A. Emblems:: These Are Body Movements, Which Have Direct Translations Into Words

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NON VERBAL COMMUNICATIONS – reveals to intention of the speaker
TYPES OF NON VERBAL COMMUNICATION It refers to the ways of saying something. It includes
1. BODY MOVEMENTS/KINETICS/KINESICS such characteristics as:
 Also known as body kinetics, they might come in Rate:speed of speaking
different categories, such as: Pitch:highness or lowness of voice
a. Emblems: Volume:loudness

These are body movements,which have direct Intonation:rise and fall of voice in speaking
Gasps:sudden inhalation through the mouth
translations into words.
Sigh:loud exhalation through the mouth
Throat- clearing: soft coughing
Space and distance is studied in PROXEMICS, the
study that deals with the amount of space that people
feel is necessary to set between themselves and others

a. Intimate distance
b. Illustrators:
In this situation, people are in direct contact with
These are used to accent, emphasize, or reinforce
each other or are in no more than 18 inches apart.
People feel irritated and intimated when this distance
c. Regulators:
is violated.
These are signs showing control of the back and forth
b. Personal distance
natures of speaking and listening. They might signal
People may stay anywhere from 18 inches to four
the beginning and end of interaction.
feet from each other as in casual and personal
d. Display of feelings:
conversations. This distance is close enough to see
- natural or spontaneousA person’s face and body
each other’s reactions but fair enough not to encroach
movements may convey how intense his or her
in the other person’s intimate distance.
emotions are.
C. Social distance
e. Adaptors:
When talking to persons unknown to the speaker,
These are non-verbal ways used in adapting to the
he/she must keep distance of 4 feet to 12 feet. This is
situation. Usually, these are implied meanings that
mostly done in personal business and social
the speaker would like to say but chooses to express
gatherings or interviews which is expected to be more
them through action instead.
- a series of body movements

c. Public distance
It is the distance of more than 12 feet typically used B. It means ambitious, younger,more suspicious of
in public speaking. There is a need for the speaker to others,more tensed and nervous,inclined to be more
speak loudly and to use exaggerated gestures for the difficult,more pessimistic, and quieter.
audience to understand what he is trying to convey. C. Endomorphs (fat)
Furthermore, there is a necessity for the availability It means more fashionable, lazier, weaker, more
of gadgets to aid in sound projection. talkative, older, more warm-hearted and sympathetic,
more good-natured, agreeable, more dependent on
4. TOUCH/HAPTICS others, and more trusting.
The kind of touch used in communication reflects D. Mesomorph
meaning about the relationship between the sender (muscular/athletic)It means stronger, more
and the receiver. The more intense relationship, the adventurous, more matured, more reliant, younger,
more frequent and more intimate the touch is. and taller.
5. TIME/CHRONEMICS People who are deemed attractive get more positive
There are two kinds of people based on time: response than those who are perceived to be not
punctual and late. For example, a student who is attractive. The physical attributes of a person may
always late in class conveys the message that he is mean something to the people around her.
not interested in the subject or he does not respect the  They get more dates
teacher.  They receive higher grades in college


This involves form of clothing, make-up, jewellery,
1. BODY TYPES and hairstyle.
Refers to the appearance of his body (e.g. shape and According to a survey, women notice first the
size). Wells and Suiegel found out the meaning of clothes, then the eyes followed by the body built.
each body type in their research.

A. Ectomorph (thin):
APPROPRIATION stronger culture (main culture) tries to suppress the
The main difference between cultural appreciation weaker culture (subculture) because of discrimination
and cultural appropriation is the INTENT and or the desire of the strong to force the weaker culture
RECOGNITION behind utilizing another to abide by their rules.
culture.Hence, cultural appreciation implies goodwill CULTURAL EXPLOITATION is the
and sincere intentions while cultural appropriation inappropriate, unpermitted and unacknowledged use
implies selfish desires and utter disregard for other of another culture out of personal or business interest,
people’s traditions and beliefs. which abuses cultural value and disrespects
When someone utilizes another culture with the transformation marked by the influx of new culture
intent of respecting it and wanting to learn more elements and the loss or alteration of existing ones.
about it
The unacknowledged and inappropriate adaption of
practices, customs and aesthetics of one social or
ethnic group by members of another community or
 Cultural Exchange
 Cultural Dominance
 Cultural Exploitation
 Transculturation

CULTURAL EXCHANGE is a broad definition

given to any mutual sharing of information, usually
between cultures for the purpose of improving
friendship and understanding between them.
According to Rogers, it is the “trading of different
symbols, genres or technology between two or more
1. Intrinsic Benefits- Cultural experiences are
CULTURE – originates from a French term, which opportunities for leisure, entertainment, learning, and
in turn derives from the Latin “colore” , which means sharing experiences with others.
to tend to earth and grow , or cultivation and nurture. 2. Improved learning and valuable skills for the
(Zimmermann, 2017). future - Cultural heritage broadens opportunities for
The Center for Advance Research on Language education and lifelong learning, including a better
Acquisitiongoes a step further, defining culture as understanding of history.
shared patterns of behaviors and interactions, 3. Better health and well-being- Participation in
cognitive constructs and understanding that are culture contributes to healthy populations in several
learned by socialization. ways.
Cultural Globalization Culture is the lifeblood of a 4. Vibrant Communities-The benefits of culture for
vibrant society, expressed in may ways we tell our individuals can spill over to society as a whole.
stories, celebrate, remember the past, entertain Culture helps build social capital, the glue that holds
ourselves, and imagine the future. Our creative communities together.
expression helps define who we are, and help us see
the world through the eyes ECONOMIC BENEFITS OF CULTURE
1. Contribution to job creation- Economic
Globalization brings increasing interconnectedness opportunities created by culture have take on greater
among different populations and cultures. This has importance as economies transition from the
been successful through the use of Internet culture industrial model, and work based on physical labour,
media, and international travel. to a new model in which knowledge and creativity
drive productivity and growth .
Importance of having one’s culture: 2. Contribution to tourism Culture- makes a

INDIVIDUAL AND SOCIAL BENEFITS OF significant contribution to the tourism industry,

CULTURE further supporting job creation and encouraging

ECONOMIC BENEFITS OF CULTURE infrastructure development.

3. Cultural Planning -Increasingly, municipalities
are recognizing the contribution of culture to sense of
place, quality of life, and community and economic
prosperity through a process called “cultural

Culture influences many parts of people’s lives

including the food, dress opinions, identity, music,
buildings, manners, social interaction and language.
 Fart - We all know the English meaning of the
word fart, but did you know that fart means
speed in Danish ,Norwegian, and Swedish?.
 Gift In German, a gift is not quite as pleasant as
in English , it means poison! Taking it a step
further , gift in Scandinavian languages can mean
both poison and marriage.
 Crap In Romanian, crap means carp, which is a
type of commonly-eaten fish. To be fair , English
has a fish called crappie.
 Brat as perhaps the most fitting example on our
list , brat means brother in Russian, Polish,
Ukrainian, Croatian, and Serbian.
 Kiss Kiss has a more juvenile meaning in
Swedish ---pee

Cultural Sensitivity is more than an awareness that
there are differences in culture on order to interact
effectively either through verbal and non-verbal
communication. People who don’t recognize
differences between cultures fall on stereotyping and
discriminating minority group.

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