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Group’s name____3 ( Ngân, Tú, Triết, Hồ Phúc, Trâm )______________________________

Terms to unlock Meaning (as used in the text)  How to unlock

1. reluctantly in a way that involves hesitating before Synonym / Word meaning

doing something because you do not
want to do it or because you are not
sure that it is the right thing to do

2. unenterprising not having or showing initiative or entrepreneurial Synonym / Word meaning


3. flicker to become unsteady,fluctuate Synonym / Word meaning

4. dissentient In opposition to majority Context Clues

5. sultry Very hot and humid Context Clues

6. scowl A contracting of the brow, show dícontent Context Clues

7. listlessly in a manner that shows little or no interest Context Clues

8. retort a severe or witty reply Context Clues

9. pinafore a sleeveless apron-like garment worn over a Context Clues

child's dress

10. myrtle an evergreen shrub of Southern Europe that Context Clues

has white flowers and purple-black berries

11. leap jump through the air from one point to another Context Clues

12. glare to stare in an intense manner Context Clues

13. pin to fasten or attach with a pin Context Clues

14. bachelor a man who has never been married Context Clues
15. unsympathetic not showing sympathy Context Clues

16. bullocks Young bulls Context Clues

Answer the following questions

1. What is the setting of the story? (p.10-11)

=> It was a hot afternoon, and the railway carriage was correspondingly sultry.

2. Who are the characters in the story?

=> The small girl, the smaller girl, the small boy, the aunt, the bachelor.

- Describe the children in the story. Are they behaving? (p.10-11)

=> The children are curious about everything, they always ask their aunt about what they have
seen .

- Describe the Aunt. Is she a good caregiver?

=> She is not a really good caregiver, she answers the children weakly and can not tell the story
to the children.

3. What was the bachelor’s reaction to the interaction between the children and the aunt? Mention
several examples from the text. (p.12)

=> After hearing the children's complaints about the aunt's story, the bachelor said that the aunt had
not succeeded in being a story-teller. Then he told the children the story himself.

4. Did the children like the aunt’s story? Why or why not? Give evidence.

=> The children didn’t like the aunt’s story, because they think the story is stupid. One girl said “It’s the
stupidest story I’ve ever heard” and Cyril said “ I didn’t listen after the first bit, it was so stupid” when
the aunt finished the story.

5. How did the author describe Aunt’s story? Write the adjectives. (p.12)

=> the aunt's story is didactic

6. How did the children react at the beginning of the bachelor’s story? and what did they feel at the
ending? (p. 14-15)
=> the children said: “It's the stupidest story I've ever heard". But in the end they said: “It is the most
beautiful story I've ever heard".

7. In the bachelor’s story, what did the little girl pinned to her dress? (p. 13)

= > medal for obedience, medal for punctuality, medal for good behaviour

8. What was in the prince’s garden instead of flowers?

= > little pigs

9. How did the children describe the bachelor’s story? Write the adjectives. (p.15)

=> most beautiful story, beautiful ending.

10. Does the bachelor’s story have a lesson? If so, for whom?

=> yes. for 2 small girls

11. What is the lesson of “The Story-Teller”?

=> The bachelor teaches 2 small girls better like Bethar in the story.

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