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40PECSON VS CORONEL The foregoing document was executed and declared document Exhibit A above copied contains the

Exhibit A above copied contains the last

G.R. NO. L-20374, OCTOBER 11, 1923 by Dolores Coronel to be her last will and testament in will of Dolores Coronel, and (b) that the attestation
our presence, and as the testatrix does not know how clause is not in accordance with the provisions of
ROMUALDEZ, J.: to write her name, she requested Vicente J. Francisco section 618 of the Code of Civil Procedure, as
to sign her name under her express direction in our amended by Act No. 2645. 
On November 28, 1922, the Court of First Instance of presence, at the foot, and on the left margin of each
Pampanga probated as the last will and testament of and every sheet, hereof. In testimony whereof, each These are the two principal questions which are
Dolores Coronel, the document Exhibit A, which of us signed these presents in the presence of others debated in this case and which we will now examine
translated is as follows:  and of the testatrix at the foot hereof and on the separately. 
margin of each and everyone of the two sheets of
which this document is composed, which are As to the first, which is the one raised in the first
In the name of God, Amen: 
numbered "one" and "two" on the upper part of the assignment of error, the appellants argue: First, that it
face thereof. was improbable and exceptional that Dolores Coronel
I, Dolores Coronel, resident of Betis, Guagua,
Pampanga, Philippine Islands, in the full exercise of should dispose of her estate, as set forth in the
(Sgd.) "MAXIMO VERGARA, SOTERO DUMAUAL, document Exhibit A, her true being that the same be
my mental faculties, do hereby make my last will and
MARCOS DE LOS SANTOS  distributed among her blood relatives; and second,
testament, and revoke all former wills by me
executed.  that if such will not expressed in fact, it was due to
MARIANO L. CRISOSTOMO           extraneous illegal influence. 
I direct and order that my body be buried in conformity
MARCOS DE LA CRUZ           Let us examine the first point. 
with my social standing. 
That having no forced heirs, I will all my properties, The opponents contend that it was not, nor could it
On the left margin of the two sheets of the will the be, the will of the testatrix, because it is not natural
both movable and immovable, to my nephew,
following signatures also appear:  nor usual that she should completely exclude her
Lorenzo Pecson, who is married to my niece Angela
Coronel, in consideration of the good services with he blood relatives from her vast estate, in order to will the
has rendered, and is rendering to me with good will Mariano L. Crisostomo, Vicente J. Francisco for the same to one who is only a relative by affinity, there
and disinterestedness and to my full satisfaction.  testatrix Dolores Coronel, M. Vergara, Pablo appearing no sufficient motive for such exclusion,
Bartolome, Sotero Dumaual Crisostomo, Marcos de inasmuch as until the death of Dolores Coronel, she
la Cruz, Marcos de los Santos.  maintained very cordial relations with the aforesaid
I name and appoint my aforesaid nephew, Lorenzo
relatives who had helped her in the management and
Pecson, executor of all that is willed and ordained in
The petitioner for the probate of the will is Lorenzo direction of her lands. It appears, however, from the
this my will, without bond. Should he not be able to
Pecson, husband of Angela Coronel, who is a niece testimony of Attorney Francisco (page 71, transcript
discharge his duties as such executor for any reason
of the deceased Dolores Coronel.  of the stenographic notes) that Dolores Coronel
whatsoever, I name and appoint as substitute
revealed to him her suspicion against some of her
executor my grandson Victor Pecson, a native and
The opponents are: Eriberto Coronel, Tito Coronel, nephews as having been accomplices in a robbery of
resident of the town of Betis, without requiring him to
Julian Gozum, Cirila Santiago, widow of the deceased which she had been a victim. 
give bond. 1awph!
Macario Gozum, in her own behalf and that of her
three minor children, Hilarion Coronel, Geronimo As to whether or not Lorenzo Pecson rendered
All my real and paraphernal property as well as my
Coronel, Maria Coronel and her husband Eladio services to Dolores Coronel, the opponents admit that
credits for I declare that I have no debts, are specified
Gongco, Juana Bituin, widow of the deceased Hipolito he rendered them at least from the year 1914,
in an inventory. 
Coronel, in her own behalf and that of her three although there is proof showing that he rendered such
children, Generosa, Maria, and Jose, all minors, services long before that time. 
In testimony whereof and as I do not know how to
Rosario Coronel, Agustin Coronel, Filomeno Coronel,
write my name, I have requested Vicente J. Francisco
Casimiro Coronel, Alejo Coronel, Maria Coronel, The appellants emphasize the fact that family ties in
to write my name at the foot hereof and on the left
Severina Coronel, Serapia Coronel, Maria Juana de this country are very strongly knit and that the
margin of each of its sheet before me and all the
Ocampo, widow of the deceased Manuel Coronel, exclusion of relative one's estate an exceptional case.
undersigned witnesses this July 1, 1918.
Dionisia Coronel, and her husband Pantaleon It is true that ties of relationship in the Philippines are
Gunlao.  very strong, but we understand that cases of
preterition of relatives from the inheritance are not
The probate of this will is impugned on the following rare. The liberty to dispose of one's estate by will
"For the testatrix Dolores Coronel when there are no forced heirs is rendered sacred by
grounds: (a) That the proof does not that the
the civil Code in force in the Philippines since 1889. It 5. That as to my burial and other things connected determining whether or not such institution in favor of
is so provided in the first paragraph of article in the with the eternal rest of my soul, I leave them to the Pecson was the true will of the testatrix. 
following terms:  sound direction of the aforesaid Lorenzo Pecson; 
We find, therefore, nothing strange in the preterition
Any person who was no forced heirs may dispose by 6. That as I cannot write I requested Martin made by Dolores Coronel of her blood relatives, nor in
will of all his property or any part of it in favor of any Pangilinan, a native and resident of this town, to write the designation of Lorenzo Pecson as her sole
person qualified to acquire it. this will in accordance with my wishes and precise beneficiary. Furthermore, although the institution of
instructions.  the beneficiary here would not seem the most usual
Even ignoring the precedents of this legal precept, the and customary, still this would not be null per se. 
Code embodying it has been in force in the In testimony whereof I had the said Martin Pangilinan
Philippines for more than a quarter of a century, and write my name and surname, and affixed my mark In the absence of any statutory restriction every
for this reason it is not tenable to say that the between my name and surname, and don Francisco person possesses absolute dominion over his
excercise of the liberty thereby granted is necessarily Dumaual, Don Mariano Sunglao, Don Sotero property, and may bestow it upon whomsoever he
exceptional, where it is not shown that the inhabitants Dumaual, Don Marcos de la Cruz and Don Martin pleases without regard to natural or legal claim upon
of this country whose customs must have been take Pangilinan signed as witnesses, they having been his bounty. If the testator possesses the requisite
into consideration by the legislator in adopting this present at the beginning of, during, and after, the capacity to make a will, and the disposition of his
legal precept, are averse to such a liberty.  execution of this my last will.  property is not affected by fraud of undue influence,
the will is not rendered invalid by the fact that it is
As to preference given to Lorenzo Pecson, it is not (Sgd.)          "DOLORES CORONEL            unnatural, unreasonable, or unjust. Nothing can
purely arbitrary, nor a caprice or a whim of the prevent the testator from making a will as eccentric,
moment. The proof adduced by this appelle, although Witnesses: as injudicious, or as unjust as caprice, frivolity, or
contradicted, shows by a preponderance of evidence revenge can dictate. However, as has already been
that besides the services which the opponents admit (Sgd.)          "MARIANO SUNGLAO shown, the unreasonable or unjustice of a will may be
had been rendered by him to Dolores Coronel since considered on the question of testamentary capacity.
the year 1914, he had also rendered services prior to                     MARCOS DE LA CRUZ (40 Cyc., 1079.) 
that time and was the administrator and manager of
the affairs of said Dolores in the last years of her life.                     FRANCISCO DUMAUAL The testamentary capacity of Dolores Coronel is not
And that this was not a whim of the moment is shown disputed in this case. 
by the fact that six years before the execution of the                     SOTERO DUMAUAL
will in question, said Lorenzo Pecson was named and Passing to the second question, to wit, whether or not
appointed by Dolores Coronel as her sole heir in the                     MARTIN PANGILINAN" the true last will of Dolores Coronel was expressed in
document Exhibit B, which, translated, is as follows:  the testament Exhibit A, we will begin with
The appellants find in the testament Exhibit B expounding how the idea of making the aforesaid will
1. That my present property was acquired by me by something to support their contention that the here controverted was borne and carried out. 
inheritance from my parents, but a great part thereof intention of Dolores Coronel was to institute the said
was acquired by me by my own efforts and exertions;  Pecson not as sole beneficiary, but simply as About the year 1916 or 1917, Dolores showed the
executor and distributor of all her estate among her document Exhibit B to Attorney Francisco who was
2. That I have made no inventory of my properties, heirs, for while Lorenzo Pecson's contention that he then her legal adviser and who, considering that in
but they can be seen in the title deeds in my was appointed sold beneficiary is based on the fact order to make the expression of her last will more
possession and in the declarations of ownership;  that he enjoyed the confidence of Dolores Coronel in legally valid, though it necessary that the statement
1918 and administered all her property, he did not be prepared in conformity with the laws in force at
3. That I institute Lorenzo Pecson, married to Angela exclusively have this confidence and administration in time of the death of the testatrix, and observing that
Coronel, and a known resident of the town, my heir to the year 1912. Although such administration and the will Exhibit B lacked the extrinsic formalities
succeed to all my properties;  confidence were enjoyed by Pecson always jointly required by Act No. 2645 enacted after its execution,
with others and never exclusively, this fact does not advised Dolores Coronel that the will be remade. She
4. That I appoint my said heir, Lorenzo Pecson, as show that the will of the testatrix was to appoint followed the advice, and Attorney Francisco, after
executor, and, in his default, Victor Pecson, a resident Pecson only as executor and distributor of her estate receiving her instructions, drew the will Exhibit A in
of the same town;  among the heirs, nor does it prevent her, the testatrix, accordance therewith, and brought it to the house of
from instituting him in 1912 or 1918 as sole Dolores Coronel for its execution. 
beneficiary; nor does it constitute, lastly, a test for
Pablo Bartolome read Exhibit A to Dolores Coronel in requiring him to give bond," and contend that this It is said that the true will of Dolores Coronel not
her presence and that of the witnesses and asked her clause is repugnant to the institution of Lorenzo expressed in the will can be inferred from the phrase
whether the will was in accordance with her wishes. Pecson as sole beneficiary of all her estate, for if such used by Jose M. Reyes in his deposition when
Dolores Coronel answer that it was, and requested was the intention of the testatrix, there would have speaking of the purpose for which Lorenzo Pecson
her attorney, Mr. Francisco, to sign the will for her, been no necessity of appointing an executor, nor any was to receive the estate, to wit: 
which the attorney accordingly did in the presence of reason for designating a substitute in case that the
the witnesses, who in turn signed it before the first one should not be able to discharge his duties, in order that the latter might dispose of the estate in
testatrix and in the presence of each other.  and they perceived in this clause the idea which, the most appropriate manner
according to them, was not expressed in the
Upon the filing of the motion for a rehearing on the document, and which was that Pecson was simply to Weight is given to this phrase from the circumstance
first order allowing the probate of the will, the be a mere executor entrusted with the distribution to that its author was requested by Attorney Francisco to
opponents presented an affidavit of Pablo Bartolome the estate among the relatives of the testatrix, and explain the contents of Exhibit B and had acted as
to the effect that, following instructions of Lorenzo that should he not be able to do so, this duty would interpreter between Dolores Coronel and Attorney
Pecson, he had informed the testatrix that the devolved upon his substitutes.  Francisco at their interviews previous to the
contents of the will were that she entrusted Pecson preparation of Exhibit A, and had translated into the
with the distribution of all her property among the But it is not the sole duty of an executor to distribute Pampango dialect this last document, and, lastly, was
relatives of the said Dolores. But during the new trial the estate, which in estate succession, such as the present at the execution of the will in question. 
