Valencia Reginald G, Performance Task 4 Social Agents and How They Impact Us

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Valencia, Reginald G.

September 18, 2021

Prof Lorna Adalid PSY C 101-102K

Early Childhood Elementary High School College

Highschool experience
was a bit different, this
time I am now more
concern with my
apperance in frnt of my In college, I have develop
friends and classmates. I my social skills even further
experienced one time because, I am now more
My early childhood was having a conversation that independent and is now in
Peer Groups deeply affected by my peers. I is totally different from control of most things in my
get to play physical activities In my elementary school days, I was what I am used to when I life as a college student.
with my friends and was pretty much involved with hanging was in the elementary and Unlike in highschool, I am
always present in activities out with my peers now I considered early childhood. I am more now more competitive in
involving connections with my to be my classmates. I get to learn attentive on what my my class standings and this
friends and neighbors, new things in school while peers would think about trait has helped shaped my
especilaly when playing games developing my social skill in me based on how I look or life and has changed the
like "Patintero" and "Hide and interacting with my new found as to how I belong to the coure of my perspective
seek". friends. circle I now called peers. towards the world.
Religion has played a vital role In college, one thing that I
in my formations on my earlt remember the most is that
childhood days. I was raised as High school experiences religion has pave the way to
a catholic christian and myths involcing religion involves my deep connection with
such as santa claus and the once a week going to the people around me,
Religion chistmas was a thing to me church activities habbit especially those in the
since I remember. This belief During my elementary days, which includes havig to academe and even
has been an integral part of my religioin has often played part in pray together with my professors where in we both
life since I am bounded to school activities and is essential frienda and classmates share the same religion
norms in my religion that I aspect of a my students life that is inside the school which has boosted my
should follow. the key on my connection with GOd premises. fellowship with God.
The government's
influence on my personal
life as a high school
student is based on where
I live. In my community,
government authorities
encounter diffi cult issues
that necessitate
My local government's policies and specialized knowledge
programs have an affect on not only and abilities, particularly
my personal life as an elementary in the vicinity of the high
student, but also the lives of school. Additionally, they As a college student, I am
tourists, companies, and even must balance the freedom now aware that there are
animals in my neighborhood. to learn and the training certain responsibilities that I
Offi cials in my town's government with discipline that has should rmember when it
deal with complicated challenges inspired me throughout comes to the role of
Governments impact on my that necessitate specialized my high school years with Government that bounds
social life is very significant. At knowledge and expertise. They also the rising number of me. Certain activities like
an early age I was bounded by have to deal with growing students in our town, the Voting and citizens
the idea that I want to serve community growth, increased living rising cost of living among participation in the
my Filipino by providing them costs, increasing damage to the students, increasing community is what has
simple solutions such as city's infrastructure, and, of course, damage to the school's influenced me on helping
hearing what they want in a difficult budget to balance, which infrastructure, and, of other who are most in need
their neighborhood. has inspired me. course, a daunting budget. of help.
In college, Social Media
platforms are a major factor
that leads me to distraction
and hindrance of mind. I, as
students tend to lose my
In the early childhood phase of focus from studying and
my life, Mass media such as rather enjoy browsing on
those broadcasted on the Social Media. All of this
televison has made me a Another crucial impact of leads to wastage of time
Mass Media realize that there are more to Social Media is that it without learning anything
communication than simply helps to enhance my from it. Most of the time, as
substituting ordinary face-to- Social Networking which is an student academic a students I am coping up
face interactions. Mass media example of mass media has become performance and increase with submitting my work in
has impacted my childhood an important part of my student’s my knowledge through the specified time frame
life because I consider to be and social life. I considered those data and information because I always see to it
true what I saw on the what I see in the Television as a gathering which was a key that I am more focussed on
Television and I consider them learning platform which helps me in factor in the development using Social Media
to be cool so I always watch TV improving my student engagement of my self during my high platforms for School
back in the days. and capabilities. school days. purposes.
Valencia, Reginald G. September 18, 2021
Prof Lorna Adalid PSY C 101-102K

Explain how significant social agents are in one’s self-development. Cite your
points clearly.

An individual, group, or institution that contributes to people's socialization is referred to as an agent of

socialization. Parents, peers, schools, religious groups, the media, and other socialization agents impact
an individual's self-concept, values, and conduct. They are used to teach and model appropriate
behavior, as well as to pass on values, beliefs, and traditions.

Family is the first and most essential socializing agent. The most intensive socialization and the most
lasting socialization occurs throughout childhood when newborns and children spend most of their time
with their parents and families.

Socialization is the process of teaching people how to function as productive members of society. It
outlines how people learn to understand and accept societal norms and expectations, as well as how
they become conscious of societal ideals. Socialization is not the same as socializing (interacting with
people such as family, friends, and coworkers); it is a sociological process that takes place because of

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