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Pt-2 Topics Extra Questions For Practice

Term -1 Syllabus
1. The net force required to accelerate a 1000 kg car at 4.00 m/s2 is
(a) 400kgm/s (b)400gm/s (c) 4000N (d)400N
2. A body of mass 1 kg undergoes a change of velocity of 4m/s in 4s the force
acting on it is
(a) 1N (b)4N (c) 2N (d)3N

3. The momentum transferred by an object of mass 10 kg to the floor if it falls

from a height of 5 m is (take g = 10 m/s2)
(a) 100N (b)1000kgm/s (c)1000N (d)100kgm/s
4. The inertia of an object tends to cause the object
(a) to increase its speed (b) to decrease its speed
(c) to resist any change in its state of motion (d) to decelerate due to friction
5. If
the mass of a body is doubled and its velocity becomes half, then the linear
momentum of the body will
(a) remain same (b) become double (c) become half (d) become four times.
6. An athlete does not come to rest immediately after crossing the winning line
due to the
(a) inertia of motion (b) inertia of rest(c) inertia of direction (d) none of these

7. The masses of two bodies are in ratio 5 : 6 and their velocities are in ratio 1 : 2.
Then their linear momentum will be in the ratio
(a) 5 : 6 (b) 1 : 2 (c) 12 : 5 (d) 5 : 12
8. An object dropped from a cliff falls with a constant acceleration of 10 m/s2. Its
speed 5 s after it was dropped
(a) 50m/s (b) 40m/s (c) 60m/s (d) 30m/s
9. An artificial satellite is moving in a circular orbit of radius 42.250 km (approx).
The linear velocity if it takes 24 hour to revolve around earth is
(a)11.05km/hr (b)12.05km/hr (c) 13.05km/hr (d) 10.05km/hr
10. An object starting from rest travels 20 m in first 2 s and 160 m in next 4 s.
What will be the velocity after 7 s from the start.
(a) 60m/s (b) 70m/s (c)80m/s (d) 40m/s
11. Stopping distance of vehicles : When brakes are applied to a moving vehicle,
the distance it travels before stopping is called stopping distance. A car travelling
at speed 72km/hr suddenly applies the brake with the deceleration of 5m/s2. The
stopping distance of the car is
(a) 20m (b)40m (c)30m (d)50m
12. A bullet is moving at a speed of 367 m/s when it embeds into a lump of moist
clay. The bullet penetrates for a distance of 0.0621 m. The acceleration of the
bullet while moving into the clay is(assume a uniform acceleration.)
(a)-1.08 x 106m/s2 (a)-2.08 x 108/s2 (a)-1.08 x 108m/s2 (a)-2.08 x 106m/s2

13. A motorcar of mass 1200kg is moving along a straight line with a uniform
velocity of 90km/hr. Its velocity is slowed down to 18km/hr in 4s by an
unbalanced external force. Calculate the acceleration and change in momentum.
Also, calculate the magnitude of force required.

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