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e. Relations and Dealings with Third Persons (Arts.

1815-1827) had not been authorized by the board of directors of the company, P22,727.74 up to August 31, 1926, and interest on P16,518.74 from
nor was the person who subscribed said contract authorized to make that date until fully paid, with the costs of the action.
the same, under the article of co-partnership. The other defendants,
1PHILIPPINE NATIONAL BANK vs. LO Yap Sing and Ng Khey Ling, answered the complaint denying each VIII. The trial court erred in denying the motion for a new trial filed by
G.R. No. L-26937 October 5, 1927 and every one of the allegations contained therein. defendants-appellants.

On September 29, 1916, the appellants Severo Eugenio Lo and Ng After the hearing, the court found: Appellants admit, and it appears from the context of Exhibit A, that
Khey Ling, together with J. A. Say Lian Ping, Ko Tiao Hun, On Yem the defendant association formed by the defendants is a general
Ke Lam and Co Sieng Peng formed a commercial partnership under (1) That defendants Eugenio Lo, Ng Khey Ling and Yap Seng Co., partnership, as defined in article 126 of the Code Commerce. This
the name of "Tai Sing and Co.," with a capital of P40,000 contributed Sieng Peng indebted to plaintiff Philippine National Bank in sum of partnership was registered in the mercantile register of the Province
by said partners. In the articles of co-partnership, Exhibit A, it appears P22,595.26 to July 29, 1926, with a daily interest of P4.14 on the of Iloilo. The only anomaly noted in its organization is that instead of
that the partnership was to last for five years from after the date of its balance on account of the partnership "Tai Sing & Co. for the sum of adopting for their firm name the names of all of the partners, of
organization, and that its purpose was to do business in the City of P16,518.74 until September 9, 1922; several of them, or only one of them, to be followed in the last two
Iloilo, Province of Iloilo, or in any other part of the Philippine Islands cases, by the words "and to be followed in the last two cases, by the
the partners might desire, under the name of "Tai Sing & Co.," for the (2) Said defendants are ordered jointly and severally to pay the words "and company" the partners agreed upon "Tai Sing & Co." as
purchase and sale of merchandise, goods, and native, as well as Philippine National Bank the sum of P22,727.74 up to August 31, the firm name.
Chinese and Japanese, products, and to carry on such business and 1926, and from the date, P4.14 daily interest on the principal; and
speculations as they might consider profitable. One of the partners, J. In the case of Hung-Man-Yoc, under the name of Kwong-Wo-Sing vs.
A. Say Lian Ping was appointed general manager of the partnership, (3) The defendants are furthermore ordered to pay the costs of the Kieng-Chiong-Seng, cited by appellants, this court held that, as the
with the appointed general manager of the partnership, with the action. company formed by defendants had existed in fact, though not in law
powers specified in said articles of co-partnership. due to the fact that it was not recorded in the register, and having
Defendants appealed, making the following assignments of error: operated and contracted debts in favor of the plaintiff, the same must
On June 4, 1917, general manager A. Say Lian Ping executed a be paid by someone. This applies more strongly to the obligations
power of attorney (Exhibit C-1) in favor of A. Y. Kelam, authorizing I. The trial court erred in finding that article 126 of the Code of contracted by the defendants, for they formed a partnership which
him to act in his stead as manager and administrator of "Tai Sing & Commerce at present in force is not mandatory. was registered in the mercantile register, and carried on business
Co.," on July 26, 1918, for, and obtained a loan of P8,000 in current contracting debts with the plaintiff bank. The anomalous adoption of
account from the plaintiff bank. (Exhibit C). As security for said loan, II. The trial court erred in finding that the partnership agreement of the firm name above noted does not affect the liability of the general
he mortgaged certain personal property of "Tai Sing & Co., (Exhibit "Tai Sing & Co., (Exhibit A), is in accordance with the requirements of partners to third parties under article 127 of the Code of Commerce.
C.) article 125 of the Code of Commerce for the organization of a regular And the Supreme Court so held in the case of Jo Chung Cang vs.
partnership. Pacific Commercial Co., (45 Phil., 142), in which it said that the object
This credit was renew several times and on March 25, 1919, A. Y. of article 126 of the Code of Commerce in requiring a general
Kelam, as attorney-in-fact of "Tai Sing & Co., executed a chattel III. The trial court erred in not admitting J. A. Sai Lian Ping's death in partnership to transact business under the name of all its members,
mortgage in favor of plaintiff bank as security for a loan of P20,000 China in November, 1917, as a proven fact. of several of them, or of one only, is to protect the public from
with interest (Exhibit D). This mortgage was again renewed on April imposition and fraud; and that the provision of said article 126 is for
16, 1920 and A. Y. Kelam, as attorney-in-fact of "Tai Sing & Co., IV. The trial court erred in finding that the death of J. A. Say Lian Ping the protection of the creditors rather than of the partners themselves.
executed another chattel mortgage for the said sum of P20,000 in cannot extinguish the defendants' obligation to the plaintiff bank, And consequently the doctrine was enunciated that the law must be
favor of plaintiff bank. (Exhibit E.) According to this mortgage because the last debt incurred by the commercial partnership "Tai unlawful and unenforceable only as between the partners and at the
contract, the P20,000 loan was to earn 9 per cent interest per annum. Sing & Co., was that evidence by Exhibit F, signed by Sy Tit as instance of the violating party, but not in the sense of depriving
attorney-in-fact of the members of "Tai Sing & Co., by virtue of Exhibit innocent parties of their rights who may have dealt with the offenders
On April 20, 1920, Yap Seng, Severo Eugenio Lo, A. Y. Kelam and G. in ignorance of the latter having violated the law; and that contracts
Ng Khey Ling, the latter represented by M. Pineda Tayenko, entered into by commercial associations defectively organized are
executed a power of attorney in favor of Sy Tit by virtue of which Sy V. The trial court erred in not finding that plaintiff bank was not able to valid when voluntarily executed by the parties, and the only question
Tit, representing "Tai Sing & Co., obtained a credit of P20,000 from collect its credit from the goods of "Tai Sing & Co., given as security is whether or not they complied with the agreement. Therefore, the
plaintiff bank on January 7, 1921, executing a chattel mortgage on therefor through its own fault and negligence; and that the action defendants cannot invoke in their defense the anomaly in the firm
certain personal property belonging to "Tai Sing & Co. brought by plaintiff is a manifest violation of article 237 of the present name which they themselves adopted.
Code of Commerce.
Defendants had been using this commercial credit in a current As to the alleged death of the manager of the company, Say Lian
account with the plaintiff bank, from the year 1918, to May 22, 1921, VI. The trial court erred in finding that the current account of "Tai Sing Ping, before the attorney-in-fact Ou Yong Kelam executed Exhibits C,
and the debit balance of this account, with interest to December 31, & Co. with plaintiff bank shows a debit balance of P16,518.74, which D and E, the trial court did not find this fact proven at the hearing. But
1924, is as follows: xxxxxx in addition to interest at 9 per cent per annum from July 29, 1926, even supposing that the court had erred, such an error would not
This total is the sum claimed in the complaint, together with interest amount to P16,595.26, with a daily interest of P4.14 on the sum of justify the reversal of the judgment, for two reasons at least: (1)
on the P16,518.74 debt, at 9 per cent per annum from January 1, P16,518.74. Because Ou Yong Kelam was a partner who contracted in the name
1925 until fully paid, with the costs of the trial. of the partnership, without any objection of the other partners; and (2)
VII. The trial court erred in ordering the defendants appellants to pay because it appears in the record that the appellant-partners Severo
Defendant Eugenio Lo sets up, as a general defense, that "Tai Sing & jointly and severally to the Philippine National Bank the sum of Eugenio Lo, Ng Khey Ling and Yap Seng, appointed Sy Tit as
Co. was not a general partnership, and that the commercial credit in manager, and he obtained from the plaintiff bank the credit in current
current account which "Tai Sing & Co. obtained from the plaintiff bank

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account, the debit balance of which is sought to be recovered in this attorney's fees which the Court fixes in the sum of Eight Hundred Art. 1816. All partners including industrial ones, shall be liable pro
action. Pesos (P800.00) and costs. rata with all their property and after all the partnership assets have
been exhausted, for the contracts which may be entered into in the
Appellants allege that such of their property as is not included in the The defendants Benjamin C. Daco, Daniel A. Guizona, Noel C. Sim name and for the account of the partnership, under its signature and
partnership assets cannot-be seized for the payment of the debts and Augusto Palisoc are sentenced to pay the plaintiff in this case by a person authorized to act for the partnership. However, any
contracted by the partnership until after the partnership property has with the understanding that the judgment against these individual partner may enter into a separate obligation to perform a partnership
been exhausted. The court found that the partnership property defendants shall be enforced only if the defendant company has no contract.
described in the mortgage Exhibit F no longer existed at the time of more leviable properties with which to satisfy the judgment against
the filing of the herein complaint nor has its existence been proven, it. . In the case of Co-Pitco vs. Yulo (8 Phil. 544) this Court held:
nor was it offered to the plaintiff for sale. We find no just reason to
reverse this conclusion of the trial court, and this being so, it follows The individual defendants shall also pay the costs. The partnership of Yulo and Palacios was engaged in the operation
that article 237 of the Code of Commerce, invoked by the appellant, of a sugar estate in Negros. It was, therefore, a civil partnership as
can in no way have any application here. On April 22, 1961, the defendant company, a general partnership distinguished from a mercantile partnership. Being a civil partnership,
duly registered under the laws of the Philippines, purchased from the by the express provisions of articles l698 and 1137 of the Civil Code,
Appellants also assign error to the action of the trial court in ordering plaintiff a motor vehicle on the installment basis and for this purpose the partners are not liable each for the whole debt of the partnership.
them to pay plaintiff, jointly and severally, the sums claimed with 9 executed a promissory note for P9,440.00, payable in twelve (12) The liability is pro rata and in this case Pedro Yulo is responsible to
per cent interest on P16,518.74, owing from them. equal monthly installments of P786.63, the first installment payable plaintiff for only one-half of the debt. The fact that the other partner,
on or before May 22, 1961 and the subsequent installments on the Jaime Palacios, had left the country cannot increase the liability of
The judgment against the appellants is in accordance with article 127 22nd day of every month thereafter, until fully paid, with the condition Pedro Yulo.
of the Code of Commerce which provides that all the members of a that failure to pay any of said installments as they fall due would
general partnership, be they managing partners thereof or not, shall render the whole unpaid balance immediately due and demandable. In the instant case, there were five (5) general partners when the
be personally and solidarily liable with all their property, for the results promissory note in question was executed for and in behalf of the
of the transactions made in the name and for the account of the Having failed to receive the installment due on July 22, 1961, the partnership. Since the liability of the partners is pro rata, the liability of
partnership, under the signature of the latter, and by a person plaintiff sued the defendant company for the unpaid balance the appellant Benjamin C. Daco shall be limited to only one-fifth (1/5)
authorized to use it. amounting to P7,119.07. Benjamin C. Daco, Daniel A. Guizona, Noel of the obligations of the defendant company. The fact that the
C. Sim, Romulo B. Lumauig, and Augusto Palisoc were included as complaint against the defendant Romulo B. Lumauig was dismissed,
As to the amount of the interest suffice it to remember that the credit co-defendants in their capacity as general partners of the defendant upon motion of the plaintiff, does not unmake the said Lumauig as a
in current account sued on in this case as been renewed by the company. general partner in the defendant company. In so moving to dismiss
parties in such a way that while it appears in the mortgage Exhibit D the complaint, the plaintiff merely condoned Lumauig's individual
executed on March 25, 1919 by the attorney-in-fact Ou Yong Kelam Daniel A. Guizona failed to file an answer and was consequently liability to the plaintiff.
that the P20,000 credit would earn 8 per cent interest annually, yet declared in default.
from that executed on April 16, 1920, Exhibit E, it appears that the WHEREFORE, the appealed decision as thus clarified is hereby
P20,000 would earn 9 per cent interest per annum. The credit was Subsequently, on motion of the plaintiff, the complaint was dismissed AFFIRMED, without pronouncement as to costs. SO ORDERED.
renewed in January, 1921, and in the deed of pledge, Exhibit F, insofar as the defendant Romulo B. Lumauig is concerned.
executed by "Tai Sing & Co., represented by the attorney-in-fact Sy 3LA COMPAÑIA MARITIMA vs. MUÑOZ
Tit, it appears that this security is for the payment of the sums When the case was called for hearing, the defendants and their G.R. No. L-3704 December 12, 1907
received by the partnership, not to exceed P20,000 with interest and counsels failed to appear notwithstanding the notices sent to them.
collection fees. There can be no doubt that the parties agreed upon Consequently, the trial court authorized the plaintiff to present its The plaintiff brought this action in the Court of First Instance of Manila
the rate of interest fixed in the document Exhibit E, namely 9 per cent evidence ex-parte, after which the trial court rendered the decision against the partnership of Franciso Muñoz & Sons, and against
per annum. appealed from. Francisco Muñoz de Bustillo, Emilio Muñoz de Bustillo, and Rafael
The defendants Benjamin C. Daco and Noel C. Sim moved to Naval to recover the sum of P26,828.30, with interest and costs.
The judgment appealed from is in accordance with the law, and must reconsider the decision claiming that since there are five (5) general Judgment was rendered in the court below acquitting Emilio Muñoz
therefore be, as it is hereby, affirmed with costs against the partners, the joint and subsidiary liability of each partner should not de Bustillo and Rafael Naval of the complaint, and in favor of the
appellants. So ordered. exceed one-fifth (1/5) of the obligations of the defendant company. plaintiff and against the defendant partnership, Francisco Muñoz &
But the trial court denied the said motion notwithstanding the Sons, and Francisco Muñoz de Bustillo form the sum of P26,828.30
2ISLAND SALES, INC. vs. UNITED PIONEERS GENERAL conformity of the plaintiff to limit the liability of the defendants Daco with interest at the rate of 8 per cent per annum from the 31st day of
CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, ET. AL and Sim to only one-fifth (1/5) of the obligations of the defendant March, 1905, and costs. From this judgment the plaintiff appealed.
G.R. No. L-22493 July 31, 1975 company.4 Hence, this appeal.
On the 31st day of March, 1905, the defendants Francisco Muñoz,
This is an appeal interposed by the defendant Benjamin C. Daco from The only issue for resolution is whether or not the dismissal of the Emilio Muñoz, and Rafael Naval formed on ordinary general
the decision of the Court of First Instance of Manila, Branch XVI, in complaint to favor one of the general partners of a partnership mercantile partnership under the name of Francisco Muñoz & Sons
Civil Case No. 50682, the dispositive portion of which reads: increases the joint and subsidiary liability of each of the remaining for the purpose of carrying on the mercantile business in the Province
partners for the obligations of the partnership. of Albay which had formerly been carried on by Francisco Muñoz.
WHEREFORE, the Court sentences defendant United Pioneer Francisco Muñoz was a capitalist partner and Emilio Muñoz and
General Construction Company to pay plaintiff the sum of P7,119.07 Article 1816 of the Civil Code provides: Rafael Naval were industrial partners.
with interest at the rate of 12% per annum until it is fully paid, plus

