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Romeo and Juliet, Act One
33 Questions

1. In the Prologue, what does the chorus say will happen to the
two lovers?

a) They will marry. b) They will die.

c) They will be forced apart.

2. The rhythm that Shakespeare uses in his plays and sonnets

a) allusion b) foil
c) iambic pentameter d) couplet

3. What insulting gesture is made at the beginning of the play?

a) Flip off with the middle finger b) A crude gesture pointed at someone's

c) The gesture of cutting the throat. d) The gesture of biting the thumb.

4. Who starts the fight at the beginning of Act 1?

a) Sampson and Gregory b) Balthasar and Benvolio

c) The servants from the Montague house d) Abraham and Sampson
5. What does Prince Escalus say he will do to anyone who fights
in the future?

a) Put them in jail. b) Make them live together.

c) Punish them with death.

6. Why can't Romeo be with the woman he loves?

a) Their families do not get along. b) She vows to live in chaste.

c) She refuses to marry him.

7. What does Benvolio suggest to Romeo to take care of his

lovesick problem?

a) Look at other women b) Ask her to marry him

c) Force himself on her d) Talk to Mercutio about his problems

8. In Scene 2, who is asking Capulet to marry Juliet?

a) Romeo b) Benvolio

c) Paris d) Mercutio
9. Why does the servant ask Romeo to read the list of guests
invited to the party?

a) He wants to tease Romeo with the list b) He can't read

c) He can't pronounce some of the names d) He wants Romeo to come to the party

10. What makes Romeo decide to go to the party?

a) Because his friends pressure him to go b) Because Rosaline will be there

c) Because he wants to fight the Capulets d) Because Juliet will be there

11. In Scene 3, we learn that Juliet is how old?

a) 13 b) 14
c) Almost 15 d) 16

12. How do Romeo and friends plan to hide their identity at the
Capulet's party?

a) Wearing masks b) Painting their faces

c) Nothing, no one will recognize them d) Fake ID's
13. How does Mercutio feel about dreams?

a) They are the product of a brain that's doing b) They keep you up at night
c) They are the gatekeeper to the future

14. When Romeo says, "I have a feeling this party tonight will be
the start of something bad, something that will end with my
own death..." what figurative language is being used?

a) Simile b) Hyperbole

c) Foreshadowing

15. How does Tybalt recognize Romeo at the party?

a) his face b) his clothes

c) his voice d) his hair

16. Who does Romeo meet at the party?

a) Rosaline b) Lord Capulet

c) Juliet d) Paris

17. When they dance for the first time, what do Romeo and Juliet
call each other?

a) Capulet and Montague b) Romeo and Juliet

c) Pilgrim and Saint d) Bae

18. What family does Romeo belong to?

a) Capulet b) Montague
c) Hatfield d) McCoy

19. Why was Romeo in such a sad mood at the beginning of Act
a) He was madly in love with Juliet but could not b) He was in love with Rosaline, but she did not
be with her because she is a Capulet. love him back.
c) He was in love with Juliet, but Juliet did not d) He was in love with Juliet, and he found out
love him back. she had to marry another suitor.

20. Who do Juliet's parents want her to marry?

a) Romeo b) Tybalt

c) the Prince d) Paris

21. Where is the play set?

a) Bologne b) Verona
c) Rome d) Venice

22. Identify the speaker: "If ever you disturb the quiet of our
streets again, Your lives shall pay the forfeit of the peace"

a) Montague b) Samson
c) Prince Escalus d) Paris
23. How does Lady Capulet feel about Paris' proposal?
a) She is excited for Juliet and wants her to b) She thinks Juliet is too young and should
consider marriage to Paris. wait two more years.
c) She would prefer that Juliet marry Prince d) She is surprised because Juliet is beyond
Escalus or his cousin Mercutio. marrying age and is considered to be an old

24. Who says, "My only love sprung from my only hate!
Too early seen unknown, and known too late!
Prodigious birth of love it is to me
That I must love a loathèd enemy."

a) Romeo b) Benvolio
c) Lady Capulet d) Juliet

25. Who is Queen Mab?

a) The Prince of Verona's mother b) the queen of fairies

c) Mercutio's imaginary friend d) Juliet's sister

26. What type of play is Romeo and Juliet?

a) comedy b) tragedy
c) history

27. How many lines are in a sonnet?

a) 12 b) 13

c) 14 d) 15

28. ‘Here’s much to do with hate, but more with love.

Why then, O brawling love, O loving hate,
O anything of nothing first create!
O heavy lightness, serious vanity,
Misshapen chaos of well-seeming forms,
Feather of lead, bright smoke, cold fire, sick health,
Still-waking sleep, that is not what it is!
This love feel I, that feel no love in this.’
a) Tybalt b) Mercutio

c) Romeo d) Abram
29. ‘My child is yet a stranger in the world;
She hath not seen the change of fourteen years.
Let two more summers wither in their pride
Ere we may think her ripe to be a bride.’

a) Montague b) Paris
c) Romeo d) Capulet

30. ‘Many a morning hath he there been seen

With tears augmenting the fresh morning’s dew,
Adding to clouds more clouds with his deep sighs.’
a) Benvolio b) Romeo
c) Montague d) Capulet

31. What could Romeo and Juliet kissing symbolize

a) Two people falling in love b) The possible ending of the feud
c) The sealing of the lovers fate d) A religious conversation

32. What is an oxymoron?

a) a combination of contradictory words b) a statement that seems true but is actually

c) someone who can breathe but is very dumb d) a funny statement that exaggerates

33. What is a pun?

a) humorous use of a word that suggests its b) a combination of contradictory words
different meanings; a play on words
c) a penguin's bun d) a short, witty speech
Answer Key
1. b
2. c
3. d
4. a
5. c
6. b
7. a
8. c
9. b
10. b
11. a
12. a
13. a
14. c
15. c
16. c
17. c
18. b
19. b
20. d
21. b
22. c
23. a
24. d
25. b
26. b
27. c
28. c
29. d
30. c
31. c
32. a
33. a

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