The Diagrams Below Show The Life Cycle of A Species of A Large Fish Called The Salmon.

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Topic: the diagrams below show the life cycle of a species of a large fish called

the salmon.

The flow charts illustrate the various stages involved in the development of a salmon
during its life cycle.

Overall, it is evident from the information provided that there are 3 stages in this
process, beginning with tiny egg and ending with the adult salmon.

To begin with, it can be seen that the salmon eggs are found deeply in the upper river.
Between the reeds and the small stones, including slow moving of water, those eggs
could be safe. After 5-6 months lying in the fresh water, fish eggs hatch and small
salmons emerge in the low river, shown as fries. In the second stage, they spend
nearly 4 years growing from the fries to the smolts. During this time, these smolts
become bigger and longer, some smolts can reach up to 15cm in length and are ready
for the next trip out into the ocean. In approximately 5 years living in the sea, their
body change to adapt to the saltwater. Swimming and feeding keep their development
and they could grow into adult salmons. Spending almost 5 years in the sea, they
become mature with the biggest size at 76 cm. After fully developed, they return to
the original place to spawn. The cycle will then continue again.

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