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It is said in the decision of the court below that in the articles of persons named therein. This court not only held that such provision general partners. There is nothing in the code which says that the
partnership it was called an ordinary, general mercantile partnership, was valid but also held that those directors could not be removed industrial partners shall be the only general partners, nor is there
but that from the article it does not appear to be such a partnership. from office during the eight years, even by a majority vote of all the anything which says that the capitalist partners shall be the only
In the brief of the appellees it is also claimed that it is not an ordinary, stockholders of the company. general partners.
general commercial partnership. We see nothing in the case to
support either the statement of the court below in its decision or the Emilio Muñoz was, therefore, a general partner, and the important Article 127 of the Code of Commerce is as follows:
claim of the appellees in their brief. In the articles of partnership question in the case is whether, as such general partner, he is liable
signed by the partners it is expressly stated that they have agreed to to third persons for the obligations contracted by the partnership, or All the members of the general co-partnership, be they or be they not
form, and do form, an ordinary, general mercantile partnership. The whether he relieved from such liability, either because he is an managing partners of the same, are liable personally and in solidum
object of the partnership, as stated in the fourth paragraph of the industrial partner or because he was so relieved by the express terms with all their property for the results of the transactions made in the
articles, is a purely mercantile one and all the requirements of the of the articles of partnership. name and for the account of the partnership, under the signature of
Code of Commerce in reference to such partnership were complied the latter, and by a person authorized to make use thereof.
with. The articles of partnership were recorded in the mercantile Paragraph 12 of the articles of partnership is as follows:
registry in the Province of Albay. If it should be held that the contract Do the words "all the partners" found in this article include industrial
made in this case did not create an ordinary, general mercantile Twelfth. All profits arising from mercantile transactions carried on, as partners? The same expression is found in other articles of the code.
partnership we do not see how one could be created. well as such as may be obtained from the sale of property and other In article 129 it is said that, if the management of the partnership has
assets which constitute the corporate capital, shall be distributed, on not been limited by special act to one of the partners, all shall have
The claim of the appellees that Emilio Muñoz contributed nothing to completion of the term of five years agreed to for the continuation of the right to participate in the management. Does this mean that the
the partnership, either in property, money, or industry, can not be the partnership, in the following manner: Three-fourths thereof for the capitalist partners are the only ones who have that right, or does it
sustained. He contributed as much as did the other industrial partner, capitalist partner Francisco Muñoz de Bustillo and one-eighth thereof include also industrial partners? Article 132 provides that, when in the
Rafael Naval, the difference between the two being that Rafael Naval for the industrial partner Emilio Muñoz de Bustillo y Carpiso, and the articles of partnership the management has been entrusted to a
was entitled by the articles of agreement to a fixed salary of P2,500 remaining one-eighth thereof for the partner Rafael Naval y Garcia. If, particular person, he cannot be deprived of such management, but
as long as he was in charge of the branch office established at Ligao. in lieu of profits, losses should result in the winding up of the that in certain cases the remaining partners may appoint a
If he had left that branch office soon after the partnership was partnership, the same shall be for the sole and exclusive account of comanager. Does the phrase "remaining partners" include industrial
organized, he would have been in the same condition then that Emilio the capitalist partner Francisco Muñoz de Bustillo, without either of partners, or is it limited to capitalist partners, and do industrial
Muñoz was from the beginning. Such a change would have deprived the two industrial partners participating in such losses. partners have no right to participate in the selection of the
him of the salary P2,500, but would not have affected in any way the comanager? Article 133 provides that all the partners shall have the
partnership nor have produced the effect of relieving him from liability Articles 140 and 141 of the Code of Commerce are as follows: right to examine the books of the partnership. Under this article are
as a partner. The argument of the appellees seems to be that, the capitalist partners the only ones who have such right? Article 135
because no yearly or monthly salary was assigned to Emilio Muñoz, ART. 140. Should there not have been stated in the articles of co- provides that the partners cannot use the firm name in their private
he contributed nothing to the partnership and received nothing from it. partnership the portion of the profits to be received by each partner, business. Does this limitation apply only to capitalist partners or does
By the articles themselves he was to receive at the end of five years said profits shall be divided pro rata, in accordance with the interest it extend also to industrial partners? Article 222 provides that a
one-eighth of the profits. It cannot be said, therefore, that he received each one has on the co-partnership, partners who have not general partnership shall be dissolve by the death of one of the
nothing from the partnership. The fact that the receipt of this money contributed any capital, but giving their services, receiving in the general partners unless it is otherwise provided in the articles. Would
was postponed for five years is not important. If the contention of the distribution the same amount as the partner who contributed the such a partnership continue if all the industrial partners should die?
appellees were sound, it would result that, where the articles of smallest capital. Article 229 provides that upon a dissolution of a general partnership it
partnership provided for a distribution of profits at the end of each shall be liquidated by the former managers, but, if all the partners do
year, but did not assign any specific salary to an industrial partner ART. 141. Losses shall be charged in the same proportion among the not agree to this, a general meeting shall be called, which shall
during that time, he would not be a member of the partnership. partners who have contributed capital, without including those who determine to whom the settlement of the affairs shall be entrusted.
Industrial partners, by signing the articles, agree to contribute their have not, unless by special agreement the latter have been Does this phrase "all the partners" include industrial partners, or are
work to the partnership and article 138 of the Code of Commerce constituted as participants therein. the capitalist partners the only ones who have a voice in the selection
prohibits them from engaging in other work except by the express of a manager during a period of liquidation? Article 237 provides that
consent of the partnership. With reference to civil partnerships, A comparison of these articles with the twelfth paragraph above the private property of the general partners shall not be taken in
section 1683 of the Civil Code relates to the same manner. quoted will show that the latter is simply a statement of the rule laid payment of the obligations of the partnership until its property has
down in the former. The article do not, therefore, change the rights of been exhausted. Does the phrase "the general partners" include
It is also said in the brief of the appellees that Emilio Muñoz was the industrial partners as they are declared by the code, and the industrial partners?
entirely excluded from the management of the business. It rather question may be reduced to the very simple one namely, Is an
should be said that he excluded himself from such management, for industrial partner in an ordinary, general mercantile partnership liable In all of these articles the industrial partners must be included. It
he signed the articles of partnership by the terms of which the to third persons for the debts and obligations contracted by the cannot have been intended that, in such a partnership as the one in
management was expressly conferred by him and the others upon partnership? question, where there were two industrial and only one capitalist
the persons therein named. That partners in their articles can do this, partner, the industrial partners should have no voice in the
admits of no doubt. Article 125 of the Code of Commerce requires In limited partnership the Code of Commerce recognizes a difference management of the business when the articles of partnership were
them to state the partners to whom the management is intrusted. This between general and special partners, but in a general partnership silent on that subject; that when the manager appointed mismanages
right is recognized also in article 132. In the case of Reyes vs. The there is no such distinction-- all the members are general partners. the business the industrial partners should have no right to appoint a
Compania Maritima (3 Phil. Rep., 519) the articles of association The fact that some may be industrial and some capitalist partners comanager; that they should have no right to examine the books; that
provided that the directors for the first eight years should be certain does not make the members of either of these classes alone such they might use the firm name in their private business; or that they

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have no voice in the liquidation of the business after dissolution. To and has nothing to do with the liability of the partners to third persons;
give a person who contributed no more than, say, P500, these rights that each one of the industrial partners is liable to third persons for Personal or real property which each of the partners may possess at
and to take them away from a person who contributed his services, the debts of the firm; that if he has paid such debts out of his private the time of the celebration of the agreement shall continue to be their
worth, perhaps, infinitely more than P500, would be discriminate property during the life of the partnership, when its affairs are settled private property, the usufruct only passing to the partnership.
unfairly against industrial partners. he is entitled to credit for the amount so paid, and if it results that
there is not enough property in the partnership to pay him, then the It might very well happen in partnership of this kind that no one of the
If the phrase "all the partners" as found in the articles other than capitalist partners must pay him. In this particular case that view is partners would have any private property and that if they did the
article 127 includes industrial partners, then article 127 must include strengthened by the provisions of article 12, above quoted. There it is usufruct thereof would be inconsiderable.
them and they are liable by the terms thereof for the debts of the firm. stated that if, when the affairs of the partnership are liquidated — that Having in mind these different cases which may arise in the practice,
is, at the end of five years — it turns out that there had been losses that construction of the law should be avoided which would enable
But it is said that article 141 expressly declares to the contrary. It is to instead of gains, then the capitalist partner, Francisco Muñoz, shall two persons, each with a large amount of private property, to form
be noticed in the first place that this article does not say that they pay such losses — that is, pay them to the industrial partners if they and carry on a partnership and, upon the bankruptcy of the latter, to
shall not be liable for losses. Article 140 declares how the profits shall have been compelled to disburse their own money in payment of the say to its creditors that they contributed no capital to the company but
be divided among the partners. This article simply declares how the debts of the partnership. only their services, and that their private property is not, therefore,
losses shall be divided among the partners. The use of the words se liable for its debts.
imputaran is significant. The verb means abonar una partida a alguno While this is a commercial partnership and must be governed
en su cuenta o deducirla de su debito. Article 141 says nothing about therefore by the rules of the Code of Commerce, yet an examination But little light is thrown upon this question by the authorities. No
third persons and nothing about the obligations of the partnership. of the provisions of the Civil Code in reference to partnerships may judgment of the supreme court of Spain has been called to our
throw some light upon the question here to be resolved. Articles 1689 attention, and we have been able to find none which refers in any
While in this section the word "losses" stands alone, yet in other and 1691 contain, in substance, the provisions of articles 140 and way to this question. There is, therefore, no authority from the tribunal
articles of the code, where it is clearly intended to impose the liability 141 of the Code of Commerce. It is to be noticed that these articles for saying that an industrial partner is not liable to third persons for
to third persons, it is not considered sufficient, but the word are found in section 1 of Chapter II [Title VIII] of Book IV. That section the debts of the partnership.
"obligations" is added. Thus article 148, in speaking of the liability of treats of the obligations of the partners between themselves. The
limited partners, uses the phrase las obligaciones y perdidas. There liability of the partners as to third persons is treated in a distinct In a work published by Lorenzo Benito in 1889 (Lecciones de
is the same use of the two same words in article 153, relating to section, namely, section 2, comprising articles from 1697 to 1699. derecho mercantil) it is said that industrial partners are not liable for
anonymous partnership. In article 237 the word "obligations" is used debts. The author, at page 127, divides general partnership into
and not the word "losses." If industrial partners in commercial partnerships are not responsible ordinary and irregular. The irregular partnerships are those which
to third persons for the debts of the firm, then industrial partners in include one or more industrial partners. It may be said in passing that
The claim of the appellees is that this article 141 fixes the liability of civil partnerships are not. Waiving the question as to whether there his views cannot apply to this case because the articles of
the industrial partners to third persons for the obligations of the can be a commercial partnership composed entirely of industrial partnership directly state that it is an ordinary partnership and do not
company. If it does, then it also fixes the liability of the capitalist partners, it seems clear that there can be such civil partnership, for state that it is an irregular one. But his view of the law seems to be
partners to the same persons for the same obligations. If this article article 1678 of the Civil Code provides as follows: derived from something other than the Code of Commerce now in
says that industrial partners are not liable for the debts of the force. He says:
concern, it also says that the capitalist partners shall be only liable for A particular partnership has for its object specified things only, their
such debts in proportion to the amount of the money which they have use of profits, or a specified undertaking, or the exercise of a . . . but it has not been very fortunate in sketching the characters of a
contributed to the partnership; that is to say, that if there are only two profession or art. regular collective partnership (since it says nothing conclusive in
capitalist partners, one of whom has contributed two-thirds of the reference to the irregular partnership) (p. 127.)
capital and the other one-third, the latter is liable to a creditor of the It might very easily happen, therefore, that a civil partnership could be
company for only one-third of the debt and the former for only two- composed entirely of industrial partners. If it were, according to the And again:
thirds. It is apparent that, when given this construction, article 141 is claim of the appellees, there would be no personal responsibility
directly in conflict with article 127. It is not disputed by the appellees whatever for the debts of the partnership. Creditors could rely only This article would not need to be commented upon were it not
that by the terms of article 127 each one of the capitalist partners is upon the property which the partnership had, which in the case of a because the writer entirely overlooked the fact that there might exist
liable for all of the debts, regardless of the amount of his contribution, partnership organized for the practice of any art or profession would industrial partners who did not contribute with capital in money,
but the construction which they put upon article 141 makes such be practically nothing. In the case of Agustin vs. Inocencio, just credits, or goods, which partners generally participate in the profits
capitalist partners liable for only a proportionate part of the debts. decided by this court, it was alleged in the complaint, and admitted by but not in the losses, and whose position must also be determined in
the answer — the articles of co-partnership. (p. 128.)
There is no injustice in imposing this liability upon the industrial
partners. They have a voice in the management of the business, if no That is partnership has been formed without articles of association or And again:
manager has been named in the articles; they share in the profits and capital other than the personal work of each one of the partners,
as to third persons it is no more than right that they should share in whose profits are to be equally divided among themselves. The only defect that can be pointed out in this article is the fact that it
the obligations. It is admitted that if in this case there had been a has been forgotten that in collective partnerships there are industrial
capitalist partner who had contributed only P100 he would be liable Article 1675 of the Civil Code is as follows: partners who, not being jointly liable for the obligations of the co-
for this entire debt of P26,000. partnership, should not include their names in that of the firm. (p.
General partnership of profits include all that the partners may 129.)
Our construction of the article is that it relates exclusively to the acquire by their by their industry or work during the continuation of
settlement of the partnership affairs among the partners themselves the partnership.

Page 4 of 19
As a logical result of his theory he says that an industrial partner has results of the transactions made in the name and for account of the
no right to participate in the administration of the partnership and that Our conclusion is upon this branch of the case that neither on partnership.
his name cannot appear in the firm name. In this last respect his view principle nor on authority can the industrial partner be relieved from
is opposed to that of Manresa, who says (Commentaries on the liability to third persons for the debts of the partnership. But they form the collective partnership in the manner in which our
Spanish Civil Code, vol. 11, p. 330): laws allows the same to be formed — that is, by contributing with
It is apparently claimed by the appellee in his brief that one action their industry, not with property.
It only remains to us to state that a partner who contributes his cannot be maintained against the partnership and the individual
industry to the concern can also confer upon it the name or the partners, this claim being based upon the provisions of article 237 of And the word all, in reference to property, which is common with the
corporate name under which such industry should be carried on. In the Code of Commerce which provides that the private property of the three classes of partnership defined by the code, to wit, collective,
this case, so long as the co-partnership lasts, it can enjoy the credit, partners shall not be taken until the partnership property has been limited co-partnership (comanditaria), and corporation (anonima),
reputation, and name or corporate name under which such industry is exhausted. But this article furnishes to argument in support of the gives the rule for such personal and joint liability, which is the
carried on; but upon dissolution thereof the aforesaid name or appellee's claim. An action can be maintained against the partnership purpose of the provision in the above-quoted article.
corporate name pertains to the partner who contributed the same, and partners, but the judgment should recognize the rights of the The above three classes of partnership agree in that property must in
and he alone is entitled to use it, because such a name or style is an individual partners which are secured by said article 237. each of them be contributed. "The articles of general copartnership
accessory to the work of industrial partner, and upon recovering his must state . . . the capital which each partner contributes in cash,
work or his industry he also recovers his name or the style under The judgment of the court below is reversed and judgment is ordered credits, or property, stating the value given the latter or the basis on
which he exercised his activity. It has thus been decided by the against all of the defendants for the sum of P26,828.30, with interest which their appraisal is to be made." (Art. 125.) "The same
French court of cassation in a decision dated June 6, 1859. thereon at the rate of 8 per cent per annum since the 31st day of statements shall be included in articles of limited copartnerships
March, 1905, and for the cost of this action. Execution of such (compañias en comandita) which are required for those of general
In speaking of limited partnerships Benito says (p. 144) that here are judgment shall not issue against the private property of the copartnerships" — that is, among other things, the capital which each
found two kinds of partners, one with unlimited responsibility and the defendants Francisco Muñoz, Emilio Muñoz, or Rafael Naval until the partner contributes. (Art. 145.) "The articles of incorporation (of
other with limited responsibility, but adopting his view as to industrial property of the defendant Francisco Muñoz & Sons is exhausted. No corporations) must include . . . the corporate capital, stating the value
partners, it should be said that there are three kinds of partners, one costs will be allowed to their party in this court. So ordered. at which property, not cash, contributed has been appraised, or the
with unlimited responsibility, another with limited responsibility, and basis on which the appraisal is to be made; and the number of shares
the third, the industrial partner, with no responsibility at all. In Torres, Johnson and Tracey, JJ., concur. into which the corporate capital is divided and represented." (Art.
Estasen's recent publication on mercantile partnerships (Tratado de Separate Opinions 151.)
las Sociedades Mercantiles) he quotes from the work of Benito, but
we do not understand that he commits himself to the doctrines therein ARELLANO, C. J., dissenting: Now, then, "The liability of the members of a corporation for the
laid down. In fact, in his former treatise, Instituciones de Derecho obligations and losses of the same shall be limited to the funds they
Mercantil (vol. 3, pp. 1-99), we find nothing which recognizes the I consider that the judgment appealed from is entirely in accordance contributed or bound themselves to contribute to the corporate
existence of these irregular general partnerships, or the exemption with the capital." (Art. 153.) "The liability of special partners for the obligations
from the liability to third persons of the industrial partners. He says in and losses of the copartnership shall be limited to the funds which
his latter work (p. 186) that according to Dr. Benito the irregular The question set up in the majority decision, "In a regular collective they contributed or bound themselves to contribute to the limited
general partner originated from the desire of the partnership to commercial company, is an industrial partner liable as to third copartnership, with the exception of the sense mentioned in article
associate with itself some old clerk or employee as a reward for his persons by reason of the debts and obligations contracted by the co- 147" — that is, if any of them include his name or permit its
services and the interest which he had shown in the affairs of the partnership?" I decide in a negative sense; he is not; by express conclusion in the firm name. (Art. 148, par. 3.) However, in a
partnership, giving him in place of a fixed salary a proportionate part provision of the law he cannot be held to be liable, save, of course, collective partnership the liability is not limited to the funds or property
of the profits of the business. Article 269 of the Code of Commerce of and agreement to the contrary, which in such case would be a special contributed, but extends to all the property which partners may own
1829 relates to this subject and apparently provides that such law, and would set aside the general law. within or without the copartnership.
partners shall not be liable for debts. If this article was the basis for
Dr. Benito's view, it can be so no longer, for it does not appear in the The basis for the contrary opinion and decision is article 127 of the In every mercantile copartnership it is the corporate capital that
present code. We held in the case of Fortis vs. Gutirrez Hermanos (6 Code of Commerce: responds for the obligations of the same; this is elemental. The
Phil. Rep., 100) that a mere agreement of that kind does not make members of a joint stock, a limited, or a collective company respond
the employee a partner. All the members of the general co-partnership, be they or be they not with their capital for the obligations of the association; in the joint
managing partners of the same, are personally and in solidum liable stock concerns, with their shares; in the limited class, with the amount
An examination of the works of Manresa and Sanchez Roman on the with all their property for the results of the transactions made in the contributed; in the collective, with their constituted capital. An
Civil Code, and of Blanco's Mercantile Law, will shows that no one of name and for the account of the partnership, under the signature of industrial partner, with what principal sum, share, or quota in the
these mentions in any way the irregular general partnership spoken the latter, and by a person authorized to make use thereof. corporate capital does he or can he respond for the obligations of the
of by Dr. Benito, nor is there anything found in any one of these collective partnership? Evidently with none whatever.
commentaries which in any way indicates that an industrial partner is Now, do the words "all the members" found in this article include the
not liable to third persons for the debts of the partnership. An industrial partners? If the capital of the association is exhausted, the extreme case of
examination of the French law will also show that no distinction of that losses incurred by the company arises, and third persons cannot
kind is therein anywhere made and nothing can be found therein At first it would appear that they do. In order to complete such recover the amount of the obligations of the company from the
which indicates that the industrial partners are not liable for the debts reasoning the following premise will be sufficient: That the industrial corporate capital, because the latter is sufficient to recover them.
of the partnership. (Fuzier-Herman, Repertoire de Droit Francais, vol. partners from the collective partnership; therefore the industrial Shareholders in the case of a joint stock company, beyond the value
34, pp. 256, 361, 510, and 512.) partners are personally and jointly liable with all their property for the of their stock, have no longer to think of any ulterior subsidiary

