Amy O Neill Houck Knits For Bears To Wear More Than 20 Fun Knit To Fit Fashions For All Teddies An

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omeye}| eT Make nty to Z Ome Val Pierce's passion for knitting began when her father taught her to knit at the age of five. Later in life she began home knitting for yarn manufacturers, arid since then she has made a huge range of items, from evening dresses to teddy bears! She later began designing items of her ewn, and before long Val's designs were appearing regularly in national knitting and crochet magazines She also teaches knitting, as well as a range of other needlecrafts, to both adults and children. Val lives and works in Shropshire, UK. tic craft series from Search Press Val Pierce \\ ay Search Press First published in Great Britain 2010 Search Press Limiter! ‘Wellwood, North Farm Rizad, Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN2 3DR. ‘Toot copyright © Val Pierce 2010 wrwwecrossedineedles.c0.tth Photographs by Debbie Patterson 21 Search Press Photographic Studio Photographs and design copyright ® Search Press ltd 2010 Allrights reserved. No part of this book, text, photographs or flustratians may be reproduced ‘of transmitted in any form or by any means lay print, photaprint, microfiien, microfiche, hotecopies, internet or in any way known or yet unknown, or stored in 2 retrieval system, ‘without written pemnission obtained beforehand n Seach Press 9178-1-84448-482-9. ‘the Publishers and author can accept no sespramabilly for any consequences arising trom Ihe wilormation, advice or Instructions given in ts parblicanan, Aogilers are perenitted to reproduce ary of the 11 0 this ook lor theit personal use, or for ihe panpowes ol sefing far charity, free of charge vv yullout the pane pewtiision of the Publishers sve ol th lac cornmercial purpases is ur pew Ihe prior permission of ihe Puldister Sivitiore 4 yo he illiculty We obtumung any of the sutton ity this book, A plane Met tr te site for gist ot oe Printed in AMalaynin terial 9 exon Dedication ‘To nn late nrum, Loma, who taught me all ney crafting skills. Heer inspivation will alvearys bo with me. Abbreviations alt: alternate rem: remairiing beg: beginning em: centimetres sk: slip stitch ‘skpo: slip one, knit one, pass slipped ‘stitch over dee: decrease stish stitchtes) teg: together ine: increase WS: wrong sicle Ke knit RS: right side P: purl ryfwd: yarn forward over needle to make ahole rn: yain around needle paso: pass slipped stitch aver GS: garter stitch (knit every row) $8: stocking stitch {one row knit, one row port) UK and US terminology uK us bind off seed stitch stockinntts stitch yarn over cast off moss stiteh stocking stitch yarn forward Needle conversion chart Matric us Old UK 3.25mi 3 iD 4.00mm a 8 Contents Introduction 4 Basic patterns 6 Katy Strawberry Bears Oliver Baby Bear 10 Peter Pumpkin Bear 12 Freddy Football Bear 14 Joby Toddler Bear 16 Billy Bridegroom Bear 18 Grace Bride Bear 20 a Pippa Dolly Bear 22 Holly Christmas Bear 24 +4 Abi Ballet Bear 26 4 farney College Bear 28 Sweet Honey Bee Bear 30 Olivia Sweetheart Bear 32 [mily Knitting Bear 34 Sophie Bikini Bear 36 Poppy Panda Bear 38 Hector. Hiking Bear 40. uc ky Ladybire’Bear at eS Se “ley Pree ig Bear™44 2 ¥ vi ea Introduction Teddy hears have been a big favourite with both young and old for many, many years. In this book | have createc a set of charming little characters for you to knit. Each one has its own special outfit right down to its tiny shoes. The bears measure just 20cm (Gin) tall and and are knitted in simple garter stitch, taking just a few hours ta make, You will only need small amounts of yarn to knit both the bears and the variety of clothes | have designed. | all the leftover yams in yours and either follow my colour ch oF Use your imagination and up your own. Whatever you decide: to do, lam sure that you will be thrilled with the eutcotne, Happy knitting te you all, ong remember: Your tenluy bear’ a treasure, a comfort to betio' Hes alvenys there fo j/stan. to lends furry eat Ne marie how you tear ave him on the shat ys take hin sony pleased with th Materials 1 ball double knitting yarn safety stuffing Sewing needles Stitch holder Needles Instructions Work entivaly in GS, unless otherwise stated Head Cast on 30 sts. Rows 1-4:GS, Raw 5: KZ, skpo, knit to last 3 sts, K2tog, KT Rows 6-7: GS. Continue to det in this way on every third row until B sts rem. Next row: K2, skpo, K2tog, K2. Next row: K2, skpo, K2 Next row: K1, sl, K2tog, Body and legs (make two. Cast an 12 sts. Rows 1-2: GS. Rows 3-8: inc | stat each end of rome %, Sand 7 [18stsh Rowe 8-33: knit Row 34: divide for legs. KB, cast-off 2, knit to end |B sts) Proceed on these & sts for first leg. Rows 35-52: knit. Row 53: K2tog, knit to last 2 sts, K2t09. 