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Phosphorus vapour comprises of 

A. P B. P2

C. P3 D. P4

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Conversion of yellow phosphorous to red phosphorous is done by heating it in covered retorts at
 __________ °C in absence
absence of air.

A. !"#! B. 2!"4!!

C. 1!!!"12!! D. #!!"$!!

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Commercial fertilisers are available
available mostly in the form of 

A. powder B. grannules

C. lumps D. fla%es

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Pic% out the wrong statement.

A. &ll the nitrogenous fertilisers are not soluble in water.


B. & straight fertiliser contains only one nutrient.

C. Calcium cynamide is used as weed %iller in onion fields.

D. 'he phosphorous nutrient ma%es the plant stem stronger and increases its branches.

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&mmonia synthesis gas is produced from natural gas by
A. thermal crac%ing

B. steam reforming

C. partial o(idation

D. hydrogenation

Catalyst used in the manufacture of *+3 by +aber,s process is finely divided

A. nic%el

B. iron

C. vanadium pento(ide

D. alumina

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ed phosphorous
phosphorous is changed into white phosphorous by

A. heating in presence of light.

B. melting under pressure.

C. vaporisation
vaporisation followed
f ollowed by condensation.

D. none of these.

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/rea is represented as

A. *+2.C0.*+ 2 B. *+3C0.C+3

C. *+.C02.*+ D. *+3.C02.*+3

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'wo gas based fertiliser plants are located in

A. aharashtra and uarat

B. aharashtra and 0rissa

C. uarat and adhya Pradesh

D. har%hand and Chattisgarh

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5ertiliser plants get their *2 re6uirements

A. by fractionation of li6uified air.


B. by dissociating o(ides of nitrogen.

C. from coal gas 7co%e oven gas8.

D. from producer gas.

9uring conversion
conversion of ammonium carbamate into urea: presence of large e(cess of water

A. increases the yield of urea.

B. adversely affects the yield of urea.

C. reduces the evaporator load by diluting the urea solution.

D. does not affect the yield of urea.

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+ydrogen content of co%e oven gas is __________ percent.

A. 4 B. 22

C. # D. #4
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Pic% out the wrong statement.

,reen acid, is the other name of phosphoric acid produced

produced by the reaction of phosphate
roc% ; sulphuric acid.

B. Chemically unreactive nature of red phosphorous

phosphorous is due to its polymeric structure.

C. ed phosphorous
phosphorous is the most reactive allotropic form of phosphorous.

ed phosphorous:
phosphorous: which is used in the manufacture of safety matches: is converted
converted into
white phosphorous by vaporisation followed by condensation.

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&mmonium nitrate 7a fertiliser8 is coated with limestone powder to

A. increase its nitrogen content.

B. cut down its production cost.

C. avoid the ris% of e(plosion.

D. add e(tra nutrient as fertiliser.

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&ction of phosphoric acid on roc% phosphate produces

A. superphosphate

B. triple superphosphate

C. nitrophosphate

D. diammonium phosphate
eaction of dilute sulphuric acid with phosphate roc% produces

A. phosphoric acid

B. superphosphate

C. triple superphosphate

D. gypsum

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Phosphoric acid is produced in wet process from phosphate roc% and

A. dilute +2<04

B. concentrated +2<04

C. concentrated *+03

D. concentrated +Cl

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=ase suspension fertiliser essentially contains

A. 13> *2 and 43> P20

B. 43> *2 and 13> P20

C. 43> *2 and 13> ?20

D. 43> ?20 and 43> P 20

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Conditioners li%e finely divided peat are added to the fertiliser to

A. counteract burning.
B. avoid ca%ing ; hardening.

C. produce bul%.

D. increase its solubility.

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@i6uid ammonia is not used as such a fertiliser in tropical countries li%e Andia: because

A. its *2 content is very low.

B. it is very costly.

C. it will evaporate on spraying.

D. it is not available.

Pic% out the wrong statement.

Bellow phosphorous which is the most reactive allotropic form of phosphorous is

transported under water.

&patite is the principal material present in phosphate roc% which is chemically

Ca1! 7P048) 75: Cl: 0+8.

C. /rea is more hygroscopic than ammonium nitrate.

*itrogen fi(ation means the process of bringing atmospheric nitrogen into

combination i.e. into nitrogen compound form.

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hich of the following does not come under the category of ,secondary nutrient, for plant growthD

A. Calcium B. agnesium

C. <ulphur D. 0(ygen

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<team reforming of naphtha is a source of hydrogen production for nitrogeneous fertiliser
industry. hat is the usual ratio of steam to carbon maintained in the process of steam reforming
of naphtha D

A. 1.E1 B. 3.E1

C. 1!E1 D. 1E1

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7C+3 C) +483 P04 is the chemical formula of 

A. triple superphosphate

B. tricresyl phosphate

C. flourapatite

D. superphosphate

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hich is a catalyst promoter used in catalytic ammonia synthesis reaction D

A. &l203 B. Cr203

C. ?20 D. n0

'he concentration 7weight >8 of nitric acid produced by the o(idation of ammonia and absorption
of nitrogen o(ides with water is about __________ percent.

