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Date: 21/6/2021

Field: Language & Communication Subject: English Rate: V Class:XI

Theme :Speaking and communication. Learning situation: The teacher and the students
discuss about vocabulary related to hobbies.


Student learning outcomes based on competency- Key words:

based learning by teaching topics/area: Knitting,playing the guitar,
Brush up the previously learned vocabulary related to gardening,darts,bowlong,chess,camping,painting,si
hobbies. nging,reading.
Use correctly the words and vocabulary.
Have more new words in mind.
Sources Relations with other fields or cross-curricular
Course book ,workbook ,,notebook ,extra resources. topics:This topic can be related to other subjects.

Methodology and students’ activity

First stage: (15 minutes)
Divide the whole class in 4 groups .Each group will choose one representative to collect all sentences
for her/his team.
Complete the task about your friend’s hobbies including the type of hobby.

Second stage: (15 minutes)

Students take turn to make sentences including the picked word .Students have to speak to their
sentences.Two teams will play at the same time .The team who has the most acceptable answers will be
the winners.Ask students about what they are going to learn in the lesson.

Third stage: (15 minutes)

Making an interview to find out a famous person hobby.Ask students to work in pairs and give them the
following task
-imagine that you are going to make an interview with a famous person.
-you are a famous person . You have an interview with a broadcaster or a jurnalist.Give them as much
interesting information as possible for it’s a good way to show your personalities in public.
-after the preparation ,release your performance in front of class.
Call at least two pairs to perform.

Evaluation: I will evaluate 7 students about this topic.

Write an essay about your favorite hobby.

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