6 Small quantity of sof: textured, high quality 2% 6mm round black beads for eyes Black embroidery thread or floss for features 1 pair. 2.25mm {UK 10; US 3) knitting needies Row 54: cast off, Return to stitches lefton needle, rejcin yarn arid complete to match frst leg Arms (make two} ‘Cast on 6 sts, Row ts knit Row 2: krit twice into each st toend[12 sts]. Roowes 3-6: knit, Row 7: ine-1 st at each end of row [14 st5} Rows 8-27) knit. Rows 28-30: dec | st at each ‘endl of rows 26 andl 3O[10 sts}. Raw 31°K2, (K2t0g) 3 times, K2P sts} Rowe 32: knit Cast off (this is the top of the ae). Making up 1, Make-up the head by folding the three corners of the triangle into the centre; the fold lines are show in the top diagrain opposite. Sew the two side seams either sicke of the nose, and across the comner lines to form the ears, as shawn in the lower diagram, 2, Sew alittle way along the neck seam, just dawn fram the nose. Stull the head firnby to give it good shape. Stitch on the nose and mouth with black thread, and sew on the eyes. 3, Stitch the back and front body pieces together using a flat seam on the right side of the work. Leave the neck edge open for stuffing, Stuf firmly and then clase the neck pening. Attach the head to the body. \x/ Shoes {make two): appropriate colour (MK 10; Us 3) Dest row: brit Mont raw: ine in wach st across K2tag, KB, (K2tog m, KB, K2L9g. t rawe KY, (K2tog) h the seam se and back of Puta tiny amount of inside the shoe, place uf the log insicle the and stitch itin place, pellishments. Trousers {mcke two pleces the same): vast on 13st 14:68, ' MISS, ending on (orl Break yarn and these 13 6ts.0n @ Hewewntk another piece to wile Bey not beoak off yarn 2s follows: | oituleross 13 sts. on needle, foton 2 ts, work acmoss 1 lt on spare needle ad vw url "Work a further 2 rows in SS, ‘ending on @ purl row. Next row: K2, skpo, knit to last 4sts, K2tog, KZ Next row: purl . Repeat from * to * [24 sts. 4 i Work 4 rows ir arte . glen ininstuetons. et ee neck, 4 sts frorn stitch holder across front of neck, Sts up other side of neck anci 10 sts. around back of neck (rem 4 sts villform other shoulder) Next row: ket. Cast off knitwrise, Dress: Bodice front Cost on 24 sts Rows 1-6: $5. Rows 7-8: cast off 2 sts at beg of each row. Rows 9-10: $5 Row 11: dec | st at each end of row [18 sts} Row 12: pur. Rows 13-16: 5S. Divide for neck Work? ste, slip next 4 sts on to stitch hakler, work 7 sts, Continue co fist 7 sts for side of neck Dec 1 stat neck edge an next and following alt rows until 4 sis ren. Cast off. Work othar side'ta match Bodice back Work rows 1-16 of bedice front. Rows 17-21: $8, Cast off. Skirt Weh RS facing, pick up and krit 24 sts along cast-on edge of bodice front. Next row: purl, Next row: knit twice into each st [43 sts}. Continue in SS and complete as given in pattern Repeat the above, ont bodice beck, Neckband Join one shoulder seam. ‘With RS facing, pick up ond knit S sts down one side of Katy Strawberry Bear Materials: 1 ball strawbeny pink double knitting ball pale green double kritting Small amount of safety stutfing | large and 2 small flower buttons Small gold beads for seeds on strawberry Materials for basic bear, including light beige double knitting Needles: | pair 325mm (UK 10; US 3) knitting needles Instructions: Make the basic bear (see page 4) Strawberry body The two body parts are worked in strawberry pink yarn, Make two pieces the same, each beginning at the bate, working in SS Cast on 8 sts, and work tows 1-2 $5 Rows 2-7: continuing in $5, ing 1 st at each end of rows 3, Sand 7 [14 sts] Row 8: purl Rows 9-10; cast on 2 sts at beg of each rem. Rows 11-12: cast on 3sts at 2g of each row [2a sts] Rows 13-15:ine 1 stateach end of rows 13 end 15 (28 sts} Rows 1-21: 5S, beg with a raurl row Rows 22-28: dee 1 st at each end of rows 22, 24, 26 and 28 [20 sts} Rows 29-30 $§, ending with a purl row Rows 31-32: cast off 2 sts at beg of each rom Row 33: dec 1 st at each end of row. Rows 34-36: 55, Cast off Collar leaves (make five) Work all ing sts for the collar leaves by picking up the strand al yarn between the previous 2 sts and knitting inta the back of iL Using pale green, cast on 5 sts, Row 7: pull Row 2: K2, ine. KI, ine, K2[7 ats} Rows 3: kenit. 