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The Effects of Social Media on the

Study Habits of Grade 12 Students of

St. Rose of Lima (Las Pinas) School Year 2018 - 2019

A thesis
Presented to the Faculty Members of Senior High School
St. Rose of Lima (Las Pinas) School

In partial fulfillment of the requirements in


Rafael L. Sabando III

Jonito V. Sacramento
July 2018




Do these social networking sites gives advantages and disadvantages to the

study habits of the grade 12 students from St. Rose of Lima Las Pinas School? The

researchers want to know if these social networking sites affect the study habits of the

grade 12. We also wanted to know if these social networking sites can help them in their

way of studying.

His study is conducted to know the advantages and disadvantages of social

networking sites to the students and to know how to improve and prevent it. Nowadays,

technology is already taking over the world. They use technology in different ways. It is

a big help especially in communicating. Social networking sites are products of

technology and also one way of communicating with each other.

Everyone is fond of using social networking sites. They consider it as a part of

our daily lives. They love sharing pictures, expressing our feelings and thoughts, and

blogging about new things. Almost everyone uses Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram

and many more. They enjoy using them especially teenagers. They share almost

everything they do and express their unsaid thoughts, ideas and emotions.
But does their addiction in using these social networking sites still benefits them?

They can say that social networking sites are good inventions in terms of connecting

and socializing but teenagers who are fond of using these can’t seem to get enough.

Some of them or MOST of them certainly use these every now and then.

It is really ironic that they still have time to share in social networking sites that

they have tons of home works and quizzes instead of just spending their time in

studying and doing their school works. For the grade 12 students, they really need to

have a good time management because they need to imply the requirements they are

obligated to do in order to graduate from Senior High School. They need to be

responsible in dividing there time in many things but how come that they can still find

time to use these social networking sites?

The respondents were collected by personal questioning. They were taken from

the students in St. Rose of Lima Las Pinas School. Other evidences showcased with

this study were retrieved carefully from the web.


This undertaking aims to determine the effects of using social media in study

habits grade 12 students, St. Rose of Lima (Las Pinas) for School Year 2018 - 2019.

Specifically, the researchers will seek answers to the following problems:

1. What is the demographic profile of respondents in terms of:

1.1 Gender;

1.2 Age;

2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of social networking sites?

3. To what extent is effect of social media in the study habits of respondents?

4. The social networking sites will be beneficial to its users?


The users of social networking sites (SNS’s) build online profile and share

information, including personal information, photographs and connect with the other

users, whether it is to communicate with old friends or find new friends. Nowadays,

social networking sites such as facebook, twitter, tumblr, mySpace, and others are

attracting millions of people around the world, especially the students. Some play with

the games or applications available in SNS’s for entertainment purposes.

Some use SNS’s to connect with their old friends, to meet new friends with the

same interests. Once a person is granted access to a social networking websites, the

person can begin to socialize granted access to a social networking website, the person

can begin to socialize. Socialization may include reading the profile pages of other

members and possibly even contacting them. But, others use these sites just for fun.

Social networking sites are not bad for students, as long as they are not using

SNS’s, excessively. SNS’s can also help the students in their studies. Students use

social networking sites as a connection or communication to their other classmates.

SNS’s can help them relieve stress. SNS’s are helpful in many ways. But, nowadays,

students are addicted to these kinds of sites which led to low scores on test and

quizzes, sleeping in class because of lack in sleep, and eventually, low grades. The

most prevalent danger though often involves online predators or individuals who claim

to be someone that they are not. Also, ask every students if they have an account in

any SNS’s, and they will definitely answer that they had an account ranging from 1 to 3
in different social networking sites to the habits of grade 12 students in St. Rose of Lima

Las Pinas School.