A. )! B. 3!

C. $ D. 1!!

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/rea is a __________ fertiliser.
A. nitrogenous

B. potassic

C. phosphatic

D. none of these

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Calcium ammonium nitrate 7C&*8 is

A. a mi(ed fertiliser

B. a straight fertiliser

C. a comple( fertiliser

D. not a fertiliser F it is an e(plosive

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C02 present in reformed gas 7obtained by steam reforming of naphtha8 is removed by absorbing

A. mono"ethanolamine 7G&8

B. sla%ed lime

C. ammoniacal li6uor

D. ethyl"Gthyl ?etone 7G?8

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hich is the most suitable fertiliser for paddy D

A. C&*

B. &mmonium sulphate
C. &mmonium nitrate

D. <uperphosphate

&mmonium sulphate fertiliser is

A. the highest concentration nitrogenous fertiliser.

B. the best fertiliser for paddy.

C. a basic fertiliser.

D. a neutral fertiliser.

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@ower temperature and large e(cess of ammonia in urea melt

A. increases biuret formation

B. decreases biuret formation

C. is undersirable

D. does not effect biuret formation

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<uperphosphate is manufactured by reacting phosphate roc% with

A. acetic acid

B. sulphuric acid

C. aluminium chloride

D. none of these

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Hetroco%e solution is

A. a mi(ture of ?2C03 and &s203.

B. ?2<04.

C. a mi(ture of *a2C03 and &s203.

D. *a2<04.

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An calcium ammonium nitrate 7C&*8 fertil"ser

A. nitrate nitrogen is 6uic% acting

B. ammoniacal nitrogen is 6uic% acting

C. nitrate nitrogen is slower acting

D. none of these

P20 content in triple superphosphate is about __________ percent.

A. 42"! B. 1"2!

C. #"$! D. -!"-

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+3P04 is the chemical formula of __________ phosphoric acid.

A. pyro

B. ortho

C. meta

D. none of these
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+eating of orthophosphoric acid to 2!°C produces

A. metaphosphoric acid

B. pyrophosphoric acid

C. no change in it

D. none of these

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Hapor phase reaction of ammonia ; nitric acid to produce ammonium nitrate is termed as the
 __________ process.

A. +aber,s B. <tengel

C. @e"chatlier,s D. 9u"pont,s

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/se of catalyst is a must in the ammonia manufacture: because the reaction is reversible as well
as the heat of dissociation of *2 ; +2 is high. 'he presence of promoter along with the catalyst
helps in __________ of the catalyst.

A. stabilisation

B. increasing the effectiveness

C. improving the strength ; heat resistance

D. all a: b ; c

Prilling tower is found in the flowsheet for the manufacture of 

A. ammonia

C. superphosphate

D. triple superphosphate

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eaction of orthophosphoric acid with soda ash produces

A. sodium tripolyphosphate 7<'PP8

B. tricresyl phosphate

C. tributyl phosphate

D. nitrophosphate

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/rea is formed only

A. in li6uid phase

B. in vapour phase

C. at very high temperature

D. at very low pressure 7vacuum8

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9ehydration of ammonium carbamate 7 to produce urea8 is aIan __________ reaction.

A. reversible B. catalytic

C. e(othermic D. endothermic

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Glectric process as compared to wet process 7for the manufacture of phosphoric acid8

A. can use only high grade phosphate roc%.

B. is used less fre6uently.

C. produces a valuable by"product called gypsum.

D. is wea% acid process.

&mmonium sulphate can be produced by reacting gypsum with

A. ammonia

B. ammonium carbonate

C. nitric acid

D. none of these

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*itrogenous fertiliser is re6uired

A. during the early stage of growth to promote development of stem and leaves.

B. for accelerating fruit formation in later stage of growth.

C. to lessen the effect of e(cessive potash application.

D. none of these.

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5ertiliser plant ma%ing ammonium sulphate employing gypsum"ammonia reaction 7usual practice
is to use ammonia and sulphuric acid8 is located at

A. our%ela 7under <&A@8

B. =o%aro 7under <&A@8

C. <indri 7under 5CA8

D. =aroda 7under .<.5.C.8

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Catalyst used in +aber,s process for ammonia production is

A. reduced iron o(ide

B. nic%el

C. vanadium pento(ide

D. silica gel

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<odium tri poly phosphate 7<'PP8 is manufactured by reaction of phosphoric acid with sodium

A. carbonate B. phosphate

C. bicarbonate D. silicate

eaction of anhydrous li6uid ammonia with orthophosphoric acid produces

A. ammonium phosphate

B. superphosphate

C. triple superphosphate

D. none of these

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Glectric furnace method for production of phosphorous uses phosphate roc%
A. and phosphoric acid

B. and co%e

C. and sulphuric acid

D. silica and co%e

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Commercial production of hydrogen for the manufacture of nitrogeneous fertilisers is done by

A. steam reforming of naphtha and crac%ing of natural gas.

B. electrolysis of water.

C. cryogenic separation of hydrogen from co%e oven gas.

D. all 7a8: 7b8 and 7c8

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hich fertiliser is made 7using co%e oven gas8 in by products plant of an integrated steel plant D

A. /rea

B. C&*

C. &mmonium sulphate

D. <uperphosphate

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&mmonium phosphate is a __________ fertiliser.