8 Row 4: K3, ine, XI, inc, K3 [9 sts}, Row 5: knit Row 6: K Row ?. ket. Row &: KS, inc, K1, ine, KS [13 sts] Bows 9-13: knit. Row 14: K2teg, krit to last 2 sts, K2tog [9 sts} Rows 15-17: knit Row 18: K2tog, K1, K2tog [3 sts Row 19: P3tog Fasten off, Small leaf Using pale green, cast on 3ts Next row: Kl, ine in next st 1 [4 sts] Work 4 rows GS. Next rew: dec 1 stat each end of row Next row: K2t0g, Fasten off Shoes Follow besic shoes pattem (page 7), using pale green. c. Ki, ine, Ka 11 sts). Making up Stitch the body parts together at the base and sew up the side seams. Slip the body on to the bear and place small amounts of stuffing inta the space between the bear and the body, shaping it as you go. Stitch dhe shoulder seams. Catch the body in places around the legs and thes ar nd along the neck edge, Sew the large flower button and small leaf on to the ly to represent seeds bear's head. Sew the five larger leaves together the bear and stitch the ina circle to-farm the collar, and stitch in place ons on to the shoe fronts. Sew around the bear's neck. Materlals: 1 ball white double knitting V ball blue double knitting Sem (19¥in) narrow, pale blue ritibon 1 comforter button Tiny iron-on teddy nursery moti Materials for besic bear, including light brown double knitting Needles: 1 pair 3.25mm (UK 10; US 3) knitting needles Instructions: Make the basic bear (see page 4). When making up the bear, sew across the tops of the legs where they join to the body, so that tha legs bend. Top (make two pisces, front and back) Using blue yarn, cast on 24 ses, Row 1: knit, ‘Work in pattern as follows: Row 2: {WS facing) {K1, Pt) toend of row, Row 3: knit. Rows 4-7: repeat wows 2 and 3, twice. Rows 8-9: continuing in pattata, cast off 2 sts at beg of each row, Rows 10-19: repeat rows 2 and 3, 5 times, Rows 20-23: GS, Cast off. Nappy Using white yarn, cast on 24 sts. Roves 1-4: work in KT. PA rib, Rows 5-10: $8. Continue in SS. To shape legs Rows 11-12: cast off 4 sts at beg of each row. Rows 13-14: cast off 3 sts at beg of each row. Row 15; K2tog ot each end of row [8 sts] Row 16; purl, Rows 17-18; repeat rows 15 and 18 [6 sts} Rows 19-28: SS Rows 29-31; inc 1 st at each end of rows 29 ancl 31 [10ste} Row 32: purl Rows 33-44: east on 3 sts at beg af each row, Rows 35-36: cast on 4 sts atheg of each row (24 sts). Rows 37-42: $6. Rows 42-46; [K1, PI} rib to end of raw Cast offin rb, Bootees Using blue yarn, follow instructions for basic shoes an page 7. Making up Work in the ends, sew the side seams of the Nappy and shp the nappy on to the bear, Sew the side seams of the bear's top, slip on to the bear and catch the shoulder searns together. Iran the motif on te the hront of the top. Tie the comforter button ov1 to a length of nibbon and hang it sround the bear's neck. Sew up the seams of the bootaes, tie tiny bows and attach them to the fronts, Sew the beotees on to the bear. Peter Pumpkin Bear Materials: 1 ball green double knitting 1 ball orange double knitting Oddments of brown double knitting Black felt for pumpkin features Small amount of safety stuffing Materials for basic bear, including green double knitting Needles: 1 pair 3.25mm (UK 10; US 3} knitting needles Instructions: Moke the basic bear see page 6). Pumpkin body Meke twa bady pieces the seme, starting a the base. Work in SS Using orange, cast on 8 sts and work rows 1 and 2in $8. Rows 3-7; continuing in $5, inc t st aveach end of rows 3, Sand 7 [14 sts] 12 Row 8: purl Rows 9-10: cast on 2 sts at beg of each row. Rows 11-12: cast on 3 sts at beg of exch row £24 ste). Rows 13-15: inc 1 stat aach end of rows 13 and 15 [28 sts} Rows 16-21: SS, beg with a purl row. Rows 22-30: dec 1 st at ezch and ef rows 22, 24, anc 30 (20 st Rows 31-32: $5, ending with a puri rom Rows 23-34: cast off 2 sts at beg of each row Row 35; dec 1 sat each enc! of row [14 sts Frows 36-38 SS ithis is the neck edge}, Cast ait Hat Using orange, cast on 8 sts Row 7: purl Row 2: ine in each st co endl of row [16 see] Row 3: purl Row 4:(K1, inc in next st} co end Row 5: purl Row &: II, inc in next st) to end. Rows 7-9. SS, beg with a purl row, Cast off, Pumpkin stalke Using brown, cast on 6 sts. Rows 15: GS, Cast off Leaves (make two) ‘Wark all ine sts for the leaves by picking up the strand of yam between the previous 2 sts and knitting into the bask of i. Using green, cast on 5 sts. Row i: purl Rowe 2: C2, inc, KI, ite, K217 ses} Row: 3: knit. Raw 4: K3, inc, Ki, inc, K3 [9 sts}. Rows 5-8: knit, Dee 1 st at each end of every following alt row until 3 sts rern Kitog. Fosten of Making up Stitch the body parts togather at the base, then join the side seams. Slip the body on to the bear end stuff lightly inc, {K1, F113 times, KI, ine Row 12 K1, P1, S times, K1 Row 13: ine, PI, KT} 4times, F1, inc Row 14:(P1, K1 6 times, Pt [13 sto} Rams 15-16; continue in pattern. Row 17: K2tog, patter to end. Row 18. cast off 2 sts, patiem to end, Row 19 P2tog, pattern te last 2 sts, K2tag Sst Rows 20-26: dec 1 st at beg of row and at this edge on very alt rove until d sts rem Rows 27-28: work in pattem. Cast off. Back: Cast on 24 sts. Rows 12: knit. Rows 3-8: 5S Shape arms and complet as for base dress — bodice bark (page 7) ‘Trousers Using