Page 5 of 19
responsibility. Neither do the partners of a limited company. In either property belonging to the company, obligations in favor of third wherein, as article 122 reads, all the members in a collective name
case the partners are only liable to the extent of their corporate persons are covered by the primary and direct responsibility of the and under a firm name bind themselves to participate in the
capital. Collective partners have to respond not only with their company; the question arises when the assets of the company are proportion which they may establish with the same rights and
corporate capital but also with the whole of their property outside of exhausted and it becomes necessary to appeal to the ulterior or obligations." "And irregular, those wherein one or more members
the association. And it is desired that the industrial partner who, in a subsidiary liability of the private property of the partners; in this case who, though not contributing toward the company with anything but
collective copartnership, did not primarily respond with his corporate such obligations constitute the extreme losses in the liquidation of the their industry, participate in the profits in the manner agreed to in the
capital, because he had none, shall subsidiary respond with such company. articles of association or as determined by law, and ordinarily do not
property as he may have outside of the company, and with which share in the losses which the copartnership may sustain. Such
nobody, either within or without the copartnership, had counted upon, The case at bar could only thus be set forth: Should an industrial members are called industrial partners, and the collective
since both inside and outside of the company his industry or work partner be responsible for such losses, for such obligations in favor of copartnership having a member of said class is also sometimes
only had been reckoned with. Therefore, the word all, of article 127 third persons? Article 141 expressly states that he shall not. In order called an association of capital and industry.
cited above, simply denoted the extent of the ulterior or subsidiary to state the contrary it would be necessary to appeal to
responsibility, and that which does not appear, which does not discriminations in the wording of said article; and this is neither This is what the law says (he continues), but it has not been very
materially exist, can hardly be made to apply. permitted where the law does not make them nor would they lead to fortunate in sketching the characters of a regular collective
anything after all. In the aforesaid article 237 the corroboration of the partnership (since in conclusion it says nothing in reference to the
An industrial partner cannot engage in transactions of any class word all of article 127 may be found: "The private property of the irregular partnership), because precisely the collective name and the
whatever, otherwise he would be subject to serious consequences general partners which is not included in the assets of the corporate name are applicable to both the collective and the limited
(art. 138), while a capitalist partner, as a rule, may so engage without copartnership," differing from such as were included, cannot seized companies; and as to the covenant entered into by the partners to
extending profits or liabilities to the company (arts. 134 and 136); an for the payment of obligations contracted by the copartnership, until participate in the proportion which they may establish with the same
industrial partner, as regards profits, can only receive in the after the common assets have been attached; after such attachment rights and obligations, this is inherent to all partnerships without
distribution the same amount as the partner who contributed the all the assets, according to article 127, such as were included, and distinction as to class. What characterizes this partnership is that all
smallest amount of capital (art. 140); in the case at bar, one-eighth those that were not included, in this order, shall be subject to the the members, "with the exception of the industrial partners," are
goes to each of the two industrial partners, three-fourths being for the results of the transactions of the copartnership. An industrial partner jointly responsible and with all their property for the corporate
capitalist, and even at the expiration of the copartnership they run the has not contributed any property whatever; he therefore offers no obligations.
risk of having the one-eighth of the profits earned in former years subject for the principal and direct seizure when the assets of the
absorbed by a total loss incurred during the last year of the contract copartnership are attached. How is it possible to conceive any 4. That the code in force, by means of three articles, 138, 140, and
of copartnership; and it is claimed that such industrial partner, so ulterior, subsidiary, indirect responsibility over the property which it 141, among those which regulate collective partnerships, has
much delayed with regard to profits, who has not the same rights, was not even thought to be included, since he only contributed to the involved this association of capital and industry; whence irregularity
shall be under the same obligations as regards obligations because company his industry and work, not property of any class whatever? necessarily arises; the irregularity of such an irregular system is that
he is a collective partner? This seems neither just nor logical. It seems very anomalous that one who has not obligated himself in in a collective partnership wherein, besides the element property,
the least should be responsible or the greater part, that he who is not common or generic to the three aforesaid classes, there appears this
And it is not so. Article 141 "Losses shall be comprehended within the explicit terms should be included by one, to wit, industry, a special features only in collective partnerships,
charged in the same proportion among the partners who have implication, and that he who pledge nothing should be held to according to the system of the code.
contributed capital, without including" the industrial partners (since respond with his property.
they have not the same rights), and they should not be included Had the system adopted by the codes of Portugal, Brazil, and the
therein nor in the corporation of the partner who contributed the As to the nature of the defendant company in this action, I take it to Argentine Republic been followed, a different classification would
smallest capital, simply for the reason that the industrial partner has be: have been made of the association of capital and industry which,
nothing to lose, he not having contributed anything which the according to the last of the codes cited, is properly characterized by
company may lose when the losses of the copartnership are 1. That the defendant company is really a collective one such as is means of the following articles:
considered, either among the partners thereof or with regard to third described in the Code of Commerce; the firm of "F. Muñoz & Sons"
persons. and the terms of the articles of association prove it so beyond all 435. Habilitacion or association of capital and industry is the name
doubt. given to the partnership formed on the one part by one or more
There need be no distinction made between obligations and losses. persons who furnish funds for a general business, or for some
During the existence of a company the gains or the losses are set off 2. That it is a regular collective company; the word regular means, as particular commercial transaction, and on the other part by one or
the one against the other, and the difference is either in favor of or employed in the Code of Commerce, that the collective company is more individuals who join the copartnership with their industry alone.
against the concern. As to the industrial partner, in connection with the rule, the standard in all commercial associations, the one
the question submitted, it is not a matter of striking a balance from combining all the effects which are consequent upon this form of 438. The obligation of the partners who furnished capital is in
time to time, but one of the final adjustment of assets and liabilities, convention; and the limited and the joint-stock companies are the solidum, and extends beyond the capital contributed by them to the
because the matter under discussion refers only to his private exception. concern.
property, which has nothing to do with the company nor with losses in
liquidating the same. Article 127 is affected by article 237: "The 3. That it is not irrelevant in view of the manner in which the present 439. The articles of association, besides the requirements contained
private property of the general partners which is not included in the Code of Commerce, like the former one of 1829, has defined the in article 395, must specify the obligations of the industrial partner or
assets of the copartnership when it is established cannot be seized collective company, that such a distinguished professor of law as partners and the share in the profits to which they are entitled in the
for the payment of the obligations contracted by the copartnership Doctor Lorenzo de Benito should have established in his "Lessons on apportionment.
until after the common assets have been attached." And such Mercantile Law" a difference between the regular collective
condition is stated in the majority decision. As long as there is associations and irregular collective companies; "regular are those

Page 6 of 19
In the absence of such declaration, the industrial partner shall draw obligated for the result of the transactions which should be charged to It appears from the record that Whitcomb never knew the plaintiff,
from the profits a share equal to those of the partner who furnished the copartnership . . . . From the general rule which we have just set never had anything to do with personally, and that the plaintiff's
the smallest capital. up the industrial partners who contract no obligation to secure the contract was with Freeman, the managing partner of the laundry. It
liabilities of the company should be excepted, unless there be an further appears from the record that Pierce, after he sold his interest
440. An industrial partner cannot contract on behalf of the partnership express covenant to the contrary." (Art. 319 of the code of 1829, in this laundry to Whitcomb, continued to look after Whitcomb's
nor is he obligated with his own property toward the creditors of the identical with art. 141 of the code now in force.) interest by authority of the latter.
During almost half a century no obligation has been raised by the Articles 17 and 119 of the Code of Commerce provide:
Nevertheless, if besides his industry he should contribute some professors of law, the press, or the bar, to this doctrine regarding the
capital toward the company either in money or thing of value, the exemption, not merely with respect to losses but to company Art. 17. The record in the commercial registry shall be optional for
association shall then be considered as a collective one, and the obligations of the industrial partner, on the suppositions, which I do private merchants and compulsory for associations established in
industrial partner, whatever might have been stipulated, shall respond not admit, as already shown, that it may be possible to discriminate accordance with this code or with special laws, and for vessels.
in solidum. between losses and obligations in connection with an industrial
partner, for whom there are none but the final losses, such as absorb Art. 119 Every commercial association before beginning business
In my opinion it cannot be denied that there is no substantial the assets of the company, which cannot be otherwise than shall be obliged to record its establishment, agreements, and
difference between the three articles of our code and those outstanding obligations in favor of third parties inasmuch as, so long conditions in a public instrument, which shall be presented for record
transcribed from that of the Argentine Republic as regards the rights as there are company assets, no recourse can be held to the private in the commercial registry, in accordance with the provisions of article
and obligations of industrial partners in conjunction with partners who property of any partner. 17.
furnish capital; there is no difference except in the system, the code
of the Argentine Republic dealing with this class of association of Additional instrument which modify or alter in any manner whatsoever
capital and industry separately from the only three defined in our the original contracts of the association are subject to the same
code, all of them of capital only or essentially of partners who furnish formalities, in accordance with the provisions of article 25.
capital. Therefore, as said code has an article almost literally identical
with article 127 of our code, this question cannot possibly arise in that 4DIETRICH vs. FREEMAN Partners cannot make private agreements, but all must appear in the
country. That code contains article 454, which reads: "All those who G.R. No. L-6252 January 28, 1911 articles of copartnership.
form a collective commercial company, whether managing the In the organization of this partnership by Freeman and Whitcomb the
corporate funds or not, are obligated in solidum (with all their This action was brought against O.K. Freeman, James L. Pierce, and above provisions of law were not complied with; that is, no formal
property, as our code would state) for the results of the transactions Burton Whitcomb, as owners and operators of the Manila Steam partnership was ever entered into by them, notwithstanding the fact
made in the name and for account of the partnership," etc. To the Laundry, to recover the sum of P952 alleged to be the balance due that they were engaged in the operation of this laundry.
question, Do the words "all the partners" found in said article include the plaintiff for services performed during the period from January 9, The purpose for which this partnership was entered into by Freeman
the industrial partners? undoubtedly the answer would be no. 1907, to December 31, 1908. Judgment was rendered in favor of the and Whitcomb show clearly that such partnership was not a
plaintiff and against Freeman and Whitcomb, jointly and severally, for commercial one; hence the provisions of the Civil Code and not the
And it would not suffice to say that the above article of the code of the the sum of P752, with interest at the rate of 6 per cent per annum Code of Commerce must govern in determining the liability of the
Argentine Republic, namely, "on collective copartnership," involves from the 27th day of August, 1909, and the costs of the cause. The partners. (Manresa, vol. 1, p. 184; Aramburo, Civil Capacity, 407,
no section which may refer to industrial partners, and that, therefore, complaint as to Pierce was dismissed, Whitcomb alone appealing. 432; Prautch vs. Hernandez, 1 Phil. Rep., 705; and Co Pitco vs. Yulo,
there can be no question as to the words "all the members;" it is 8 Phil. Rep., 544.)
because, by reason of the nature thereof, whether under one system When the plaintiff was first employed on the 9th of January, 1907, this
or another, the provisions and the principles being identical, the steam laundry was owned and operated by Freeman and Pierce. In support of the second assignment of error our attention has been
conclusions cannot otherwise than identical. In a copartnership, and Pierce, on the 18th of January, 1907, sold all of his right, title, and called to the cases of Hung-Man-Yoc vs. Kieng-Chiong-Seng (6 Phil.
as the result of the obligations thereunder, an industrial partner interest in the said laundry to Whitcomb, who, together with Freeman, Rep., 498); Ang Quian Cieg vs. Te Chico (12 Phil. Rep., 533); Bourns
cannot lose except what he has actually contributed thereto for a then became the owners of this laundry and continued to operate the vs. Carman (7 Phil. Rep., 117). In the first of these cases the
limited or an unlimited purpose, subject ultimately to company or same as long as the plaintiff was employed. partnership was a mercantile one, as it was engaged in the
personal obligations; this is all that law and logic may demand of him; importation of goods for sale at a profit. This was also true in the
anything else would not come under the law, but may be demanded The trial court found that the balance due the plaintiff for services second case. In neither of these cases were the provisions of articles
of him by reason of his express covenant, because he has consented performed amounted to the sum of P752. This finding is fully 17 and 119 of the Code of Commerce complied with. Those
to something beyond the character and the effects of the contract of supported by the evidence of record. partnerships, although commercial, were not organized in accordance
partnership of capital and industry entered into by him, called with the provisions of the Code of Commerce as expressed in those
collective; nothing else has been the subject of his consent and Counsel for the appellant Whitcomb now insists - articles. In determining the liability of the partners in these cases the
obligation. court, after making the finding of facts, was governed by the
1. That the court erred in giving, jointly and severally, a judgment provisions of article 120 of the Commercial Code. In the last case
Manuel Duran y Bas, a former professor of the University of against Freeman and Whitcomb for any sum whatever; and cited the partnership was one of cuentas en participacion. "A
Barcelona, in his addition to the work of Marti de Eixala, which is so chanrobles virtual law library partnership," quoting from the syllabus in this case, "constituted in
generally and specially consulted in that eminently commercial and such a manner that its existence was only known to those who had
industrial city, has offered no remarks to the original text of said work 2. That the court erred in holding the appellant Whitcomb liable. an interest in the same, there being no mutual agreement between
which establish as an elemental doctrine that "When the the partners, and without a corporate name indicating to the public in
copartnership is purely a collective one, each of its members is jointly some way that there were other people besides the one who