A. nitrogenous B. phosphatic

C. comple( D. mi(ed
a(imum stability of white phosphorous is at

A. very high pressure

B. atmospheric pressure

C. room temperature

D. J)!!°C

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Potassic fertilisers do not promote the development of 

A. stems ; leaves during early stage of plant growth.

B. starches of potatoes ; grains.

C. sugar of fruits ; vegetables.

D. fibrous materials of plants.

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'he optimum siKe of the ammonia plant is __________ tonsIday.

A. 1! B. 1!!

C. 1!!! D. 1!!!C.

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ain component of bone ash is

A. calcium sulphate

B. calcium phosphate

C. calcium carbonate
D. sodium phosphate

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ultistage operation 7as in the case of catalytic o(idation of <028 is not carried out for
*+3 synthesis: because of 

A. comparatively higher pressure drop.

B. high cost of the high pressure vessel used for the reactor.

C. higher pumping cost.

D. chances of entrainment and disturbance of catalyst bed.

hich of the following is the costliest method for commercial production of hydrogen for
ammonia synthesis D

A. +2 separation from co%e oven gas

B. <team reforming of naphtha

C. Crac%ing of natural gas

D. Glectrolysis of water

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An __________ converter for ammonia synthesis: the catalyst is arranged in the form of a single
continuous bed.

A. 5auser"onte Catini

B. Claude

C. /dhe

D. ?ellog

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'he essential ingradient of all the synthesis gas is

A. +2 B. 02

C. C02 D. *2

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<odium tri poly phosphate 7<'PP8 is chemically represented as

A. *aP301! B. *a4P30#

C. *a3P40) D. *a2P04

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& fertiliser contains #2> *2. At could be

A. urea

B. li6uid *+3

C. ammonium nitrate

D. none of these

+eating of orthophosphoric acid to about $!!°C: produces

A. metaphosphoric acid

B. pyrophosphoric acid

C. no change in it

D. none of these

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eaction of phosphate roc% with $#> + 2<04 produces
A. orthophosphoric acid

B. superphosphate

C. white phosphorous

D. none of these

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+P03 is the chemical formula of __________ phosphoric acid.

A. pyro

B. ortho

C. meta

D. none of these

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=oth white phosphorous as well as red phosphorous

A. are soluble in C<2.

B. burns when heated in air.

C. reacts with hot caustic soda solution to give phosphine.

D. all 7a8: 7b8: and 7c8.

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Catalyst used in steam reforming of naphtha is

A. nic%el
B. platinum

C. silica gel

D. rhodium

Potassic fertiliser is graded based on its __________ content.

A. ?Cl B. ?20

C. ?*03 D. ?2<04

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onte catini process is used for the manufacture of 

A. nitric acid

B. phosphoric acid

C. urea

D. calcium ammonium nitrate 7C&*8

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Promoter used in *+3 synthesis catalyst is

A. ?20 B. <i03

C. H20 D. /203

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+4P20- is the chemical formula of __________ phosphoric acid.

A. pyro

B. ortho
C. meta

D. none of these

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&mmonium nitrate 7is mi(ed with limestone8 is not used as fertiliser as such: because

A. it is hygroscopic and e(plosive in nature.

B. it is highly acidic in nature.

C. it is a li6uid at room temperature.

D. its nitrogen content is very less.

Phosphatic fertilisers

A. are useful during early stage of the plant growth.

B. accelerate fruit formation in later stages of growth.

C. lessen the effect of e(cessive nitrogen application.

D. none of these

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*aphtha in a fertiliser plant is used as a source of 

A. fuel B. +2

C. *2 D. 02

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Pic% out the wrong statement.

A. 9ehydration of ammonium carbamate to produce urea is endothermic.

B. 9irect use of li6uid ammonia as a fertiliser for a tropical country li%e Andia is suitable.

ypsum 7Ca<04. 2+208 is obtained as a by"product in the wet process for manufacture
of ortho"phosphoric acid.

D. Phosphate roc% when reacted with dilute + 2<04 produces superphosphate.

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a(imum nitrogen percentage is in

A. ammonium sulphate.

B. calcium ammonium nitrate.

C. urea.

D. li6uid ammonia.

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*itrogen content in ammonium sulphate 7a fertiliser8 is around __________ percent.

