Structures: Các Cấu Trúc Câu Đối Với Dạng Bài Có Thời Gian (Timeline)

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Các cấu trúc câu đối với dạng bài có thời gian (timeline)
1) Time, S + stood at / was + figure
In January, Mr. A’s weight stood at/ was 50 kg.
2) Time, S + V + adv
From January to April, Mr. A’s weight increased significantly to 58 kg.
3) S + saw / witnessed / underwent a quick drop of + figure + time
From July to October, Mr. A’s weight experienced a slight decrease of 3 kg.
4) There + be + a/an + adj + N + from figure 1 to figure 2 + in + S + time
From July to October, there was a slight decrease from 58kg to 55kg in Mr. A’s
5) Before/After + V-ing, S + V + adv
After increasing significantly, Mr.A’s weight decreased slightly to 55 kg.
6) S + V1 + adv, but/ and then + V2 + adv
Mr.A’s weight increased significantly in the first three months, and then decreased
slightly to 55 kg in July.
7) There was a/an + adj1 + N1, which was followed by + a/an + adj2 + N2
There was a slight decline in Mr.A’s weight, which was followed by a rapid increase.
Các cấu trúc so sánh với các dạng bài không có thời gian (no timeline)
1) Cấu trúc so sánh hơn
S1 + be + (adv) + more adj/ adj-er + than S2
The number of boys playing badminton is significantly higher than that of
2) Cấu trúc so sánh hơn nhất
- S + be + the most adj/ the adj-est + N among/in/of…
Tennis is the most popular sport among boys
- S + be + most adj/ adj – est among/in/of…
Tennis is most popular among boys
The number of boys playing tennis is highest

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IELTS Cá nhân hóa 4 Kỹ năng từ Mất gốc

3) Cấu trúc so sánh gấp nhiều lần

- S1 + be + two/ three/ four times + higher/greater/ larger… than S2
The number of cars produced in China is two times higher than that in
- S1 + be + double/ triple S2
The number of cars produced in China is double that in Vietnam
Một số các cấu trúc câu và từ nối khác
- Compared to / compared with/ in comparison to/ in comparison with
20% of citizens in Manchester preferred apartments compared to 30% in
- Similarly, / Likewise, …
Unemployment rate in the UK increased dramatically to 15%. Similarly, /
Likewise, the figure for Canada witnessed a growth to about 12% in the same
- Witnessing/ experiencing the similar/ same pattern, ….
Unemployment rate in the UK increased dramatically to 15%. Witnessing the
similar pattern, the figure for Canada witnessed a growth to about 12% in the
same period.
- A similar/ same pattern was seen/ witnessed/ experienced….
Unemployment rate in the UK increased dramatically to 15%. A similar
pattern was seen in Canada as its figure witnessed a growth to about 12% in
the same period.
- By contrast, in contrast
Unemployment rate in the UK increased dramatically to 15%. By contrast/ In
contrast, the figure for Canada witnessed a decrease to about 12% in the same

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