Page 7 of 19
ostensibly managed and conducted the business, is exactly the procedure of an extrajudicial foreclosure came by dint of brazen Syjuco moved for new trial to enable it to present additional evidence
accidental partnership of cuentas en participacion defined in article forum shopping and other devious maneuvering to grow into a to overthrow the finding of usury, and the Court ordered the case
239 of the Code of Commerce." veritable thicket of litigation from which the mortgagee has been reopened for that purpose. The Lims tried to negate that order of
trying to extricate itself for the last twenty years. reopening in the Court of Appeals, the proceedings being docketed
In a partnership of cuentas en participacion, under the provisions of as CA-G.R. No. 00242-R. They failed. The Court of Appeals upheld
article 242 of the Code of Commerce, those who contract with the Back in November 1964, Eugenio Lim, for and in his own behalf and the Trial Court. The Lims then sought to nullify this action of the
person in whose name the business of such a partnership was as attorney-in-fact of his mother, the widow Maria Moreno (now Appellate Court; towards that end, they filed with this Court a petition
conducted shall have only the right of action against such person and deceased) and of his brother Lorenzo, together with his other for certiorari and prohibition, docketed as G.R. No. L-34683. But here,
not against other persons interested. So this case is easily brothers, Aramis, Mario and Paulino, and his sister, Nila, all too, they failed; their petition was dismissed.8
distinguished from the case at bar, in that the one did not have the hereinafter collectively called the Lims, borrowed from petitioner
corporate name while the other was known as the Manila Steam Santiago Syjuco, Inc. (hereinafter, Syjuco only) the sum of Thereafter, and on the basis of the additional evidence adduced by
Laundry. P800,000.00. The loan was given on the security of a first mortgage Syjuco on remand of the case from this Court, the Trial Court
on property registered in the names of said borrowers as owners in promulgated an amended decision on August 16, 1972, reversing its
The plaintiff was employed by and performed services for the Manila common under Transfer Certificates of Title Numbered 75413 and previous holding that usury had flawed the Lims' loan obligation. It
Steam Laundry and was not employed by nor did he perform services 75415 of the Registry of Deeds of Manila. Thereafter additional loans declared that the principal of said obligation indeed amounted to
for Freeman alone. The public did not deal with Freeman and on the same security were obtained by the Lims from Syjuco, so that P2,460,000.00, exclusive of interest at the rate of 12% per annum
Whitcomb personally, but with the Manila Steam Laundry. These two as of May 8, 1967, the aggregate of the loans stood at from November 8, 1967, and, that obligation being already due, the
partners were doing business under this name and, as we have said, P2,460,000.00, exclusive of interest, and the security had been defendants (Syjuco and the Sheriff of Manila) could proceed with the
it was not a commercial partnership. Therefore, by the express augmented by bringing into the mortgage other property, also extrajudicial foreclosure of the mortgage given to secure its
provisions of articles 1698 and 1137 of the Civil Code the partners registered as owned pro indiviso by the Lims under two titles: TCT satisfaction.9
are not liable individually for the entire amount due the plaintiff. The Nos. 75416 and 75418 of the Manila Registry.
liability is pro rata and in this case the appellant is responsible to the 2. APPEAL FROM CIVIL CASE NO. 75180; CA-G.R. NO. 51752;
plaintiff for only one-half of the debt. There is no dispute about these facts, nor about the additional G.R. NO. L-45752
circumstance that as stipulated in the mortgage deed the obligation
For these reasons the judgment of the court below is reversed and matured on November 8, 1967; that the Lims failed to pay it despite On September 9, 1972, Atty. Paterno R. Canlas entered his
judgment entered in favor of the plaintiff and against the defendant demands therefor; that Syjuco consequently caused extra-judicial appearance in Civil Case No. 75180 as counsel for the Lims in
Whitcomb for the sum of P376, with interest as fixed by the court proceedings for the foreclosure of the mortgage to be commenced by collaboration with Atty. Raul Correa, and on the same date appealed
below. No costs will be allowed either party in this court. the Sheriff of Manila; and that the latter scheduled the auction sale of to the Court of Appeals from the amended decision of August 16,
the mortgaged property on December 27, 1968. 1 The attempt to 1972. 10 In that appeal, which was docketed as CA G.R. No. 51752,
A motion was filed on the 22nd of August, 1910, by O'Brien and De foreclose triggered off a legal battle that has dragged on for more Messrs. Canlas and Correa prayed that the loans be declared
Witt, asking this court to strike from the record certain allegations in than twenty years now, fought through five (5) cases in the trial usurious; that the principal of the loans be found to be in the total
the printed brief of counsel for the appellee. These allegations are as courts, 2 two (2) in the Court of Appeals, 3 and three (3) more in this amount of Pl,269,505.00 only, and the interest thereon fixed at only
follows: "Does the receipt bear the earmarks of newly discovered Court, 4 with the end only now in sight. 6% per annum from the filing of the complaint; and that the mortgage
evidence? Or of newly manufactured evidence?" These questions be also pronounced void ab initio.
were directed against O'Brien, one of the counsel for appellant in this 1. CIVIL CASE NO. 75180, CFI MANILA, BR.5; CA-G.R. NO. 00242-
case, and were intended to have the court believe that O'Brien had R; G.R. NO. L-34683 The appeal met with no success. In a decision promulgated on
manufactured the receipt referred to. There is nothing in this record October 25,1976, the Court of Appeals affirmed in toto the Trial
which shows that O'Brien did falsify or manufacture the receipt. To stop the foreclosure, the Lims — through Atty. Marcial G. Court's amended decision.
These questions are clearly impertinent. It is our duty to keep our Mendiola, who was later joined by Atty. Raul Correa — filed Civil
records clean and free from such unwarranted statements. It is, Case No. 75180 on December 24,1968 in the Court of First Instance The Lims came to this Court seeking reversal of the appellate Court's
therefore, ordered that the same be stricken from the record. So of Manila (Branch 5). In their complaint they alleged that their decision. However, their petition for review-filed in their behalf by
ordered. mortgage was void, being usurious for stipulating interest of 23% on Canlas, and Atty. Pio R. Marcos, and docketed as G.R. No. L-45752-
top of 11 % that they had been required to pay as "kickback." An was denied for lack of merit in a minute resolution dated August 5,
5SANTIAGO SYJUCO, INC. vs. CASTRO order restraining the auction sale was issued two days later, on 1977. The Lims' motion for reconsideration was denied and entry of
G.R. No. 70403 July 7, 1989 December 26,1968, premised inter alia on the Lims' express waiver judgment was made on September 24,1977. 13 Here the matter
of "their rights to the notice and re-publication of the notice of sale should have ended; it marked only the beginning of Syjuco's travails.
This case may well serve as a textbook example of how judicial which may be conducted at some future date." 5
processes, designed to promote the swift and efficient disposition of 3. CIVIL CASE NO.112762, CFI MANILA BRANCH 9
disputes at law, can be so grossly abused and manipulated as to On November 25,1970, the Court of First Instance (then presided
produce precisely the opposite result; how they can be utilized by over by Judge Conrado M. Vasquez 6 rendered judgment finding that Syjuco then resumed its efforts to proceed with the foreclosure. It
parties with small scruples to forestall for an unconscionably long usury tained the mortgage without, however, rendering it void, caused the auction sale of the mortgaged property to be scheduled
time so essentially simple a matter as making the security given for a declaring the amount due to be only Pl,136,235.00 and allowing the on December 20, 1977, only to be frustrated again by another action
just debt answer for its payment. foreclosure to proceed for satisfaction of the obligation reckoned at filed by the Lims on December 19, 1977, docketed as Civil Case No.
only said amount .7 112762 of the Court of First Instance of Manila. 14 The action sought
The records of the present proceedings and of two other cases to stop the sale on the ground that the notice of foreclosure had not
already decided by this Court expose how indeed the routine been republished; this, notwithstanding that as earlier stressed, the

Page 8 of 19
restraining order of December 26, 1968 issued in Civil Case No certain other, incidents arising and remaining unresolved on account
75180 explicitly declared itself to be predicated on the Lims' waiver of of numerous postponements. Twelve (12) days after the Lims were served, as above mentioned,
"their rights to the notice and republication of the notice of sale which with notice of this Court's judgment in G.R. No. 56014, or on October
may be conducted at some future date." 15 An order restraining the 5. G.R. No. L-56014 14,1982, they caused the filing with the Regional Trial Court of
sale issued in the case, although the petition for preliminary injunction Quezon City of still another action, the third, also designed, like the
was subsequently denied. A supplemental complaint was also filed by Finally, on January 28, 1981, Syjuco betook itself to this Court, first two, to preclude enforcement of the mortgage held by Syjuco.
the Lims seeking recovery of some Pl million in damages allegedly presumably no longer disposed to await Judge Tecson's pleasure or
suffered by reason of said lack of republication. 16 the Lims' convenience. It filed a petition for certiorari and prohibition, This time the complaint was presented, not in their individual names,
docketed as G.R. No. L-56014, alleging that in Civil Case No. 75180, but in the name of a partnership of which they themselves were the
4. CIVIL CASE NO. 75180 Judge Tecson had gravely abused discretion in: only partners: "Heirs of Hugo Lim." The complaint advocated the
theory that the mortgage which they, together with their mother, had
That very same claim — that there had been no republication of the (1) unreasonably delaying the foreclosure of the mortgage; individually constituted (and thereafter amended during the period
notice of sale, which was the foundation of the Lims' action in Civil from 1964 to 1967) over lands standing in their names in the Property
Case No. 112762 as aforesaid — was made by the Lims the basis of (2) entertaining the Lims' motion to discharge said mortgage Registry as owners pro indiviso, in fact no longer belonged to them at
an urgent motion filed on December 15, 1977 in Civil Case No. grounded on the theory that it had been superseded and novated by that time, having been earlier deeded over by them to the
75180, in which, as earlier narrated, the judgement authorizing the the Lims' act of filing the bond required by Judge Tecson in partnership, "Heirs of Hugo Lim", more precisely, on March 30, 1959,
foreclosure had been affirmed by both the Court of Appeals and this connection with the postponement of the foreclosure sale, and hence, said mortgage was void because executed by them without
Court, and had become final and executory. And that motion sought unreasonably delaying resolution of the issue; and authority from the partnership.
exactly the same remedy prayed for in Civil Case No. 112762 (filed
by the Lims four [4] days later, on December 19, 1977), i.e., the (3) authorizing the Lims to negotiate and consummate the private The complaint was signed by a lawyer other than Atty. Canlas, but
prevention of the auction sale. The Court -- Branch 5, then presided sale of the mortgaged property and motu proprio extending the period the records disclose that Atty. Canlas took over as counsel as of
over by Judge Jose H. Tecson — granted the restraining order on granted the Lims for the purpose, in disregard of the final and November 4,1982. The case, docketed as Civil Case No. Q-39295,
December 19, 1977, 17 the very same day that the Lims commenced executory judgment rendered in the case. was assigned to Branch 35 of the Quezon City Regional Trial Court,
Civil Case No. 112762 in the same Court and in which subsequent then presided over by Judge Jose P. Castro.
action they asked for and obtained a similar restraining order. By judgment rendered on September 21, 1982, after due
proceedings, this Court 22 issued the writ prayed for and nullified the Judge Castro issued a restraining order on October 15, 1982. Then,
The Lims' counsel thus brought about the anomalous situation of two orders and actuations of Judge Tecson in Civil Case No. 75180. The Sheriff Perfecto G. Dalangin submitted a return of summons to the
(2) restraining orders directed against the same auction sale, based judgment declared that: effect that on December 6, 1982 he —
on the same ground, issued by different courts having cognizance of
two (2) separate proceedings instituted for identical objectives. This (1) the republication by Syjuco of the notice of foreclosure sale .. served personally and left a copy of summons together with a copy
situation lasted for all of three (3) years, despite the republication of rendered the complaint in Civil Case No. 112762 moot and academic; of Complaint and its annexes x x upon defendant's office formerly at
the notice of sale caused by Syjuco in January, 1978 in an effort to hence, said case could not operate to bar the sale; 313 Quirino Ave., Paranaque, Metro-Manila and now at 407 Dona
end all dispute about the matter, and despite Judge Tecson's having Felisa Syjuco Building, Remedios St., corner Taft Avenue, Manila,
been made aware of Civil Case No. 112762. It should have been (2) the Lims' bonds (of P 6 million and P 3 million), having by the through the Manager, a person of sufficient age and discretion duly
apparent to Judge Tecson that there was nothing more to be done in terms thereof been given to guarantee payment of damages to authorized to receive service of such nature, but who refused to
Civil Case No. 75180 except to enforce the judgment, already final Syjuco and the Sheriff of Manila resulting from the suspension of the accept service and signed receipt thereof.26
and executory, authorizing the extrajudicial foreclosure of the auction sale, could not in any sense and from any aspect have the
mortgage, a judgment sanctioned, to repeat, by both the Court of effect of superseding the mortgage or novating it; A vaguer return will be hard to find. It is impossible to discern from it
Appeals and the Supreme Court; that there was in truth no need for where precisely the summons was served, whether at Quirino
another publication of the notice since the Lims had precisely waived (3) in fact, the bonds had become worthless when, as shown by the Avenue, Paranaque, or Taft Avenue, Manila; and it is inexplicable
such republication, this waiver having been the condition under which record, the bondsman's authority to transact non-life insurance that the name of the person that the sheriff had been able to identify
they had earlier obtained an order restraining the first scheduled sale; business in the Philippines was not renewed, for cause, as of July 1, as the manager is not stated, the latter being described merely as "a
that, in any event, the republication effected by Syjuco had removed 1981. person of sufficient age and discretion." In any event, as it was to
the only asserted impediment to the holding of the same; and that, claim later, Syjuco asserts that it was never so served with summons,
finally, the Lims were acting in bad faith: they were maintaining The decision consequently decreed that the Sheriff of Manila should or with any other notice, pleading, or motion relative to the case, for
proceedings in two (2) different courts for essentially the same relief. proceed with the mortgage sale, there being no further impediment that matter.
18 Incredibly, not only did Judge Tecson refuse to allow the holding thereto
of the auction sale, as was the only just and lawful course indicated On February 10, 1983, Atty. Canlas filed an ex-parte motion to
by the circumstances, 19 he authorized the Lims to sell the Notice of the decision was served on the Lims, through Atty. Canlas, declare Syjuco in default. The order of default issued the next day,
mortgaged property in a private sale,20 with the evident intention that on October 2, 1982. A motion for reconsideration was filed, 24 but the also directing the plaintiff partnership to present evidence ex parte
the proceeds of the sale, which he directed to be deposited in court, same was denied with finality for lack of merit and entry of final within three (3) days. On February 22, 1983, judgment by default was
would be divided between Syjuco and the Lims; this, in line with the judgment was made on March 22,1983. rendered, declaring void the mortgage in question because executed
patently specious theory advocated by the Lims' counsel that the by the Lims without authority from the partnership which was and had
bond flied by them for the postponement of the sale, set at P6 million 6. THE SECRET ACTION CIVIL CASE NO. Q-36845 OF THE been since March 30,1959 the exclusive owner of the mortgaged
by the Court (later increased by P 3 million) had superseded and REGIONAL TRIAL COURT, QUEZON CITY, JUDGE JOSE P. property, and making permanent an injunction against the foreclosure
caused novation of the mortgage. 21 The case lay fallow for a year, CASTRO, PRESIDING sale that had issued on January 14,1983. 27 Service of notice of the

Page 9 of 19
default judgment was, according to the return of the same Sheriff 19018 and Civil Case No. 39294, Regional Trial Courts of Manila and
Perfecto Dalangin, effected on the following day, February 23, 1983. Quezon City. ... " 31 8. G.R.NO.L-70403; THE PROCEEDING AT BAR
His return is a virtual copy of his earlier one regarding service of
summons: it also states the place of service as the defendant's office, 7. RE-ACTIVATION OF CIVIL CASE NO. Q-36485, RTC, Q For the third time Syjuco is now before this Court on the same matter.
either at its former location, 313 Quirino Avenue, Paranaque, or at the QUEZON CITY, BRANCH XXXV It filed on April 3, 1985 the instant petition for certiorari, prohibition
later address, 407 Dona Felisa, Syjuco Building, Taft Avenue, Manila; and mandamus. It prays in its petition that the default judgment
and it also fails to identify the person on whom service was made, Upon the dismissal of Civil Case No. 39294, Syjuco once more rendered against it by Judge Castro in said Civil Case No. Q-36485
describing him only as "the clerk or person in charge" of the office. 28 resumed its efforts to effect the mortgage sale which had already be annulled on the ground of lack of service of summons, res judicata
been stymied for more than fifteen (15) years. At its instance, the and laches, and failure of the complaint to state a cause of action;
Unaccountably, and contrary to what might be expected from the sheriff once again set a date for the auction sale. But on the date of that the sheriff be commanded to proceed with the foreclosure of the
rapidity with which it was decided-twelve (12) days from February 10, the sale, a letter of Atty. Canlas was handed to the sheriff drawing mortgage on the property covered by Transfer Certificates of Title
1983, when the motion to declare defendant Syjuco in default was attention to the permanent injunction of the sale embodied in the Numbered 75413, 75415, 75416 and 75418 of the Manila Registry;
filed-the case was afterwards allowed by Atty. Canlas to remain judgment by default rendered by Judge Castro in Civil Case No. Q- and that the respondents the Lims, Judge Castro, the Sheriff and the
dormant for seventeen (17) months. He made no effort to have the 36485. 32 Syjuco lost no time in inquiring about Civil Case No. Q- Register of Deeds of Manila, the partnership known as "Heirs of Hugo
judgment executed, or to avail of it in other actions instituted by him 36485, and was very quickly made aware of the judgment by default Lim," and Atty. Paterno R. Canlas, counsel for-the Lims and their
against Syjuco. The judgment was not to be invoked until sometime therein promulgated and the antecedent events leading thereto. It partnership-be perpetually enjoined from taking any further steps to
in or after July, 1984, again to stop the extrajudicial mortgage sale was also made known that on July 9, 1984, Judge Castro had prevent the foreclosure.
scheduled at or about that time at the instance of Syjuco, as shall ordered execution of the judgment; that Judge Castro had on July 16,
presently be recounted. 1984 granted Atty. Canlas' motion to declare cancelled the titles to The comment filed for the respondents by Atty. Canlas in substance
the Lims' mortgaged properties and as nun and void the annotation of alleged that (a) Syjuco was validly served with summons in Civil Case
7. Other Actions in the Interim: the mortgage and its amendments on said titles, and to direct the No. Q-36485, hence, that the decision rendered by default therein
Register of Deeds of Manila to issue new titles, in lieu of the old, in was also valid and, having been also duly served on said petitioner,
a. CIVIL CASE No. 83-19018, RTC MANILA the name of the partnership, "Heirs of Hugo Lim." 33 became final by operation of law after the lapse of the reglementary
appeal period; (b) finality of said decision removed the case from the
While the Lims, through their partnership ("Heirs of Hugo Lim"), were On July 17,1984, Syjuco filed in said Civil Case No. Q-36485 a jurisdiction of the trial court, which was powerless to entertain and act
prosecuting their action in the sala of Judge Castro, as above motion for reconsideration of the decision and for dismissal of the on the motion for reconsideration and motion to dismiss; (c) the
narrated, Syjuco once again tried to proceed with the foreclosure action, alleging that it had never been served with summons; that petition was in effect an action to annul a judgment, a proceeding
after entry of judgment had been made in G.R. No. 56014 on March granting arguendo that service had somehow been made, it had within the original jurisdiction of the Court of Appeals; (d) the plea of
22, 1983. It scheduled the auction sale on July 30, 1983. But once never received notice of the decision and therefore the same had not res judicata came too late because raised after the decision had
again it was frustrated. Another obstacle was put up by the Lims and and could not have become final; and that the action should be already become final; moreover, no Identity of parties existed
their counsel, Atty. Canlas. This was Civil Case No. 83-19018 of the dismissed on the ground of bar by prior judgment premised on the between the cases invoked, on the one hand, and Civil Case No. Q-
Manila Regional Trial Court. The case was filed to stop the sale on final decisions of the Supreme Court in G.R. No. L-45752 and G.R. 36485, on the other, the parties in the former being the Lims in their
the theory that what was sought to be realized from the sale was No. 56014. personal capacities and in the latter, the Lim Partnership, a separate
much in excess of the judgment in Civil Case No. 75180, and that and distinct juridical entity; and the pleaded causes of action being
there was absence of the requisite notice. It is significant that the Two other motions by Syjuco quickly followed. The first, dated July different, usury in the earlier cases and authority of the parties to
judgment by default rendered by Judge Castro in Civil Case No. Q- 20, 1984, prayed for abatement of Judge Castro's order decreeing encumber partnership property in the case under review; (e) the plea
36485 was not asserted as additional ground to support the cause of the issuance of new certificates of title over the mortgaged lands in of laches also came too late, not having been invoked in the lower
action. Be this as it may, a restraining order was issued on July the name of the plaintiff partnership. 34 The second, filed on July 24, court; and (f) the property involved constituted assets of the Lim
20,1983 in said Civil Case No. 83-9018. 29 1984, was a supplement to the motion to dismiss earlier filed, partnership, being registered as such with the Securities and
asserting another ground for the dismissal of the action, i.e., failure to Exchange Commission.
b. CIVIL CASE NO. Q-32924, RTC QUEZON CITY state a cause of action, it appearing that the mortgaged property
remained registered in the names of the individual members of the On his own behalf Atty. Canlas submitted that he had no knowledge
What the outcome of this case, No. 83-19018, is not clear. What is Lim family notwithstanding that the property had supposedly been of the institution of Civil Case No. Q-36485 (though he admitted being
certain is (1) that the auction sale was re-scheduled for September conveyed to the plaintiff partnership long before the execution of the collaborating counsel in said case); that he did not represent the Lims
20, 1983, (2) that it was aborted because the Lims managed to obtain mortgage and its amendments,-and that even assuming ownership of in all their cases against Syjuco, having been counsel for the former
still another restraining order in another case commenced by their the property by the partnership, the mortgage executed by all the only since 1977, not for the last seventeen years as claimed by
lawyer, Atty. Canlas: Civil Case No. Q-32924 of the Court of First partners was valid and binding under Articles 1811 and 1819 of the Syjuco; and that he had no duty to inform opposing counsel of the
Instance of Quezon City, grounded on the proposition that the Civil Code.35 pendency of Civil Case No. Q-36485. 37
publication of the notice of sale was defective; and (3) that the action
was dismissed by the Regional Trial Court on February 3, 1984. 30 The motions having been opposed in due course by the plaintiff Respondent Judge Castro also filed a comment disclaiming
partnership, they remained pending until January 31, 1985 when knowledge of previous controversies regarding the mortgaged
No other salient details about these two (2) cases are available in the Syjuco moved for their immediate resolution. Syjuco now claims that property. He asserted that Syjuco had been properly declared in
voluminous records before the Court, except that it was Atty. Canlas Judge Castro never acted on the motions. The latter however states default for having failed to answer the complaint despite service of
who had filed them. He admits having done so unequivocally: "Thus, that that he did issue an order on February 22, 1985 declaring that he summons upon it, and that his decision in said case which was also
the undersigned counsel filed injunction cases in Civil Case No. 83- had lost jurisdiction to act thereon because, petitio principii, his properly served on Syjuco became final when it was not timely
decision had already become final and executory. appealed, after which he lost jurisdiction to entertain the motion for