A.  B. 2!

C. ! D. )

A argest capacity nitrogenous fertiliser plants 72-!! tons of *+3 per day8 72 *os8 in Andia are
located at

A. 'hal"Haishet 7under C5 in aharashtra8 and +aKira 7under A55C0 in uarat8.

B. 'alchar 70rissa8 and amagundam 7&.P.8 both under 5CA.

C. ?orba 7.P.8 and 'alchar 70rissa8 both under 5CA.

D. +aldia 7.=8 and *amrup 7&ssam8 both under +5C.

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*itrogen content of urea is about __________ percent.

A. 1! B. 4)

C. #! D. $4

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*itrogen content of calcium ammonium nitrate 7C&*8 is __________ percent.

A. 1! B. 2

C. ! D. #!

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Catalyst used in ammonia synthesis uses __________ as a promoter.

A. Pt B. ?20

C. &l203 D. *i

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 __________ is the most suitable fertiliser for paddy.

A. /rea

B. &mmonium sulphate

C. <uperphosphate

D. Potassium nitrate

*P? fertiliser is a __________ fertiliser.

A. comple( B. mi(ed
C. nitrogenous D. phosphatic

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eaction of calcium fluorapatite with sulphuric acid produces

A. ortho"phosphoric acid.

B. simple superphosphate.

C. triple superphosphate.

D. red phosphorous.

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hich of the following is not a commercially used feed"stoc% for the production of ammonia
synthesis gasD

A. ater

B. *aphtha

C. 'ar

D. CoalIco%e oven gas

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5ertiliser value of a nitrogeneous fertiliser is e(pressed in terms of its __________ content.

A. *2 B. ?*03

C. *02 D. *+03

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'riple superphosphate is made by reacting phosphate roc% with __________ acid.
A. phosphoric B. nitric

C. sulphuric D. hydrochloric

'he fertiliser plant getting hydrogen by electrolysis of water is situated at

A. *amrup B. *angal

C. our%ela D. ?orba

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Chemical formula of biuret is

A. *+2.C0.*+ 2 B. *+3.C00.*+ 3

C. *+2C0*+C0*+ 2 D. *+4C00*+2

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oc% phosphate constitutes mainly of 

A. fluorapatite

B. di"calcium phosphate

C. mono"calcium phosphate

D. di"ammonium phosphate

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9ehydration of ammonium carbamate produces

A. urea

B. biuret

C. ammonia water
D. none of these

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&mmonia synthesis reaction is

A. e(othermic

B. endothermic

C. autocatalytic

D. none of these

'riple superphosphate is chemically represented as

A. Ca52.3Ca37P0482 B. 3Ca37P0482

C. Ca7P0382 D. Ca7+2P0482

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An ammonia synthesis 7*2 L 3+2 M 2*+38: there is a decrease in total volume: hence to get high
e6uilibrium conversion: the reaction should be carried out at

A. low pressure.

B. high pressure.

C. very high temperature.

D. atmospheric pressureF as the pressure has no effect on conversion.

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Coal based fertiliser plants at amagundam 7&ndhra Pradesh8 and 'alchar 70rissa8

A. use coal for heating purpose.

B. gasify coal to get hydrogen from coal gas.

C. use coal as filler in fertiliser.

D. use coal as conditioner in fertiliser.

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Bield of urea can be increased with e(cess ammonia and higher pressure ; temperature: but
because of __________ this is normally not done.

A. increased biuret formation

B. high corrosion rate

C. increased cost of e6uipment

D. all 7a8: 7b8 ; 7c8

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hich of the following gasifiers can be attached to coal based fertiliser plants D

A. @urgi 7high pressure8 gasifier.

B. ?opper"'otKe% gasifier.

C. asifier wor%ing at 2! atm.

D. asifier wor%ing at 4! atm.

& nitrogenous fertiliser contains 2!> *2. At could be

A. ammonium nitrate.

B. calcium ammonium nitrate 7C&*8.

C. urea.

D. ammonium chloride.
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as based fertiliser plants use

A. natural gas as a source of hydrogen.

B. natural gas as heating medium.

C. coal gas as a source of hydrogen.

D. coal gas as heating medium.

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Catalyst used in steam reforming of naphtha is

A. bau(ite

B. cobalt

C. nic%el o(ide on alumina support

D. chromium

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hich of the following fertilisers contains the least percentage of nitrogenD

A. @i6uid ammonia

B. /rea

C. &mmonium phosphate

D. &mmonium sulphate

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An the manufacture of +3 P04 7ortho8: F strong +2 <04 leaching wet process as compared to electric
furnace process

A. uses lower grade phosphate roc%.

B. re6uires lower capital investment in the plant.

C. produces lower purity acid.

D. is very costly.

0(idation of ammonia is

A. e(othermic B. endothermic

C. non"catalytic D. autocatalytic

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eaction of orthophosphoric acid with phosphate roc% produces

A. superphosphate

B. triple superphosphate

C. metaphosphoric acid

D. monoammonium phosphate

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5lushing li6uor used for cooling co%e oven gas constitutes of 

A. ammoniacal li6uor

B. ?2C03 solution

C. dilute +2<04

D. dilute +Cl
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'emperature and pressure in ammonia converter is

A. 2!! atm: 1!!!°C

B. 4! atm: 2!!°C

C. 4! atm: !°C

D. 4! atm: 1!!!°C

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p+ value of soil is maintained at __________ by the addition of fertiliser for optimum growth and
health of the plant.

