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Unit 1A

Welcome to the course


I have to go to Edirne

I can’t run fast

Express myself

To speak English fluently

Tell each other about five different people you talked
with yesterday and what you talked about
He talked with the employees to tell them what they are going to do in
their job

Do you supervise them?



Because of the working conditions

They talked about education system and how to help the students
during this time of the pandemic.

He wanted to know information about it.

His daughter loves dogs.

They discussed what they are going to do next .


Generation= 33 years

Century== 100 years

For me

Could you do this favor for me? == for my sake

In my opinion schools are very important


Without Words: body

With words:
Gesture/ crying/ laughing
emails/ letter/
/ wink/ hand shake /
message/ chat/
waving /staring / facial
poem / speak
/crying /
shouting /
discussing /
interviewing /
dialogue /
monologue /
virtual/ meetings
Baby boomers generation prefers

They can’t adapt to new technology

She’s not adaptable to changes

She always uses her telephone all the time

She is a baby boomer

She loves her family

She is a millennial

When we tell her she can do it.. When we say her

He was born in 1969

They don’t like smart phones and computers

Object Subject

The subject : the doer of the action

The object : the one who/which receives the action

The verb: the action

The adverb: you are describing the action

S + V+ O

My sister expresses her feelings freely.

What does she express freely?

How does she express her feelings?

Who expresses her feelings freely?

My grandfather prefers face to face communication.

What does your GF prefer?

Who prefers face to face comm.?

The company ordered all purchases online.

Who ordered all purchases online?

We have known that technology for ages

Who has known that technology for ages?

Which of the generations grew up in the digital age?

Millennials grew up in the digital age.

When did the millennials grow up?

Millennials grew up in the digital age

Palm readers

Ask === I ask to you === I ask you a question == I ask a question === Can
I ask a question == can I ask you a question?

Tell=== I told to him ===I told him the truth

Say === I said the truth === I said sorry === I said sorry to him

Question == I questioned him

Call === I called my mother

How’s your new friend like??

What does he like?

He likes ice cream.

How does he like his chicken?

He likes it grilled.

What does he look like? (features)

He is fat and chubby.

What’s he like? (personality)

He is kind and very friendly

Wh question words”

Thing=== What

Place==== Where

Person=== Who
Choice ===== Which

Reason === Why

State ==== How

Count ==== How many

A fire damaged the roof

What did the fire damage?

A fire damaged the top of the roof

What did the fire damage in the roof ?

The fire damaged the hospital.

What did the fire damage

The fire started in the lobby.

Where did the fire start?

His brother told them a joke about lions

What did his brother tell them a joke about?

About what did his brother tell them a joke?

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