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Safety tips
Wear a Gloves
Wear gloves when working outside -garden gloves
will help you from
blisters,fertillizer,pesticides,bacteria,fungi,and hard

warm up -
just like an athlete does beforethe game ,you should
warm up before digging in the problem

avoid prolonged
repetitive motion
prolonged repetitive motion,such as digging
,raking,trimming,pruning and planting,might irritate your
skin ,tendon or nerves to avoid this switch up your tasks
every 15 minutes and take between task break.

use tools,not your

use hand shovel or rake rather than your hand for objects and debris buried in the soil may
cut you.if possible,remove objects from the work area
before beginning the task to avoid damage to you and
your tools

use right tool for the

right job
avoid accidents by using tools for their
intended purposes.

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