Pablo Bartolome, in spite of being present in the court instant case, has to be distributed with the
room on the day of the trial, was not introduced as a intervention of the court. All executor has, besides, The disputed phrase "in order that the latter might
witness, without such an omission having been other duties and general and special powers intended dispose of the estate in the most appropriate manner"
satisfactorily accounted for.  for the preservation, defense, and liquidation of the was used by the witness Reyes while sick in a
estate so long as the same has not reached, by order hospital and testifying in the course of the taking of
While it is true that the petitioner was bound to of the court, the hands of those entitled thereto.  his deposition. 
present Pablo Bartolome, being one of the witnesses
who signed the will, at the second hearing when the The fact that Dolores Coronel foresaw the necessity The appellants interpret the expression "dispose in
probate was controverted, yet we cannot consider this of an executor does not imply a negation of her desire the most appropriate manner" as meaning to say
point against the appellee for this was not raised in to will all her estate to Lorenzo Pecson. It is to be "distribute it among the heirs." Limiting ourselves to its
any of the assignments of error made by the noted, furthermore, that in the will, it was ordered that meaning, the expression is a broad one, for the
appellants. (Art. 20, Rules of the Supreme Court.)  her body be given a burial in accordance with her disposition may be effected in several and various
social standing and she had a perfect right to ways, which may not necessarily be a "distribution
On the other hand, it was incumbent upon the designate a person who should see to it that this among the heirs," and still be a "disposition in the
opponents to present Pablo Bartolome to prove order was complied with. One of the functions of an most appropriate manner." "To dispose" is not the
before the court the statement by him in his affidavit, executor is the fulfillment of what is ordained in the same as "to distribute." 
since it was their duty to prove what they alleged, will. 
which was that Dolores Coronel had not understood To judge correctly the import of this phrase, the
the true contents of the will Exhibit A. Having It is argued that the will of the testatrix was to will her circumstances under which it was used must be taken
suppressed, without explanation, the testimony of estate to her blood relatives, for such was the promise into account in this particular instance. The witness
Pablo Bartolome, the presumption is against the made to Maria Coronel, whom Rosario Coronel tends Reyes, the author of the phrase, was not expressing
opponents and that is, that such a testimony would to corroborate. We do not find such a promise to have his own original ideas when he used it, but was
have been adverse had it been produced at the been sufficiently proven, and much less to have been translating into Spanish what Dolores Coronel had
hearing of the case before the court. (Sec 334, seriously made and coupled with a positive intention told him. According to the facts, the said witness is
subsec. 5, Code of Civil Procedure.)  on the part of Dolores Coronel to fulfill the same. In not a Spaniard, that is to say, the Spanish language is
the absence of sufficient proof of fraud, or undue not his native tongue, but, perhaps, the Pampango
The opponents call our attention to the fourth clause influence, we cannot take such a promise into dialect. It is an admitted fact based on reason and
of the document which says: "I name and appoint my account, for even if such a promise was in fact made, experience that when a person translates from one
aforesaid nephew, Lorenzo Pecson, executor of all Dolores Coronel could retract or forget it afterwards language to another, it is easier for him to express
that is willed and ordained in this my will, without and dispose of her estate as she pleased. Wills with precision and accuracy when the version is from
bond. Should he not be able to discharge his duties themselves, which contain more than mere promises, a foreign language to a native one than vice-versa.
as such executor for any reason whatsoever, I name are essentially revocable.  The witness Reyes translated from the Pampango
and appoint as a substitute executor my grandson dialect, which must be more familiar to him, to the
Victor Pecson, resident of the town of Betis, without Spanish language which is not his own tongue. And
judging from the language used by him during his might be executed with all the new formalities The appellants find rather suspicious the interest
testimony in this case, it cannot be said that this required by the laws then in force; nor in the shown by the said attorney in trying to persuade
witness masters the Spanish language. Thus is preparation of the new will substantially in accordance Lorenzo Pecson to give them some share of the
explained the fact that when asked to give the reason with the old one; nor in the selection of attesting estate. These negotiations were not carried out by the
for the appointment of an executor in the will, he witnesses who were persons other than the relatives attorney out of his own initiative, but at the instance of
should say at the morning session that "Dolores of Dolores Coronel. Knowing, as he did, that Dolores the same opponent, Agustin Coronel, made by the
Coronel did appoint Don Lorenzo Pecson and in his was excluding her blood relatives from the latter in his own behalf and that of his coopponents. 
default, Victor Pecson, to act during her lifetime, but inheritance, in spite of her having been asked by him
not after he death," which was explained at the whether their exclusion was due to a mere As to Lorenzo Pecson, we do not find in the record
afternoon session by saying "that Dolores Coronel did inadvertence, there is a satisfactory explanation, sufficient proof to believe that he should have tried,
appoint Don Lorenzo Pecson executor of all her compatible with honorable conduct, why said attorney through fraud or any undue influence, to frustrate the
estate during his lifetime and that in his default, either should prescind from such relatives in the attesting of alleged intention of the testatrix to leave her estate to
through death or incapacity, Mr. Victor Pecson was the will, to the end that no obstacle be placed in the her blood relatives. The opponents insinuate that
appointed executor." Taking into account all the way to the probating thereof.  Lorenzo Pecson employed Attorney Francisco to
circumstances of this witness, there is ground to carry out his reproachable designs, but such
attribute his inaccuracy as to the discharge of the The fact that this attorney should presume that depraved instrumentality was not proven, nor was it
duties of an executor, not to ignorance of the Dolores was to ask him to sign the will for her and that shown that said lawyer, or Lorenzo Pecson, should
elementary rule of law on the matter, for the practice he should prepare it containing this detail is not in have contrived or put into execution any condemnable
of which he was qualified, but to a non-mastery of the itself fraudulent. There was in this case reason so to plan, nor that both should have conspired for illegal
Spanish language. We find in this detail of translation presume, and it appears that he asked her, through purposes at the time of the preparation and execution
made by the witness Reyes no sufficient reason to Pablo Bartolome, whom she wanted to sign the of the will Exhibit A. 
believe that the will expressed by Dolores Coronel at document in her stead. 
the said interview with Attorney Francisco was to Although Norberto Paras testified having heard, when
appoint Lorenzo Pecson executor and mere No imputation can be made to this attorney of any the will was being read to Dolores Coronel, the
distributor of her estate among her heirs.  interest in favoring Lorenzo Pecson in the will, provision whereby the estate was ordered distributed
because the latter was already his client at the among the heirs, the preponderance of the evidence
As to whether or not the burden of proof was on the execution of said will. Attorney Francisco denied this is to the effect that said Norberto Paras was not
petitioner to establish that he was the sole legatee to fact, which we cannot consider proven after present at such reading of the will. Appellant do not
the exclusion of the relatives of Dolores Coronel, we examining the evidence.  insist on the probative force of the testimony of this
understand that it was not his duty to show the witness, and do not oppose its being stricken out. 
reasons which the testatrix may have had for The conduct observed by this attorney after the death
excluding her relatives from her estate, giving of Dolores Coronel in connection with the attempted The data furnished by the case do not show, to our
preference to him. His duty was to prove that the will arrangement between Lorenzo Pecson and the mind, that Dolores Coronel should have had the
was voluntary and authentic and he, who alleges that opponents, does not, in our opinion, constitute any intention of giving her estate to her blood relatives
the estate was willed to another, has the burden of data leading to the conclusion that an heir different instead of to Lorenzo Pecson at the time of the
proving his allegation.  from the true one intended by the testatrix should execution of the will Exhibit A, nor that fraud or
have been fraudulently made to appear instituted in whatever other illegal cause or undue influence
Attorney Francisco is charged with having employed the will exhibit A. His attitude towards the opponents, should have intervened in the execution of said
improper means of making Lorenzo Pecson appear in as can be gathered from the proceedings and testament. Neither fraud nor evil is presumed and the
the will as sole beneficiary. However, after an especially from his letter Exhibit D, does not show any record does not show either. 
examination of all the proceedings had, we cannot perverse or fraudulent intent, but rather a conciliatory
find anything in the behavior of this lawyer, relative to purpose. It is said that such a step was well Turning to the second assignment of error, which is
the preparation and execution of the will, that would calculated to prevent every possible opposition to the made to consist in the will having been probated in
justify an unfavorable conclusion as to his personal probate of the will. Even admitting that one of his spite of the fact that the attestation clause was not in
and professional conduct, nor that he should harbor objects in entering into such negotiations was to avoid conformity with the provision of section 618 of the
any wrongful or fraudulent purpose.  every possible to the probate of the will, such object is Code of Civil Procedure, as amended by Act No.
not incompatible with good faith, nor does it 2645, let us examine the tenor of such clause which
We find nothing censurable in his conduct in advising necessarily justify the inference that the heir instituted literally is as follows: 
Dolores Coronel to make a new will other than the last in the instrument was not the one whom the testatrix
one, Exhibit B (in the drawing of which he does not wanted appointed.  The foregoing document was executed and declared
appear to her intervened), so that the instrument by Dolores Coronel to be her last will testament in our
presence, and as testatrix does not know how to write other witnesses to the will, then the law would have whatsoever, that adds nothing but demands more
her name, she requested Vicente J. Francisco to sign been complied with in this respect.  requisite entirely unnecesary, useless and frustrative
her name under her express direction in our presence of the testator's last will, must be disregarded.
at the foot and on the left margin of each and every Including the concomitant words, the controverted
sheet hereof. In testimony whereof, each of us signed phrase results thus: "each of us signed these We believe it to be more reasonable to construe the
these presents in the presence of others of the presents in the presence of others and of the disputed phrase "of others" as meaning "of the other
testatrix at the foot hereof and on the margin of each testatrix."  witnesses," and that a grammatical or clerical error
and everyone of the two pages of which this was committed consisting in the omission of the
document is composed. These sheets are numbered If we should omit the words "of others and," the article "the". 
correlatively with the words "one and "two on the expression would be reduced to "each of us signed
upper part of the face thereof. these presents in the presence of the testatrix," and Grammatical or clerical errors are not usually
the statement that the witnesses signed each in the considered of vital importance when the intention is
(Sgd.)          "Maximo Vergara,          Sotero presence of the others would be lacking. But as a manifest in the will. 
Dumaual,          Marcos de los Santos,          Mariano matter of fact, these words "of others and" are
L. Crisostomo,           Pablo Bartolome,           Marcos present. Then, what for are they there? Is it to say The court may correct clerical mistakes in writing, and
de la Cruz,           Damian Crisostomo."  that the witnesses signed in the presence of other disregard technical rules of grammar as to the
persons foreign to the execution of the will, which is construction of the language of the will when it
Appellants remark that it is not stated in this clause completely useless and to no purpose in the case, or becomes necessary for it to do so in order to
that the will was signed by the witnesses in the was it for some useful, rational, necessary object, effectuate the testators manifest intention as
presence of the testatrix and of each other, as such as that of making it appear that the witnesses ascertained from the context of the will. But unless a
required by section 618 of the Code of Civil signed the will each in the presence of the others? different construction is so required the ordinary rules
Procedure, as amended, which on this particular point The first theory presupposes that the one who drew of grammar should be adhered to in construing the
provides the following:  the will, who is Attorney Francisco, was an will. (40 Cyc., 1404). 
unreasonable man, which is an inadmissible
The attestation shall state the number of sheets or hypothesis, being repugnant to the facts shown by the And we understand that in the present case the
pages used, upon which the will is written, and the record. The second theory is the most obvious, logical interpretation we adopt is imperative, being the most
fact that the testator signed the will and every page and reasonable under the circumstances. It is true adequate and reasonable. 