black yorn, follow instructions for basic wousers (page 7}. Crawat Using white, cast on 16sts. Rows 1-20: SS, ending with a purl rove Row 21: dee 1 st at each end of row. Row 22: purl Repeat rows 21-22 until 10 sts remain Wark 6 rows $8, Cast aff. Making up Sew the shoulder seams of the waistcoat. then ‘sew the side seams. Sew the wide edge of the cravat to the centre neck of the bear under his chin, Pouch it slightly then stitch the pearl beac onto the cravat to represent a te pin. Put on i the waistcoat and secure it with the te gold beads, Referto the photograph asa guide, ‘Seve the trouser seams and put the trousers on 10 the bear. Tuck the end of the cravat into the top of the trousers. Secure the white paper rose 35 2 buttonhole in the waistcoat, Grace Bride Bear Materiats: 1 ball sparkly white double knitting Small piece of net for veil Short length af narrow satin tibbon, pearl and rose embellishment for headdress Sem (934in} narrow lace edging Bb white paper roses for bouquet small pearl beads for necklace Svong thread for sewing and for threading beads 1m (29¥4in) white satin ribbon, Srm {Min wide Materials for basic bear, including pala beige double knitting Needles: 1 pair 325mm {UK 10; US 3) knitting needles Instructions: Make the basic beat ise page 4). Dress Using sparkly white yam, follow instructions for basic dress on page 7, but when working the skit continue until work measures Zum (25in}, Work 4 rows in mass stitch. Cast ofl Making up the dress Stitch one shoulder seam and work the neckbend in mess stitch (see page 7}. Sew the side seams, tum right-side out and slip the dress on to the bear Catch together the neckband and the shoulder seam neatly. Tie the ribbon around the bear's waist anc finish witha bow at the hack Hoaddress and veil Gather @ short length of narrow satin ribbon into a circle, alittle bigger than the pearl anc: rose embellishment, and secure it to the roses with a few stitches. Fold the net into an oblong and gather it at the top to give it anice shape. Stitch it to the headdress Bouquet Gather the lace edging into a circle. Sti the bunch of roses through the centre and secure, Seweach side of the bouquet to the bear's paws to holdit in place. Necklace Thread the pearl beads on toa piece of strong, thread and make a string of them lang enough 30.g0 around the bear's neck. Knot and secure Tie the necklace around the bear's neck. 3] Materials: 1 ball deep mauve deuble knitting | ball lilac double knitting Zan (3iin} narrow ribbon in deep mauve Tityy doll 2 small buttons Tiny mauve bow embellishment Materials for basic beat, including white double knitting Needles: 1 pair 3.25mm (UK 10; US 3) knitting needles Instructions: Make the basic bear (sae page 4) Dress Back: Using deep mauve, cast on 44 sis. Rows 1-3: GS Change te lilac Rows 1-4 form the pattern. Row 1: knit Row 2: purl Row 3: K2, yon, P, P3tog, PI, yore Row 4: perl Rows 51d repeat rows 1-4, 3 times. Row 17: K2tog across rove [22 sts}. Row 18: knit Row 19: K2, fyfiwd, K2tog, KI) to last 2 sts, yfwel, Katog Rew 20: knit, Rows 21-24: $5, Row 25: cast off 2 ste, knit to end. Row 26: cast off 2sts, purl to end v9 27 and 7B until sts rem, ending Slip sts on ta a stitch holder eke two the same} we, Cast on 22 sts, purl row. Shape the armholes as forback of basic dress (se2 page 7). Slip 6 ets 0n to a stitch holder. Front Fallow instructions for back to row 28. Continue shaping until 12 sts rernein, ending with 2 purl row To shape neck: Next row: K2, K2tog, tum, Leave rem sts on a stitch holder Next rewe purl Next row: K1, K2tog, turn. Next cow purl Next row. K2tag, fasten off. Return to sts on holdar. Skp next 4 sts on tos safety pin for froct of neck Shape ether sida of neck: Nest row K2tog K2 Next row. purl ‘Next row: K2tag, KI Next row: purl, Next row: K2tng. Fasten off Neckband: Using deep mauve, pick up end! knit 31 sts all around neek. Work 3 rows GS. Cast off. Shoes Using deep mauve yarn, follow instructions for basic shoes on page 7. Making up Sew the seams of the dress, but leave the left back raglan and neckband open. Slip the ckess on to the bear and join the remaining seams. Thread the ribbon thraugh the holes at the worst and tie in a bows Sew the shoes on to the bear (see page 7) and attach the button an the fronts. Attach the doll to the bear's paw with 3 fewstitches and sew the paw te the body to hold itin place. Sew the tiny Sow te the bear's head. Materials: 1 ball red double knitting 1 ball sparkly white double knitting star buttons J candle button 1e (39¥4in} ted satin ribbon, Sern (Vein wile Materials for besic bear, inclucing light beige double knitting Needles: 1 pair 3.25mm (UK 10; US 3) knitting needles: Instructions: Make the basic bear {see page 6). Dress Follow