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20211118. THU. Albert. 第二次段考複習.

Unit 2.
I: Please read and fill in the correct words.

1. People all over the world have special c ns. People c e their birthdays,

the first day of the year, food, color and light. They wear c es and m ks. They

dance, eat food and sometimes watch a p e. They are fun!

2. The Day of the Dead is an i tf l in Mexico. People celebrate it on the first

day on November. Families take food to c ies, and they l tc les and

play music. Sometimes, there are f ks, too. People give candy and chocolate in

the s e of skulls. For Mexicans, it is not sad. It is a happy time !

II: Please read and choose the correct answers.

1. ( ) ________ you _________ up for the party last night ?

(A) Do; dressed (B) Do; dress (C) Did; dressed (D) Did; dress
2. ( ) I ___________ my birthday every year !
(A) celebrates (B) celebrate (C) celebrated (D) celebrating
3. ( ) They _______________ last summer. It was fun !
(A) went fish (B) go fishing (C) went fishing (D) go fished
4. ( ) What ________ you do last weekend ?
(A) did (B) do (C) does (D) are
5. ( ) Today is my mother's birthday. I __________ a present for her yesterday.
(A) buying (B) buy (C) was buying (D) bought
6. ( ) Dean's team _______________ the game two days ago.
(A) wins (B) was winning (C) didn't win (D) didn't won
7. ( ) It was cold yesterday, so he _______________.
(A) didn't went swimming (B) didn't go swimming
(C) doesn't went swimming (D) doesn't go swimming
8. ( ) My father _________ every Sunday morning because it is good for his body.
(A) went hike (B) goes hiked (C) went hiking (D) goes hiking
9. ( ) Last Saturday, we all _________ party hats at Andy's birthday party.
(A) wore (B) wear (C) weared (D) wearing

20211118. THU. Albert. 第二次段考複習.

10. ( ) What ___________ Jason do last night ? He didn't go shopping.

(A) isn't (B) don't (C) doesn't (D) didn't

III. Please read and fill in the correct answers.

1. __________ you __________ (drink) coffee yesterday ?

Yes, I __________. I __________ coffee yesterday morning.

2. What __________ his father __________ (do) on weekends ?

He usually __________ swimming.

3. __________ her mother __________ (wear) a red shirt yesterday ?

No, she __________. She __________ a blue shirt.

4. What __________ you __________ (do) last weekend ?

I __________ shopping. I __________ ________ (go) _____________ (swim).

5. __________ you have fun ?

Yes, I __________ fun.

6. __________ Tom __________ (text) his friends last night ?

No, he __________ __________ his friends last night.

7. What __________ Ryan _________(do) every morning ?

He usually __________ (go) fishing.

8. What __________ they do last Sunday ?

They __________ __________ fishing. They __________ __________ (run).

IV. Please write the questions and answers.

1. John / go hike / last Monday


2. We / no go walk / yesterday


20211118. THU. Albert. 第二次段考複習.

3. My father watched a parade last weekend. (write the question)


4. I usually go shopping on Sunday. (write the question)


5. No, my brother didn't go horseback riding last month. (write the question)



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