thereof, or caused some other person to write his that the expression proved to be deficient. The
name, under his express direction, in the presence of deficiency may have been caused by the drawer of The case of In the matter of the estate of Geronima
three witnesses, and the latter witnessed and signed the will or by the typist. If by the typist, then it must be Uy Coque (43 Phil., 405), decided by this court and
the will and all pages thereof in the presence of the presumed to have been merely accidental. If by the invoked by the appellants, refers so far as pertinent to
testator and of each other. drawer, it is explainable taking into account that the point herein at issue, to an attestation clause
Spanish is not only not the native language of the wherein the statement that the witnesses signed the
Stress is laid on the phrase used in the attestation Filipinos, who, in general, still speak until nowadays will in the presence of each other is totally absent. In
clause above copied, to wit:  their own dialects, but also that such language is not the case at bar, there is the expression "in the
even the only official language since several years presence of others" whose reasonable interpretation
each of us signed in the presence of others. ago.  is, as we have said, "in the presence of the other
witnesses." We do not find any party between the
Two interpretations can absolutely be given here to In Re will of Abangan (40 Phil., 476), this court said:  present case and that of Re Estate of Geronima Uy
the expression "of others." One, that insinuated by the Coque above cited. 
appellants, namely, that it is equivalent to "of other The object of the solemnities surrounding the
persons," and the other, that contended by the execution of wills is to close the door against bad faith Finally, we will take up the question submitted by the
appellee, to wit, that the phrase should be held to and fraud, to avoid substitution of wills and opponents as to the alleged insufficiency of the
mean "of the others," the article "the" having testaments and to guarantee their truth and evidence to show that the attesting witnesses Damian
inadvertently been omitted.  authenticity. Therefore the laws on this subject should Crisostomo and Sotero Dumaual were present at the
be interpreted in such a way as to attain these execution of the will in controversy. Although this
Should the first interpretation prevail and "other primordial ends. But, on the other hand, also one point is raised in the first assignment of error made by
persons" be taken to mean persons different from the must not lose sight of the fact that it is not the object the appellants, and not in the second, it is discussed
attesting witnesses, then one of the solemnities of the law to restrain and curtail the exercise of the in this place because it refers to the very fact of
required by law would be lacking. Should the second right to make a will. So when an interpretation already attestation. However, we do not believe it necessary
be adopted and "of others" construed as meaning the given assures such ends, any other interpretation to analyze in detail the evidence of both parties on
this particular point. The evidence leads us to the witnesses at the end of the attestation clause and
conclusion that the two witnesses aforementioned The Case again on the left hand margin. It provides in the body
were present at the execution and signing of the will. that:
Such is also the conclusion of the trial judge who, in Before the Court is a Petition for Review 1 under Rule
this respect, states the following, in his decision:  45 of the Rules of Court, seeking to reverse and set ‘LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT OF PLACIDO
aside the December 12, 2002 Decision2 and the VALMONTE IN THE NAME OF THE LORD AMEN:
As to the question of whether or not the testatrix and March 7, 2003 Resolution3 of the Court of Appeals
witnesses signed the document Exhibit A in (CA) in CA-GR CV No. 44296. The assailed Decision ‘I, PLACIDO VALMONTE, of legal age, married to
accordance with the provisions of law on the matter, disposed as follows: Josefina Cabansag Valmonte, and a resident of 9200
that is, whether or not the testatrix signed the will, or Catmon Street, Makati, Metro Manila, 83 years of age
caused it to be signed, in the presence of the "WHEREFORE, the appeal is GRANTED, and the and being of sound and disposing mind and memory,
witnesses, and the latter in turn signed in her Decision appealed from is REVERSED and SET do hereby declare this to be my last will and
presence and that of each other, the court, after ASIDE. In its place judgment is rendered approving testament:
observing the demeanor of the witnesses for both and allowing probate to the said last will and 1. It is my will that I be buried in the Catholic
parties, is of the opinion that those for the petitioner testament of Placido Valmonte and ordering the Cemetery, under the auspices of the Catholic Church
spoke the truth. It is neither probable nor likely that a issuance of letters testamentary to the petitioner in accordance with the rites and said Church and that
man versed in the law, such as Attorney Francisco, Josefina Valmonte. Let this case be remanded to the a suitable monument to be erected and provided my
who was present at the execution of the will in court a quo for further and concomitant proceedings."4 by executrix (wife) to perpetuate my memory in the
question, and to whose conscientiousness in the minds of my family and friends;
matter of compliance with all the extrinsic formalities The assailed Resolution denied petitioner’s Motion for
of the execution of a will, and to nothing else, was due Reconsideration. 2. I give, devise and bequeath unto my loving wife,
the fact that the testatrix had cancelled her former will JOSEFINA C. VALMONTE, one half (1/2) portion of
(Exhibit B) and had new one (Exhibit A) prepared and The Facts the follow-described properties, which belongs to me
executed, should have consented the omission of as [co-owner]:
formality compliance with which would have required The facts were summarized in the assailed Decision
little or no effort; namely, that of seeing to it that the of the CA, as follows: a. Lot 4-A, Block 13 described on plan Psd-28575,
testatrix and the attesting witnesses were all present LRC, (GLRO), situated in Makati, Metro Manila,
when their respective signatures were affixed to the "x x x: Like so many others before him, Placido toiled described and covered by TCT No. 123468 of the
will." And the record does not furnish us sufficient and lived for a long time in the United States until he Register of Deeds of Pasig, Metro-Manila registered
ground for deviating from the line reasoning and finally reached retirement. In 1980, Placido finally jointly as co-owners with my deceased sister (Ciriaca
findings of the trial judge.  came home to stay in the Philippines, and he lived in Valmonte), having share and share alike;
the house and lot located at #9200 Catmon St., San
In conclusion we hold that the assignments of error Antonio Village, Makati, which he owned in common b. 2-storey building standing on the above-described
made by the appellants are not supported by the with his sister Ciriaca Valmonte and titled in their property, made of strong and mixed materials used as
evidence of record.  names in TCT 123468. Two years after his arrival my residence and my wife and located at No. 9200
from the United States and at the age of 80 he wed Catmon Street, Makati, Metro Manila also covered by
The judgment appealed from if affirmed with costs Josefina who was then 28 years old, in a ceremony Tax Declaration No. A-025-00482, Makati, Metro-
against the appellants. So ordered. solemnized by Judge Perfecto Laguio, Jr. on Manila, jointly in the name of my deceased sister,
February 5, 1982. But in a little more than two years Ciriaca Valmonte and myself as co-owners, share and
41ORTEGA VS VALMONTE of wedded bliss, Placido died on October 8, 1984 of a share alike or equal co-owners thereof;
G.R. NO. 157451, DECEMBER 16, 2005 cause written down as COR PULMONALE.
3. All the rest, residue and remainder of my real and
"Placido executed a notarial last will and testament personal properties, including my savings account
written in English and consisting of two (2) pages, and bank book in USA which is in the possession of my
dated June 15, 1983 but acknowledged only on nephew, and all others whatsoever and wherever
The law favors the probate of a will. Upon those who
August 9, 1983. The first page contains the entire found, I give, devise and bequeath to my said wife,
oppose it rests the burden of showing why it should
testamentary dispositions and a part of the attestation Josefina C. Valmonte;
not be allowed. In the present case, petitioner has
clause, and was signed at the end or bottom of that
failed to discharge this burden satisfactorily. For this
page by the testator and on the left hand margin by 4. I hereby appoint my wife, Josefina C. Valmonte as
reason, the Court cannot attribute any reversible error
the three instrumental witnesses. The second page sole executrix of my last will and testament, and it is
on the part of the appellate tribunal that allowed the
contains the continuation of the attestation clause and my will that said executrix be exempt from filing a
probate of the will.
the acknowledgment, and was signed by the bond;
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my the said will. To her estimate, the value of property of the will but were asked to come back instead on
hand this 15th day of June 1983 in Quezon City, both real and personal left by the testator is worth August 9, 1983 because of the absence of the notary
Philippines.’ more or less P100,000.00. Josefina declared too that public; that the testator executed the will in question in
"The allowance to probate of this will was opposed by the testator never suffered mental infirmity because their presence while he was of sound and disposing
Leticia on the grounds that: despite his old age he went alone to the market which mind and that he was strong and in good health; that
is two to three kilometers from their home cooked and the contents of the will was explained by the notary
1. Petitioner failed to allege all assets of the testator, cleaned the kitchen and sometimes if she could not public in the Ilocano and Tagalog dialect and that all
especially those found in the USA; accompany him, even traveled to Manila alone to of them as witnesses attested and signed the will in
2. Petitioner failed to state the names, ages, and claim his monthly pension. Josefina also asserts that the presence of the testator and of each other. And
residences of the heirs of the testator; or to give them her husband was in good health and that he was that during the execution, the testator’s wife, Josefina
proper notice pursuant to law; hospitalized only because of a cold but which was not with them.
3. Will was not executed and attested as required by eventually resulted in his death.
law and legal solemnities and formalities were not "The oppositor Leticia declared that Josefina should
complied with; "Notary Public Floro Sarmiento, the notary public who not inherit alone because aside from her there are
4. Testator was mentally incapable to make a will at notarized the testator’s will, testified that it was in the other children from the siblings of Placido who are just
the time of the alleged execution he being in an first week of June 1983 when the testator together as entitled to inherit from him. She attacked the
advance sate of senility; with the three witnesses of the will went to his house mental capacity of the testator, declaring that at the
5. Will was executed under duress, or the influence of cum law office and requested him to prepare his last time of the execution of the notarial will the testator
fear or threats; will and testament. After the testator instructed him on was already 83 years old and was no longer of sound
6. Will was procured by undue and improper influence the terms and dispositions he wanted on the will, the mind. She knew whereof she spoke because in 1983
and pressure on the part of the petitioner and/or her notary public told them to come back on June 15, Placido lived in the Makati residence and asked
agents and/or assistants; and/or 1983 to give him time to prepare it. After he had Leticia’s family to live with him and they took care of
7. Signature of testator was procured by fraud, or prepared the will the notary public kept it safely him. During that time, the testator’s physical and
trick, and he did not intend that the instrument should hidden and locked in his drawer. The testator and his mental condition showed deterioration, aberrations
be his will at the time of affixing his signature thereto;’ witnesses returned on the appointed date but the and senility. This was corroborated by her daughter
and she also opposed the appointment as Executrix notary public was out of town so they were instructed Mary Jane Ortega for whom Placido took a fancy and
of Josefina alleging her want of understanding and by his wife to come back on August 9, 1983, and wanted to marry.
integrity. which they did. Before the testator and his witnesses "Sifting through the evidence, the court a quo held
"At the hearing, the petitioner Josefina testified and signed the prepared will, the notary public explained that [t]he evidence adduced, reduces the opposition
called as witnesses the notary public Atty. Floro to them each and every term thereof in Ilocano, a to two grounds, namely:
Sarmiento who prepared and notarized the will, and dialect which the testator spoke and understood. He
the instrumental witnesses spouses Eugenio Gomez, likewise explained that though it appears that the will 1. Non-compliance with the legal solemnities and
Jr. and Feliza Gomez and Josie Collado. For the was signed by the testator and his witnesses on June formalities in the execution and attestation of the will;
opposition, the oppositor Leticia and her daughter 15, 1983, the day when it should have been executed and
Mary Jane Ortega testified. had he not gone out of town, the formal execution 2. Mental incapacity of the testator at the time of the
was actually on August 9, 1983. He reasoned that he execution of the will as he was then in an advanced
"According to Josefina after her marriage with the no longer changed the typewritten date of June 15, state of senility
testator they lived in her parents house at Salingcob, 1983 because he did not like the document to appear
Bacnotan, La Union but they came to Manila every dirty. The notary public also testified that to his "It then found these grounds extant and proven, and
month to get his $366.00 monthly pension and stayed observation the testator was physically and mentally accordingly disallowed probate."5
at the said Makati residence. There were times capable at the time he affixed his signature on the Ruling of the Court of Appeals
though when to shave off on expenses, the testator will. Reversing the trial court, the appellate court admitted
would travel alone. And it was in one of his travels by the will of Placido Valmonte to probate. The CA
his lonesome self when the notarial will was made. "The attesting witnesses to the will corroborated the upheld the credibility of the notary public and the
The will was witnessed by the spouses Eugenio and testimony of the notary public, and testified that the subscribing witnesses who had acknowledged the
Feliza Gomez, who were their wedding sponsors, and testator went alone to the house of spouses Eugenio due execution of the will. Moreover, it held that the
by Josie Collado. Josefina said she had no and Feliza Gomez at GSIS Village, Quezon City and testator had testamentary capacity at the time of the
knowledge of the existence of the last will and requested them to accompany him to the house of execution of the will. It added that his "sexual
testament of her husband, but just serendipitously Atty. Floro Sarmiento purposely for his intended will; exhibitionism and unhygienic, crude and impolite
found it in his attache case after his death. It was only that after giving his instructions to Atty. Floro ways"6 did not make him a person of unsound mind.