instructions for bssic dress (see page 7), using red yarn, When skirt measures bcm (2¥i to white Work 3 rows GS. Cast aff Work the neckband using white Sleeves (take two the same Using white, cast on 24 sts. Rows 1-2; knit Break yarn and jain in reck Rows 3-10: SS, Cast off Boots Using red yarn, follow inservetions for basic shoes on page 7 For tops of boots, cast on 16 ts in white and knit 2 rows. Cast aff Muff Using white, cast on 18 sts Rows t-2: GS, Join in red yarn Rows 3-12: SS, ending with @ putl row. Rows 13-14: GS, using white yarn. Cast off. Hat Using white, cast on 36 sts Rows 1-10-65. . change Break white yam and join in red, Rows 11-18: $5. To shape top of hat: Row 17: (Ka, spa) across row [30 sts]. Rows 18-20: $5. Row 21: (K3, skpo) across row [24 sts} Row 22: putl Row 23: (KZ, skpo} across row [18 stsl. Row 24: purl Row 25: K2tog across row [9 sts] Break yarn and thread through rern sts. Pull tight and fasten off Making up ‘Séw the side seams of the dress and turn right- side out. Slip the dress on to the bea Catch togather the neekband and shoulder seam neatly. Sew the sleeve seams then stitch the sleeves to the armhales. Attach the boots to the bear's legs (see page 7), Stitch the white ‘tops around the tops of the boos, attaching each one to the boot and to the bears leg. Sew com the star buttons. Stitch the side seam of the rauft, rll it into @ cylinder shape and attach the ster button to the front, Cat'a length of ribbon long enough to form a strap and stitch it inside the muff, making sure the bon jein is hidden at ori the inside. Join the side seam of the hat anc tum nce button back the brim. Make a tny pom-pom and Materials: 1 ball pale pink double knitting Pink net for unda skiet, 10 2 40cm {4% 1530} 1 pinkcsatin nttbon, pearl and rose embelishment 4 small risbon roses SOcrn (19%in) sparkly pink ribbon edging Strong thread for sewing tw (BP4in} pink ceuble-sided satin ribbon, Smnin (iin) wide Materials for basic bear, including light beige double knitting Needles: 1 pair 325mm (UK 10; US 2) kritting neeches Instructions; Make the basic bear (see page 6) Dress sing pink yarn, follow instructions Fer basic dress (see pega 7). When skirt maasures Sem (Zin), work 2 rows GS. Cast off Making up the dress: Stitch one shoulder seam and work the neckband. Sew the side sears, turn right-side ‘out and slip the dress on ta the bear. Catch together the neckbond end shoulder seam. Tle Abi Ballet Bear a length of risbon around the waist and tie in a bow at tha back. Aitech the nbben, peer! and tose embellishment to the front of the dress at the waistline, Stitch the pink edging around the haem and neckline, Ballet slippers ‘Using pink yarn, follow instructions for basic shoes on page ?, but work in SS. Attach the dippers to the bese’ legs following the basic instructions. Take a short length of pink ribbon, ‘aporovimately Bem (3%in} long, and stiteh one cenrd to the right-hand side of the left-hand Slipper at the front, Take it across the front of the shoe to the left, and wrap it around the back of the bear's tag. Bring it back round to the front and catch itin place on the left-hand side of the sligper. Sew a ribbon rose tothe centte front Finish the other slipper to match. Finishing off Take the net and fold it in half lengttwise. Gather the foleled edge (this is the top uni itfits around the bear's waist. Slip it on to the bear and secure, Sew the side seam. Catch itin place under the skirt of the dress, Make a sell bow with pink ribbon and stitch two ribbon roses to the centre of it. Place the dacoration on the bear's head and stitch itn place. Use the photograph ss a quide. Material: ball cream double knitting 1 ball deep turquoise double knitting Materials for basic bear, including grey double knitting Needles: 1 pair 3.25mm {UK 10; US 3) knitting needles Instructions: Make the basic bear (see page 6) Sereatshirt Front Using cream, cast on 26 sts. Rows 1-3: inoss stitch, Rows 4-5: SS. Now place the motif, using the chart for guidance: Row 6: KIO, join in turquoise ancl K7, change back to cream and K9. This forms the base of the 8" Rows 7-15: continue working fram the chart Until the motif is complete Rows 16-18: SS. Rows 19-21: moss stitch. Cost off Back: Work as fiont, but omit the moti Sleeves (maka two the seme}: Using cream, cast on 25 sts, Rows 1-3: moss stiteh Rows 4-5: $5. Rows 6-7: join in turquoise, and $5, Rows 8-9: SS using cream Rows 10-11: SS using turquoise. Rows 12-13: S$ using aearn Cast off. (This is the top of the sleeve) Pants Using turcucise yarn, follow instructions for basic trousers (page 7), Side suipe: Using cream, east on 20'sts Knit 1 row. Cast off Making up Work in the yarn ends on the sweatshirt, and stitch the shoulder seams for 5 sts in from