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BG] 4 + What Do You Wantto Be inthe Future? 51 2 BRIE verse me, eee exuare 1 As___y needs to make plans for his or her boss. 2, Iwas not hungry, sol d___ed to have salad only. 3. The rain f___y stopped; everyone was happy about it. 4, The number of students at the school g___ws every year. 5. A: What c____y is Nash from? B: He is from the USA. 6. The Scott family plans to take a trip to Poland in the near f__e. 1, Noah worked as a t___k driver for twenty years. He often delivered goods at night. 8 I want to be a]___r because I want to fight for the rights of people. 9. Mr. Martin isa___1 businessman (#A). He owns many companies in Asia and in the United States. 1 A: What did they ask (#9) you in your job i_w? B: A lot, like "What do you know about our company" and "Why do you want to work here?" BRAT HA MHRA —— 2 ] | a) (m) a Bxikue 4 1 ( ) Don't keep TV. Go do your homework. (8) watch 8) to watch (© watching (D) watches 2( _ /It's tate, and I need now. See you on Friday! (A) go 8) to go © going ) goes 4 (_ ) Belle plans a movie with Julie this weekend. to see ®) seeing © sees ) see 4) Grandpa enjoys the guitar in his free time. (4) play 8) plays (© to play playing 5. (A: Does Beryl practice every day? B: Yes, she does. () dance (4) dances (B) dancing (©) to dance 52 mbes Cae) & () A:ls Richard poorat___? B: No, he isn't. (4) sing B) to sing (© to singing ©) singing | 7. ( +) Itis important enough rest. | (A) get 8) got (© to get ©) gets | 8 ( )____ computer games for too long bad for your eyes. | A) Play; is (3) Playing; is (© Play; are ©) Playing; are | 9 (_) Saying and doing different things. | (a) is (8 has are (D) have mc) is fun to grow your own fruit. (a) It (8) There (© That ©) This Nps L (_) A: This English song is too difficult forme. I can't sing it well (4). B: Keep practicing! (A) Good idea. (8) Don't give up. (© L love to sing, too. (D Can you believe it? 2 ( ) A: [have butterflies in my stomach. B: (A Thate bugs. (8) Is your stomach OK? (© You need to take it easy. (0) Why do you have butterflies? 3 (_) Az It's hot today, Why don't we go have some ice cream? B:___ Let's do it. (A) That's a good idea. (8) Don't make fun of us. (© It's all over the beach. (0) I don't worry about that. Baaxeae Bos the rat. . He (g) oranges on his farm. i Themanisthe(b) ofa company. He ownsa(f) 4 Thejobofacomputer(s) is to show and sell computers to people. ) 3p | ‘| =| u 1 The cat wants to 2 My uncle is a —— Z (BS) 4 - what Do Youwantto Bein he Future? 53 poole 1 thanks for / help us again ( fi8 FR) 1 the baby / Keep / cry / yesterday afternoon (Rr IFFIEO)) 4 leam Chinese / easy / him (#4875 NRFFI85) : a, HO ZMBEE b. Mitemee) a be euarit Many companies need good team players. Good team pat $ players enjoy __1__ with their teammates. In a team, . they 2 creating new ideas and love to share and talk with their teammates. They always finish their work early because they __3 trouble their team. Also, they are happy to__4 _ different things and keep __§ . And they think of the team before themselves. teammate KR share 5} _ themselves (HMBC L( ) Wwork (8) to work (© to working (0) working 2 () Ware good at (@® make funof (©areallover ©) are popular with 1( ) Wplanto (8) hope to (© don't want to (D) don't remember to 4 ) Wty (8) catch (© decide (0) become &( ) Wear (8) learning (Oto learn (0) to learning Wenstan | Ble — fF BER HUAOSEAR © (It...) 2 PMTs a aEaD A» hs BHR 2 a [a nermese» (BHD BUR ‘Oat feaRanss — ari —O—OsE MILES » HLIMEIG T HEKOURLDA + (When...) eee *«$S$S ee TT 54 3 (AB) ES 8 AI oxnnin- . me me i GBS e829) 2329 a ° 1 ( ) Look at the picture. What does the man do? | fe (8) He is a soldier. (B) He is a farmer. tl © He is a dentist, (0) He is a lawyer. we 2 ( )Don'tstop. Please singing. I love this song very much. plan (8) keep Oty © plan 4 ( ) Look atthe___ on TV. She is interviewing a famous singer. (s) truck driver (8) secretary (© reporter © fisherman 4( )Emmaisa . She fixes people's teeth. (@) secretary ®) dentist © boss (0) salesman 5 () Brown bears can swim and fish in the river. (8) catch (8) become © keep decide & () A: Which cake do you want? B:Ican't____. Alll the cakes are yummy. (a) try (B) decide (© grow (0) believe 1. ( )Danisa____. He is in the army (px), and he wants to fights for his country. () farmer (8) boss (© soldier (D) fisherman 8& (_) Leah is a_____ salesperson; she makes a lot of money every year. dry (8) scared (© heavy ©) successful a( ) it or not. I'm good at doing magic tricks (ii). I can turn rabbits into flowers. (4) Hope (B) Worry Try ©) Believe » 10 () Making cookies fun. I always do that when I'm free. (A) be Bis © are ©) am iL (__ ) Lara thanked her uncle her to school. (A) drove 8) to drive © for driving (D) to driving 12 ( +) Sara tried her work in an hour, but she didn't make it (#3). (A) to finish (8) finishing (© finished (D) to finishing BC) plants is interesting for Molly. (A) Grow ®) Grew © Growing () To growing MC )AzIs fun for you to play the guitar? B: Yes. I enjoy ita lot, (A) that (B) there (© this (D) it (BE) 4 - what Do You Want to Be inthe Future? 55 soccer and went back to the classroom because it ) The students stopped started play; fon (B) playing; raining (©) to play; to rain ©) played; rained ) Mrs. Bo is thinking about iC her company to India. HC (a) move ®) moving (© to move (D) to moving gan: Hs PD He88 | Mike: What do you plan _1__ during winter vacation? Sara: I want to learn baking, like _2__ cakes and cookies. How about you? Mike: I __3 making videos. I want to have my YouTube channel. Sara: Cool! What do you__4_ to share in your channel? Mike: I don't know. My life is not very interesting, Maybe it is not a good idea __5_ share it with people. Sara: Hey! Don't 6. Why don't we make a baking channel together? I can make cookies and cakes, and you can make a video of it. Mike: _1._ Let's plan it now. (One week later. Mike and Sara are filming a video for their YouTube channel.) Sara: I have butterflies in my __& now. I can't talk in front of a camera. Mike: Come on. You can do this. Just take it easy. O| baking Hk share 33% film #438 camera #5 L( ) Mtodo (8) doing “ ©to doing (0) do 2( ) @make (8) making (© to make () to making 4( ) @) want (8) need © love ©) plan £( ) hope ® enjoy keep D practice iC )ax ®t0 (© for Dean §( ) Whope (® believe (© decide give up C ) Finally, ® Thate it. (Good idea. ——-©) Don't worry. (D) stomach 8) @ truck (8) hope (© future

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