then that she learned that the testator bequeathed to Sarmiento, they were told to return on June 15, 1983; Hence, this Petition.7
her his properties and she was named the executrix in that they returned on June 15, 1983 for the execution
Issues (5) If the signature of the testator was procured by It is a settled doctrine that the omission of some
fraud; relatives does not affect the due execution of a will. 16
Petitioner raises the following issues for our (6) If the testator acted by mistake or did not intend That the testator was tricked into signing it was not
consideration: that the instrument he signed should be his will at the sufficiently established by the fact that he had
"I. time of affixing his signature thereto." instituted his wife, who was more than fifty years his
Whether or not the findings of the probate court are In the present case, petitioner assails the validity of junior, as the sole beneficiary; and disregarded
entitled to great respect. Placido Valmonte’s will by imputing fraud in its petitioner and her family, who were the ones who had
"II. execution and challenging the testator’s state of mind taken "the cudgels of taking care of [the testator] in
Whether or not the signature of Placido Valmonte in at the time. his twilight years."17
the subject will was procured by fraud or trickery, and
that Placido Valmonte never intended that the Existence of Fraud in the Execution of a Will Moreover, as correctly ruled by the appellate court,
instrument should be his last will and testament. the conflict between the dates appearing on the will
"III. Petitioner does not dispute the due observance of the does not invalidate the document, "because the law
Whether or not Placido Valmonte has testamentary formalities in the execution of the will, but maintains does not even require that a [notarial] will x x x be
capacity at the time he allegedly executed the subject that the circumstances surrounding it are indicative of executed and acknowledged on the same occasion."18
will."8 the existence of fraud. Particularly, she alleges that More important, the will must be subscribed by the
In short, petitioner assails the CA’s allowance of the respondent, who is the testator’s wife and sole testator, as well as by three or more credible
probate of the will of Placido Valmonte. beneficiary, conspired with the notary public and the witnesses who must also attest to it in the presence of
three attesting witnesses in deceiving Placido to sign the testator and of one another.19 Furthermore, the
This Court’s Ruling it. Deception is allegedly reflected in the varying dates testator and the witnesses must acknowledge the will
The Petition has no merit. of the execution and the attestation of the will. before a notary public.20 In any event, we agree with
the CA that "the variance in the dates of the will as to
Main Issue: Probate of a Will Petitioner contends that it was "highly dubious for a its supposed execution and attestation was
woman at the prime of her young life [to] almost satisfactorily and persuasively explained by the notary
At the outset, we stress that only questions of law immediately plunge into marriage with a man who public and the instrumental witnesses."21
may be raised in a Petition for Review under Section [was] thrice her age x x x and who happened to be [a]
1 of Rule 45 of the Rules of Court. As an exception, Fil-American pensionado,"11 thus casting doubt on the The pertinent transcript of stenographic notes taken
however, the evidence presented during the trial may intention of respondent in seeking the probate of the on June 11, 1985, November 25, 1985, October 13,
be examined and the factual matters resolved by this will. Moreover, it supposedly "defies human reason, 1986, and October 21, 1987 -- as quoted by the CA --
Court when, as in the instant case, the findings of fact logic and common experience"12 for an old man with a are reproduced respectively as follows:
of the appellate court differ from those of the trial severe psychological condition to have willingly
court.9 signed a last will and testament. "Atty. Floro Sarmiento:
The fact that public policy favors the probate of a will Q You typed this document exhibit C, specifying the
does not necessarily mean that every will presented We are not convinced. Fraud "is a trick, secret device, date June 15 when the testator and his witnesses
for probate should be allowed. The law lays down the false statement, or pretense, by which the subject of it were supposed to be in your office?
procedures and requisites that must be satisfied for is cheated. It may be of such character that the A Yes sir.
the probate of a will.10 Verily, Article 839 of the Civil testator is misled or deceived as to the nature or Q On June 15, 1983, did the testator and his
Code states the instances when a will may be contents of the document which he executes, or it witnesses come to your house?
disallowed, as follows: may relate to some extrinsic fact, in consequence of A They did as of agreement but unfortunately, I was
the deception regarding which the testator is led to out of town.
"Article 839. The will shall be disallowed in any of the make a certain will which, but for the fraud, he would xxxxxxxxx
following cases: not have made."13 Q The document has been acknowledged on August
(1) If the formalities required by law have not been 9, 1983 as per acknowledgement appearing therein.
complied with; We stress that the party challenging the will bears the Was this the actual date when the document was
(2) If the testator was insane, or otherwise mentally burden of proving the existence of fraud at the time of acknowledged?
incapable of making a will, at the time of its execution; its execution.14 The burden to show otherwise shifts to A Yes sir.
(3) If it was executed through force or under duress, the proponent of the will only upon a showing of Q What about the date when the testator and the
or the influence of fear, or threats; credible evidence of fraud.15 Unfortunately in this three witnesses affixed their respective signature on
(4) If it was procured by undue and improper pressure case, other than the self-serving allegations of the first and second pages of exhibit C?
and influence, on the part of the beneficiary or of petitioner, no evidence of fraud was ever presented. A On that particular date when it was acknowledged,
some other person; August 9, 1983.
Q Why did you not make the necessary correction on A Yes sir. (tsn, October 21, 1987, pp. 4-5)"22 It must be noted that despite his advanced age, he
the date appearing on the body of the document as Notably, petitioner failed to substantiate her claim of a was still able to identify accurately the kinds of
well as the attestation clause? "grand conspiracy" in the commission of a fraud. property he owned, the extent of his shares in them
A Because I do not like anymore to make some There was no showing that the witnesses of the and even their locations. As regards the proper
alterations so I put it in my own handwriting August 9, proponent stood to receive any benefit from the objects of his bounty, it was sufficient that he
1983 on the acknowledgement. (tsn, June 11, 1985, allowance of the will. The testimonies of the three identified his wife as sole beneficiary. As we have
pp. 8-10) subscribing witnesses and the notary are credible stated earlier, the omission of some relatives from the
Eugenio Gomez: evidence of its due execution.23 Their testimony will did not affect its formal validity. There being no
Q It appears on the first page Mr. Witness that it is favoring it and the finding that it was executed in showing of fraud in its execution, intent in its
dated June 15, 1983, whereas in the accordance with the formalities required by law disposition becomes irrelevant.
acknowledgement it is dated August 9, 1983, will you should be affirmed, absent any showing of ill Worth reiterating in determining soundness of mind is
look at this document and tell us this discrepancy in motives.24 Alsua-Betts v. CA,25 which held thus:
the date?
A We went to Atty. Sarmiento together with Placido Capacity to Make a Will "Between the highest degree of soundness of mind
Valmonte and the two witnesses; that was first week and memory which unquestionably carries with it full
of June and Atty. Sarmiento told us to return on the In determining the capacity of the testator to make a testamentary capacity, and that degrees of mental
15th of June but when we returned, Atty. Sarmiento will, the Civil Code gives the following guidelines: aberration generally known as insanity or idiocy, there
was not there. "Article 798. In order to make a will it is essential that are numberless degrees of mental capacity or
Q When you did not find Atty. Sarmiento on June 15, the testator be of sound mind at the time of its incapacity and while on one hand it has been held
1983, did you again go back? execution. that mere weakness of mind, or partial imbecility from
A We returned on the 9th of August and there we disease of body, or from age, will not render a person
signed. "Article 799. To be of sound mind, it is not necessary incapable of making a will; a weak or feebleminded
Q This August 9, 1983 where you said it is there that the testator be in full possession of all his person may make a valid will, provided he has
where you signed, who were your companions? reasoning faculties, or that his mind be wholly understanding and memory sufficient to enable him to
A The two witnesses, me and Placido Valmonte. (tsn, unbroken, unimpaired, or shattered by disease, injury know what he is about to do and how or to whom he
November 25, 1985, pp. 7-8) or other cause. is disposing of his property. To constitute a sound and
Felisa Gomez on cross-examination: disposing mind, it is not necessary that the mind be
Q Why did you have to go to the office of Atty. Floro "It shall be sufficient if the testator was able at the unbroken or unimpaired or unshattered by disease or
Sarmiento, three times? time of making the will to know the nature of the otherwise. It has been held that testamentary
xxxxxxxxx estate to be disposed of, the proper objects of his incapacity does not necessarily require that a person
A The reason why we went there three times is that, bounty, and the character of the testamentary act. shall actually be insane or of unsound mind."26
the first week of June was out first time. We went
there to talk to Atty. Sarmiento and Placido Valmonte "Article 800. The law presumes that every person is of WHEREFORE, the Petition is DENIED, and the
about the last will and testament. After that what they sound mind, in the absence of proof to the contrary. assailed Decision and Resolution of the Court of
have talked what will be placed in the testament, what "The burden of proof that the testator was not of Appeals are AFFIRMED. Costs against petitioner.
Atty. Sarmiento said was that he will go back on the sound mind at the time of making his dispositions is SO ORDERED.
15th of June. When we returned on June 15, Atty. on the person who opposes the probate of the will;  
Sarmiento was not there so we were not able to sign but if the testator, one month, or less, before making  
it, the will. That is why, for the third time we went his will was publicly known to be insane, the person
there on August 9 and that was the time we affixed who maintains the validity of the will must prove that 42. Vaño vs Vda. de Garces (G.R. No. L-6303, June
our signature. (tsn, October 13, 1986, pp. 4-6) the testator made it during a lucid interval." 30, 1954) MATURAN
Josie Collado:
Q When you did not find Atty. Sarmiento in his house According to Article 799, the three things that the CASE No. 42 - [No. L-6303. June 30, 1954]
on June 15, 1983, what transpired? testator must have the ability to know to be
A The wife of Atty. Sarmiento told us that we will be considered of sound mind are as follows: (1) the
In the matter of the last will and testament of
back on August 9, 1983. nature of the estate to be disposed of, (2) the proper
Q And on August 9, 1983 did you go back to the objects of the testator’s bounty, and (3) the character
petitioner and appellant, vs. PAZ VAÑO VDA. DE
house of Atty. Sarmiento? of the testamentary act. Applying this test to the
GARCES, ET AL., oppositors and appellees.
A Yes, Sir. present case, we find that the appellate court was
Q For what purpose? correct in holding that Placido had testamentary
A Our purpose is just to sign the will. capacity at the time of the execution of his will. 1.  1. The rule in this jurisdiction is that the issue
Q Were you able to sign the will you mentioned? in contested wills is fixed by the Rules of
Court, that is, before the probate court can 1.  5.ID.; ID.; ID.; CREDIBILITY OF of Jose Vaño, and which he attached to his petition,
allow the will it must be satisfied upon proof WITNESSES.—Where the three probated. We reproduce said document—
taken and filed, that the will was duly subscribing witnesses to the will who were
executed, and that the testator at the time in no way related to the testator, had no  
of its execution was of sound and disposing interest in the execution of the will and
mind and not acting under duress, menace, stood to gain nothing by its probate, under "LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT
and undue influence, or fraud. This issue oath assured the court that the testator
may not be varied by the pleadings. voluntarily signed the will, their
disinterested testimony can not be taken
1.  2.ID.; ID.; EVIDENCE; OPPOSITOR MAY lightly.