Parents, Teachers and A qualitative research What are the Effects of

Students design in descriptive Social Media on Study
method using Habits of Grade 12
Questionnaires interview-guide Students of St. Rose of
Lima Las Pinas School
Related Literatures
S.Y 2018 -2019
and Studies


The results of this undertaking are deemed significant and instrumental to the


School and Its Administration

The results to reveal by this undertaking will help the school and its

administration to understand students’ behavior and school as being affected by

social media in their study habits. Aside, the school will be prompted by the

matter and will lead its administration to design programs that will serve as

motivating factors among students to behave appropriately towards their



The results of this research will benefit the teachers that will enable them

to strengthen their parenting duties among students affected by social media,

thus will encourage students to perform better in all academic activities.

Future Researchers

This study will benefit future researchers that will undertake studies

relative to the present study.


This study will make all parents aware as regards to their children’s

behavior towards academics. This context will lead the parents to pay more

attention to their children, and provide advises and encouragements to be able

for the latter to be more active and participative in all academic activities.


This study is limited to the effect of social media in the study habits of Grade 12

students of St. Rose of Lima Las Pinas School. The study involves the entire population

of SRLLS Grade 12 students having a total of 16 students.

Definition of Terms

To better understand the concepts of this research, the following terms are

defined according to how technically and operationally used in this scrutiny.

Communication - the ways of sending information to people by using technology

Prevalent - widespread in a particular area at a particular time

Social Media - websites and applications that enable users to create and share content
or to participate in social networking..

Social networking sites - a web application that people use to build social

networks or social relations with other people who share similar personal or career
interests, activities, backgrounds or real-life connections.

Ties - a responsibility that limits a person’s freedom to do other things

Viral - relating to or involving an image, video, piece of information, etc., that is

circulated rapidly and widely from one Internet user to another.

Virtual - existing or occurring on computers or on the Internet

Web - a complex system of interconnected elements especially one perceived as a trap

or danger.


This chapter presents an assortment of literature and studies, foreign and local,

related to this study. Various information and ideas from books, articles, and past

researchers that has bearing to the present investigation had been reviewed and

assessed supporting the present study.


Social Networking Sites: Good or Bad? This study mainly tackles about the

advantages and disadvantages of social networking sites. The advantages of social

networking sites are advertising communication and research help to students and the

disadvantages of it are cyber bully, cybersex, and short attention span. Social

Networking sites have been a good help to everyone in the community, especially

among the students, businessmen, and other members of the Society. People can

enjoy the features of the social networking sites but misusing or over-using them can be

harmful. Talking of Social Networking Sites, we may define first the 5 most popular

Social networking sites and the bad ones. Facebook is said to be the most popular

social website where one can share and upload pictures, videos, message, chat, and

many other features (Sales, 2010). Next is the twitter, which is a social networking site

for tweeting posts, sharing ideas, for easy connections of celebrities and other
personality, and for the trending topics (Dorsey, 2009). While Tumblr is a social

networking site for blogging pictures, information, and an easily sharing of pictures and

other stuffs (Martin, 2008). Then Bing is a social networking site that allows people to

search information, pictures, video clips, and files that can be downloaded throughout

the Internet (Tyler, 2006). And lastly is the Myspace known for a good social networking

site that allows the users to view someone’s profile, and picture and comment

(Anderson, 2008). We all need to realize that social networking communities are there

to stay, considering the millions of users that they have (Armstrong, 2010). In addition,

there are students today have begun to stay on the accessibility of information that is

available on the social media platforms specifically as well as the web in general in

order to get answers and to please themselves through playing games. Now, high

school students, social websites are to help them, giving them knowledge for thesis,

journals, and others. But misusing them could deprive their focus on studies.

Social Networking started as a place to connect with your friends in an easy and

convenient way (Jackson, 2009). Social networking sites allow the individual in the

family to share their daily lives in a sure but public forums. Family members are able to

organize events. Relatives abroad can communicate and share things every time in

their own free time despite the fact that their geographical distance. Celebrities are now

more in contact with their fans, giving them recent updates to what is currently

happening, picture, videos and articles related to them (Parrack, 2008). Celebrities can

easily tell the public on the future events and post something regarding to other things.

