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Margaret Mead
Chapter 10
Group Solutions
Chapter 9
Nature of Groups
Types of Groups
Role of
Characteristics of
healthy groups
At the end of the lesson,
you should be able to:
Articulate the Practice
nature and communicating
types of groups. effectively in groups.
Describe the Employ strategies to
characteristics of manage conflict
healthy groups. effectively.
Mind Tap p.168
“Hi, Mom. I’m just calling to tell
you that I’m not going to make
it home for the family dinner
you’re having tonight. The gang
at work really needs me to
close because Jennifer just
called in sick.”
“I can’t believe it! Tonight is Sarah’s last night
at home before she deploys, and you know that
your Grandma, Grandpa, Uncle Bill, and Aunt
Vivien are all coming over for a big family dinner.
What’s wrong with you, Darla? Two nights ago you
weren’t home because you were playing softball
with your friends; last night you begged off,
claiming you had some team meeting for a class
project; and now you’re going to miss your sister’s
going-away family dinner? I just don’t understand
you. Isn’t your family important to you at all? I
mean, where do we fall in your priorities? It seems
to me that you have a lot of commitments to other
groups of people and we are always last.”
“But, Mom. . . .”
"The ability to work
well in groups” is one
of the top ten skills
sought in college
National Association of Colleges and Employers
It is a collection
of about three to
twenty people who
feel a sense of
belonging and
common purpose.
It consists of all the
verbal and nonverbal
messages shared among
members, is what makes
participating in groups a
positive or negative
The Nature and Types of Groups
Social Groups
Support Groups
Interest Groups
Service Groups
Work Groups and Teams
Virtual Groups
Family can generally be
defined as a group of
intimates who, through their
communication, generate a
sense of home, group
identity, history, and future
(Segrin & Flora, 2014).
Social Group
A social group is
composed of people
who genuinely care
about each other and
enjoy spending time
together (Platow,
Grace, & Smithson,
Support Group
It is composed of
people who come
together to provide
encouragement, honest
feedback, and a safe
environment for
expressing deeply
personal feelings about
a problem common to
the members.
Interest Group
An interest group is
composed of
individuals who come
together because they
share a common
interest, hobby, or
Service Group
A service group is
composed of individuals
who come together to
perform hands-on
charitable works or to
raise money to help
organizations that
perform such work.
Work Group
It is a collection
of three or more
people formed to
work together to
complete a
specific task.
Work Group
It is a subset of a
work group where
members also hold
themselves mutually
(Katzenbach & Smith,
Effective work group teams
have an appropriate number of Effective work group teams are
members with diverse skills and also composed of people who
viewpoints, clearly defined goals, offer different but relevant
and explicit roles and rules for knowledge and skills (Beebe &
members (Katzenbach & Smith, Masterson, 2014).
2003). An effective work group team
The ideal size for most goal is a clearly stated objective
desired by enough members to
work group teams is five motivate the group to work toward
to seven members (Myers achieving it (Beebe & Masterson,
& Anderson, 2008). 2014).

Effective work group teams develop

explicit member roles and rules (Belbin, 2010).
Heterogeneous Homogeneous
Group Group
Members are more likely to Members are likely to know
have diverse information, the same things, come at the
perspectives, and values, problem from the same
and consequently, may perspective, and conse-
quently, may overlook some
discuss issues more
important information or take
thoroughly before reaching
shortcuts in the problem-
a decision. solving process
Elements of Work
Group Team Goal
Effective goals are specific.
Effective goals serve a
common purpose.
Effective goals are
Effective goals are shared.
Virtual Group
It is one whose
members are separated
geographically but come
together to “meet”
through various forms of
electronic media.
Guidelines in Participating
in Virtual Groups
Use the richest form of technology available.
Make sure all members are both equipped and
trained to use the technology.
Create opportunities for group members to
become acquainted, develop and maintain
social bonds, and build trust.
Develop ground rules.
Create regular opportunities to evaluate the
technology and use of it.
of Healthy
Healthy Groups Have Ethical
Healthy Groups Are
Healthy Groups Are Cohesive
Healthy Groups Develop and
Abide by Productive Norms
Healthy Groups Are
Healthy Groups Are
Stages of Group Formation
and Development
Conflict in Groups
Issue-Related Group Conflict
Personality-Related Group
Culture and Conflict
Virtual Groups and Conflict
“Criticism, like rain, should
be gentle enough to nourish
a man’s growth without
destroying his roots.”
– Frank A. Clark
Thank You

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