each side, Fold the sleeves in half lengthways and mark the centre point at the tap, Stitch them in place along the sides of the sweatshirt, matching the centre point to the shoulder seam, Now join the side and sleeve seems. Slip the sweatshirt over the bear's head. Join the trouser seems, stitch the stripe an to the side seam and put the trousers on to the bear, Sweet Honey Bee Bear Materiats: 1 ball black double knitting 1 ball yellow double knitting + ball cream double knitting ‘Small amount of safety stuffing 2 small silk Rowers anda leaf Materials for basic bear, including yellow and black double knitting Needles; 1 pair 325mm (UK 10; US 3) knitting needles Insiructions: Make the basic bear (see page é) using black for the bod), legs and arms and yellow for the head. Bee body The two body parts are worked in black and yellow yarn. Make two pieces the same, each beginning at the bese, working in SS. Star, with & cows yellow, then 4 vows black. Repeat until the thicd black stripe is campleted, then continue in yellow only. low, cast on 8 sts: SS. Rows 3-7: continuing in $5, inc’ st at each end of rows 3, Sand 7 (14 sts]. Row 8: purl Rows 9-10: cast an 2 sts at bea of each row. Rows 11-12 cast en 2 sts at beg of each row [24st Rows 13-15: ine 1 st at ech end of rows 13 and 15 (28 sts] Rows 16-21: 9S, beg with @ purl row. Rows 22-28: dec 1 st at each enc of rows 22, 24, 2% and 26 [20 st Rows 29-20; SS, encing with s purl row. Rowe 31-32: cast off 2 sts at beg cf each row. Row 33: dec 1 stat each end of row [14 sts. Rows 34-34 SS. Cast off Wings Large (make te): Using cream, cast on @'sts Rows 1-2: knit Rowe 3-2: inc 1 st at each end ct rows 3, 5.7 and? [18sts). Rows 10-17: GS, Raws 18-28: dec 1 st at each end of rows 18, 20. 22, 24, 26 andl 28 [4 sts} Cast off, Small imake tw) Using cream, cast on é ste Rows 1-2: knit Rows 3-9: ine 1 stat each end of rows 3, 5, 7 and 714 sts) Rows 10-15: GS, Dec f st at each end of next ancl every alt row until 4 ste rernain. Cast off Sew the bese and side seams of the bocly Pieces, matching the stripes. Shp the body on to the bear, stuff lightly ta give a rounded! shape, and sew the shoulder seams, Now catch the body pieces to the beer around the legs, arms and neck edge to secure. Sew the wings all wing on top ead. Roll each end into a tight cure them to the je and stitch to secure. Thread the flowe Make the antenne tems through the paw end secure the paw t ack yarn. Thread it throug) Olivia Sweetheart Bear Materials: 1 ball cream double bnitting 1 ball pink double knitting Small piace of narrow pink ribbon Materials for basic bear, inchiding pale pink double knitting Needtes: 1 pair 325mm (UK 10; US 3) knitting needles Instructions: Moke the besic baar (ane page é) Trousers Follow instructions for basic trousers (see page 7), Wark the first 4 rews of the trouser legs in moss stitch using pink, and the remainder of the trousers in SS stripes of 2 rows cream and 2 rows pink The waistband ts worked in meas stitch Sweater Back: Using cream, cast on 25 sts, Rows 1-8: moss stitch Rowe: 5-10: $5 To shape armholes: Rows 11-12: continue in SS, and cast off 2 sts at beg of each rove Row 13: (C1, skpo, knit to last 3sts, K2tog, KI Row 14: purl Repeat rows 13 end #4 until @ sts remain, ending with a purl row. Leave sts on a stiteh holder. Sleeves (make two the same): Using cream, cast on 25 sts. Rows 1-4 moss stitch. Roves 5-8: SS. Shape top 2 for back. Front Using cream, cast on 25.5t5, Rows 1-4: moss stitch. Rows 5-8. $5. Now place the haart matif, working from the chort 32 o Rew’ 9: K12, join in pink and KI, change back ta cream and K12 Rows 10-17: continue to follow chant and shape armholes as for back. When 15 sts ram, divide for neck: Row #8: KI, skpo, K2, tum and leave rem sts on asstitch holder. Row 19: putl Row 20: K1, skpo, Kt Row 21: pul Row 22 K3tog Fasten off, Slip first S sts on to ssfety pin for centre neck, join yarn to remaining sts and complete to ‘match back, reversing the shaping and working K2tog in place of skpo. po Neckband: Using crear, work in mass stitch, Pick up and knit sts across top of sleeve, 5 sts on left side of front, 5 sts across centre, 5 sts on right side of front, ecross back neck and across top of other sleeve [42st]. Moss stitch for 3 rows, Cast off. Making up Sea up the trousers. = Sew up the sweater ands! head before jeining the fina rez rneckband. Complete the sewing 2 small pink bow and stiteh Fon % bears head. Emily Knitting Bear Materials: 1 ball pale green double knitting 1 ball white double knitting . Fink and! yellow yem d buttons Odidenents of gr eart-sh iry pearl, Gocktail stick 2small cation balls for slippers Fuse wire for glasses 2emall white beads for ends of knitting needles All-purpose glue laterials