Page 10 of 19
reconsideration and motion to dismiss. He also denied having failed 117262, upon the single issue of alleged lack of republication, an mocks, subverts and misuses that process for purely dilatory
to act on said motions, adverting to an alleged order of February 22, issue already mooted by the Lims' earlier waiver of republication as a purposes, thus tending to bring it into disrepute, and seriously erodes
1985 where he declared his lack of jurisdiction to act thereon. condition for the issuance of the original restraining order of public confidence in the will and competence of the courts to
December 26,1968 in Civil Case No. 75180, not to mention the fact dispense swift justice.
The respondent Register of Deeds for his part presented a comment that said petitioner had also tried to put an end to it by actually
wherein he stated that by virtue of an order of execution in Civil Case republishing the notice of sale. Upon the facts, the only defense to the foreclosure that could possibly
No. Q-36485, he had cancelled TCTs Nos. 75413, 75415, 75416 and With the advent of 1981, its pleas for early resolution having have merited the full-blown trial and appeal proceedings it actually
75418 of his Registry and prepared new certificates of title in lieu apparently fallen on deaf ears, Syjuco went to this Court (in G.R. No. went through was that of alleged usury pleaded in Civil Case No.
thereof, but that cancellation had been held in abeyance for lack of L-56014) from which, on September 21, 1982, it obtained the 75180 and finally decided against the respondent Lims in G.R. No. L-
certain registration requirements and by reason also of the motion of decision already referred to holding, in fine, that there existed no 45752 in September 1977. The other issues of failure to republish
Syjuco's Atty. Formoso to hold in abeyance enforcement of the trial further impediment to the foreclosure sale and that the sheriff could and discharge of mortgage by guarantee set up in succeeding actions
court's order of July 16, 1984 as well as of the temporary restraining proceed with the same. were sham issues, questions without substance raised only for
order subsequently issued by the Court. purposes of delay by the private respondents, in which they
Said decision, instead of deterring further attempts to derail the succeeded only too well. The claim urged in this latest case: that the
It is time to write finis to this unedifying narrative which is notable foreclosure, apparently gave the signal for the clandestine filing this mortgaged property had been contributed to the respondent
chiefly for the deception, deviousness and trickery which have time — by the Partnership of the Heirs of Hugo Lim -on October partnership and was already property of said partnership when the
marked the private respondents' thus far successful attempts to avoid 14,1982 of Civil Case No. Q-36485, the subject of the present individual Lims unauthorizedly mortgaged it to Syjuco, is of no better
the payment of a just obligation. The record of the present proceeding petition, which for the first time asserted the claim that the mortgaged stripe, and this, too, is clear from the undisputed facts and the legal
and the other records already referred to, which the Court has property had been contributed to the plaintiff partnership long before conclusions to be drawn therefrom.
examined at length, make it clear that the dispute should have been the execution of the Syjuco's mortgage in order to defeat the
laid to rest more than eleven years ago, with entry of judgment of this foreclosure. The record shows that the respondent partnership is composed
Court (on September 24, 1977) in G.R. No. L-45752 sealing the fate exclusively of the individual Lims in whose name all the cases herein
of the Lims' appeal against the amended decision in Civil Case No. Syjuco now maintains that it had no actual knowledge of the referred to, with the sole exception of Civil Case No. Q-36485, were
75180 where they had originally questioned the validity of the existence and pendency of Civil Case No. Q-36485 until confronted, brought and prosecuted, their contribution to the partnership
mortgage and its foreclosure. That result, the records also show, had in the manner already adverted to, with the fait accompli of a "final" consisting chiefly, if not solely, of the property subject of the Syjuco
itself been nine (9) years in coming, Civil Case No. 75180 having judgment with permanent injunction therein, and nothing in the record mortgage. It is also a fact that despite its having been contributed to
been instituted in December 1968 and, after trial and judgment, gone disabuses the Court about the truth of this disclaimer. Indeed, the partnership, allegedly on March 30, 1959, the property was never
through the Court of Appeals (in CA-G.R. No. 00242-R) and this considering what had transpired up to that denouement, it becomes registered with the Register of Deeds in the name of the partnership,
Court (in G.R. No. 34683), both at the instance of the Lims, on the quite evident that actuations of the Lims and their lawyer had been but to this date remains registered in the names of the Lims as
question of reopening before the amended decision could be issued. geared to keeping Syjuco in the dark about said case. Their filing of owners in common. The original mortgage deed of November
two other cases also seeking to enjoin the foreclosure sale (Civil 14,1964 was executed by the Lims as such owners, as were all
Unwilling, however, to concede defeat, the Lims moved (in Civil Case Case No. 83-19018, Regional Trial Court of Manila in July 1983, and subsequent amendments of the mortgage. There can be no dispute
No. 75180) to stop the foreclosure sale on the ground of lack of Civil Case No. Q-32924, Regional Trial Court of Quezon City in that in those circumstances, the respondent partnership was
republication. On December 19,1977 they obtained a restraining September of the same year) after said sale had already been chargeable with knowledge of the mortgage from the moment of its
order in said case, but this notwithstanding, on the very same date permanently enjoined by default judgment in Civil Case No. Q-36485, execution. The legal fiction of a separate juridical personality and
they filed another action (Civil Case No. 117262) in a different branch appears in retrospect to be nothing but a brace of feints calculated to existence will not shield it from the conclusion of having such
of the same Court of First Instance of Manila to enjoin the foreclosure keep Syjuco in that state of ignorance and to lull any apprehensions it knowledge which naturally and irresistibly flows from the undenied
sale on the same ground of alleged lack of republication. At about this mat may have harbored about encountering further surprises from facts. It would violate all precepts of reason, ordinary experience and
time, Syjuco republished the notice of sale in order, as it was later to any other quarter. common sense to propose that a partnership, as commonly known to
manifest, to end all further dispute. all the partners or of acts in which all of the latter, without exception,
Further credence is lent to this appraisal by the unusually rapid have taken part, where such matters or acts affect property claimed
That move met with no success. The Lims managed to persuade the movement of Civil Case No. Q-36485 itself in its earlier stages, which as its own by said partnership.
judge in Civil Case No. 75180, notwithstanding his conviction that the saw the motion to declare Syjuco in default filed, an order of default
amended decision in said case had already become final, not only to issued, evidence ex parte for the plaintiffs received and judgment by If, therefore, the respondent partnership was inescapably chargeable
halt the foreclosure sale but also to authorize said respondents to default rendered, all within the brief span of twelve days, February with knowledge of the mortgage executed by all the partners thereof,
dispose of the mortgaged property at a private sale upon posting a 10-22, 1983. Notice of said judgment was "served" on February 23, its silence and failure to impugn said mortgage within a reasonable
bond of P6,000,000.00 (later increased by P3,000,000.00) to 1983, the day after it was handed down, only to be followed by an time, let alone a space of more than seventeen years, brought into
guarantee payment of Syjuco's mortgage credit. This gave the Lims a unaccountable lull of well over a year before it was ordered executed play the doctrine of estoppel to preclude any attempt to avoid the
convenient excuse for further suspension of the foreclosure sale by on July 9, 1984 — unaccountable, considering that previous flurry of mortgage as allegedly unauthorized.
introducing a new wrinkle into their contentions-that the bond activity, except in the context of a plan to rush the case to judgment
superseded the mortgage which should, they claimed, therefore be and then divert Syjuco's attention to the Lims' moves in other The principles of equitable estoppel, sometimes called estoppel in
discharged instead of foreclosed. directions so as to prevent discovery of the existence of the case until pais, are made part of our law by Art. 1432 of the Civil Code. Coming
it was too late. under this class is estoppel by silence, which obtains here and as to
Thus from the final months of 1977 until the end of 1980, a period of which it has been held that:
three years, Syjuco found itself fighting a legal battle on two fronts: in The Court cannot but condemn in the strongest terms this trifling with
the already finally decided Civil Case No. 75180 and in Civil Case No. the judicial process which degrades the administration of justice,

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... an estoppel may arise from silence as well as from words. The term "conveyance" used in said provision, which is taken from
'Estoppel by silence' arises where a person, who by force of Section 10 of the American Uniform Partnership Act, includes a The first judgment-rendered in Civil Case No. 75180 and affirmed by
circumstances is under a duty to another to speak, refrains from mortgage. both the Court of Appeals (CA-G.R. No. 51752) and this Court (G.R.
doing so and thereby leads the other to believe in the existence of a Interpreting Sec. 10 of the Uniform Partnership Act, it has been held No. L-45752) should therefore have barred all the others, all the
state of facts in reliance on which he acts to his prejudice. Silence that the right to mortgage is included in the right to convey. This is requisites of res judicata being present. The judgment was a final and
may support an estoppel whether the failure to speak is intentional or different from the rule in agency that a special power to sell excludes executory judgment; it had been rendered by a competent court; and
negligent. the power to mortgage (Art. 1879). there was, between the first and subsequent cases, not only identity
of subject-matter and of cause of action, but also of parties. As
Inaction or silence may under some circumstances amount to a As indisputable as the propositions and principles just stated is that already pointed out, the plaintiffs in the first four (4) actions, the Lims,
misrepresentation and concealment of the facts, so as to raise an the cause of action in Civil Case No. Q-36485 is barred by prior were representing exactly the same claims as those of the
equitable estoppel. When the silence is of such a character and judgment. The right subsumed in that cause is the negation of the partnership, the plaintiff in the fifth and last action, of which
under such circumstances that it would become a fraud on the other mortgage, postulated on the claim that the parcels of land mortgaged partnership they were the only members, and there was hence no
party to permit the party who has kept silent to deny what his silence by the Lims to Syjuco did not in truth belong to them but to the substantial difference as regards the parties plaintiff in all the actions.
has induced the other to believe and act on, it will operate as an partnership. Assuming this to be so, the right could have been Under the doctrine of res judicata, the judgment in the first was and
estoppel. This doctrine rests on the principle that if one maintains asserted at the time that the Lims instituted their first action on should have been regarded as conclusive in all other, actions not only
silence, when in conscience he ought to speak, equity will debar him December 24, 1968 in the Manila Court of First Instance, Civil Case "with respect to the matter directly adjudged," but also "as to any
from speaking when in conscience he ought to remain silent. He who No. 75180, or when they filed their subsequent actions: Civil Case other matter that could have been raised in relation thereto. " 46 It
remains silent when he ought to speak cannot be heard to speak No. 112762, on December 19, 1977; Civil Case No. 83-19018, in being indisputable that the matter of the partnership's being the
when he should be silent. 1983, and Civil Case No. Q-39294, also in 1983. The claim could owner of the mortgaged properties "could have been raised in
have been set up by the Lims, as members composing the relation" to those expressly made issuable in the first action, it follows
And more to the point: partnership, "Heirs of Hugo Lim." It could very well have been put that that matter could not be re-litigated in the last action, the fifth.
forth by the partnership itself, as co-plaintiff in the corresponding
A property owner who knowingly permits another to sell or encumber complaints, considering that the actions involved property supposedly Though confronted with the facts thus precluding the respondent
the property, without disclosing his title or objecting to the transaction, belonging to it and were being prosecuted by the entire membership partnership's claim to the property under both the principle of
is estopped to set up his title or interest as against a person who has of the partnership, and therefore, the partnership was in actuality, the estoppel and the provisions of Article 1819, last paragraph, of the
been thereby misled to his injury. x x x real party in interest. In fact, consistently with the Lims' theory, they Civil Code, as well as the familiar doctrine of res judicata, the
should be regarded, in all the actions presented by them, as having respondent Judge refused to act on Syjuco's motions on the ground
An owner of real property who stands by and sees a third person sued for vindication, not of their individual rights over the property that he no longer had jurisdiction to do so because they were filed
selling or mortgaging it under claim of title without asserting his own mortgaged, but those of the partnership. There is thus no reason to after judgment by default against Syjuco, which failed to answer the
title or giving the purchaser or mortgagee any notice thereof is distinguish between the Lims, as individuals, and the partnership complaint despite valid service of summons, had been rendered and
estopped, as against such purchaser or mortgagee, afterward to itself, since the former constituted the entire membership of the latter. become final. The sheriffs return, however, creates grave doubts
assert his title; and, although title does not pass under these In other words, despite the concealment of the existence of the about the correctness of the Judge's basic premise that summons
circumstances, a conveyance will be decreed by a court of equity. partnership, for all intents and purposes and consistently with the had been validly served on Syjuco. For one thing, the return 47 is
Especially is the rule applicable where the party against whom the Lims' own theory, it was that partnership which was the real party in unspecific about where service was effected. No safe conclusion
estoppel is claimed, in addition to standing by, takes part in malting interest in all the actions; it was actually represented in said actions about the place of service can be made from its reference to a former
the sale or mortgage. by all the individual members thereof, and consequently, those and a present office of Syjuco in widely separate locations, with
members' acts, declarations and omissions cannot be deemed to be nothing to indicate whether service was effected at one address or
More specifically, the concept to which that species of estoppel which simply the individual acts of said members, but in fact and in law, the other, or even at both. A more serious defect is the failure to
results from the non-disclosure of an estate or interest in real property those of the partnership. name the person served who is, with equal ambiguity, identified only
has ordinarily been referred is fraud, actual or constructive. ... as "the Manager" of the defendant corporation (petitioner herein).
Although fraud is not an essential element of the original conduct What was done by the Lims — or by the partnership of which they Since the sheriffs return constitutes primary evidence of the manner
working the estoppel, it may with perfect property be said that it would were the only members-was to split their cause of action in violation and incidents of personal service of a summons, the Rules are quite
be fraudulent for the party to repudiate his conduct, and to assert a of the well known rule that only one suit may be instituted for a single specific about what such a document should contain:
right or claim in contravention thereof. cause of action. 44 The right sought to be enforced by them in all SEC. 20. Proof of service. — The proof of service of a summons shall
their actions was, at bottom, to strike down the mortgage constituted be made in writing by the server and shall set forth the manner, place
Equally or even more preclusive of the respondent partnership's in favor of Syjuco, a right which, in their view, resulted from several and date of service; shall specify any papers which have been served
claim to the mortgaged property is the last paragraph of Article 1819 circumstances, namely that the mortgage was constituted over with the process and the name of the person who received the same;
of the Civil Code, which contemplates a situation duplicating the property belonging to the partnership without the latter's authority; and shall be sworn to when made by a person other than a sheriff or
circumstances that attended the execution of the mortgage in favor of that the principal obligation thereby secured was usurious; that the his deputy.
Syjuco and therefore applies foursquare thereto: publication of the notice of foreclosure sale was fatally defective,
circumstances which had already taken place at the time of the In the case of Delta Motor Sales Corporation vs. Mangosing it was
Where the title to real property is in the names of all the partners a institution of the actions. They instituted four (4) actions for the same held that:"
conveyance executed by all the partners passes all their rights in purpose on one ground or the other, making each ground the subject
such property. of a separate action. Upon these premises, application of the (a) strict compliance with the mode of service is necessary to confer
sanction indicated by law is caned for, i.e., the judgment on the merits jurisdiction of the court over a corporation. The officer upon whom
in any one is available as a bar in the others. service is made must be one who is named in the statute; otherwise

