Unit 7 Activity 2

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• List down 3 of your prioritize healthcare chffallenges, issues, trends in 2021

• Elaborate and explain each challenge

Ways Forward (Resolution,

Healthcare Challenges, Elaborate and Explain the Management
Issues, Trends Challenge Opportunities)

1. Access to COVID-19 tests, In 2021, we must focus on As a result of innovation, a

medicines, and vaccines continuing our work across range of promising tools are
the four pillars of the ACT in the works. Working with
Accelerator to ensure equal NGOs to transport vaccines,
access to safe and reliable tests, and therapies is one of
vaccines, testing, and these solutions. It will also be
treatments, as well as necessary to find the
ensuring that health systems remaining critical funds in
are capable of delivering order to get these resources
them (WHO, 2020). to where they are needed.
2. Advance Health The repercussions of The UHC compendium - a
neglecting our health guide to help countries
services are one of the most recognize the basic health
straightforward lessons the services they need, such as
pandemic has taught us. In ensuring that women can
2021, provision of all the give birth safely, children can
critical health services is be immunized, and people
needed to keep people of all can be screened and treated
ages safe, close to home, for diseases - and the
and without falling into introduction and roll-out of
poverty (WHO, 2020). new primary health care
systems in countries.
3. Health Inequities The COVID-19 pandemic has Working with government
highlighted the widening gaps agencies to track and resolve
that exist between and within health disparities caused by
countries caused by factors such as income,
difference of economic gender, ethnicity, living in
status, some of which are remote rural areas or
being worsened and could deprived urban areas,
expand even further (WHO, education,
2020). occupation/employment
conditions, and disability.

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