Food Additives

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Gisela Olga Kurniawan

01 Food Additives

02 MSG

03 Artificial preservatives

04 Artificial colors
Additives are all ingredients added and mixed into food and beverage
products during processing, storage and packaging. In Indonesia, food
additives are referred to as Bahan Tambahan Pangan (BTP). Additives are
usually used in various types of food, for example salt to preserve meat
and fish, leaves/herbs and spices to enhance the taste of food, sugar to
preserve fruit and vinegar to pickle cucumbers.
The types of additives that are often added to food are increasingly diverse, one of
which is:
Bulking agent: increases the volume of food without changing the number of
calories present
Glazing agent: improves appearance and protects food
Thickener: improves texture and consistency
Preservatives: preserve and prevent microbes from multiplying
Flavor enhancer: increase flavor strength
Dye: add or emphasize color
And there are many other additives. Some additives are also considered dangerous if consumed
continuously or excessively. Some additives that are often used in the manufacture of food and their
Preservatives: chemicals added to make food last longer, for example benzoate which is usually used
to preserve food in the form of liquid, nitrates and nitrites for example in sausages, and it is suspected
to cause health problems

MSG: if MSG is consumed in excess it will damage nerve endings. Additives that make food taste
delicious can also increase the risk of weight gain and metabolic syndrome.

High fructose corn syrup: a sweetener that is often used in packaged food and beverage products
such as sparkling water, cakes and candies. According to some studies show that these additives can
cause chronic stomach pain and other digestive disorders

Artificial sweeteners: artificial sweeteners such as aspartame are associated with various chronic
diseases, including migraines, brain tumors, neurological disorders, cancer and premature birth
Potassium bromate: an additives that have been banned since 1993, because they can cause cancer.
This additive is one of the carcinogenic substances or substances that can cause cancer cell growth

Sodium Nitrite: this additive is often used as a preservative in hot dogs and bacon. Foods that contain
these additives tend to be high in sodium and fat content, so it is recommended to limit them.
Because meat contains nitrite and other additives, it is also suspected that it can increase the risk of
heart and blood vessel disease. According to research, shows that sodium nitrite can cause cell
damage that can lead to cancer.

Sugar: although sugar is natural, it is not good for health if consumed in excess. Sugar can trigger
changes in the body that make muscles spasm. In addition, excess sugar can also trigger obesity,
diabetes and heart disease.

Salt: consuming a lot of salt can also cause high blood pressure, kidney problems and heart and
blood vessel disease.
We also need to pay attention, if before buying food it is highly
recommended reading the composition of the ingredients first, including
the additives used. You should also limit the consumption of processed
foods that contain lots of additives and choose natural foods for daily
MSG or Monosodium Glumate is a flavor enhancer that is usually added to
food. According to BPOM or the Food and Drug Administration, FAO or the
Food and Agriculture Organization and the WHO or the World Health
Organization, states include MSG in the classification of food ingredients
that are generally considered safe. MSG or sodium molecule combined
with glutamic acid. The sodium molecule is used to stabilize the glutamate
molecule, while glutamic acid functions as a flavor enhancer.
What we need to pay attention to about MSG is that if we habitually
consume MSG in the long term, it has been proven to cause high blood
pressure. MSG is also one of the causes of obesity. Reactions that can be
triggered by MSG are known as MSG complex symptoms, and include:
The body becomes weak
Skin turns red
Pressure/tightness on the face
Numbness, tingling/burning sensation in certain body parts, e.g. neck
and face
Fast heart rate
Chest pain
Here are some foods that can naturally enhance the umami or savory taste:
Salty soy sauce
Chinese cabbage
Fish sauce
It's better to limit the intake of MSG in your daily diet, it doesn't hurt to add
MSG as a flavoring but with low/moderate doses.
Artificial preservatives
Food preservatives can prevent the growth of spoilage microorganisms in food,
there by extending shelf life. We need to know that not all food preservatives are
safe to use, there are some food preservatives that can harm our health.
Consuming unsafe food preservatives can cause various health problems, including
respiratory infections, diarrhea and even heart and kidney damage.