A. 4" B. -"#

C. $"1! D. 12"13

/rea 7a nitrogeneous fertiliser8 is produced from carbon dio(ide and

A. nitric acid

B. ammonia

C. ammonium nitrate

D. nitric o(ide

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hich of the following fertilisers is used as a cattle feedD

A. /rea

B. Calcium ammonium nitrate

C. <uperphosphate

D. &mmonium sulphate

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=iuret formation in urea is %ept at minimum 7N 1 >8: because it is

A. corrosive in nature.

B. to(ic and harmful to some crops.

C. helpful in decomposition of urea.

D. e(plosive in nature.

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Catalyst used in desulphurisation of naphtha is

A. Co"o

B. Pt"h

C. silica gel

D. nic%el

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Pic% out the correct statement.

A. eaction of *+3 with +*03 to produce 7*+ 482*03 is endothermic.

ith increase in *+3 IC02 ratio: urea yield decreases for a given

temperature: pressure and total feed rate.

=iuret 7an intermediate during urea manufacture8 is to(ic to seeds and


D. both 7b8 and 7c8.

& phosphatic fertiliser contains 1)> P20. At could be

A. dicalcium phosphate

B. superphosphate

C. triple superphosphate

D. none of these

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 __________ is not a fertiliser.

A. Calcium ammonium nitrate

B. 5errous sulphate

C. @i6uid ammonia

D. &mmonium sulphate

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 __________ is the undesirable by"product produced in the manufacture of urea.

A. &mmonium carbonate

B. =iuret

C. Carbon dio(ide

D. &mmonium carbamate

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5usion Kone in the electric furnace used for reduction of phosphate roc% to elemental
phosphorous is maintained at __________ °C.
A. 2!"3!! B. !!"-!

C. $!"1!! D. 14!!"14!

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hich is the best fertiliser for paddy D

A. &mmonium sulphate

B. *itro"phosphate

C. <uperphosphate

D. Potassium nitrate

ain constituent of phosphate roc% is

A. ammonium phosphate

B. flour apatite

C. calcium fluoride

D. calcium phosphate

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hich of the following is the costliest source of hydrogen needed for ammonia manufacture under
Andian condition D

A. Glectrolysis of water.

B. Cryogenic removal of + 2 from co%e oven gas.

C. <team reforming of naphtha.

D. *atural gas crac%ing.

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5ormation of ammonium carbamate by reaction of *+3 with C02 is aIan __________ reaction.

A. catalytic B. e(othermic

C. endothermic D. reversible

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+eating a mi(ture of phosphate roc%: co%e and sand in an electric furnace produces

A. phosphoric acid

B. ammonium phosphate

C. phosphorous

D. superphosphate

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& potassic fertiliser contains !> ?20. At could be

A. potassium sulphate.

B. potassium chloride.

C. a mi(ture of *aClL ?Cl.

D. none of these.

CI+ ratio 7by weight8 of naphtha used in nitrogenous fertiliser ma%ing is about

A. 2 B. )

C. 13 D. 2!

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aw materials for urea production are
A. C02 and *2

B. C02: +2 and *2

C. *+3 and C0

D. +*03 and CaC03

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hich of the following is not a mi(ed fertiliser D

A. *itrophosphate

B. Calcium ammonium nitrate 7C&*8

C. &mmonium phosphate

D. *one of these

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Chemical formula of metaphosphoric acid is

A. +3P04

B. +4P20-

C. +P03

D. same as that of pyrophosphoric acid

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@ow grade coal is __________ to produce ammonia synthesis gas.

A. hydrogenated B. li6uefied
C. gasified D. dehydrogenated

'hough li6uid ammonia itself is a fertiliser 7with #2> nitrogen content8 yet it is commonly not
used as such in a tropical country li%e Andia: because it

A. has a pungent smell.

B. vaporises at normal temperature.

C. is to(ic and highly corrosive.

D. is in short supply.

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oc% phosphate used for the production of phosphatic fertiliser is mined at

A. &mhor 7har%hand8

B. 'alchar 70rissa8

C. =ailladella 7.P.8

D. ?iriburu 7=ihar8

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Ca+47P0482 is the chemical formula of 

A. superphosphate

B. triple superphosphate

C. calcium phosphate

D. meta phosphoric acid

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*itro"phosphate 7manufactured at 'rom"bay8 is a __________ fertiliser.
A. mi(ed

B. comple(

C. highly hygroscopic

D. highly e(plosive

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Conversion of yellow phosphorus to red phosphorous is done in retorts at 2!"4!°C in the

A. presence of an inert atmosphere.

B. presence of a reducing atmosphere.

C. absence of air.

D. presence of an o(idising atmosphere.

@eaching of phosphate roc% by strong __________ acid produces phosphoric acid.