I, Jose Vaño, single, Filipino citizen, of legal age and
EVIDENCE IN SUPPORT THEREOF.—An APPEAL from the judgment of the Court of First
resident of Cebu City, being of sound and disposing
oppositor objecting to the probate of a will Instance of Cebu. Saguin, J.
mind and memory, do hereby make, execute and
on one or two specific grounds may, during
publish, this my Last Will and Testament in English,
the hearing, add other grounds and submit The facts are stated in the opinion of the Court. which language is known to me and which I, talk, read
evidence in support of the same.
and understand, hereby revoking and cancelling any
Pedro Re. Luspo, Vicente L. Faelnar and Roque and all testamentary provisions heretofore made by
1.  3.ID.; ID.; ID.; SERVICE OF OPPOSITION R. Luspo for appellant. me, and the following shall be my Last Will:
PURPOSE OF.—The purpose of the law Pelaez, Pelaez & Pelaez and Ramon Duterte for  
(section 10, Rule 77 of the Rules of Court appellees.
requiring a person contesting probate to
state his ground of opposition and serve 1. I, hereby make known to the world that
MONTEMAYOR, J.: Teodoro Ceblero Vaño is my son.
copy thereof to the petitioner and other
residents of the province interested in the
estate, is to appraise said persons of the This is an appeal by petitioner Teodoro Vaño from a 2. That I, hereby bequeath to aforesaid Teodoro
reasons in opposing probate so that they decision of the Court of First Instance of Cebu Ceblero Vaño all my properties.
may prepare the necessary evidence to denying probate of the document (Exhibit "A"), said to
counteract and disprove said grounds of be the LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT OF JOSE In witness whereof, I, have hereunto affixed my
opposition, this, in addition to apprising the VAÑO. The appeal was first taken to the Court of name at the City of Cebu, Philippines this 11th day of
court itself of the issue involved in the Appeals where the record on appeal and the brief s of December, 1949.
proceeding so that it may intelligently direct petitioner and oppositors were filed. Subsequently, (Sgd.) Jose Vaño
the presentation of evidence during the however, on joint motion of both parties requesting Testator
hearing. that the appeal be elevated to the Supreme Court on  
the ground that the value of the properties involved as
shown by the inventory was more than P50,000, the
1.  4.ID. ; ID. ; ID. ; FACTORS TO BE We, the undersigned attesting witnesses, whose
case was ex forwarded to this Tribunal where
CONSIDERED IN DETERMINING residences are stated opposite our respective names,
memoranda were filed in lieu of oral argument.
GENNUINENESS OF SIGNATURE OF do hereby certify that the testator whose name is
TESTATOR.—When the genuineness of signed hereinabove, has published unto us the
the testator's signature is put in issue, his   foregoing WILL consisting of one page, as his Last
age, infirmity and state of health should be Will and Testament, and has signed the same in our
given due consideration. Where the Jose Vaño died on January 28, 1950, in the City presence, and in witness whereof we have each
testator, at the time the contested will was of Cebu. According to the certificate of the City Health signed the same in the presence of said testator and
made, was 78 years old and suffering from Officer and Local Civil Registrar, Exhibit "C", he was in the presence of each other.\
apparently advanced pulmonary 78 years old and he died of P. T. B. (pulmonary
tuberculosis and rheumatism, it is natural tuberculosis). He left properties valued at P95,913.05  
that his signature should lack the firmness, as per inventory of the administrator but which
rhythm, effort and continuity of motion that according to the evidence are worth much more. On
Cebu City, Philippines, this 11th day of
it had before he became quite ill and infirm. February 11, 1950, Teodoro Ceblero Vaño petitioned
December, 1949.
the Court of First Instance of Cebu to have a
document supposed to be the last will and testament
Pedro C. Ceniza—494-B. Junquera, Cebu City
O. Rama, M. D.—Basak, Sn. Nicolas, Cebu City of the deceased, and if the deceased would have had 3.That in this case a petition has been presented for
made any will he should have it written in Spanish; the probate of the last will and testament of Jose
Nazario R. Paquiao—553 A. P. del Rosario, St., Vaño.
Cebu City" 6.That the said deceased Jose Vaño never
recognized Teodoro Ceblero as his acknowledged 4.That an opposition has been filed against the
Teodoro asked that he be appointed administrator of natural child, the same being a mere protege of the probate of said will.
the estate and that pending his appointment as deceased, and not an adopted or acknowledged
regular administrator, he be designated special natural child; 5.That he is named as one of the oppositors, without
administrator. his knowledge and consent.
7. .That the deceased Jose Vaño had time and again
  told his sister and nephews that he will not execute a 6.That he does not oppose nor intends to oppose the
will because he wants to leave all his estate in favor probate of the will in question, because that document
On March 24, 1950, Paz Vaño Vda. de Garces of his brother and sister, and nephews; contains a true expression of the wish and desire of
and the supposed heirs of Jesus Vaño, brother of Jose Vaño as to who shall inherit his property.
Jose Vaño, filed the following opposition— 8.That Dolores Garces de Falcon, a niece of the
deceased Jose Vaño, being the nearest of kin, is a 7.That he has not authorized anybody to file an
"OPPOSITION competent person to act as Administratrix of the opposition in his name.
estate of the deceased, and she is willing to serve as
such; PRAYER
Comes now Paz Vaño Vda. de Garces, and the heirs
of Jesus Vaño, thru their undersigned attorneys, and
to this Honorable Court respectfully states: PRAYER Wherefore, the undersigned respectfully prays
this Honorable Court to cancel his name from the list
1.That the oppositor Paz Vaño Vda. de Garces is the For all the foregoing considerations, we respectfully of oppositors mentioned in the opposition to the
sister of the deceased Jose Vaño, and Filomena pray this Honorable Court that the said will of the petition filed by Teodoro Vaño.
Vaño, Felicidad Vaño, Angel Vaño, Salvador Vaño, deceased Jose Vaño be declared null and void, and
Norberto Vaño, Teodorico Vaño, and Ireneo Vaño, that it be not admitted to probate; That an  
are the children and heirs of Jesus (brother of Jose administratrix of the said estate be appointed who
Vaño), and all of them are entitled to participate in the shall distribute the same among the legal heirs of the
Tagbilaran, Bohol (for the City of Cebu), August 8,
said Estate of the deceased Jose Vaño in case of deceased; That Dolores Garces de Falcon be
intestacy; appointed as Administratrix of the Estate of the
deceased Jose Vaño.
Said motion of Ireneo Vaño was granted by the Court.
2.That the instrument now offered for probate as will In the course of the hearing, he was presented as one
of the deceased Jose Vaño was procured by undue Cebu City, Philippines, March 23, 1950."
of the witnesses for petitioner Teodoro and he
and improper pressure and influence on the part of declared that he was the son of Jesus Vaño, already
Teodoro Ceblero who is not an acknowledged natural On August 29, 1950, Ireneo Vaño one of the persons dead; that he knew Filomena Falcon, Felicidad
child of the deceased Jose Vaño; included in the opposition, filed a motion of the Calibo, Angel Falcon, Salvador Flores, Norberto
following tenor. Calibo, and Teodorico Falcon, who are sometimes
3.That the said Jose Vaño was mentally incapable to known by the surname Vaño but that they were not
make a will on December 11th, 1949;   related to him because he had no brothers or sisters;
that his father Jesus Vaño was a younger brother of
4.That the signature of the testator Jose Vaño was "MOTION the testator Jose Vaño; that petitioner Teodoro Vaño
procured by fraud and trick on the part of Teodoro was the cousin, son of Jose Vaño, and that he knew
Ceblero and the said deceased Jose Vaño never Comes now Ireneo Vaño and to this Honorable Court of the blood relationship between the testator and
intended that the said document should be his will at respectfully states: Teodoro Vaño because he (Ireneo) since childhood
the time of fixing his signature thereto; used to go to his uncle's house where Teodoro lived
1.That he is the son and only heir of Jesus Vaño, now and he saw that Teodoro was treated as a son by
5.That the instrument now offered for probate as will deceased. Jose Vaño, who paid for Teodoro's board at the
of the deceased Jose Vaño is written in English Colegio del Niño where the two of them were
language which is not the usual and proper language students; that he (Ireneo) never authorized anyone to
2.That his ex ather Jesus Vaño is a brother of Jose
Vaño, also deceased.
include him as oppositor to the probate of the will of standard signatures, he was convinced that the particular objection or ground on which he bases his
Jose Vaño and that he did not oppose its probate. signatures on Exhibit "A" were forgeries. His opposition to the probate.
testimony was vigorously objected to by counsel for
  the petitioner on the ground that the genuineness of In some jurisdictions in the United States the rule
the signature of the testator on Exhibit "A" was never is that the issue in contested wills is made up by the
The three attesting witnesses Pedro Ceniza, Dr. placed in issue because the written opposition of the pleadings or framed ex rom the same, and no
Osmundo Rama and Atty. Nazario Pacquiao testified opponents virtually admitted said genuineness and evidence can be introduced except in support of
for the petitioner and assured the court that Exhibit merely claimed that the will was not the testator's allegations contained in such pleadings. For instance,
"A" was the last will and testament of the late Jose voluntary act because said signature was obtained if the only opposition to the probate of a will is lack of
Vaño; that he signed Exhibit "A" in their presence, thru trickery and that undue pressure and influence mental capacity of the testator, then the oppositor in
and that each of them signed the same after him, in were brought to bear upon him. presenting evidence will be confined to that point. In
his presence and in the presence of each other; that other jurisdictions, however, it is said that the issue is
at the time of the execution of the document in the   fixed by the statute and is practically the old common
afternoon of December 11, 1949, the testator was of law issue "devisavit vel non," is the instrument
sound and disposing mind and memory and that it To counteract the testimony of Bond, the presented for probate the last will and testament of
was his voluntary act, no pressure or influence having deposition of Dr. Paul Rodriguez Versoza, another the testator?; that said issue may not be varied by the
been exerted on him; that the blank space after the handwriting expert was taken and introduced in pleadings and that every ground of attack on the
letter "I" in the first paragraph of Exhibit "A" was filled evidence. Dr. Versoza claims that after examining the validity of the will may be employed.
out by the testator himself although they (witnesses) signatures of Jose Vaño on Exhibit "A" and comparing
differ as to who filled out the blank spaces on the them with accepted standard signatures of the  
document where the words "11th" and "December" testator, he was convinced that the signatures on
appear. Atty. Pacquiao told the court that it was he Exhibit "A" were genuine and that any difference As the law in our jurisdiction on the probate of
who prepared the will (Exhibit A) pursuant to the noted between them were due to the age, weakness, wills now stands, we are inclined to adopt the second
wishes of the testator. and illness of the testator, especially the ex act that view, namely, that the law itself fixes or determines
he was suffering from rheumatism. After hearing, the the issue, because under section 12, Rule 77, of the
  learned trial court noting discrepancies in the Rules of Court, bef ore the probate court can allow
testimonies of the three attesting witnesses as to the the will it must be satisfied upon proof taken and filed
For the opposition Ciriaca Alse who formerly due execution of Exhibit "A", and accepting the expert that the will was duly executed, and that the testator
worked as a servant in the household of Teodoro testimony of Mr. Bond over that of Dr. Versoza, came at the time of its execution was of sound and
Vaño, Dolores Garces de Falcon, a daughter of Paz to the conclusion that the supposed signatures of disposing mind and not acting under duress, menace,
Vaño Vda. de Garces and Carmen Vallore testified. Jose Vaño on Exhibit "A" are not genuine but imitated and undue influence, or ex raud. Also, under section 9
The burden of their testimony is that from November and held that Exhibit "A" was not the last will and of the same rule, a will may be disallowed (a) if not
1949, Jose Vaño was already very sick; that in testament of Jose Vaño. executed and attested as required by law; (6) if the
December he was in serious if not critical condition; testator was mentally incapable of making a will; (c) if
that he was always in bed, oftentimes unable to move   it was executed under duress, or the influence of fear,
or open his eyes and he could not maintain any or threats; (d) if it was procured by undue and
conversation with anyone; that he had to be fed by One of the errors assigned by petitioner-appellant improper pressure and influence on the part of the
someone; and that he was bed-ridden and already is that the trial court erred in permitting appellees over beneficiary; and (e) if the signature of the testator was
had bed-sores. The idea sought to be conveyed by the objection of appellant to present evidence which procured by fraud and trick. The oppositors in the
them was that the testator was in no condition to are contrary to their allegations in their opposition. It is present case therefore were not precluded ex rom
execute a will. his contention that the opponents not only failed to attacking the will on the ground of forgery despite the
allege as a basis of their opposition that the fact that their opposition was confined to grounds (b),
  signatures of the testator on the supposed will were (c) and (d) of section 12, Rule 77 as stated above.
