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Unit 1B

Present simple :

+ Fact : He is a doctor, he works in the hospital

He isn’t a doctor, he doesn’t work in the hospital
Doe he work in the hospital?
Yes, he does// No, he doesn’t.
Earthquakes hit central Japan every year
- Earthquakes don’t hit central Japan every year
? Do Earthquakes hit….?
Yes, they do. /// No, they don’t.

Routine : She arranges treatment reservations from 9 till 8 everyday

What does she do every day?
Does she arrange …… ?

Opinion: I think you have a good taste of clothing.

I understand what you are saying
I see what you said

Present continuous
At the time of speaking
I am explaining and they aren’t listening

Future arrangements
I’m meeting him at the airport tomorrow.

I’m seeing the dentist next week (appointment)

See / have / think

State : I see what you are saying

action : I am seeing my doctor at 3

State: I have a cat and a Ferrari ..

I ‘m having a party tonight.

What are you thinking about right now?

State: I don’t think so//// I am not thinking so
Gradable and non-gradable

A little cold
Fairly cold
A bit cold
Slightly cold

Very cold
Really cold
Extremely cold

a little/a bit → pretty/quite → really/very → extremely

Extreme adjectives
It’s Freezing in Canada -40 … it’s very freezing here
Turn on the A/c , it’s boiling


Extremes we can’t use comparative or superlative
I am more exhausted than you XXXXXXX

I am more tired than you (correct)

Regular Adjective Extreme Adjective

angry furious

bad awful, terrible, horrible

big huge, gigantic, giant

clean spotless

cold freezing

crowded packed

dirty filthy

funny hilarious

good wonderful, fantastic, excellent

hot boiling

hungry starving

interesting fascinating
old ancient

pretty gorgeous

scary terrifying

small tiny

surprising astounding

tired exhausted

ugly hideous

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