A. sulphuric

B. hydrochloric

C. either 7a8 or 7b8

D. neither 7a8 nor 7b8

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An natural gas: the CI+ ratio 7by weight8 varies in the range of 

A. 3"4 B. #"1!

C. 1"1- D. 2!"2
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hich of the following fertilisers is needed for promoting the development of leaves and stems
during early stages of plant growth D

A. *itrogeneous fertiliser

B. Potassic fertiliser

C. Phosphatic fertiliser

D. *one of these

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hich of the following set of conditions is favourable for the ma(imum yield of ammonia by
+aber,s process D

A. +igh pressure: low reactants concentration: high temperature.

B. +igh pressure: low reactants concentration: low temperature.

C. +igh pressure: high reactants concentration: low temperature.

D. @ow pressure: high reactants concentration: low temperature.

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Prilling of urea should be accomplished 7in a sprayer8 ust above the melting point of urea with
minimum of retention time: otherwise it will result in

A. low bul% density product

B. biuret formation

C. non"spherical prills

D. substantially wet non"flowing and stic%y product

hich of the following does not come under the category of,primary nutrient, for plant growthD
A. Potassium B. *itrogen

C. Phosphorous D. <ulphur

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Gffectiveness of a fertiliser is independent of the

A. nature of soil

B. type of crop

C. p+ of soil

D. none of these

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hich nutrient in fertiliser ma%es the plant stems stronger and increases branching D

A. *itrogen B. Phosphorous

C. Potassium D. Calcium

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0ptimum reaction temperature in steam reforming of naphtha is __________ °C.

A. -!! " 1!!!

B. 3!! " 4!

C. 1!!"1-!!

D. 1!!"2!!

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hich of the following is a natural inorganic fertiliser D

A. Chile salt petre

B. 0ilca%e

C. obar mannure

D. *one of these

Bield of elemental phosphorous from roc% phosphate is about __________ percent.

A. 1"2 B. 1"2

C. 4!"4 D. )!")

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Conversion achieved in +*03 synthesis with the use of platinum catalyst is about $"$->. 'he
rate of formation of nitrogen dio(ide from the o(idation of nitric acid is favoured by

A. decreasing the pressure.

B. decreasing the temperature.

C. increasing the temperature.

D. none of these.

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@i6uid ammonia and )!> nitric acid reaction 7which produces ammonium nitrate8 is

A. e(othermic

B. endothermic

C. autocatalytic
D. none of these

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Pic% out the wrong statement.

@oamy soil is the best soil for vigorous plant growth: while the clayey soil is solid and
hence the plant roots penetrate with difficulty.

@arge e(cess use of nitrogenous fertiliser in land causes the problem of diarrhoea and

&pplication of large e(cess of potassic fertiliser in soil increases the valuable carotene
in fruits and vegetables.

Cereal crops grown on al%aline soil absorb higher amount of f lourides thereby spreading

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aw materials re6uired for the production of C&* 7Calcium ammonium nitrate8 is *+3

A. +*03 ; limestone

B. C02 ; +2<04

C. +*03 ; *+4Cl

D. C02 ; ?*03

&mmonium nitrate is

A. having about 4!> *2.

B. not hygroscopic.

C. not prone to e(plosive thermal decomposition.

mi(ed with limestone powder to reduce its e(plosive nature before using it as a
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/rea is a better fertiliKer than ammonium sulphate: because

A. it is cheaper.

B. nitrogen content is higher.

C. it is not poisonous.

D. it is easy to manufacture.

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eaction of cresylic acid with __________ produces tricresyl phosphate.

A. phosphorous pento(ide

B. phosphorous o(ychloride

C. ammonium phosphate

D. calcium phosphate

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An the manufacture of urea: the intermediate chemical formed is

A. biuret

B. ammonium carbamate

C. ammonium carbonate

D. none of these

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*itrolime is chemically %nown as

A. calcium nitrate
B. ammonium nitrate

C. calcium ammonium nitrate 7C&*8

D. none of these

Potassic fertilisers

A. are useful during early stage of the plant growth.

B. stimulate early growth and accelerate seeding.

C. help in development of starches of potatoes and grain.

D. none of these.

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'he main constituent of roc% phosphate is

A. mono"calcium phosphate

B. di"calcium phosphate

C. fluorspar

D. none of these

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0ut of the following: *2 content is minimum in