forged but that on the contrary, they impliedly
Mr. Edgar Bond, an examiner of questioned admitted the genuineness of said signatures, merely  
documents and chief of the Questioned Documents claiming that said signatures were obtained through
and Ballistics Division of the National Bureau of trickery and ex raud and under undue pressure and On the other hand, section 10 of the same rule 77
Investigation was also presented by the opposition as influence. This point brings us to a discussion of what provides that "anyone appearing to contest the will
a handwriting expert and he told the court that after evidence an opponent to a probate of a will may be must file a writing stating his grounds for opposing its
examining the supposed signature of Jose Vaño on permitted to present at the hearing—whether or not allowance; and serve a copy thereof on the petitioner
Exhibit "A" and comparing them with his accepted he is limited to presenting evidence to sustain the and other residents of the province interested in the
estate." The purpose of this legal provision is clear, There is no question that there are differences Again, the opponents included Ireneo Vaño, a son
and it is to apprise the person or persons seeking the and discrepancies between the two signatures of Jesus Vaño, brother of the testator, among the
probate of will, as well as any other person interested reading "Jose Vaño" on Exhibit "A" and the genuine, oppositors. This same Irineo later filed a motion in
in the estate, of the reasons in opposing probate so accepted signatures of the testator even as late as court repudiating the action taken by the opponents,
that they may prepare the necessary evidence to the last part of the year 1949. But we should not saying that he was included among the oppositors
counteract and disprove said ground of opposition, forget that on December 11th of the same year when without his knowledge or consent; that far from
this, in addition to apprising the court itself of the he executed Exhibit "A", he was suffering from opposing the probate of the will of his uncle, he
issue involved in the proceedings so that it may apparently advanced pulmonary tuberculosis as well believed that said will was a true expression of the
intelligently direct the presentation of evidence during as rheumatism which according to Dr. Osmundo wish and desire of the testator. Not only this, but he
the hearing. Of course, as we have already stated, an Rama who had been treating him until the day he testified for the petitioner and said that the petitioner
oppositor objecting to the probate of the will on one or died, affected his joints. Teodoro Vaño was the son of the testator and had
two specific grounds may, during the hearing add to been treated by him as such since childhood.\
the grounds and submit evidence in support of the  
same, but when this happen as it did in the present  
case, one is more or less justified in inferring that the The testator was then 78 years old, lying in bed
oppositors were not sure of their ground; that they most of the time, so much so that he developed bed- The learned trial court lays emphasis on the
were in doubt as to the basis of their opposition, a fact sores, sitting up in bed only once in a while, and at uncertainty of the three subscribing witnesses as to
which naturally and not inconsiderably weakens their those times, his hands trembled. It is natural that his who filled out the blank spaces on the will now
stand. signatures on Exhibit "A" should lack the firmness, occupied by the words "11th" and "December", while
rhythm, lack of effort and continuity of motion that they are sure that the name Jose Vaño on the space
  they had before he became quite ill and infirm. at the beginning of the first 'paragraph was written by
Examining the signatures on Exhibit "A", the original the testator himself. Said uncertainty on the part of
One of the grounds of their opposition was that of the will, and those on "3-A", a carbon copy thereof, the said three subscribing witnesses instead of
the signature of the testator was procured by fraud it will be readily observed that while the signatures on affecting their veracity, in our opinion, strengthens it,
and trick, thereby leading one to believe, including the the original are already infirm, rough and jagged, because it refers to a minor detail and shows that they
court and the petitioner that said signature was suggesting a hand infirm and trembling, those on the had not been rehearsed but on the contrary, testified
genuine but was not valid. At the hearing, said duplicate (Exhibit "3-A") are still more so, showing the to what they remembered. In this connection, there is
oppositors completely changed their stand and effects of the concentration of attention, exertion and every reason to believe that the fact that the space for
claimed that the signature was actually forged. As we effort of the testator in reading and signing the the name Jose Vaño on Exhibit "A" was left in blank to
have already said, that conduct and attitude, original. be filled out later by the testator himself argues
changeable and uncertain, does not strengthen their against the theory of forgery, because if there had
position.   been forgery, by leaving the blank space for the name
of the testator to be filled out later, including the space
  But there are other and equally important for the date and the month, the forgers would be
considerations which favor the conclusion that Exhibit laying themselves open and unnecessarily creating
Let us now go to the evidence on the alleged "A" was duly signed and executed by the testator. As an additional opportunity for the opponents and for
forgery of the signatures of the testator Jose Vaño. already stated, in their written opposition the the court to detect the forgery.
We have carefully read the testimony of Mr. Bond for opponents did not question but on the contrary,
the oppositors and the deposition of Dr, Verzosa ex or assumed if not conceded the genuineness of the  
the petitioner. There is no reason for doubting the signatures of the testator. Then at the hearing, they
qualifications, sincerity, and honesty of these two changed their attitude and for the first time put in After all, there was neither necessity nor occasion
witnesses. Their opinions seem to be plausible, issue the genuineness of said signatures; this despite for forging the signatures of the testator in the will
arrived at after an analysis and comparison of the the fact that the original of the will (Exhibit "A") was because there is every reason to believe that said
questioned signatures with the standard and accepted filed in court on February 11, 1950, and the opposition testator would leave all his property to petitioner
signatures of the testator; but we fear that the was filed on March 24th of the same year. In other Teodoro Vaño. The evidence shows that Teodoro
infirmity, age, and state of health of the testator had words the opponents and their lawyers had almost was a natural son of the testator. From childhood he
not been given due consideration by the witness of one and a half months within which to examine and had been raised by Jose Vaño, treated like a son, and
the opponents and by the court. scrutinize the signatures on Exhibit "A", after which sent to school, and even after Teodoro had married,
examination they did not doubt their genuineness. he and his wife and family continued to live with the
  old man, or rather, the old man lived with them.
    Philippines and not insane, must be produced and
examined, and the death, absence or insanity of any
Jose Vaño in 1945, in a public instrument entitled It is not improbable that one of the reasons one of them must be satisfactorily shown to the
"Special Power of Attorney" (Exhibit "E") referred to prompting the filing of the opposition to the petition ex Court.' (Section 11, Rule 77, Rules of Court.)"
Teodoro Vaño as his son and appointed him as his or probate was that Paz Vaño Vda. de Garces, sister
attorney-in-fact to lease to the United States of of the testator, could not understand why her brother, In the present case, the opinions of the two
America any, some or all real properties owned by a wealthy man should leave all his wealth to a mere handwriting experts presented by the parties are
him in the City of Cebu, under such terms and natural son (Teodoro) and leave nothing to her; but it conflicting and even assuming that there is doubt to
conditions which Teodoro may deem just and was not altogether strange because it seems that the our mind as to which of the two is to be accepted, the
reasonable, and to execute and sign the relations between Paz and the testator, were rather positive and clear testimony of the three subscribing
corresponding deeds of lease, and to collect and strained and in 1949, according to the evidence, Paz witnesses should prevail. In the case of In re Will of
receive the rents. had brought a civil action against Jose Vaño and Medina, 60 Phil., 391, this Court said:
Irineo Vaño, the nephew of Jose Vaño who ref used
  to oppose the probate of the will. And during the last "In the present case, two of the subscribing witnesses
and prolonged illness of the testator, Paz, living in the are lawyers. This fact together with the circumstance
This was accepted and acted upon by Teodoro same city of Cebu, did not even once visit her ailing that they were not shown to have any interest in the
Vaño. In 1946 and 1947 the testator appointed and bed-ridden brother. subject of the litigation, lead the trial court to consider
Teodoro his attorney-in-fact giving him a power of their testimony as worthy of credit. The intervention of
attorney with extensive powers such as to lease to the   professional men specially lawyers, in the preparation
Republic of the Philippines some of his real and and execution of wills, has been given by this Court
personal properties in the City of Cebu, and to collect The three subscribing witnesses to the will, under the consideration deserved."
and receive the rentals accruing from the leased oath assured the court that Jose Vaño voluntarily
properties; to ask, demand, sue for, recover, and signed Exhibit "A", and these three witnesses were in Reiterating the doctrine laid down in the case of
collect any and all sums of money, debts, dues, no way related to Teodoro or to the testator, had no Sotelo vs. Luzan, 59 Phil., 908, we ex urther held in
accounts, legacies, bequests, interests, dividends, interest in the execution of the will and stood to gain the same case:
etc. which thereafter become due or owing to him and nothing by its probate. Pedro Ceniza is a responsible
to make, sign, execute, and deliver contracts, businessman, Dr. Osmundo Rama, is a practising  
documents, agreements, and other writings of physician and Atty. Nazario Pacquio, is a member of
whatever nature with any and all third persons upon the bar and at the time he prepared Exhibit "A", he "In one case it was said: 'lt is hardly conceivable that
terms and conditions acceptable to him (Teodoro), was Assistant Provincial Fiscal of Cebu. Their any attorney of any standing would risk his
Exhibits "F" and "G". In 1946 while the testator was in disinterested testimony cannot be taken lightly. On professional reputation by falsifying a will and then go
Bohol, he wrote to Teodoro a note (Exhibit "I") this question of the weight to be given to the before a court and give false testimony.'"
addressing him as his "dear son" and with the testimony of subscribing witnesses, we held in the
complimentary clause "your loving Dad", signing the case of Roxas vs. Roxas, et al., 48 Off. Gaz. (6) 2177;
There is no reason to believe that Atty. Pacquio who,
same, asking Teodoro to send P5,000 to him. It 87 Phil. 692, that—
at the time was not only a member of the bar but was
seems that at least in Cebu and Bohol petitioner
an assistant provincial fiscal, should commit forgery
Teodoro Vaño was known by everyone to be the son   by drafting Exhibit "A" and take part in forging the
of Jose Vaño because the latter had treated and
signature of the testator and later falsely testify in
accepted, even recognized him as such, and shortly "We do not venture to impute bias to the experts court on the due execution of said will and subject
before his death, entrusted him with the complete introduced during the trial but we hasten to state that himself not only to criminal prosecution and dismissal
management of his business. One of the witnesses the positive testimony of the three attesting witnesses from his post as assistant provincial fiscal, but also to
for the opposition, Carmen Vallore, cousin-in-law of ought to prevail over the expert opinions which cannot disbarment proceedings.
the testator, in her testimony called Milagros Vaño, be mathematically precise but which, on the contrary
wife of Teodoro Vaño, as the daugther-in-law of Jose are 'subject to inherent infirmities.'
Vaño, meaning that Teodoro was the son of the In view of the foregoing, the decision appealed
testator. During the hearing and while Teodoro Vaño from is reversed and Exhibit "A" is hereby allowed
  probate as the Last Will and Testament of Jose Vaño,
was testifying, counsel for the oppositors repeatedly
referred to the testator as his (Teodoro's) father. with costs against appellees.
Under all these circumstances, is it any wonder that "The law impliedly recognizes the almost
Jose Vaño should voluntarily by means of a will, leave conclusive weight of the testimony of attesting
all his properties to his only son, though natural? witnesses when it provides that 'if the will is
contested, all the subscribing witnesses present in the
Parás, C. J., Pablo, Padilla, Reyes, A., Jugo, 45. Cuyugan vs Baron (G.R. No. L-45804, February arrived and they have not been disturbed by
Bautista Angelo, Labrador and Concepcion, JJ., 7, 1940) RABANES the new evidence.
GR No. L-45804 February 7, 1940 He also said that Silvestra Baron did not realize that
Decision reversed. Probate of the late Silvestra Baron. VIVENCIO what she had signed on December 17, 1932, was a
CUYUGAN v. FAUSTINA BARON and GUILLERMO will, and that said old woman was a person who was
  BARON easily willing to sign any document that was put
before her, if no one opposed.
