

compile and tally all of the data. After tallying the data,

the researchers immediately send it to their research

teacher, who will compute the results using SPSS software.


The data collected were analyzed in quantitative method

such that the (1) information about the students'

profile which includes strand were coded with numbers;

(2)What are the factors influenced participant in

choosing ABM strand;(3) What are the technical skills

needed by the participants after graduating in ABM

strand;(4) Is there significants difference on the

participants assessment on the factors influencing them

in choosing ABM strand when group according to profile

variables; (5)Is there significants difference on the

participants Technical skills needed after graduating

ABM strand when group according to profile variables.

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