Answer Key: .,,a, - RT, W4

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64 I

Answer key
Pagqt,'; :. 7 Correct.
1 CaroI
worksin sales,Dong-Sun
in purchasing. Correct.
J Incorrect.TherearesupptiersbutDong-Sun wants
page6 thanjustfulfitling
to offera betterservice John's
Car ol:
r , 2 ,4 -!l specificorder.
Dong- Su2n,3 : ,5 ,6 ,8 -1 0 ,1 2 4 Correct.
5 Incorrect.Dong-Sun willassess
andcompare the
r d to fill in orderforms offers.
o lncorrect.Johndoesnotcomplain.
z c marketresearch
3 f to drawup tenders purchase
1(' 1 agreement 6
4 a to negotiate contracts
aSsesSment requesr
5 e deliverydate 7
6 b to handlecomptaints to compare 8 to solve
+ competition 9 specification
pagpz, 5 complaint ro supplier
salesrepresentative 1
tl 7 comparing 5 a55e5s
seniorpurchaser 2 competition 6 requests
su pp lychainm anager 2 3 suppliers 7 solution
4 specifications
41 f 5c
2g oe
3D 7d ri*4!Flg,rr'
4h 8a
Starter(suggested answers)
paee*rll. P :a,d,i
6 Theydiscuss:
z.t,z.z and2.4. S :f,g,h
P+S:b, c, e, j
1 satestargets r r False z True 3 True
2 increase thesalesvolume t:.,,,a,W
3 specificgoals z r AndI'mBrigitte.BrigitteDupont.Pleased to meet
4 aheadof you.
5 improving sales
6 salespromotion z Well,I founditveryinteresting. ...yourswos
definitelyoneof themorerelevant for me.
7 lookinto;exceed ourbudget
8 corporate clients 3 CanI askwhichcompany
4 I'ma seniorpurchaser at AirSouth,responsible
7 1 are...on 5 exceed/be above
2 were...below 6 reach 5 Doyou thinkthat ourMROservicesmaybe of
have...set interestto you?
3 7 are...above 6 Well,if you hovetimenextweek,perhapsyou'd
4 revise
be interested in meetingafterthetradefairis
.,,a,|rt,W4 over.
8 r salesvolume 5 salesmeeting 7 Coutdyougivemeyourcord?
z salesforce 6 salesfigures 8 ln themeontime, wouldyouliketo lookat our
salestax salespromotion newcatatogue?
3 Z
4 salestargets 8 salesperson
3 (suggested
r Couldyoutellmeyourname,please?
9 (suggested answers)
r Company creditcardsforattftightpersonnel 2 CanI askwhatbusiness
z J ohnM u rp h y 3 Wouldyoube interested
in meeting nextweek?
4 Coutdyoujustwaita minutewhileI getmydiary?
5 Couldyougivemeyourbusiness card/contact
6 Don'tyouworkat HTElectronics?
7 Wouldyouliketo meetlaterto discuss
8 Wouldyouliketo putyournameon ourmailing
66 | Answerkey