A. urea

B. ammonium nitrate

C. ammonium sulphate

D. ammonium chloride

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hich of the following nitrogenous fertilisers has the highest percentage of nitrogen D

A. Calcium nitrate

B. Calcium ammonium nitrate 7C&*8

C. /rea

D. &mmonium sulphate

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*itrolime is

A. calcium nitrate.

B. calcium ammonium nitrate.

C. a mi(ture of nitric acid and lime.

D. a mi(ture of ammonium nitrate and calcium nitrate.

+eating of co%e: sand ; phosphate roc% in an electric furnace is done for the manufacture of 

A. phosphoric acid.

B. superphosphate.

C. phosphorous.

D. triple superphosphate.

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hich of the following does not come under the category of ,micro"nutrient, for plant growthD

A. Chlorine B. Aron
C. =oron D. Carbon

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'he composition of fresh feed to the hi gh temperature: high pressure urea autoclave is

A. e(cess li6uid ammonia and li6uefied C02.

B. e(cess li6uid ammonia and compressed C0 2 gas.

C. li6uid ammonia and e(cess compressed C0 2.

D. compressed ammonia gas and e(cess compressed C0 2.

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 __________ is re6uired more for leafy crops.

A. *itrogen B. Phosphorous

C. Potassium D. Carbon

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G(cessive use of chemical fertilisers causes shrivelling of the roots and wilting of the plant:
because the

A. osmotic pressure of the soil water becomes less than that of the plant sap.

B. soil becomes too al%aline.

C. osmotic pressure of the soil water becomes higher than that of the plant sap.

D. soil becomes too acidic.

onte catini process is a widely used process for the manufacture of 

A. urea
B. calcium ammonium nitrate

C. triple superposphate

D. none of these

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eaction of __________ acid with phosphate roc% produces superphosphates.

A. hydrochloric B. sulphuric

C. nitric D. phosphoric

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eaction of nitric acid and sulphuric acid with phosphate roc% produces

A. nitrophosphate

B. diammonium phosphate

C. tricresyl phosphate

D. tributyl phosphate

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An the manufacture of orthophosphoric acid by strong + 2<04 leaching wet process: %eeping the
reactor temperature above 1!!°C: results in the formation of undesriable

Ca<04 . +20 and Ca<04 crystals

B. pyrophosphoric acid

C. metaphosphoric acid

D. all 7a8: 7b8 and 7c8.

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+ydrogen is recovered from co%e oven gas on commercial scale 7as practised in fertiliser plant at
our%ela8 by

A. adsorption on palladium.

B. cryogenic operations 7low temperature cooling8.

C. absorption 7using ethanolamine or pyragalloll solution8.

D. none of these.

=io"fertilisers are cheaper: renewable and pollution free. 'hey improve the __________ of the soil.

A. nutrient supply

B. te(ture

C. water holding capacity

D. all 7a8: 7b8 and 7c8

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Plant tran6uillisers

A. hold bac% stem growth and halt plants at a desired height.

B. cause early maturation of plants.

C. accelerate ripening of food and grain.

D. produce seedless fruit.

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9ehydration of ammonium carbamate to yield urea is aIan __________ reaction.

A. e(othermic B. endothermic
C. autocatalytic D. catalytic

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'riple superphosphate which contains about 4)> P 20 is produced by the reaction of phosphate
roc% with ortho phosphoric acid of____percent concentration.

A. 2"2#

B. 2"4

C. -"#!

D. J $#

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*P? means a __________ fertiliser.

A. mi(ed B. potassic

C. li6uid D. solid

@ow grade phosphate roc% can be used in electrical furnace: because

A. of the better Ca0I<i02 balance for slag formation.

B. Ca0 content is less.

C. it is cheap.

D. it produces low cost product.

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5ertiliser produced during soda ash manufacture by dual process is ammonium

A. chloride
B. sulphate

C. nitrate

D. none of these

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An an ammonia plant: the purge off is essential to

A. maintain inert gas concentration within a limit.

B. remove e(cess poisonous gases.

C. maintain +2 E *2 ratio at 3 E1.

D. remove uncondensed ammonia vapour.

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hich of the following fertilisers is re6uired for the development of fibrous materials of the
plants and of the sugar of vegetable ; fruits D

A. *itrogenous fertilisers

B. Phosphatic fertilisers

C. Potassic fertiliser

D. *one of these

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hich of the following solvents is used f or the e(traction of +3P04 from CaCl2 solution during
manufacture of ortho"phosphoric acid by wet process employing hydrochloric acid leachingD

A. Aso propyl alcohol

B. =utyl alcohol
C. 'oluene

D. +e(ane

& mi(ture of phosphate roc% __________ is heated in an electric furnace to produce

A. salt ; co%e

B. sand ; co%e

C. and co%e

D. and sand

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&n increase in the *+3 IC02 ratio in urea manufacture results in

A. increased degree of conversion of C0 2 to urea.

B. decreased degree of conversion of *+ 3 to urea.

C. decreased yield of urea.

D. decreased specific volume of molten mass.

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& fertiliser plant is classified as a gas based fertiliser plant: when it uses __________ gas as a
source of hydrogen for the manufacture of ammonia.

