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I choose Community from the six practices that was mentioned in the tagalog custom. Back then,
the tagalog society was really organized in category. Barangay was the name that comprises,
families and many more. As other country, the tagalog society then have a social class. From the
Datu to slave. Every barangay leads by one ruler called the Datu. Datu was the one give mandate
to his constituents. In today’s time the term barangay remains. Now we have don’t address our
leader in the barangay as a Datu else he/she addresses as Barangay Captain. In that time they’re
always obey their datu but now we have president that leads the whole country together with the
other government leaders.


Calbayog City is located at the Province of Samar it is the third largest city
in the Philippines when it comes to its land and water area. Calbayog is
surrounded by many different waterfalls and it is known “The City of
Waterfalls”. Calbayog also is rich for some heritage sites. Looking for its
beautiful side it is undeniable that Calbayog is also rich in its customs.
Some are the following:
KURATSA is a traditional dance for waraynon/calbayognon. It
is dance by a man and woman it is referred to as a courtship dance
where dancers imitate courtship movements of rooster and a hen in a
creative way.

HADANG FESTIVAL or known as Sarakiki Hadang Festival is

always celebrated in September in the Feast of Our Lady’s Nativity in
Calbayog City. This vibrant festival has its roots in the local term
sarakiki. The movements of the dancers shows a rooster courting a hen
or challenging another rooster to a fight. Hadang is an olden day ritual
done by locals as a tribute to the gods. It is mostly done by the farmers
for good harvest.

PATAMAK KAN SAN VICENTE FERER beacause of the miracle

done by Saint Vincent Ferer and the great devotion of calbayognons they’re
often did the “patamak kan San Vicente Ferer”. The parish were the image of
Saint Vincent Ferer is located is Located in the Tinambacan Disrict. It is
Literally done by stepping the image of St. Vincent to where there is a painful
part of your body.
DELA SOLEDAD literally it is a celebration that always held in the sea.
It is done by joyous celebration. It is always celebrated every second
Sunday of the month of November in honor of the said saint. The
celebration located in the Seashore of Barangay Matobato Calbayog City.

ISMAYLING it is a way of courting a lady by singing his

emotion. It is from the word “smiling” meaning when you court a lady
smile as you can. The Ismayling is the balitaw form for

Customs are meant to kept for it is a treasure of one’s history. It is important to know the
essence of one’s custom. Part of the history is customs. It is essential to know first what is the
custom after the actual history because sometimes, customs says more than anything. After
hearing what really happened in the past in terms of its custom, I realized that how rich is the
native Filipino then. Filipino customs are composed of many different particular roles. If you
will look into its history of the customs of Filipino/Tagalog you can say that Filipino is somehow
can relate to pagan because they had a several gods.

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