iffi b Fatse.RacheI
is willingto reducetheleasing
periodbutwouldhaveto askmorefor the
r participate 5 trust property.
Theredoesnotseemto be much
z fulfit 6 prevent
for the propertyat the moment.
3 recommeno 7 require c True.
4 assure
r in thebaltpark
ro (suggested answers) z enablesus;bestinterests
z Productavaitability 3 understand
' years). couldaccept
3 Wewantclearbottles(notgreen). 5 mayhavea point
4 Wewantmedium-dry (notdry).
prosecco 6 notwithyou
#re 7
maybe a possibitity
n Theydiscuss thepriceand
the avaitabitity.
r Doyoumean 7 r receiving
2 Yes,I seeyourpoint. 2 offered
if I understand 3 differ
3 suggested
4 That'scorrect 4
Coutdyoube morespecific? 5 accept
5 6 enable
6 Right.
So,you'llgetbackto me 7 reouce
8 | see.
right 8c)( g{
9 d/ h{
eX ix
fx ix
ffire ffi
Starter (suggestedanswers) (suggested
i Behonestandtrustworthy. answers)
j Lookfor weaknesses in youropponent's z b: I shareyourviewscompletely. / h: I agree.
arguments. 3 j: Unfortunately I can'tagreewithyouthere./
a: I seeit a tittledifferently.
/ f: I reallycan'tagree
ffi withthat.
r (suggested
answer) 4 g: Yes,I'mabsolutely in favourof thatoption.
specificpartsofthe offer.
b Theyarenegotiating 5 e: Upto a pointwecouldaccept that/ i: Normally
we couldacceDt that
z price 55
3 additional 5 costs 914 gb
4 five 7 limit zb 4a
Yes,they'vemanaged to reachagreement. (See
z r duration 4 discount emailon page39 for a summary of the conditions)
2 fee 5 termsandconditions
3 interim 6 calculation ffi
ro Yes,everything
"ffia r appreciated 5 downpayment
duration d termsandconditions z reach 6 confirm
b discounts e fees 3 summarize 7 opportunity
c calculations f interim 4 fee 8 continuing

3 a s peake r3 b s p e a k e rz ,4 c speakerr, 5 ffi

rz Thefollowingwordsdo notfit:
ffi z reduce
4 r leased;wouldreceive 3 lower
z increased; couldlower 4 calculate
3 agree;will need 5 extend
4 agreed;wouldbe ableto 6 a contract
5 buy;receive 7 a relationship
6 extended; wouldyoureduce
7 is;wil[send r3 r increase 6 proposal
z discussion 7 calculation
ffi 3 benefit 8 signature
shehasno problem
6 a False: withtheprice.Her 4 difference 9 reduction
mainobjection period.
is thelong[easing 5 Summary ro extension
Answerkey | 67

lr::.Plge4e,i t27 e 5a
2n 6d
1 1 Tokyo 5 model
2 5 frame Jl 7C
4OO 8b
XPQrz 73,ooo 4c
3 7
4 Osaka 8 two r subjectmatterofthe contract
z bindingagreement
Pag?{l3l 3 reservesall rights
Callr 4 liablefor any damages
r wouldliketo order 5 duedate
2 manage delivery 6 intereston arrears
3 justmakesure 7 invalidateany otherclausesand regulations
4 l'tIfaxyou 8 revokethis contract
Callz Page49
5 readyto place r3 (modelanswers)
6 writethisdown
r Theyneedto paywithinfourteendaysof
7 straightaway receivingthe articles.lfthey pay late,they haveto
8 'ttbein touch pay four per centinterest.
2 Thecontractis not invalidifone clauseis deleted.
r ptaceof delivery
z invoice;
shipment; delivery 3 We can selecta third partyto deliverthe goods
but, in this case,the third partyis responsible
3 specifications
any oamages.
4 methodof payment
signedorder 4 We can get outof the contractif PhoneEurope
5 breaksanv ofthe clauses.
51b 5c
2f 6a page 50
3d r Call r
4C Problem:Theyorderedten sensorsof one model,
' FagGqtf:i.. but got twentyof another.
Response: Thesupplierwill deliverthe correct
6 Across Down
sensorsby Friday.
2 CUrrency 1 paymentterms
5 delivery
note z confirmation Call z
Z contact 3 warehouse Problem:Computernetworkis not working.
4 VAT Response:Production
wit[ senda technicianby
6 value noon.