A. co%e oven

B. producer

C. natural

D. coal

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5ertiliKer plant getting its hydrogen re6uirement partly from co%e oven gas is situated at

A. our%ela 7under <&A@8

B. =arauni 7under +5C8

C. *angal 7under *5@8

D. 'alchar 7under 5CA8

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*itrogen content of a nitrogenous fertiliser is 3>. At could be

A. urea

B. ammonium nitrate

C. calcium ammonium nitrate 7C&*8

D. ammonium sulphate

Catalyst used in the o(idation of ammonia is

A. platinum"beryllium B. platinum"rhodium

C. cobalt"molybdenum D. platinum"molybdenum

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P20 percentage in the phosphoric acid produced by wet process is about

A. 1! B. 3!

C. ! D. -!

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&mmonia synthesis gas is produced from fuel oil by

A. steam reforming

B. hydrocrac%ing

C. partial o(idation

D. hydrogenation

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'hough %inetics of ammonia synthesis dictates the use of low temperature for high e6uilibrium
conversion: yet it is %ept moderately high 7!°C8: because at low temperature

A. rate of reaction is very low.

B. very high pressure is re6uired resulting in costly pressure vessel.

C. space velocity of gas is very low resulting in decreased conversion.

D. none of these

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Aron is not used alone as a catalyst in ammonia synthesis: because

A. its activity declines rapidly: if heated to above 2!°C.

B. it decomposes ammonia.

C. it gets o(idised above !!°C.

D. none of these.

Pic% out the wrong statement.

A. *itrogen is normally supplied in fertiliser either in ammoniacal or the nitrate form: from
which the soil ta%es it up in the form of ammonium ions or nitrate ions and f orms amino

B. Calcium present in the fertiliser helps in correcting the soil acidity.

Particle siKe range of a good grannular fertiliser is 1!"1 mesh and it contains less
moisture as compared to finely divided powder form of fertiliser.

&mmonium nitrate fertiliser is obtained as a by"product in an integrated steel plant

having by"product co%e ovens.
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P20 content in superphosphate is about __________ percent.

A. 3!"3 B. 1"2!

C. )"-! D. #"$!

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*eutralisation of nitric acid with ammonia to produce ammonium nitrate is aIan __________

A. catalytic B. endothermic

C. e(othermic D. autocatalytic

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'emperature and pressure in urea autoclave is

A. 12!°C and 3!! atm.

B. 1$!°C and 2!! atm.

C. 4!!°C and ! atm.

D. 2!!°C and 1! atm.

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'he most suitable fertiliser for accelerating seeding or fruit formation in later stages of plant
growth is __________ fertiliser.

A. nitrogenous

B. phosphatic

C. potassic

D. none of these

5auser onte Catini converter is used for

A. ammonia synthesis 7e.g. at 5CA <indri8.

B. methanation of C0 and C02.

C. shift conversion 7i.e. C0 to C028.

D. none of these.

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9uring nitric acid manufacture: catalytic o(idation of ammonia at #!!°C in presence of platinum
catalyst produces nitrogen o(ide. Conversion of *+ 3 to *0 is about __________ percent.

A. 3# B. )#

C. #2 D. $#

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Phosphatic fertiliser is graded based on its __________ content.

A. P203 B. PCl

C. P20 D. +3P04

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hich of the following is not a measure component necessarily to be present in fertilisersD

A. *itrogen B. Potassium

C. Phosphorous D. <ulphur

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*itric acid is produced on commercial scale in a fertiliser plant by

A. o(idation of ammonia.

B. Ca*03 L +2<04 reaction.

C. passing air through high voltage electric arc.

D. none of these.

hich one of the following is used as a nitrogenous fertiliser: as a weed %iller in the onion fields
and for correcting acidic soils D

A. /rea

B. C&*

C. &mmonium sulphate

D. Calcium cyanamide

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 __________ catalyst is used in the production of urea from C02 and *+3.

A. Hanadium pento(ide

B. *o

C. &lumina
D. *ic%el

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"1!" fertilisers mean that they contain

A. : 1!: > respectively of * 2: P20 and ?20.

B. only  to 1!> active fertiliser constituents.

C.  to 1!> filler ; carrier of soil conditioners.

D. none of these.

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Color of nitric acid is light yellow due to the presence of 

A. *0 B. *02

C. *2+ D. *+3

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Catalytic ammonia synthesis reaction as in +aber,s process is

A. endothermic

B. e(othermic

C. irreversible

D. none of these

'ricresyl phosphate is chemically represented as

A. 7C+3 C) +483 P04

B. Ca1!7P04835)

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