far basic beer, including light brown double knitting Needles: 25ern (UK 10; US 3 1 pair ritting needles Instructions: Make the basic bear (see page 6 Dress Back and front (ooth worked the same} Using pale green, cast on 24 sts Rows 1-4: 5S, Rows 5-6 [20.351 off 2 ts at beg of each cow 9; K2tog, Row 10: purl Rows 11-18: $5. Rows 17-18: change to white and GS. Cast off Using pale green, work skirt as for bas chess. When work measures Zen (2iKin) chang white and wore 2 rows GS, Cast off Apron Using ereamn, s 7-16 repeat rows 5 and 6, 5 times Row 17:{K3, K2teg} to last 3 sts, K3 (24 sts) Row 1B: exst en 18 sts, knit end Row 19: cast on 18 sts, knit 1o-€nd, Row: 20: knit across all sts. Case ¢ Work in all the yarn ends, Embroieler a small flower and leaf on to-one comer af the apron using pink and gp: Slippers Using pale green, cast on 14 sts incin gach st to end [28 sta} tinue in GS Rows 3-4: knitusing green. Rows 5-6: knit using pink Row 7: knit using green. Complete the sligpers following instructions for basic shoes an page 7, from first dec row Glasses hort length of fuse wire and twist nll 10 give two small circles Arrange them inta a pleasing shape, making sure they fit over the bear photograph for guidance. Berd each end eyes. Use the di push them on each side of the eyes. ‘Secure with afew stitch Kaitting, Cast on 10 cast off sand work 18 rows vp Lightly stu the slippers end sew them to the bears legs isex page 7}, Sew a cotten bell to the front of each slioper. Sew the side sears con the dress, slip it on to the bear and sew the shoulder searns. Sew the twa heart buttons on the front, Tie the apron around the bears waist and secure the ties with a few stitches. Make knitting needles by breaking @ cocktail stick in half and gluing 3 bead on to the broken end ‘of each one. Slip the knitting onto bath tiny needles, and secure the needles on ta the ‘bears pews with a dab of glue. Materials: 1 ball pink double knitting Odelments of pale pink, green, blue yam 25cm (934in) lilac rickrack braicl Sunglasses embellishment Flower and leaf button Tiny gold bead Materials for basic bear, including dark brown douiole knitting Nesdies: 1 pair 3.25mm (UK 10; US 3) knitting needles Instructions: Make the basic bear (see page 6) Bikini Top: Using pink, cast on 40-sts. Rows It: GS, Rows 5-4: cast off 12 sts, knit ta end [16 sts]. Row 7: KB, turn end continue cn this set of sts Rows 8-10: K2tog at end af each row [2 sts] Row 11: K2tog [1 st). Row 12: KI, turn, Repeat rem 12 until work measures 1lcm (Ain) Fasten off Rejoin yain to rem 8 sts ancl complete ta match the first side. Pants: Using pink, cast on 24 sts. Rows 1-4: GS, Rows 5-4: cast off 4 sts at beg of each row. Rows 7: cast off 3 sts at beg of each row. Rew 9 kent Rov 10: K2tag at each end af row [B sts} Rows 11-12: repeat sows 9-10 [6 sts). Rows 13-20; GS. Rows 21-23: inc 1 st at each end of rows 21 and 23 (10 sts). Row 24: knit Rows 25-26: cast on Sts at beg of each row, Rows 27-28: cast on sts at beg of each row B24 sts|. 36 Rows 29-82: GS, Cast cit, Beach bag Using pale pink, cast on 12 sts Rows 1-2: GS. Change to $8 end werk *2 rows blue, 2 rows green, 2 rows pink" Repeat irom * to * until a total of 13 stripes have been worked, ending one blue stripe. Using pink, work 2 rows in GS. Cast oft Handle: Cast on 24 ats using pale pink yarn. Cast off Making up Stitch the side seams of the bikini pants, Stitch rickrack braiel around the waist. Slip the parts nto the bear end catch them in plage with a few stitches. Stitch braid along the bottom edige of the bikiniop. Place the top on the bear and stitch it in place. Tie it around the beck of the neck ta secure, using the photograph as guide. Stitch the side seams of the bag, sewon the handla and attach the flower and leaf button. Stitch the sunglasses to the paw. Sew the tiny gold beed on to the front of the bear far a belly button stucl Materlats: ‘Oddments of black double knitting for eye patches anc ears 25cen (Pin) marrow red satin ribloon Materials for basic bear, including black and white double knitting Needles; 1 pair 3.25mm {UK 10, US 3} knitting needles Instructions: Make the basic bear (see page ¢), but do not atiach the eyes. Knit the head using white yarn and the arms using black. When working the body, begin with black yarn, continue until all shaping 's complete, then change to white yorn. Continue with white untl you civide for the legs, then change te black yarn. Cornplete the legs using black, Make both sides ta match, Eye patches (make two) Using black yarn, cast on 3 sta Rows 4 knit Row 2: ine 1 stat each end cf row. Rows 3-6: GS. Row 7: dec 1 st at each end of row. Row & knit Row 9; sI1, k2toa, paso, Fasten off Ears (make two} Using black yam, cast on 3:sts Row T:knit