Natural preservatives can be obtained from food ingredients such as sugar and
salt. While artificial preservatives are the result of chemical synthesis. Of the two
types of preservatives, chemical preservatives are more stable, concentrated and
less. The weakness of chemical preservatives can have side effects, and the use
of chemical preservatives can cause several health problems.
Here are some types of artificial preservatives:
1. Benzoic Acid Acar Sayuran

It is one of the most commonly used food preservatives. This type of preservative is usually used to preserve
fruits, used in bottled soy sauce, margarine, tomato sauce, and soft drinks. Benzoic acid contains antibacterial
properties, so the food provided with these ingredients will be protected from the development of bacteria.
2. Citric Acid
This type of food preservative is quite safe for consumption. This type is usually used to add a sour taste to food
and to prevent the development of mold and disease-causing bacteria in food. Dried Fruits
3. Sulfur Dioxide
Usually used to preserve fruit juice, dried fruit or syrup. The material is still safe for consumption on condition that
its use is still limited enough or given according to the dose

Benzoid Acid

Sulfur Dioxide Citric Acid

S b

Propionic Acid
4. Propionic acid
Usually used to prevent mold growth and is usually given to foodstuffs such as bread and cakes made from flour
5. Sorbetes
These chemicals are used because they are odorless, tasteless, and do not cause health side effects. This type
of preservative is commonly used to prevent the development of mold and bacteria in food
6. Borax
Borax has antiseptic properties, so it can kill germs in food. Actually, borax is not safe when added to foodstuffs
because it can have a very dangerous effect on the body.
Artificial COLORS
Food coloring is an added substance added to improve
the color of food and beverages. And food coloring can
also increase the appeal of food and increase the appetite
of people who consume it. Food coloring is available in
various forms such as liquid, powder, gel or paste.
Food coloring is divided into two, namely natural dyes and synthetic /
chemical dyes. Natural dyes are made from plants, animals and
minerals. While, dyes are made from a mixture of two or more
chemicals or substances. According to BPOM.
In the Republic of Indonesia, there are several types of natural dyes
that are classified as safe, including:
Curcumin from turmeric
Carmine and cochineal extract
Plant carbon
Some natural dyes are classified as safe.
For synthetic dyes, there are some that are allowed, but their use
should be limited. The following are types of synthetic dyes that are
safe to use:
• Tatrazine
• Yellow kuolin
• Yellow FCF
• Carmoisin
• Ponceau
• Erythrocyte
• Allure Red
• digoxin
• Blue diamond FCF
• FCF Green
• HT Chocolate
Artificial Colors

There are two dangerous food coloring agents that are still in use:
1. Rhodamine B
It is a synthetic dye in the form of a crystalline powder and is green or reddish
purple in color. These dyes are usually used to color textiles, paper and
cosmetic products.
However, it often happens that Rhodamine B is also mixed into foods such as
crackers, cakes and various types of drinks. The dye can also cause cancer.
2. Methanol Yellow
Synthetic dyes are in powder form, brownish yellow in color, and are soluble in water and
alcohol. Methanol yellow is usually used as a dye for textiles, paper, ink, plastic, leather,
paint and so on. Food or drink mixed with Methanol Yellow is usually a bright yellow color,
glows, and has spots of color or uneven color. These dyes can be found in various snacks,
such as crackers, noodles, tofu and fried foods.
When consuming Methanol Yellow can cause digestive tract irritation, nausea, vomiting,
stomach pain, diarrhea, fever, weakness and low blood pressure. In addition, long-term
consumption of Methanol Yellow can also cause bladder cancer.
Therefore, it is highly recommended being more careful when buying food and
drinks. If you want to color food, use food coloring from natural ingredients that
are processed yourself such as suji leaves, pandan leaves, spinach, turmeric,
carrots or dragon fruit. It is also recommended eating healthy foods with
balanced nutrition without preservatives or dyes so that we can avoid the risk
of various diseases. If we want to know more about the type of food with food
coloring that is consumed, we can consult a nutritionist.
Thank You!

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