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the service is insufficient. So, where the statute requires that in the expressly raised in the defendant's motion for reconsideration, he Respondents' foregoing actuations reveal an 'unholy alliance'
case of a domestic corporation summons should be served on 'the simply refused to do so on the excuse that he had lost jurisdiction between them and a clear indication of partiality for the party
president or head of the corporation, secretary, treasurer, cashier or over the case. This refusal was, in the premises, a grave abuse of represented by the other to the detriment of the objective
managing agent thereof, service of summons on the secretary's wife judicial discretion which must be rectified. dispensation of justice. Writs of Attachment and Execution were
did not confer jurisdiction over the corporation in the foreclosure issued and implemented with lightning speed; the case itself was
proceeding against it. Hence, the decree of foreclosure and the What has been said makes unnecessary any further proceedings in railroaded to a swift conclusion through a similar judgment;
deficiency judgment were void and should be vacated (Reader vs. the Court below, which might otherwise be indicated by the astronomical sums were awarded as damages and attorney's fees;
District Court, 94 Pacific 2nd 858). consideration that two of the postulates of petitioner's unresolved and topping it all, the right to appeal was foreclosed by clever
motions which the Court considers equally as decisive as res maneuvers," and which, the Court found, followed a pattern of
The purpose is to render it reasonably certain that the corporation will judicata, to wit: estoppel by silence and Article 1819, last paragraph, conduct in other cases of which judicial notice was taken, were
receive prompt and proper notice in an action against it or to insure of the Civil Code, do not constitute grounds for a motion to dismiss deemed sufficient cause for disbarment.
that the summons be served on a representative so integrated with under rule 16, of the Rules of Court. Such a step would only cause
the corporation that such person will know what to do with the legal further delay. And delay has been the bane of petitioner's cause, Atty. Canlas even tried to mislead this Court by claiming that he
papers served on him. In other words, 'to bring home to the defying through all these years all its efforts to collect on a just debt. became the Lims' lawyer only in 1977, when the record indubitably
corporation notice of the filing of the action'. (35 A C.J.S. 288 citing shows that he has represented them since September 9, 1972 when
Jenkins vs. Lykes Bros. S.S. Co., 48 F. Supp. 848; MacCarthy vs. The undenied and undisputable facts make it perfectly clear that the he first appeared for them to prosecute their appeal in Civil Case No.
Langston, D.C. Fla., 23 F.R.D. 249). claim to the mortgaged property belatedly and in apparent bad faith 75180. 58 He has also quite impenitently disclaimed a duty to inform
pressed by the respondent partnership is foreclosed by both law and opposing counsel in Civil Case No. Q-39294 of the existence of Civil
The liberal construction rule cannot be invoked and utilized as a equity. Further proceedings will not make this any clearer than it Case No. Q-36485, as plaintiffs' counsel in both actions, even while
substitute for the plain legal requirements as to the manner in which already is. The Court is clothed with ample authority, in such a case, the former, which involved the same mortgage, was already being
summons should be served on a domestic corporation (U.S. vs. to call a halt to all further proceedings and pronounce judgment on litigated when the latter was filed, although in the circumstances such
Mollenhauer Laboratories, Inc., 267 Fed. Rep. 2nd 260).' the basis of what is already manifestly of record. disclosure was required by the ethics of his profession, if not indeed
by his lawyer's oath.
The rule cannot be any less exacting as regards adherence to the So much for the merits; the consequences that should attend the
requirements of proof of service, it being usually by such proof that inexcusable and indefensible conduct of the respondents Lims, the A clear case also exists for awarding at least nominal damages to
sufficiency of compliance with the prescribed mode of service is respondent partnership and their counsel, Atty. Paterno R. Canlas, petitioner, though damages are not expressly prayed for, under the
measured. Here the only proof of service of summons is the should now be addressed. That the Lims and their partnership acted general prayer of the petition for "such other reliefs as may be just
questioned sheriff's return which, as already pointed out, is not only in bad faith and with intent to defraud is manifest in the record of their and equitable under the premises," and the action being not only of
vague and unspecific as to the place of service, but also neglects to actuations, presenting as they did, piecemeal and in one case after certiorari and prohibition, but also of mandamus-in which the payment
Identify by name the recipient of the summons as required by Rule another, defenses to the foreclosure or claims in derogation thereof of "damages sustained by the petitioner by reason of the wrongful
20, Section 14, of the Rules of Court. Where the sheriffs return is that were available to them from the very beginning — actuations that acts of the defendant' is expressly authorized.
defective the presumption of regularity in the performance of official were to stave off the liquidation of an undenied debt for more than
functions will not lie. 50 The defective sheriffs return thus being twenty years and culminated in the clandestine filing and prosecution There is no question in the Court's mind that such interests as may
insufficient and incompetent to prove that summons was served in of the action subject of the present petition. have accumulated on the mortgage loan will not offset the prejudice
the manner prescribed for service upon corporations, there is no visited upon the petitioner by the excruciatingly long delay in the
alternative to affirming the petitioner's claim that it had not been What has happened here, it bears repeating, is nothing less than an satisfaction of said debt that the private respondents have engineered
validly summoned in Civil Case No. Q-36485. It goes without saying abuse of process, a trifling with the courts and with the rights of and fomented.
that lacking such valid service, the Trial Court did not acquire access thereto, for which Atty. Canlas must share responsibility
jurisdiction over the petitioner Syjuco, rendering null and void all equally with his clients. The latter could not have succeeded so well These very same considerations dictate the imposition of exemplary
subsequent proceedings and issuances in the action from the order in obstructing the course of justice without his aid and advice and his damages in accordance with Art. 2229 of the Civil Code.
of default up to and including the judgment by default and the order tireless espousal of their claims and pretensions made in the various
for its execution. cases chronicled here. That the cause to which he lent his advocacy WHEREFORE, so that complete justice may be dispensed here and,
was less than just or worthy could not have escaped him, if not at the as far as consistent with that end, all the matters and incidents with
The respondents' contention that the petition is in effect an action to start of his engagement, in the years that followed when with his which these proceedings are concerned may be brought to a swift
annul a judgment which is within the exclusive original jurisdiction of willing assistance, if not instigation, it was shuttled from one forum to conclusion:
the Court of Appeals has already been answered in Matanguihan vs. another after each setback. This Court merely stated what is obvious (1) the assailed judgment by default in Civil Case No.Q-36485, the
Tengco where, by declaring that an action for annulment of judgment and cannot be gainsaid when, in Surigao Mineral Reservation Board writ of execution and all other orders issued in implementation
is not a plain, speedy and adequate remedy, this Court in effect vs. Cloribel, 55 it held that a party's lawyer of record has control of thereof, and all proceedings in the case leading to said judgment after
affirmed that certiorari is an appropriate remedy against judgments or the proceedings and that '(w)hatever steps his client takes should be the filing of the complaint are DECLARED null and void and are
proceedings alleged to have been rendered or had without valid within his knowledge and responsibility." hereby SET ASIDE; and the complaint in said case is DISMISSED for
service of summons. being barred by prior judgment and estoppel, and for lack of merit;
In Prudential Bank vs. Castro, strikingly similar actuations in a case,
Respondent Judge Castro begged the question when, instead of which are described in the following paragraph taken from this (2) the City Sheriff of Manila is ORDERED, upon receipt of this
resolving on the merits the issue of the invalidity of his default Court's decision therein: Decision, to schedule forthwith and thereafter conduct with all due
judgment and of the proceedings leading thereto because of absence dispatch the sale at public auction of the mortgaged property in
of valid service of summons on the defendant, which had been question for the satisfaction of the mortgage debt of the respondents

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Lims to petitioner, in the principal amount of P2,460,000.00 as found employee who died in line of duty, should be solidary; otherwise, the
in the amended decision in Civil Case No. 75180 of the Court of First At first blush appellants' contention would seem to be well, for purpose of the law could not be attained.
Instance of Manila, interests thereon at the rate of twelve (12%) ordinarily, the liability of the partners in a partnership is not solidary;
percent per annum from November 8, 1967 until the date of sale, plus but the law governing the liability of partners is not applicable to the Wherefore, finding no error in the award appealed from, the same is
such other and additional sums for commissions, expenses, fees, etc. case at bar wherein a claim for compensation by dependents of an hereby affirmed, with costs against appellants.
as may be lawfully chargeable in extrajudicial foreclosure and sale employee who died in line of duty is involved. And although the
proceedings; Workmen's Compensation Act does not contain any provision Separate Opinions
expressly declaring solidary obligation of business partners like the
(3) the private respondents, their successors and assigns, are herein appellants, there are other provisions of law from which it REYES, A., J., dissenting:
PERPETUALLY ENJOINED from taking any action whatsoever to could be gathered that their liability must be solidary. Arts. 1711 and
obstruct, delay or prevent said auction sale; 1712 of the new Civil Code provide: Whether the defendants herein be regarded as co-partners or as
mere co-owners, their liability for the indemnity due their deceased
(4) the private respondents (the Lims, the Partnership of the Heirs of ART. 1711. Owners of enterprises and other employers are obliged to employee would not be solidary but only pro rata (Arts. 485 and 1815,
Hugo Lim and Atty. Paterno R. Canlas) are sentenced, jointly and pay compensation for the death of or injuries to their laborers, new Civil Code). The Workmen's Compensation Act does not change
severally, to pay the petitioner P25,000.00 as nominal damages and workmen, mechanics or other employees, even though the event may the nature of that liability either expressly or by intendment. To hold
P100,000.00 as exemplary damages, as well as treble costs; and have been purely accidental or entirely due to a fortuitous cause, if that it does, is to read into the Act something that is not there. For this
the death or personal injury arose out of and in the course of the Court, therefore, to declare that under the said Act the defendants
(5) let this matter be referred to the Integrated Bar of the Philippines employment. . . . . herein are liable solidarily is to play the role of legislator.
for investigation, report, and recommendation insofar as the conduct
of Atty. Canlas as counsel in this case and in the other cases ART. 1712. If the death or injury is due to the negligence of a fellow- The injustice of the rule sought to be established in the majority
hereinabove referred to is concerned. SO ORDERED. worker, the latter and the employer shall be solidarily liable for opinion may readily be made obvious with an example. Suppose that
compensation. one of two co-partners or co-owners owns 99 percent of the business
6LIWANAG and REYES vs. WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION while his co-partner or co-owners own only 1 percent. To hold that in
COMMISSION And section 2 of the Workmen's Compensation Act, as amended such case the latter's liability may run up to 100 percent although his
G.R. No. L-12164 May 22, 1959 reads in part as follows: interest is only 1 percent would not only be illogical but also
inequitable. For the foregoing reasons, I have no choice but to
Appellants Benito Liwanag and Maria Liwanag Reyes are co-owners . . . The right to compensation as provided in this Act shall not be dissent.
of Liwanag Auto Supply, a commercial guard who while in line of defeated or impaired on the ground that the death, injury or disease
duty, was skilled by criminal hands. His widow Ciriaca Vda. de was due to the negligence of a fellow servant or employee, without 7PIONEER INSURANCE & SURETY CORPORATION vs. CA G.R.
Balderama and minor children Genara, Carlos and Leogardo, all prejudice to the right of the employer to proceed against the No. 84197 July 28, 1989
surnamed Balderama, in due time filed a claim for compensation with negligence party.
the Workmen's Compensation Commission, which was granted in an The subject matter of these consolidated petitions is the decision of
award worded as follows: The provisions of the new Civil Code above quoted taken together the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. CV No. 66195 which modified the
with those of Section 2 of the Workmen's Compensation Act, decision of the then Court of First Instance of Manila in Civil Case No.
WHEREFORE, the order of the referee under consideration should reasonably indicate that in compensation cases, the liability of 66135. The plaintiffs complaint (petitioner in G.R. No. 84197) against
be, as it is hereby, affirmed and respondents Benito Liwanag and business partners, like appellants, should be solidary; otherwise, the all defendants (respondents in G.R. No. 84197) was dismissed but in
Maria Liwanag Reyes, ordered. right of the employee may be defeated, or at least crippled. If the all other respects the trial court's decision was affirmed.
responsibility of appellants were to be merely joint and solidary, and
1. To pay jointly and severally the amount of three thousand Four one of them happens to be insolvent, the amount awarded to the The dispositive portion of the trial court's decision reads as follows:
Hundred Ninety-Four and 40/100 (P3,494.40) Pesos to the claimants appellees would only be partially satisfied, which is evidently contrary
in lump sum; and to the intent and purposes of the Act. In the previous cases we have WHEREFORE, judgment is rendered against defendant Jacob S. Lim
already held that the Workmen's Compensation Act should be requiring Lim to pay plaintiff the amount of P311,056.02, with interest
To pay to the Workmen's Compensation Funds the sum of P4.00 construed fairly, reasonably and liberally in favor of and for the benefit at the rate of 12% per annum compounded monthly; plus 15% of the
(including P5.00 for this review) as fees, pursuant to Section 55 of the of the employee and his dependents; that all doubts as to the right of amount awarded to plaintiff as attorney's fees from July 2,1966, until
Act. compensation resolved in his favor; and that it should be interpreted full payment is made; plus P70,000.00 moral and exemplary
In appealing the case to this Tribunal, appellants do not question the to promote its purpose. Accordingly, the present controversy should damages.
right of appellees to compensation nor the amount awarded. They be decided in favor of the appellees.
only claim that, under the Workmen's Compensation Act, the Moreover, Art. 1207 of the new Civil Code provides: It is found in the records that the cross party plaintiffs incurred
compensation is divisible, hence the commission erred in ordering additional miscellaneous expenses aside from Pl51,000.00,,making a
appellants to pay jointly and severally the amount awarded. They . . . . There is solidary liability only when the obligation expressly so total of P184,878.74. Defendant Jacob S. Lim is further required to
argue that there is nothing in the compensation Act which provides states, or when the law or the nature of the obligation requires pay cross party plaintiff, Bormaheco, the Cervanteses one-half and
that the obligation of an employer arising from compensable injury or solidarity. Maglana the other half, the amount of Pl84,878.74 with interest from
death of an employee should be solidary obligation, the same should the filing of the cross-complaints until the amount is fully paid; plus
have been specifically provided, and that, in absence of such clear Since the Workmen's Compensation Act was enacted to give full moral and exemplary damages in the amount of P184,878.84 with
provision, the responsibility of appellants should not be solidary but protection to the employee, reason demands that the nature of the interest from the filing of the cross-complaints until the amount is fully
merely joint. obligation of the employers to pay compensation to the heirs of their