Row Z: inc 1 stat each end of row. Rows 3-8 GS Row 9: dec | st at each eid of rom Row 10: eit. Row 11: sl, k2tog, psso. Fasten off, Making up Position the eye patches either side of the bears nose, using the photograph as a guide, and:stitch them in place, Sew the eyes on top. of che patches. Fold the ears in half, and place them over the ears that forn part of the bear's head, Gather them slighty into shape and secure. Tie a piece of red sibbon around the Materials: 1 ball denim blue double knitting 1 hall cream double knitting (Odernents of red, black and rayal blue double knitting for backpack end beors Small amount of safety stuffing Materials for basic bear, including beige ancl light blue double kaitting Needles; 1 par 2.25mm (UK 10: US 3} knitting needles Instructions: Make the basic bear (see page &). Knit the last few rows at the bottom of each leg using fight ‘blue yarn for socks, Special cbbreviation w2: to twist 2 sts, miss the first st and knit into front of secand st, but de “ot slip the second st off the needle. Knit the missed! st and slip beth sts aff the neadte together Sweater Back Using cream, cast on 24 sts. Roos 1-4: K2, P2 ib, Row 5: K9, P2, tr, P2. KI. Row 4: P9, K2, P2, K2, 2. Rows 7-12; continue in pattern (rons 5 and é). To shape armboles, centinue in pettem: Rows 13-14: cast off 2 sts at each end of rom Row 15: K1, skpo, pattern to last 3ts, K2tog, K1 Row 1é pull Repeat rows 15 and 14 until 8 ste rem, ending with 2 pul tow, Leave the ats on 2 stitch holder. Sleeves (make two): Using cream, cest on 24 sts Rows 1-4: 2, P2 rib. Rows 5-2: $5, Shape the top 2s forback, row 13 to end. Front Work 3s for bck until 14 ats rem after start of armhole shaping Divide for neck. K1, skpa, K2, turn and leave rem sts ons stiteh holder. Next row: purl Next row: 1, skpo, K1 Next row putt Next row: sil, K2tog, psto. Fasten off Slip centre 4 215 on to. holder and work on ram § sts for other side, Complete to match, reversing shapings and working K2tog in place of skgo. Neckband: Pick up anci knit: 8 sts at top of sleeve, 5 sts along left side of neck, 4 sts ar neck front, 5 sts along right side of neck, & sts across back, and Bsts at top of second! sleeve [38 sts] Werk 5 roms $8, beg with a knit rom Cast off Trousers Follow instructions for basie trousers (age 7) using denim blue Boots Using btack yarn, fallow instructions for basic shoes on page 7. Once attached to the bear's legs, sew a few stitches using red yarn to represent laces. Backpack Using royal blue, cast on 14 sts Row 1: kit. Row 2: K2, purl to last 2 sts, K2. Repeat rows 1 and 2 until work measures can tai. Knit 2 rows GS, cast off Straps Using black, easton 3 sts Werk in mass stitch for 1Bom (Fin). Cast off. Meking up Stitch the raglan seams of the sweater, leaving the back left sear open. Stitch the side and sleeve sears. Put the sweater on to the bear and stitch the final seam and neckband. Sew up the trouzers and put them on to the bear. Fold the backpack into thirds, and jain the side seams leaving the top third open for the flap. Stuff the backpack lightly, fold aver the flap, and secure with two French knats. Sew the centre of the strap to the middle of the backpack at the back; catch the ends to each side at the base of the backpack to form loops Materials: 1 ball rec double knitting ‘Oddments of black yarn for spots and antennae 3 ladybird butions lean (49%6in) narrow red satin ribbon Materials for basic bear, including black and white double knitting Needles: 1 pair 3,25men (UK 10; US 3) knitting needles Instructions: Make the basic bear {see page 6) using black for the body, legs and arans and cisarn for the head. ‘Wings (make two} ‘Work all ine sts for the wings by picking up the strend of yan between the previous 2 sts and knitting into the back of it. Using red, cast on 5 sts. Row 1: purt Row 2: K2, inc, K}, inc, K2 [7 sts}. Row 3 knit. Row 4: K3, ing, K1, ine, K3[ sts) Row &: knit Row 4: K4, ine, Ki, ine, K4 [11 sts} Row 7: knit. Row 8: K5, inc, Ki, inc, KS [13 sts} Continue to inc in this manner until 25 sts are on the needle Work 8 rows GS. Dec | st at each end of each alt row until ? sts rem. Cast off 42 Spots (make 6) Using black, cast on 3 sts. Work in GS. Row 1: knit. Row 2: ing | stat each end of row. Rowe 3-6: GS. Row 7: dec | st at each end of row. Row 8 knit Row 9: sI1, K2tog, peo Fasten off Stitch three spats on each wing, Actach the wings to the bear, overlapping them slightly at the beck neck. Tia tha ribbon around the ladybird bears neck, Make the antennae by theeeding a piece of black yam through the top of the head and roll each end into a tight circle. Secure them with a few stitches. Sew the buttons on te the front of the bear

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