The appellant points out in his argument, among other
43. Ozaeta vs Cuartero (GR No. L-5597, May 31, It is about the legalization of the will granted by errors of the lower court, the first and second that
1956) MIRANDA Silvestra Baron, an octogenarian who was a neighbor read as follows:
of MAgalan in the Province of Pampanga. This is the
second time that this Court has been called to The Court made an error when declaring in
ROMAN OZAETA, petitioner and appellee, ROSA
intervene in this matter. The first time, a majority its decision dated August 31, 1937 that
GONZALES, ET AL., co-petitioners and appellees,
decided it was confirmed by the resolution of the Exhibit "A" is the conscious and free
vs. MARIA CUARTERO, ET AL., oppositors and
Court of First Instance of the aforementioned expression of his last will.
province, which denied the legalization of the will in
PALANCA and ANGEL C. PALANCA, oppositors and
question, but not on the grounds of the Court, that is, The court made a mistake when declaring
that undue influence had. However, a minority made that Silvestra Baron the testator did not
up of four members of this Court, that the appealed realize that she had signed it on December
Appeal from a decision of the Court of First Instance resolution should be revoked and the legalization of 17, 1932, it was a will, that is, Exhibit "A" was
of Manila allowing the probate of the will the aforementioned will be ordered. granted by fraud.
purportedly executed by Carlos Palanca and
appointing the petitioner-appellee Roman Ozaeta
At the request of the applicant, based on the fact that We will discuss, therefore, in this appeal two
executor. The entire burden of appellants'
the mental capacity of the testator had not been the questions, which are more important: 1. Whether or
contention is that
issue debated in the Court, which is why no evidence not Silvestra Baron had mental capacity at the time of
had been presented on that point, this court by granting her will; and 2nd whether or not undue
the will could not have been executed by Palacan on resolution dated October 31, 1936, expanded by influence had been exercised over her in the act of
May 19, 1945, and in the manner described by Another of December 26 of the same year, ordered granting the will. 
petitioner's witnesses, and that, supposing it to have the new hearing of the case to give opportunity not
been so executed, still it should not be allowed only to the appellant to present evidence on the We establish as proven facts that on December 9,
because it was allegedly procured thru fraud and testamentary capacity of Silvestra Baron, but also to 1932, Silvestra Baron had been assaulted and
improper pressure and influence and did not comply the appellees to present the retraction of the witness assaulted in her home, and the thieves stole P7,000
with the requisites of the law. Appellants' case is built Zacarias Nuguid. in paper money that she had in bundles tied to her
mainly on surmises unsupported by the evidence. As
leg. Her sister Faustina Baron, who lived with her in
to the question of whether or not the will was obtained
Returning the case to the Court, the new hearing was the house, reported it to the authorities, and some
thru undue influence and improper pressure, it is not
held, and the same Judge who issued the decision Contabularios went to investigate the theft. On the
enough that there was an opportunity to exercise
that had been annulled, ruled the matter again, on morning of the aforementioned month of 1932,
undue influence or a possibility that it might have
August 31, 1937, again denying the probate of the Corporal Constabularia Morales, together with Private
been exercised. There must be substantial evidence
will, ordering the own time the prosecution of Zacarias Cerrudo, were sent to Silvestra Baron's house to
that it was actually exercised. (21 A.L.R. 821).
Nuguid for the perjury committed in his first statement. investigate the robbery. In the same morning,
Judgment appealed from affirmed, with costs against
In its decision the Court said: Silvestra Baron fell on the roof of her house, and her
the appellants. Reyes, A., J., ponente.
granddaughter Epifania Sampang, informed of the
. . . The testator's mental incapacity was not accident, by telephone asked a policeman from the
____________ absolute, according to the evidence, but this municipality of San Fernando to notify Vivencio
does not mean that Exhibit A is the free and Cuyugan, Silvestra Baron's nephew. , that her aunt
conscious expression of her last will for the was ill and seemed to have a seizure and that a
reasons we have already said, conclusions doctor was needed. Dr. Rafael Teopaco,
44. Coso vs Fernandez (G.R. No. L-16763, December to which most of the Supreme Court had accompanied by thenurse Sofia Echanova, went to
22, 1921) MUANA the house of Silvestra Baron in this morning and I
found bedridden "almost to the edge of a shock After carefully examining the evidence and after which Silvestra Baron was, is not interested at all in
nervous', his blood pressure was abnormally low, reading the argument of the appellants as well as that anything that happens around her.
which is why he ordered the doctor to the nurse that I of the appealed children of Guillermo Baron, and that
gave her an injection of camphor oil and another of of the appealed Faustina Baron, who withdrew her C. Not only could the testator pay attention or be
sodium benzoate with caffeine. Then the patient appeal, but her argument has been made by the interested in what happened near her, but also that
reacted and wanted to raise her head. She asked the appealed children of Guillermo Baron. we find: she showed herself, even attentive and obsequious
nurse: "Who are these people?" His nephew Regino with the lawyer Quirino Abad Santos and his
Cuyugan, who was there, answered: "These are the REGARDING THE TESTAMENTARY colleagues, ordering that they offer them a standing
doctor and the nurse." The nurseI then asked what CAPACITY tent to They shouldn't get hungry, since it was already
had happened and she, although with some difficulty, 12 o'clock in the morning, and then her
answered coherently and intelligently: "I don't know, it that the evidence shows indisputably that the testator granddaughter, Epifania Sampang, looked for eggs in
was the night before or two nights before that I had had such capacity when she executed her will. the neighboring house, while the testator Regino
been strangled by two individuals, who took the Cuyugan's nephew went to buy biscuits. Such
money that I had tied to my thigh ". The nurse asked attention cannot happen to a person who does not
A. First, all the instrumental witnesses testified that
her why she had not put the money in her iron box, have a clear and healthy mind.
when the testator executed and signed her will, she
and she replied that she did not believe that anyone
was in the full use of her mental faculties. The
would know that she had it tied to her leg. Dr Teopaco D. When the lawyer Mr. Quirino Abad Santos
witnesses were, as has already been said, Vicente T
warned the nurse not to tire the mind of the patient. approached the testator to sign the testament, said
David, auxiliary justice of the peace of San Fernando,
As he complained that his side hurt, they put a plaster Silvestra told her granddaughter Epifania Sampang,
Pampanga, the lawyer Valeriano Silva, and the chief
and ice on his head; and they told him to shut up and according to this opposition witness, to look at what
of police, Zacarias Nuguid. Presiding over the latter
not speak. Around 11 in the morning the doctor and was put before her for your signiture. And Epiphany
for now, the first two witnesses and the lawyer Mr.
nurse left. did indeed see the papers according to her. This
Quirino Abad Santos who intervened in the
preparation of the will in question were lawyers whose simply shows that the testator knew very well what
Two or three days before December 17, 1932, professional conduct has not been questioned. This she was doing, and that she acted with full knowledge
Silvestra Baron called the lawyer Quirino Abad was recognized by the Honorable Judge who ruled of what she was doing.
Santos, and having been established in his house, he this case, and Judge Malcolm, who in a separate
asked him to write his will, instructing him to keep his opinion concurred with the majority, said the following It is true that Epifania Sampang, the main witness of
grant secret so that his relatives would not disturbed. on this point: ". But from the premise of lack of the opponents, declared that she saw those papers
Said lawyer then took note of the provisions that she testamentary capacity it does not necessarily follow that told her it was a complaint and she noticed the
wanted to include in her last will. On the morning of that anything of unprofessional nature should be words complaint and robbery.
December 17, said lawyer Quirino Abad Santos, who imputed to the lawyer who prepared the will and other
was the justice of the peace of San Fernando, lawyers who acted as attesting witnesses. The first The theory of the opponents is that Vivencia Cuyugan
Pampanga, appeared at Silvestra Baron's house, named is the Justice of the Peace of San Fernando, made her aunt Silvestra Baron sign her will, making
together with Vivencio Cuyugan, Vicente T. David and Pampanga, and has an excellent reputation, which is her believe that it was a complaint against Emilio
Valeriano Silva, and the chief of police of San not lessened in the least by his acts in this case, and Lacson, son of the opposition Faustina Baron, who
Fernando, Zacarias Nuguid. They all arrived at the last named are reputable members of the bar. was suspected of being the one who had stolen the
Silvestra's house around 11 in the morning, shortly "(RG No 41927, January 16, 1936). money. nights before. Well then: Epifania Sampang's
before Dr. Teopaco and the nurse left.Sofia
testimony in this part is the most implausible that can
Echanova. Quirino Abad Santos went to the bed
B. So much so that Silvestra Baron fully enjoyed her be conceived. She is a woman of about 28 years of
where the old woman was lying, and showed her the
mental faculties on the day I made the will, Exhibit A, age; He had studied the fourth grade and then studied
draft of the will that she had carried, asking her if she
that, although she was ill, I heard, while the will was for two years at the Colegio de Sta. Catalina in
was satisfied. As she answered in the affirmative, said
being signed, that from the roof of the house, Manila. So she was not an ignorant person who could
draft was put in clean, in razor, writing Vicente D.
someone called her "Atsi , Atsi ", nickname with which easily be fooled. She was at that time the most
David. After copying it, at the request of Mr. Quirino
she called the testator; And, she asked what trusted person of the testator, which is why she asked
Abad SAntos, the lawyer Silva read the will in the
happened to what her granddaughter Epifania her to look at the papers that she put at the signature.
presence of the late Silvestra Baron and after having
Sampang, who was there present, answered that her Therefore, responding to the confidence of his
it in her hands and looking at it for a while, she signed
sister Faustina was calling her; Then she asked why grandmother, and when she told him to examine
it in the presence of. The will is Exhibit a, whose
they wouldn't let her in, and going to Epifania, she those papers, Of course, it must be presumed
duplicate is Exhibit A-1; It appears written on a single
sent her to find out what was happening. A very sick naturally that she would not have limited herself to
page, in Pampango dialect.
person who was not in the full use of her mental looking at them in passing, but that she would have
faculties, as the opponents claim was the condition in noticed and read them, which was extremely easy for
her, since the will was written on a single page and Baron was unable to execute the will. If such a of Corporal Morales and some other
was written in the Pampango dialect. , which was his revelation had been made, is it conceivable that the soldiers, not only when the will was made,
own dialect. In these circumstances, can it be opposition would not have presented such evidence but when she was moved from home against
conceived as a possible thing that what she saw on at the first hearing when all its effort and effort was to her will and when she was made to sign
the papers was just a robbery complaint? show that the will was made by virtue of fraud, Exhibit 10, and, therefore, that she did not
deception and undue influence? Dr. Teopaco enjoy complete freedom to dispose of her
E. In addition, the applicant's evidence shows that the emphatically denied such fact, and under all assets in a will, or with full knowledge of the
will was first prepared and signed; later, Abad Santos circumstances, the testimony of this witness deserves scope of its content. This is the only way to
and his companions took biscuits and eggs, and full credit. explain why she has left all the ownership of
finally, the complaint for theft was drawn up. This her goods to her nephews, with whom she
being the case, what witness Epifania Sampang has We have seen that according to the evidence, had been in a lawsuit, with the preterition of
stated could not have happened: that they made Silvestra Baron, when on December 17, 1932, she her brothers, especially the opposition
Silvestra Baron sign the will, making her believe it executed the will contested by the opposition, she Faustina Baron, with whom she had been
was the complaint, and that she, Sampang, actually was fully enjoying her mental faculties. The law does living for 40 years. "
saw that the papers said complaint and theft; the not even require that much for a will to be valid, since:
signing of the will was one act, and that of the Regarding the alleged weakened will of the testator
complaint, another, with a considerable interval of In order for judgment and memory to be due to her advanced age, we believe that enjoying, as
time between one act and another. qualified as healthy, it is not necessary that she did, fully her mental faculties on the date of the
the judgment is intact or without impairment execution of her will, this is a sign that not even her
F. That the testament was read before the testator by illness or otherwise, nor that the testator advanced age, nor the illness from which he suffered,
signed it, is a fact admitted by the Court, since in its is in full possession of his discursive have in any way weakened his will, as evidenced by
decision it says that Epifania Sampang's testimony faculties. The loss of memory is not sufficient his conduct and firmness of character, on that day
regarding the fact that the will was not read, is unless it is total or extends to the individuals and in the next forty days, until the date of his death.
contradicted by the instrumental witnesses. closest to the family or assets. Bagtas v.