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paid; plus moral and exemplary damages in the amount of parts. The funds were supposed to be their contributions to a new
P50,000.00 for each of the two Cervanteses. corporation proposed by Lim to expand his airline business. They RESPONDENT COURT OF APPEALS GRIEVOUSLY ERRED
executed two (2) separate indemnity agreements (Exhibits D-1 and WHEN IT DISMISSED THE APPEAL OF PETITIONER ON THE
Furthermore, he is required to pay P20,000.00 to Bormaheco and the D-2) in favor of Pioneer, one signed by Maglana and the other jointly SOLE GROUND THAT PETITIONER HAD ALREADY COLLECTED
Cervanteses, and another P20,000.00 to Constancio B. Maglana as signed by Lim for SAL, Bormaheco and the Cervanteses. The THE PROCEEDS OF THE REINSURANCE ON ITS BOND IN
attorney's fees. xxx xxx xxx indemnity agreements stipulated that the indemnitors principally FAVOR OF THE JDA AND THAT IT CANNOT REPRESENT A
agree and bind themselves jointly and severally to indemnify and hold REINSURER TO RECOVER THE AMOUNT FROM HEREIN
WHEREFORE, in view of all above, the complaint of plaintiff Pioneer and save harmless Pioneer from and against any/all damages, PRIVATE RESPONDENTS AS DEFENDANTS IN THE TRIAL
against defendants Bormaheco, the Cervanteses and Constancio B. losses, costs, damages, taxes, penalties, charges and expenses of COURT. (Rollo - G. R. No. 84197, p. 10)
Maglana, is dismissed. Instead, plaintiff is required to indemnify the whatever kind and nature which Pioneer may incur in consequence of
defendants Bormaheco and the Cervanteses the amount of having become surety upon the bond/note and to pay, reimburse and The petitioner questions the following findings of the appellate court:
P20,000.00 as attorney's fees and the amount of P4,379.21, per year make good to Pioneer, its successors and assigns, all sums and
from 1966 with legal rate of interest up to the time it is paid. amounts of money which it or its representatives should or may pay We find no merit in plaintiffs appeal. It is undisputed that plaintiff
or cause to be paid or become liable to pay on them of whatever kind Pioneer had reinsured its risk of liability under the surety bond in
Furthermore, the plaintiff is required to pay Constancio B. Maglana and nature. favor of JDA and subsequently collected the proceeds of such
the amount of P20,000.00 as attorney's fees and costs. reinsurance in the sum of P295,000.00. Defendants' alleged
On June 10, 1965, Lim doing business under the name and style of obligation to Pioneer amounts to P295,000.00, hence, plaintiffs
No moral or exemplary damages is awarded against plaintiff for this SAL executed in favor of Pioneer as deed of chattel mortgage as instant action for the recovery of the amount of P298,666.28 from
action was filed in good faith. The fact that the properties of the security for the latter's suretyship in favor of the former. It was defendants will no longer prosper. Plaintiff Pioneer is not the real
Bormaheco and the Cervanteses were attached and that they were stipulated therein that Lim transfer and convey to the surety the two party in interest to institute the instant action as it does not stand to
required to file a counterbond in order to dissolve the attachment, is aircrafts. The deed (Exhibit D) was duly registered with the Office of be benefited or injured by the judgment.
not an act of bad faith. When a man tries to protect his rights, he the Register of Deeds of the City of Manila and with the Civil
should not be saddled with moral or exemplary damages. Aeronautics Administration pursuant to the Chattel Mortgage Law and Plaintiff Pioneer's contention that it is representing the reinsurer to
Furthermore, the rights exercised were provided for in the Rules of the Civil Aeronautics Law (Republic Act No. 776), respectively. recover the amount from defendants, hence, it instituted the action is
Court, and it was the court that ordered it, in the exercise of its utterly devoid of merit. Plaintiff did not even present any evidence that
discretion. Lim defaulted on his subsequent installment payments prompting it is the attorney-in-fact of the reinsurance company, authorized to
JDA to request payments from the surety. Pioneer paid a total sum of institute an action for and in behalf of the latter. To qualify a person to
No damage is decided against Malayan Insurance Company, Inc., the P298,626.12. be a real party in interest in whose name an action must be
third-party defendant, for it only secured the attachment prayed for by prosecuted, he must appear to be the present real owner of the right
the plaintiff Pioneer. If an insurance company would be liable for Pioneer then filed a petition for the extrajudicial foreclosure of the sought to be enforced (Moran, Vol. I, Comments on the Rules of
damages in performing an act which is clearly within its power and said chattel mortgage before the Sheriff of Davao City. The Court, 1979 ed., p. 155). It has been held that the real party in
which is the reason for its being, then nobody would engage in the Cervanteses and Maglana, however, filed a third party claim alleging interest is the party who would be benefited or injured by the
insurance business. No further claim or counter-claim for or against that they are co-owners of the aircrafts, judgment or the party entitled to the avails of the suit (Salonga v.
anybody is declared by this Court. (Rollo - G.R. No. 24197, pp. 15- Warner Barnes & Co., Ltd., 88 Phil. 125, 131). By real party in
16) On July 19, 1966, Pioneer filed an action for judicial foreclosure with interest is meant a present substantial interest as distinguished from
an application for a writ of preliminary attachment against Lim and a mere expectancy or a future, contingent, subordinate or
In 1965, Jacob S. Lim (petitioner in G.R. No. 84157) was engaged in respondents, the Cervanteses, Bormaheco and Maglana. consequential interest (Garcia v. David, 67 Phil. 27; Oglleaby v.
the airline business as owner-operator of Southern Air Lines (SAL) a Springfield Marine Bank, 52 N.E. 2d 1600, 385 III, 414; Flowers v.
single proprietorship. In their Answers, Maglana, Bormaheco and the Cervanteses filed Germans, 1 NW 2d 424; Weber v. City of Cheye, 97 P. 2d 667, 669,
On May 17, 1965, at Tokyo, Japan, Japan Domestic Airlines (JDA) cross-claims against Lim alleging that they were not privies to the quoting 47 C.V. 35).
and Lim entered into and executed a sales contract (Exhibit A) for the contracts signed by Lim and, by way of counterclaim, sought for
sale and purchase of two (2) DC-3A Type aircrafts and one (1) set of damages for being exposed to litigation and for recovery of the sums Based on the foregoing premises, plaintiff Pioneer cannot be
necessary spare parts for the total agreed price of US $109,000.00 to of money they advanced to Lim for the purchase of the aircrafts in considered as the real party in interest as it has already been paid by
be paid in installments. One DC-3 Aircraft with Registry No. PIC-718, question. the reinsurer the sum of P295,000.00 — the bulk of defendants'
arrived in Manila on June 7,1965 while the other aircraft, arrived in alleged obligation to Pioneer.
Manila on July 18,1965. After trial on the merits, a decision was rendered holding Lim liable to
pay Pioneer but dismissed Pioneer's complaint against all other In addition to the said proceeds of the reinsurance received by
On May 22, 1965, Pioneer Insurance and Surety Corporation defendants. plaintiff Pioneer from its reinsurer, the former was able to foreclose
(Pioneer, petitioner in G.R. No. 84197) as surety executed and issued extra-judicially one of the subject airplanes and its spare engine,
its Surety Bond No. 6639 (Exhibit C) in favor of JDA, in behalf of its As stated earlier, the appellate court modified the trial court's decision realizing the total amount of P37,050.00 from the sale of the
principal, Lim, for the balance price of the aircrafts and spare parts. in that the plaintiffs complaint against all the defendants was mortgaged chattels. Adding the sum of P37,050.00, to the proceeds
dismissed. In all other respects the trial court's decision was affirmed. of the reinsurance amounting to P295,000.00, it is patent that plaintiff
It appears that Border Machinery and Heavy Equipment Company, has been overpaid in the amount of P33,383.72 considering that the
Inc. (Bormaheco), Francisco and Modesto Cervantes (Cervanteses) We first resolve G.R. No. 84197. total amount it had paid to JDA totals to only P298,666.28. To allow
and Constancio Maglana (respondents in both petitions) contributed plaintiff Pioneer to recover from defendants the amount in excess of
some funds used in the purchase of the above aircrafts and spare Petitioner Pioneer Insurance and Surety Corporation avers that: P298,666.28 would be tantamount to unjust enrichment as it has

Page 15 of 19
already been paid by the reinsurance company of the amount plaintiff to institute and maintain in its own name an action for the benefit of the amount paid by the insurance company does not fully cover the
has paid to JDA as surety of defendant Lim vis-a-vis defendant Lim's the reinsurers. It is well-settled that an action brought by an attorney- injury or loss, the aggrieved party shall be entitled to recover the
liability to JDA. Well settled is the rule that no person should unjustly in-fact in his own name instead of that of the principal will not prosper, deficiency from the person causing the loss or injury.
enrich himself at the expense of another (Article 22, New Civil Code). and this is so even where the name of the principal is disclosed in the
(Rollo-84197, pp. 24-25). complaint. Interpreting the aforesaid provision, we ruled in the case of Phil. Air
Lines, Inc. v. Heald Lumber Co. (101 Phil. 1031 [1957]) which we
The petitioner contends that-(1) it is at a loss where respondent court Section 2 of Rule 3 of the Old Rules of Court provides that 'Every subsequently applied in Manila Mahogany Manufacturing Corporation
based its finding that petitioner was paid by its reinsurer in the action must be prosecuted in the name of the real party in interest.' v. Court of Appeals (154 SCRA 650 [1987]):
aforesaid amount, as this matter has never been raised by any of the This provision is mandatory. The real party in interest is the party who
parties herein both in their answers in the court below and in their would be benefitted or injured by the judgment or is the party entitled Note that if a property is insured and the owner receives the
respective briefs with respondent court; (Rollo, p. 11) (2) even to the avails of the suit. indemnity from the insurer, it is provided in said article that the insurer
assuming hypothetically that it was paid by its reinsurer, still none of is deemed subrogated to the rights of the insured against the
the respondents had any interest in the matter since the reinsurance This Court has held in various cases that an attorney-in-fact is not a wrongdoer and if the amount paid by the insurer does not fully cover
is strictly between the petitioner and the re-insurer pursuant to section real party in interest, that there is no law permitting an action to be the loss, then the aggrieved party is the one entitled to recover the
91 of the Insurance Code; (3) pursuant to the indemnity agreements, brought by an attorney-in-fact. Arroyo v. Granada and Gentero, 18 deficiency. Evidently, under this legal provision, the real party in
the petitioner is entitled to recover from respondents Bormaheco and Phil. Rep. 484; Luchauco v. Limjuco and Gonzalo, 19 Phil. Rep. 12; interest with regard to the portion of the indemnity paid is the insurer
Maglana; and (4) the principle of unjust enrichment is not applicable Filipinos Industrial Corporation v. San Diego G.R. No. L- 22347,1968, and not the insured. (Emphasis supplied).
considering that whatever amount he would recover from the co- 23 SCRA 706, 710-714.
indemnitor will be paid to the reinsurer. It is clear from the records that Pioneer sued in its own name and not
The total amount paid by Pioneer to JDA is P299,666.29. Since as an attorney-in-fact of the reinsurer.
The records belie the petitioner's contention that the issue on the Pioneer has collected P295,000.00 from the reinsurers, the uninsured
reinsurance money was never raised by the parties. portion of what it paid to JDA is the difference between the two Accordingly, the appellate court did not commit a reversible error in
amounts, or P3,666.28. This is the amount for which Pioneer may dismissing the petitioner's complaint as against the respondents for
A cursory reading of the trial court's lengthy decision shows that two sue defendants, assuming that the indemnity agreement is still valid the reason that the petitioner was not the real party in interest in the
of the issues threshed out were:,xxx xxx xxx and effective. But since the amount realized from the sale of the complaint and, therefore, has no cause of action against the
mortgaged chattels are P35,000.00 for one of the airplanes and respondents.
1. Has Pioneer a cause of action against defendants with respect to P2,050.00 for a spare engine, or a total of P37,050.00, Pioneer is still Nevertheless, the petitioner argues that the appeal as regards the
so much of its obligations to JDA as has been paid with reinsurance overpaid by P33,383.72. Therefore, Pioneer has no more claim counter indemnitors should not have been dismissed on the premise
money? against defendants. (Record on Appeal, pp. 360-363). that the evidence on record shows that it is entitled to recover from
the counter indemnitors. It does not, however, cite any grounds
2. If the answer to the preceding question is in the negative, has The payment to the petitioner made by the reinsurers was not except its allegation that respondent "Maglanas defense and
Pioneer still any claim against defendants, considering the amount it disputed in the appellate court. Considering this admitted payment, evidence are certainly incredible" (p. 12, Rollo) to back up its
has realized from the sale of the mortgaged properties? (Record on the only issue that cropped up was the effect of payment made by the contention.
Appeal, p. 359, Annex B of G.R. No. 84157). reinsurers to the petitioner. Therefore, the petitioner's argument that
the respondents had no interest in the reinsurance contract as this is On the other hand, we find the trial court's findings on the matter
In resolving these issues, the trial court made the following findings: strictly between the petitioner as insured and the reinsuring company replete with evidence to substantiate its finding that the counter-
pursuant to Section 91 (should be Section 98) of the Insurance Code indemnitors are not liable to the petitioner. The trial court stated:
It appearing that Pioneer reinsured its risk of liability under the surety has no basis.
bond it had executed in favor of JDA, collected the proceeds of such Apart from the foregoing proposition, the indemnity agreement
reinsurance in the sum of P295,000, and paid with the said amount In general a reinsurer, on payment of a loss acquires the same rights ceased to be valid and effective after the execution of the chattel
the bulk of its alleged liability to JDA under the said surety bond, it is by subrogation as are acquired in similar cases where the original mortgage.
plain that on this score it no longer has any right to collect to the insurer pays a loss (Universal Ins. Co. v. Old Time Molasses Co.
extent of the said amount. C.C.A. La., 46 F 2nd 925). Testimonies of defendants Francisco Cervantes and Modesto
On the question of why it is Pioneer, instead of the reinsurance (sic), The rules of practice in actions on original insurance policies are in
that is suing defendants for the amount paid to it by the reinsurers, general applicable to actions or contracts of reinsurance. (Delaware, Pioneer Insurance, knowing the value of the aircrafts and the spare
notwithstanding that the cause of action pertains to the latter, Pioneer Ins. Co. v. Pennsylvania Fire Ins. Co., 55 S.E. 330,126 GA. 380, 7 parts involved, agreed to issue the bond provided that the same
says: The reinsurers opted instead that the Pioneer Insurance & Ann. Con. 1134). would be mortgaged to it, but this was not possible because the
Surety Corporation shall pursue alone the case.. . . . Pioneer planes were still in Japan and could not be mortgaged here in the
Insurance & Surety Corporation is representing the reinsurers to Hence the applicable law is Article 2207 of the new Civil Code, to wit: Philippines. As soon as the aircrafts were brought to the Philippines,
recover the amount.' In other words, insofar as the amount paid to it they would be mortgaged to Pioneer Insurance to cover the bond,
by the reinsurers Pioneer is suing defendants as their attorney-in-fact. Art. 2207. If the plaintiffs property has been insured, and he has and this indemnity agreement would be cancelled.
received indemnity from the insurance company for the injury or loss
But in the first place, there is not the slightest indication in the arising out of the wrong or breach of contract complained of, the The following is averred under oath by Pioneer in the original
complaint that Pioneer is suing as attorney-in- fact of the reinsurers insurance company shall be subrogated to the rights of the insured complaint:
for any amount. Lastly, and most important of all, Pioneer has no right against the wrongdoer or the person who has violated the contract. If

