EP3, 4 & 5 Reflection Paper

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Republic of the Philippines

Bohol Island State University Calape Campus

San Isidro, Calape, Bohol




Episode 3 allows you to see how differences in gender, culture, and religious
backgrounds, including those from indigenous groups, influence learner behavior, interaction,
and performance in school. We all know that in school, students are diverse, and with diversity
comes greater responsibilities.

In this episode, I have learned and realized the importance of knowing or determining
the difference among students. Knowing where they come from is an important factor in
understanding them. With that, we can generate ways on how to address their needs. As a
future educator, my goal is to create the needs of my students as well as understanding their
culture and religion and inspire them to turn their weaknesses into strengths. As I go beyond
this episode, I have learned that to be an effective teacher, I have to be knowledgeable about
the issues or things that could affect my learners. In addition, an effective teacher creates a
learning community where my students including other people can work together despite the
differences in their abilities and capacities.

The need to become an effective teacher is very important to every student. We hone
their future, educators are the ones who will help them in building their future and would help
them become the better person they aspire. With that being said, knowing their capabilities,
understanding their differences, and being aware are also some of the most important factors
that would help us create strategies and practices that are relevant in student learning.

In this episode, we are going to look further on the factors that affects the
development of learners. We will focus on the early experiences and characteristics of
the learners as described by their families. As future educator, we will also look into how
we could create a relationship into communities to deepen the learnings and
development of students.

As I go beyond this episode, I have learned about the Urie Bronfenbrenner’s bio-
ecological model which presents the learners within the context of layers of relationship
systems that make up the learners environment. These layers are the Microsystem,
Mesosystem, Exosystem and Chronosystem. For me, this helps the teacher determine
the aspects in the learner’s environment to understand their behavior. As what I have
said in the previous episode, understanding the student is an important factor in
creating strategies that would help them learn better. I have learned in this episode that
the teacher’s role is not to replace what is missing at home, rather, work on making the
school an environment that welcomes and nurture them and their families. Moreover,
Baunrind’s Parenting Style is also mentioned in this episode, these are Authoritarian,
Permissive, Rejecting-Neglecting and Authoritative.

All in all, Urie Bronfenbrenner’s bio-ecological model and Baunrind’s Parenting

Styles are helpful to teachers. They are helpful to the teachers in a way that teachers
can be able to determine the needs of students and to where they could adjust to cater
their student’s needs. As future educator, we should be aware and knowledgeable
about these things to better understand our students.

In this episode, we are allowed to learn and know how classrooms are structured
to allow everyone’s maximum participation for effective learning. As a future educator, it
is one of our job descriptions to develop classroom management practices that will
affect learning.

For years of studying, I have seen and experienced how classroom management
affects us. A presentable classroom creates a good ambiance that makes us free from
distraction. It makes us think clearly and allow us to focus on what the teacher is
teaching. When our classrooms are managed well, as students, we will be inspired to
wale up every morning and go to class. I have experienced this before where our
classrooms right after an event was really messy, it does not only make the area untidy
but also the way the students sees it. If everyone in the classroom are noisy and messy,
no one will really enjoy studying there. The same goes for the teachers, a classroom
that is messy and full of chaos is very distracting. Also, the way we manage the
classroom is one factor that creates a healthy environment and relationship with each
other. When classroom rules are clear, students will be guided.

Moreover, we must manage our classrooms very well because it is a place where
learnings are made and developed. It is a place where diverse people come together to
study and learn. Lastly, in this episode, I developed awareness and knowledge on how
it is supposed to be done.

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