Page 51
7 r True.
z True. 1c 5 b
3 False.Anna wantsto makethree changes(two 2a 6 e
and one addition). 3f 7 g
4h B d
8 All exceptz and 6 are in the dialogue.
Yes,thespeakers approach
a : y3 ,7,8
whenmaking theircomplaints.
b: z, 4 ,5,6
,;i. ,.',, r I'mafraidthatthere'sa problemwiththe invoice.
z I'mafraidthisdelaywillcauseusprobtems.
9 (suggested answers)
3 Wehaven'treceived theshipment yet.
r I'l[enterthechanges intothesystem
4 Theshipment shoutdhavebeensentto Moscow.
z couldyouplease tellmetheordernumber?
5 Unfortunatelytheprogram is stillnotworking.
3 | needto change theorder. foryou.
6 | canunderstand thatthisis frustrating
4 I'ltneedwrittenconfirmationaswett.
Canyouconfirm thatsomeone willbehere
5 Coutdyoutellmewhichitemsareincorrect? tomorrow?
6 CoutdI alsoaskyouto addanother itemto the
shouldhavefixedit yesterday.
8 Yourtechnicians
9 Unfortunatetythereseemsto bea mistake with
1(, 1 8z\55WR6o
2 a total of 136,587 t3o/o(or per cent)
4 85o,ooo;r.9 million
5 item number(or item no.)rTYTE-3SR; 3.8 mm
6 €t28,87 6.78; t9"/.; €t53 363 37
68 Aflswerkev

Page52., : ;i4ru{**i
4 Problem:Wrongpapershipped(wrongwatermark 121 regret
andcolour) z compty;forced
Sotution: paperwillbesentbyspecial
Correct 3 assureo
thenextday a forced
5 formally
5 r under s ta n d y o u rs i tu a ti o n 6 directty
z a priorityfor you
3 MayI iustask r3 (suggested answers)
4 exactlydo youmean EmaiIr
5 'ttspeakdirectly Ptease acceptmyapologies fortheincorrectdelivery.
6 'll makesure I realize
thatthismustbeveryfrustrating foryou.
7 personatty Please beassured thatwearedoingeverything we
\,2 cando hereto fixthisproblem, so thatthissituation
a c 5
b l" q d 6 ,z
Wewill of coursecoverthe extracosts.Asa signof
,:,,.FE#..5il,,, ourgoodwitt, wewoutdalsoliketo offeryoua ten
percentdiscount onyournextorder.
6 (suggested answers)
Onceagain,I regrettheinconvenience we have
z I realize
caused. lfyouhaveanyfurtherrequests, please
3 Whatexactlyis theproblem? speakto medirectty,andI wiltpersonallyhandtethe
4 Woutdthatbe/lsthatconvenient foryou?
5 I'tlmakesureyougetit nextweek.
6 | wiltpersonally
sortit out immediately.
7 I'llgetbackto youon Friday aboutthediscount.
Please acceptmyapologies forthe recentlate
payments. Wehavemeanwhile instatled
a new
7 z 'll makesure 5 'l[ confirm system to handleinvoices,
so I canassure youthat
3 'lt detiver 6 'll receive
thiskindof delaywiltnothappenagain.Regarding
4 'lt fax yourmessages, theremusthavebeena mix-up,
.r.-ii*$,€4 whichI wittsortouthere.
I willpersonallymakesurethattheinvoiceplus
9 r False.
Thereis a framecontract:LIG|FC
z54o of
charges is paidbeforetheendofthisweek.
rc Februaryzoo9.
z True. :.;"f.*g'Fr'j,+J,
3 False.
Thedelivery datewasnotconfirmed.
4 True. Across Down
5 False.Lindaasksforcompensation, but Inekede
8 recommend r business
9 rurnover z discount
r3 tradefair 3 delivery
1 04 description
o compensation 16 apotogy 4 price
77 agreement 5 auction
c confirmation
o information r8 tender 6 bid
delivery t9 confirmation 7 overheads
zr conditions 8 requestfor proposal
f s hipme n t
22 competitors 10 penalty
.p89e.55,:: z4 supptier tl warranty
r information z5 invitation 72 frame
4 describe 74 fee
z shipped 5 detiver 15 invoice
3 confirm 6 compensation
20 order
23 target
111 Pleaseacceptmyapologies ...
z I verymuchregretthe frustrationandproblems
thishascaused you.
3 Thedetaywascaused by...
4 Themissing itemswill bedetivered byspecial
c our ie r...
5 | wouldliketo offeryou...
6 AgainI regrettheinconvenience ...

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