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The various conflicting claims over the mortgaged properties have payable on the 26th day x x x of each succeeding three months and Art. 1318. Payment by a solidary debtor shall not entitle him to
impaired and rendered insufficient the security under the chattel the last of which shall be due and payable 26th May 1967. reimbursement from his co-debtors if such payment is made after the
mortgage and there is thus no other sufficient security for the claim obligation has prescribed or became illegal.
sought to be enforced by this action. However, at the trial of this case, Pioneer produced a memorandum
executed by SAL or Lim and JDA, modifying the maturity dates of the These defendants are entitled to recover damages and attorney's
This is judicial admission and aside from the chattel mortgage there is obligations, as follows: fees from Pioneer and its surety by reason of the filing of the instant
no other security for the claim sought to be enforced by this action, case against them and the attachment and garnishment of their
which necessarily means that the indemnity agreement had ceased The principal hereof shall be paid in eight equal successive three properties. The instant action is clearly unfounded insofar as plaintiff
to have any force and effect at the time this action was instituted. Sec month interval installments the first of which shall be due and payable drags these defendants and defendant Maglana.' (Record on Appeal,
2, Rule 129, Revised Rules of Court. 4 September 1965, the remainder of which ... shall be due and pp. 363-369, Rollo of G.R. No. 84157).
payable on the 4th day ... of each succeeding months and the last of
Prescinding from the foregoing, Pioneer, having foreclosed the which shall be due and payable 4th June 1967. We find no cogent reason to reverse or modify these findings.
chattel mortgage on the planes and spare parts, no longer has any Not only that, Pioneer also produced eight purported promissory
further action against the defendants as indemnitors to recover any notes bearing maturity dates different from that fixed in the aforesaid Hence, it is our conclusion that the petition in G.R. No. 84197 is not
unpaid balance of the price. The indemnity agreement was ipso jure memorandum; the due date of the first installment appears as meritorious.
extinguished upon the foreclosure of the chattel mortgage. These October 15, 1965, and those of the rest of the installments, the 15th
defendants, as indemnitors, would be entitled to be subrogated to the of each succeeding three months, that of the last installment being We now discuss the merits of G.R. No. 84157.
right of Pioneer should they make payments to the latter. Articles July 15, 1967.
2067 and 2080 of the New Civil Code of the Philippines. Petitioner Jacob S. Lim poses the following issues:
These restructuring of the obligations with regard to their maturity
Independently of the preceding proposition Pioneer's election of the dates, effected twice, were done without the knowledge, much less, l. What legal rules govern the relationship among co-investors whose
remedy of foreclosure precludes any further action to recover any would have it believed that these defendants Maglana (sic). Pioneer's agreement was to do business through the corporate vehicle but who
unpaid balance of the price. official Numeriano Carbonel would have it believed that these failed to incorporate the entity in which they had chosen to invest?
defendants and defendant Maglana knew of and consented to the How are the losses to be treated in situations where their
SAL or Lim, having failed to pay the second to the eight and last modification of the obligations. But if that were so, there would have contributions to the intended 'corporation' were invested not through
installments to JDA and Pioneer as surety having made of the been the corresponding documents in the form of a written notice to the corporate form? This Petition presents these fundamental
payments to JDA, the alternative remedies open to Pioneer were as as well as written conformity of these defendants, and there are no questions which we believe were resolved erroneously by the Court
provided in Article 1484 of the New Civil Code, known as the Recto such document. The consequence of this was the extinguishment of of Appeals ('CA'). (Rollo, p. 6).
Law. the obligations and of the surety bond secured by the indemnity
agreement which was thereby also extinguished. Applicable by These questions are premised on the petitioner's theory that as a
Pioneer exercised the remedy of foreclosure of the chattel mortgage analogy are the rulings of the Supreme Court in the case of result of the failure of respondents Bormaheco, Spouses Cervantes,
both by extrajudicial foreclosure and the instant suit. Such being the Kabankalan Sugar Co. v. Pacheco, 55 Phil. 553, 563, and the case of Constancio Maglana and petitioner Lim to incorporate, a de facto
case, as provided by the aforementioned provisions, Pioneer shall Asiatic Petroleum Co. v. Hizon David, 45 Phil. 532, 538. partnership among them was created, and that as a consequence of
have no further action against the purchaser to recover any unpaid such relationship all must share in the losses and/or gains of the
balance and any agreement to the contrary is void.' Cruz, et al. v. Art. 2079. An extension granted to the debtor by the creditor without venture in proportion to their contribution. The petitioner, therefore,
Filipinas Investment & Finance Corp. No. L- 24772, May 27,1968, 23 the consent of the guarantor extinguishes the guaranty The mere questions the appellate court's findings ordering him to reimburse
SCRA 791, 795-6. failure on the part of the creditor to demand payment after the debt certain amounts given by the respondents to the petitioner as their
has become due does not of itself constitute any extension time contributions to the intended corporation, to wit:
The operation of the foregoing provision cannot be escaped from referred to herein, (New Civil Code).'
through the contention that Pioneer is not the vendor but JDA. The However, defendant Lim should be held liable to pay his co-
reason is that Pioneer is actually exercising the rights of JDA as Manresa, 4th ed., Vol. 12, pp. 316-317, Vol. VI, pp. 562-563, M.F. defendants' cross-claims in the total amount of P184,878.74 as
vendor, having subrogated it in such rights. Nor may the application Stevenson & Co., Ltd., v. Climacom et al. (C.A.) 36 O.G. 1571. correctly found by the trial court, with interest from the filing of the
of the provision be validly opposed on the ground that these cross-complaints until the amount is fully paid. Defendant Lim should
defendants and defendant Maglana are not the vendee but Pioneer's liability as surety to JDA had already prescribed when pay one-half of the said amount to Bormaheco and the Cervanteses
indemnitors. Pascual, et al. v. Universal Motors Corporation, G.R. No. Pioneer paid the same. Consequently, Pioneer has no more cause of and the other one-half to defendant Maglana. It is established in the
L- 27862, Nov. 20,1974, 61 SCRA 124. action to recover from these defendants, as supposed indemnitors, records that defendant Lim had duly received the amount of
what it has paid to JDA. By virtue of an express stipulation in the Pl51,000.00 from defendants Bormaheco and Maglana representing
The restructuring of the obligations of SAL or Lim, thru the change of surety bond, the failure of JDA to present its claim to Pioneer within the latter's participation in the ownership of the subject airplanes and
their maturity dates discharged these defendants from any liability as ten days from default of Lim or SAL on every installment, released spare parts (Exhibit 58). In addition, the cross-party plaintiffs incurred
alleged indemnitors. The change of the maturity dates of the Pioneer from liability from the claim. additional expenses, hence, the total sum of P 184,878.74.
obligations of Lim, or SAL extinguish the original obligations thru
novations thus discharging the indemnitors. Therefore, Pioneer is not entitled to exact reimbursement from these We first state the principles.
defendants thru the indemnity.
The principal hereof shall be paid in eight equal successive three While it has been held that as between themselves the rights of the
months interval installments, the first of which shall be due and stockholders in a defectively incorporated association should be
payable 25 August 1965, the remainder of which ... shall be due and governed by the supposed charter and the laws of the state relating

Page 17 of 19
thereto and not by the rules governing partners (Cannon v. Brush because the petitioner reneged on their agreement. Maglana alleged
Electric Co., 54 A. 121, 96 Md. 446, 94 Am. S.R. 584), it is ordinarily in his cross-claim:
held that persons who attempt, but fail, to form a corporation and who
carry on business under the corporate name occupy the position of ... that sometime in early 1965, Jacob Lim proposed to Francisco 8VIUDA DE CHAN DIACO vs. PENG
partners inter se (Lynch v. Perryman, 119 P. 229, 29 Okl. 615, Ann. Cervantes and Maglana to expand his airline business. Lim was to G.R. No. L-29182 October 24, 1928
Cas. 1913A 1065). Thus, where persons associate themselves procure two DC-3's from Japan and secure the necessary certificates
together under articles to purchase property to carry on a business, of public convenience and necessity as well as the required permits This is an appeal from a decision of the Court of First Instance of
and their organization is so defective as to come short of creating a for the operation thereof. Maglana sometime in May 1965, gave Manila dismissing an insolvency proceeding.
corporation within the statute, they become in legal effect partners Cervantes his share of P75,000.00 for delivery to Lim which
inter se, and their rights as members of the company to the property Cervantes did and Lim acknowledged receipt thereof. Cervantes, It appears from the record that on June 13, 1925, the San Miguel
acquired by the company will be recognized (Smith v. Schoodoc likewise, delivered his share of the undertaking. Lim in an undertaking Brewery, Porta Pueco & Co., and Ruiz & Rementaria S. en C.
Pond Packing Co., 84 A. 268,109 Me. 555; Whipple v. Parker, 29 sometime on or about August 9,1965, promised to incorporate his instituted insolvency proceedings against Leoncia Vda. de Chan
Mich. 369). So, where certain persons associated themselves as a airline in accordance with their agreement and proceeded to acquire Diaco (alias Lao Liong Naw), alleged to be the owner of a grocery
corporation for the development of land for irrigation purposes, and the planes on his own account. Since then up to the filing of this store on Calle Nueva, Binondo, known as the store of "La Viuda de
each conveyed land to the corporation, and two of them contracted to answer, Lim has refused, failed and still refuses to set up the G. G. Chan Diaco."
pay a third the difference in the proportionate value of the land corporation or return the money of Maglana. (Record on Appeal, pp.
conveyed by him, and no stock was ever issued in the corporation, it 337-338). In their petition for the declaration of the insolvency, the above-
was treated as a trustee for the associates in an action between them mentioned firms alleged, among other things, that Leoncia was
for an accounting, and its capital stock was treated as partnership while respondents Bormaheco and the Cervanteses alleged in their indebted to them in the sum of P26,234.47, which debt was incurred
assets, sold, and the proceeds distributed among them in proportion answer, counterclaim, cross-claim and third party complaint: within thirty days prior to the filing of said petition. It further appears
to the value of the property contributed by each (Shorb v. Beaudry, that other creditors have filed claims against the estate to the amount
56 Cal. 446). However, such a relation does not necessarily exist, for Sometime in April 1965, defendant Lim lured and induced the of P50,000.
ordinarily persons cannot be made to assume the relation of partners, answering defendants to purchase two airplanes and spare parts
as between themselves, when their purpose is that no partnership from Japan which the latter considered as their lawful contribution The petition for the declaration of insolvency was set down for
shall exist (London Assur. Corp. v. Drennen, Minn., 6 S.Ct. 442, 116 and participation in the proposed corporation to be known as SAL. hearing on June 25, 1925. Leoncia did not appear at the hearing,
U.S. 461, 472, 29 L.Ed. 688), and it should be implied only when Arrangements and negotiations were undertaken by defendant Lim. notwithstanding the fact that she was duly notified, and the court
necessary to do justice between the parties; thus, one who takes no Down payments were advanced by defendants Bormaheco and the declared her insolvent and ordered the sheriff to take possession of
part except to subscribe for stock in a proposed corporation which is Cervanteses and Constancio Maglana (Exh. E- 1). Contrary to the her property, the visible part of which at that time consisting of some
never legally formed does not become a partner with other agreement among the defendants, defendant Lim in connivance with merchandise, afterwards sold at public auction for P3,300. Judge
subscribers who engage in business under the name of the the plaintiff, signed and executed the alleged chattel mortgage and Simplicio del Rosario, in an order dated September 12, 11925,
pretended corporation, so as to be liable as such in an action for surety bond agreement in his personal capacity as the alleged appointed Ricardo Summers, the clerk of the Court of First Instance
settlement of the alleged partnership and contribution (Ward v. proprietor of the SAL. The answering defendants learned for the first of Manila, referee, authorizing him to take further evidence in regard
Brigham, 127 Mass. 24). A partnership relation between certain time of this trickery and misrepresentation of the other, Jacob Lim, to the questions of fact raised by the motions of August 5th and 19th.
stockholders and other stockholders, who were also directors, will not when the herein plaintiff chattel mortgage (sic) allegedly executed by
be implied in the absence of an agreement, so as to make the former defendant Lim, thereby forcing them to file an adverse claim in the After various hearings and the taking of considerable testimony, the
liable to contribute for payment of debts illegally contracted by the form of third party claim. Notwithstanding repeated oral demands referee, on February 18, 1926, rendered a report to the court in which
latter (Heald v. Owen, 44 N.W. 210, 79 Iowa 23). (Corpus Juris made by defendants Bormaheco and Cervanteses, to defendant Lim, he made the following recommendations:
Secundum, Vol. 68, p. 464). (Italics supplied). to surrender the possession of the two planes and their accessories
and or return the amount advanced by the former amounting to an That the insolvent deliver to the assignee:
In the instant case, it is to be noted that the petitioner was declared aggregate sum of P 178,997.14 as evidenced by a statement of
non-suited for his failure to appear during the pretrial despite accounts, the latter ignored, omitted and refused to comply with them. (a) The sum of P56,000 more or less that the "encargado" of the
notification. In his answer, the petitioner denied having received any (Record on Appeal, pp. 341-342). insolvent's business, Chan Chiao Wa, had delivered to her on the
amount from respondents Bormaheco, the Cervanteses and 18th of April, 1925, which amount was in fact, on the 19th day of
Maglana. The trial court and the appellate court, however, found Applying therefore the principles of law earlier cited to the facts of the April, 1925, about P56,102.65.
through Exhibit 58, that the petitioner received the amount of case, necessarily, no de facto partnership was created among the
P151,000.00 representing the participation of Bormaheco and Atty. parties which would entitle the petitioner to a reimbursement of the (b) The accounts receivable as of June 19, 1925, or that is to say, two
Constancio B. Maglana in the ownership of the subject airplanes and supposed losses of the proposed corporation. The record shows that months after the insolvent took charge of her store, amounting to
spare parts. The record shows that defendant Maglana gave the petitioner was acting on his own and not in behalf of his other P40,000.
P75,000.00 to petitioner Jacob Lim thru the Cervanteses. would-be incorporators in transacting the sale of the airplanes and
spare parts. (c) The amount taken for her own use and out of the business on
It is therefore clear that the petitioner never had the intention to form June 8, 1925, to wit, P2,000.
a corporation with the respondents despite his representations to WHEREFORE, the instant petitions are DISMISSED. The questioned
them. This gives credence to the cross-claims of the respondents to decision of the Court of Appeals is AFFIRMED. SO ORDERED. (d) Another P2,000 that on June 5, 1925, and being already insolvent,
the effect that they were induced and lured by the petitioner to make the widow of Chan Diaco had taken from the China Banking
contributions to a proposed corporation which was never formed corporation for her personal use.

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(e) The following account books: of the aforesaid relatives, who were mere coolies, to come to the we think it can be safely held that a partnership may be adjudged
Philippines under the status of merchants. He, therefore, bankrupt in the name of an ostensible partner, when such name is
Libros de Acreedores Extranjeros. recommended that the motion of the insolvent to dismiss the the name under which the partnership did business.
Libros de Acreedores Chinos. proceedings against her be denied.
Libros de Deudores de Manila. The decision appealed from is hereby reversed, the reports and
Libros de Deudores de Provincias. The report was assigned for hearing on May 21, 1927. Judge Del recommendations of the referee are approved, the order for the
Libros de Entrada y salida de efectos y mercancias para Manila y Rosario was then absent on leave and the matter was, therefore, dismissal of the case is set aside, and the decision of Judge Simplicio
Provincias. Libro Diario de Caja. submitted to Judge Francisco Zandueta, who had been temporarily Del Rosario dated July 23, 1926, will remain in full force and effect.
Libro de Sueldos de Empleados. assigned to take the place of Judge Del Rosario, and on June 6, No costs will be allowed. So ordered.
Libros de Balances e Inventarios. 1927, a decision was rendered disapproving the report of the referee.
Libro mayor de 1924 y 1925. The court, therefore, affirmed the suspension of the decision of Judge
Del Rosario, and on June 23, 1926, dismissed the insolvency
The report was approved by Judge del Rosario on April 14, 1926, and proceedings, and ordered the assignee to return to the sheriff all the
the merchants Cua Ico, Chan Keep, and Simon A. Chan Bona were property of the insolvent which he, the sheriff, might have in his
ordered to show cause why they should not return that alleged possession. The decision further provided for leave to the petitioners
merchandise to the value of P20,000, alleged to have been delivered to file a new petition in insolvency against the partnership Lao Liong
to them by Leoncia, together with P5,000 in cash alleged to have Naw & Co. if they so desired. A motion for reconsideration was
been received from her by the merchant Chua Ico between the 8th presented by the assignee but was denied by the court in an order of
and 11th days of June, 1925. July 1, 1927. the assignee, thereupon, appealed to this court and
presents the following assignments of error:
On April 22, 1926, the attorney for the insolvent filed her exception to
the report of the referee, which had already been approved on April 1. The lower court erred in disapproving the report of the referee
14, and on July 23, 1926, the court rendered a decision, reaffirming dated February 28, 1927.
its order of April 14, and ordered the insolvent to deliver to the
assignee the sum of P56,000, more or less. alleged to have been in 2. The lower court erred in dismissing the petition for the involuntary
her possession on April 19, 1925. The court further ordered her to insolvency of the merchant Leoncia Vda. de Chan Diaco (alias Lao
surrender the books of accounts mentioned in the referee's report Liong Naw or Niew).
together with the accounts receivable amounting to P40,000 and the
sums withdrawn by her from her current account with the China 3. The lower court erred in ordering the filing of a new petition of
Banking Corporation a few days prior to the declaration of insolvency; insolvency against the fictitious partnership Lao Liong Niew & Co.
and directed the assignee to file actions against the merchants Cua and the delivery to the sheriff of all the property of the insolvency.
Ico, Chan Keep, and Simon A. Chan Bona for the return by them of
the sum of P5,000 in cash, plus the merchandise valued at P20,000 In our opinion, all of the assignments of error are well taken. The
delivered to them by the insolvent in fraud of her creditors. evidence appearing in the record fully supports the findings of the
referee and his report should have been approved by the court below.
On August 4, 1926, attorney for the insolvent filed a motion asking
the court to dismiss the proceedings against her on the ground that As to the second and third assignments of error it is to be observed
they should have been brought against the partnership "Lao Liong that conceding for the sake of the argument that the debts in question
Naw & Co.," of which she was only a member. The alleged were incurred by the alleged partnership, it clearly appears from the
partnership was evidenced by an agreement dated July 22, 1922, record that said partnership, as such, has no visible assets that,
and from which it appeared that on that date Lao Liong Naw therefore, the partners individually must, jointly and severally,
(Leoncia), Chan Chiaco Wa, Cua Yuk, Chan Bun Suy, Cahn Bun Le, respond for its debts (Code of Commerce, art. 127). As the appellee
and Juan Maquitan Chan had formed a partnership with a capital of is one of the partners and admits that she is insolvent, we can see no
P21,000, of which only P4,000 was contributed by Leoncia. reason for the dismissal of the proceedings against her. It is further to
be noted that both the partnership and the separate partners thereof
In view of the aforesaid motion Judge Del Rosario on August 7, 1926, may be joined in the same action, though the private property of the
suspended for the time being the effects of the decision of July 23, latter cannot be taken in payment of the partnership debts until the
1926, and set the motion down for hearing on the 14th of August, common property of the concern is exhausted (Comapnia Maritima
1926. His Honor again appointed Summers as referee. vs. Munoz, 9 Phil., 326) and, under this rule, it seems clear that the
alleged partnership here in question may, if necessary, be included in
After several hearings in which various witnesses were examined and the case by amendments to the insolvency petition.
documents presented on behalf of both sides, the referee, on
February 28, 1927, rendered a second report, in which he found as We also call attention to the fact that the evidence clearly shows that
facts that the alleged partnership between the insolvent and some of the business, alleged to have been that of the partnership, was
her relatives and employees was only a fictitious organization created carried on under the name "Leoncia Vda. de Chan Diaco" or "La Vda.
for the purpose of deceiving the Bureau of Customs and enable some de G. G. Chan Diaco," both of which are names of the appellee, and

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