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Arellano University


Philippine Politics And Governance


Lesson 6.2 : The Executive

Concept Note
Powers of the President
1. Power of control over the executive branch.
2. Ordinance power.
3. Power over aliens.
4. Power of eminent domain, escheat, land reservation and recovery of ill-gotten wealth.
5. Power of appointment.
6. Power of general supervision over local governments.
7. Other powers.
Power of Control Over the Executive Branch
The President of the Philippines has the mandate to control over all the executive departments, bureaus, and
offices. This includes restructuring, reconfiguring, and appointments of their respective officials.
Ordinance Power
The President of the Philippines has the power to give executive issuances, which are means to streamline
the policy and programs of the administrations. There are six issuances that the President may issue. The
following are defined in the Administrative Code of 1987.
1. Executive Orders -
2. Administrative Orders -
3. Proclamations -
4. Memorandum Orders -
5. Memorandum Circulars -
6. General or Special Orders -
Power Over Aliens
The President of the Philippines has certain power over non-Filipinos in the Philippines. The powers he may
exercise over foreigners in the country are as follows.
1. Deportation of foreigners after due process.
2. The President may change the status of the alien (non-immigrant to permanent resident).
3. Jurisdiction over all deportation cases.
4. Power that is generally accepted by international law.
Arellano University
Philippine Politics And Governance


Lesson 6.2 : The Executive

Concept Note
Power of Eminent Domain, Escheat, Land Reservation, and Recovery of Ill-Gotten Wealth
1. The Power of Eminent Domain means the state has the power to seize or authorize the seizure of private
property for public use with just compensation.
2. Power of direct escheat or reservation proceeding. The President shall direct the solicitor general to
institute escheat or reversion over all lands.
3. Power to reserve lands of the public and private domain of the government.
Reserved for settlement
Reserved from sale or other disposition
4. Power over ill-gotten wealth - The President shall have the authority to recover all ill-gotten properties
amassed by the leaders and supporters of the previous regime.
Power of Appointment
The President may appoint officials of the Philippine government as provided by the constitution and laws of
the Philippines. Some of these appointments, however, may need the approval of the Committee on
Power of General Supervisions Over Local Governments
The President of the Philippines, as a chief executive, has the mandate to supervised local governments in the
Philippines, despite their autonomous status as provided by R.A 7160 otherwise known as the Local
Government Code of 1991.
Line of Succession
The Constitution provides for a line of succession in the event that the elected President of the President is
not able to discharge the duties of his office due to death, disability, or resignation. The following is the line
of succession.
1. Vice President
2. Senate Speaker
3. House Speaker
Cabinet Secretaries
Cabinet Secretaries act as the alter ego of the President executing, with his authority, the power of the
Office of the President in their respective departments. The number of cabinet secretaries varies from time
to time depending on the need of administration.
Arellano University
Philippine Politics And Governance


Lesson 6.2 : The Executive

Concept Note
Local Governments
The executive branch extends beyond the national government. According to Article X, Section 4 of the
Constitution, the President of the Philippines mandated to supervise local governments all over the country.
Among the social services and facilities that local government should provide, as stipulated in Section 17 of
Local Government Code, are the following.
1. Facilities for research services for agricultural and fishery activities.
2. Health Services - primary health care, maternal and child care, medicines, medical supplies and equipment.
3. Social Welfare Services - programs and projects.
4. Information Service - includes job placement information systems and a public library.
5. Solid waste disposal system.
6. Municipal/City/Provincial buildings - cultural center, play ground, parks, sports facilities and equipment.
7. Infrastructure Facilities - road, bridges, schools, health clinics, fish ports, dikes, etc.
8. Public Markets, slaughterhouses, and other enterprises.
9. Public Cemetery.
10. Tourism Activities, Tourist attractions.
11. Sites for police and fire stations, substation and municipal jail.
Each local government has its own chief executive. The following is the lost of local chief executives:
Barangay - Punong Barangay (Brgy. Chairman)
Municipality - Municipal Mayor
City - City Mayor
Province - Provincial Governor
The local chief executives have the power to VETO and APPROVE local ordinances recommended by the local

Based on my understanding, Governments are a complex form of leadership system that takes place
in a country. Governments are important for a country or state to become a safe place for people
to live and thrive in. Those who have a decent or good government and government officials live in a
much better place rather than those who have corrupt or broken governments. Personally speaking,
the government can be symbol of security, freedom, and peace.
Arellano University
Philippine Politics And Governance


Lesson 6 : The Executive

Written Work #1
What have you learned so far?
1. How Similar or Different were the Presidents in their exercise of their power? The President has more
power than the Vice President but still has power to help or critique the President when making decisions.
Both of them are important to have a stable form of government.
2. What were the challenges each of them faced? What does these challenges say about the strength of
their administrations? Each President have different way of leading their own government or country. For
example President Rodrigo Duterte rules the Philippines on a harsh and tough way when it comes to War on
Drugs. And some Presidents like President Benigno Aquino III are not keen on leading the country with an iron
3. Given the enormous problem of the country at present, what do you think are the qualities that a President
should possess? Why? The President should possess the quality awareness that can change his priorities on
finding ways to prevent the spread of the virus and help the Filipino people fight to not lose hope rather
than spending a huge sum of money building a beach when a pandemic is currently happening and choose
proper officials that has knowledge on how to tackle such problems at present.
Lesson 6 : The Executive
Written Work #2
What have you learned so far?
1. What is legislative power and in whom is it vested? Legislative power is the power to make laws that is
needed at the current time and is vested in the Philippine Congress comprised of the Senate and the House
of Representative.
2. What are the qualifications of the members of each house of the Congress?
Senate House of Representatives
At least 35 Years of Age At least 25 Years of Age
Registered Voter Registered Voter in the District (except in the party-list)
Able to Read and Write Able to Read and Write
Natural-Born Citizen Natural-Born Citizen
Resident of the Philippines for Resident of the Philippines for
not less than 2 Years not less than a Year

3. What will happen if the Congress and the President disagree with each others? (Opinionated Question) - They
must recommend a way that both the Congress and President can agree. They can't properly make and lead a
country if they would just disagree with each other.

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