Paguio, 22 Jur. Fil., 232. Let us now discuss The presence of her nephews Vivencio Cuyugan and
The question of whether Silvestra understood it or about: Regino Cuyugan during the execution of the will does
not, we believe that it is affirmatively resolved by the not prove that said nephews had it under their control,
considerations that we have made above. She spoke THE UNDUE INFLUENCE because if such a thing had happened, Epifania
the Pampango. Sampang, who was there and who declared for the
The reasons on which the Court has been based to opposition, would not have ceased to be mentioned in
G. Now, examining the evidence presented by the consider that Silvestra Baron granted the autos will his testimony.
applicant in the new hearing, we find that both Dr. under undue influence are summarized, in the terms
Rafael Teopaco and nurse Sofia Echanova, have in which the Judge expressed himself in his decision, The fact that the sister of the testator Faustina Baron,
stated that, having administered some injections to as follows: was prevented from entering the house by the
Silvestra Baron, she reacted about 15 minutes later, Constabularia soldiers while the will was being made,
and That he laughed to get up, which was prevented,   is a purely accidental circumstance. There is no proof
and he started a conversation with the nursewhen she We believe that the presence of her that Vivencio and Regino Cuyugan knew that their
asked what had happened to her. She answered her nephews Vivencio Cuyugan and Regino aunt would grant a will that day, or that they were the
questions coherently and intelligently, and said that Cuyugan during the granting of Exhibit 'A' ones who called the Constabularios to stand guard at
one night, her house was broken into, that the thieves had an undue and improper influence on the Silvestra Baron's house. The testator had
strangled her and stole about P7,000 in paper money already weakened will of Do a Silvestra commissioned Quirino Abad Santos to keep a secret
that she had securely tied to her leg. Certainly, a Baron due to her advanced age; the that she was granting her will. Bearing this in mind,
person who was not in the full use of her mental absence of Faustina Baron prevented from there was nothing more natural for Abad Santos to
faculties could not coordinate her ideas, or give the witnessing it by some Constabularia soldiers have ordered that no one be allowed into the house
reason for what she had done before the robbery, and and the municipal police chief, Zacarias while they were busy making the will, without thinking
remember and relate a similar event. Nuguid; Regino Cuyugan's opposition to her that this order could affect Faustina Baron, since she
signing the document prepared by the lawyer had gone to his hacienda, and perhaps it was not
The opposition tried to prove that Silvestra Baron was Narciso, stating that she had not granted a known.
on the verge of death according to Dr. Teopaco, and will the day before her forced transfer to San
that on different occasions he revealed to the Fernando so that she would not have a It is said that Regino Cuyugan objected the following
opposition lawyer, Arturo Joven, that the old Silvestra similar document signed, and the presence day, December 18, to Silvestra Baron signing a
document prepared by attorney Narciso, in which it opposition it appears that her sister Faustina and the It is said that, if the testator wanted to include her
was stated that she had not executed a will the day lawyer Narciso They told her on December 18 that sister Faustina in her will, why was she only a
before. This fact is denied by Regino Cuyugan's what she had signed could be a will; And because usufructual heir? It can be presumed that this was the
testimony, and, if it were true that Silvestra Baron did she knew that what she had signed was indeed a will instruction given to the lawyer Abad Santos when she
not sign the alleged document because Regino and a complaint, she did not want to sign what they was called to her home three days before to entrust
Cuyugan had told him that if he signed it, he and the made her sign because Faustina and the lawyer her with the preparation of her will. The testator would
petitioning party's witnesses would go to jail, that is a Narciso forced her to declare false facts; This means undoubtedly have reasons to do so. Vivencio
powerful circumstance to put the testator on notice; that Faustina and the lawyer Narciso wanted her to Cuyugan enjoyed his greatest trust, as evidenced not
But there is no justifying explanation why, during the sign a document declaring that it was not a will and only by the will but also by the fact that he had
forty days that she voluntarily lived in the house of her denouncing what she had signed on December 17, granted a general power of administration in his favor
brother Guillermo Baron, where she had been and that therefore she canceled and rendered them and entrusted him with the secret of the combination
transferred on December 20, with her consent, she without effect. of his iron box and the internal keys of the same. box.
had not granted any document of revocation of the In addition to the fact that, as has already been said,
will. Not only did Silvestra Baron not want to revoke the Silvestra Baron had given her sister several plots of
will that she granted on December 17, 1932, but living land and she had an old unpaid debt, which is why,
I, Silvestre Baron, of legal age, single and at ease in the house of her brother, Guillermo Baron, according to Faustina, her nephews did not like her
currently resident in the municipality of San she granted a power of attorney, Exhibit M, on well.
Fernando, Pampanga, Philippine Islands, December 21, 1932, in favor of her nephew Vivencio
freely and spontaneously state the following Cuyugan, so that she could manage her assets, thus Let us now say two words before ending, about the
under oath: demonstrating once again the esteem and trust that statement of the instrumental witness Zacarias
her said nephew enjoyed in her. Nuguid, who retracted in the new hearing, his
That on December 18 of last year 1932 previous statement, and whose testimony the
(December 18, 1932) my sister Faustina The Court, by way of conclusion, says that taking into opponents have presented as additional evidence of
Baron, accompanied by the lawyer Jose A. account the undue influence exerted on the testator, it the alleged deception or fraud that They said Silvestra
Narciso, came to see me at my home in is explained that she has left all the property of her Baron was a victim, making her believe that it was a
Magalang, Pampanga, and forced me to sign goods to her nephews, with whom she had been in complaint for theft of the papers that she signed, on
a document telling me that its content is that litigation, with the preterition of her brothers, December 17, 1932. Nuguid, in our opinion, does not
I cancel and nullify everything that I had especially from the opposition Faustina Baron, with deserve absolutely any faith in her retraction
signed the previous day, December 17, whom he had been living for 40 years. testimony, and there we find manifestations that
1932, because, according to Faustina and destroy your second statement.
the lawyer Narciso, I do not know the content
In the first place, it is not true that there has been
of the documents that I had signed in that According to said witness, he testified as one of the
preterition leaving all the property of their assets to
document. day, December 17, 1932. instrumental witnesses in favor of the applicant at the
the testator's nephews, since according to the will,
Faustina Baron and Guillermo Baron would first hearing, because the lawyer Quirino Abad Santos
In view of the fact that I know the content of had forced him to testify in the manner that he
participate equally with Regino Cuyugan and Vivencio
the documents that I had signed on that day, testified. Quirino Abad Santos, however, flatly denied
Cuyugan in the assets of the heritage; only that said
December 17, 1932, I have not signed the him.
Faustina and Guillermo have to reserve the property
document that Faustina Baron and the
of the goods upon their death, to their nephew
lawyer Jose A. Narciso send me to sign,
Vivencio Cuyugan. And this is explained because In the argument of the appellee Faustina Baron,
because they tell me to declare false facts
Faustina Baron, as she has admitted, had already which the appealed children of Guillerma Baron made
like this is that I have not pleased them to
received several parcels of land from the testator by their own, an extract of the testimony of Zacarias
sign this document.
public deed in July 1932. She also owed her the sum Nuguid is made, as follows:
of P6,500 since 1925, according to a public
In his testimony, he signed today, January
12, 1933, in San Fernando, Pampanga, in
the presence of the Notary Public Mr. Serafin . . . That in point No. 5 of sketch Exh. 1 there
de Ocampo and the witnesses. While the will was being prepared, Quirino Abad was a small table and a typewriter, on which
Santos asked Silvestra Baron if her sister Faustina the lawyer David wrote what Abad Santos
had to be included in the will, to which the testator dictated to him, while Silvestra Baron was
According to the inserted document, the testator knew
answered yes, which shows that Quirino Abad Santos lying on the bed at point No. 12 (121, nt);
what was the content of the documents that she had
did not prepare the will, exerting an influence undue that the lawyer Silva replaced David at the
signed on December 17, and not only did she not
on the testator, but in accordance with its provisions. razor; that, later, Vivencio Cuyugan took out
know for herself, but from the evidence of the
the paper (he does not say the papers), I immediately realized the situation, and I confirming said decision as soon as it orders the
which had just been written, approached the was very sure that without Malaca an's prosecution of Zacarias Nuguid for perjury in her
old Silvestra, followed by the others, and, intervention , Mr. Nuguid would never have second declaration. The costs against the appellees.
upon reaching point 12, said: 'Tia, sign it, this signed an affidavit, as he signed it: And So ordered.
it is the complaint against Emilio '; and that having seen that there was a direct
lawyers David, Silva and Abad Santos were intervention almost from Malaca an, I
behind Vivencio (112, nt) realized that it was almost certain that Mr.
Nuguid would sign a retraction; so it interests
Relating what happened then, Nuguid said me. (We underline). (p. 125, argument of the
that the old woman replied: 'Don't go that appellant.)
you've included Aunt Poste (Faustina)', but
Vivencio replied that no; that Cuyugan then It can therefore be seen that said lawyer Arturo
put a pillow on the old woman's lap, made Joven, taking advantage of an informal intervention by
her sit down, and handed her a fountain pen, Mr. Nicanor Roxas, one of the officials at that time
that as they saw that the signature was not from Malaca an, managed to get Nuguid to sign an
well done, they brought a small table and the affidavit of retraction of his previous testimony, and
old woman signed again (123, tn); that, after that according to that affidavit declared in the new
she signed, the two lawyers David and Silva hearing in favor of the opposition. This circumstance
also signed (124, nt); that Exhibits A and A-1 is of sufficient weight to deny any consideration to
are the same documents that Cuyugan had Nuguid's retraction. But this, after all, could not help
the old woman sign, making her believe it but admit certain facts in cross-examination, thus
was a complaint (124-125, nt); that he ratifying himself in his previous statement. I declare in
(Nuguid) also signed because he believed it the new hearing that David, one of the witnesses to
was a complaint and that they made him the will, was the one who gave Silvestra Baron his
sign as a witness to Silvestra Baron's pen to sign the will.And since David's pen was not
signature; that the alleged complaint was not good, Silva, the other witness to the will, gave his for
read to the old woman before she signed it; the same purpose.
that she did not read it either, nor did he read
it. "(Pages 62-63, argument of the appellee Finally, an observation about the testimony of Father
Faustina Baron.) It underlines it, ours. Manoloto. Said priest declared that on December 18,
1932, he visited Silvestra Baron at her home, and that
According to what is transcribed, the lawyers David having asked her if she had made a will the day
and Silva as well as the witness Nuguid signed a before, as he wanted to make sure that the money
paper after Silvestra Baron had signed it, whom needed for the erection of two altars had been left. In
Vivencio Cuyugan made believe that such paper was the Church of Magalang, the old woman replied that
a complaint. This witness said that he signed that she had not made a will. We cannot consider Father
document because he believed it was a complaint, Manoloto's testimony sufficient proof to the effect that
but that he did not read it. It is not conceived as a Silvestra Baron did not testify the day before, because
possible thing, that a whole police chief, like Nuguid, Baron's answer is nothing more than a consequence
signed a document without having read it first. For this of her firm determination not to reveal to anyone that
reason alone, Nuguid's testimony in the retraction she had made a will.
deserves absolutely no faith.
After considering all the evidence of the appellees, we
On the other hand, the circumstance under which the believe that they are nothing more than a set of
opponents managed to get Nuguid to retract his circumstances on which the castle of opposition
previous statement, obliges us to deny him credibility theories has been raised, whose fragile structure is
in his testimony. The opposition lawyer, Arturo Joven, easily discovered in the light of sound criticism.
declaring how he managed to attract Nuguid to his
side, said the following: We revoke the appealed decision, ordering the
probate of the will granted by Silvestra Baron on
December 17, 1932, as her legitimate and last will,

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