With the advent of social networks, social scientist and media experts have wondered

about the benefits of social networking brings to communication (Jeffrey, 2009). The
ability to say in connect with friends allows us to maintain closes ties to our loved ones

across long distances. People are able to update what is currently happening in the

social media. Updating status is the most frequent thing done by people. A Social

networking site can be a good way to make connections with people with similar interest

and goals (Steve, 2008). Communication is one of the main things why social

networking sites to gather information to broaden their knowledge. Since social

networking sites is a huge place to gather information to what is trending nowadays.

Trending topics regards to celebrities, politics, sciences, technologies, discoveries and

amazing facts (Green, 2008). Other things in the social media are a great chance to

gather ideas since those article are specified (Green, 2008). Businesses have noticed

the value of social networks in our life, and they are using different techniques to

promote their products (Salita, 2008). There are number of customized applications

being made in the social platforms whose main purposes is to promote the products or

brands as social marketing is cost effective and brands have a huge audience, they are

shifting more towards to social marketing. Social networking sites is not only good for

us, because others are having inappropriate content, such as pornographic sites and

nude photos, and other sites can tend people to be addicted in a specific social

networking sites and most of this are cyber games. Good sites like Facebook cannot

always be said to good because some people use it badly and worst such as cyber

bullying and any other inappropriate action. Since the arrival of the internet and of social

networking sites in particular, we have noticed our attention spans shortening in recent

years (Gerald, 2011). There is so much information to assume that we rarely spend any

time explaining any of it, in great depth. Many studies have shown that the extensive
use of social media can actually cause addiction to the users (Mayer 2012). Students

tend to focus on cyber games that block the focus on their studies. A person gets lazy of

works dues to over usage of social networking sites and online games.


Are today’s students tweeting their way to better grades? More than nine out of

10 teenagers hold at least one social media account; Instagram, Snapchat, Tumblr,

Vine, Twitter and Facebook rule the lives of most middle and high school students. And

while much attention has been paid to the negative effects of social media,

including cyber bullying, there could be a positive upside, too. Social networks gave a

big help to everyone, especially among the students businessman and other members

of the society. Social networks has different features that may enjoy by the people all

around the world, what the problem is, people loses their self-control in using them.

Facebook is the most popular social networking site today wherein people may share

and upload videos, pictures, messages and chat. Twitter is also famous to every people

nowadays wherein people can share their feelings, thoughts and ideas. Through twitter,

they can easily be connected to their favorite celebrities and they can also be updated

on what is trend all around the world. Aside from these two, Tumbler, MySpace, and
Bing also became a raging craze to everyone. Social networking communities will

definitely stay due to its millions of users. In addition, students today stay on these

accessibilities of information they may get in social networks. Social network may help

them in giving knowledge in thesis and journals but still negative effects of this still

overweighs especially about losing their self-control. Social networks bring a big benefit

about communication because through this we can easily communicate our loved ones

despite of the geographic distance. Social network may also help celebrities to be more

contact to their fans because through these sites they can easily post what are the

recent happenings about them. Through social networks we can be updated in every

happening not just in celebrities but also the recent updates to our country and also in

the whole world. Social networking sites can be a good way to make connections with

people who has similar interests and goals. Communication is one of the main things

why social networking had been viral. Social networking sites are the huge place to

gather information on what is trending nowadays. Trending topics regards celebrities,

politics, sciences, technologies, discoveries and amazing facts. Businessmen have

noticed also the value of social networks in our life that’ s why they used it to promote

their products. Social marketing was often used at the present time due to people used

social networks frequently. Social networks is not always good for us because other

people use it inappropriate way wherein some people are posting pornographies sites

and nude photos that frequently students may see. Many studies have shown that the

extensive use of social networks can actually cause addiction to the users. Students

tend to focus on cyber games that block the focus on their studies. A person gets lazy of

works due to over usage of social networking sites and online games.

Online social networking presents both opportunities and risk to young people.

According to Davies and Cranston (2008), online social networking presents many

opportunities to young people by making it easier for them to, amongst other things:

publish creative works to local and global audiences; stay in touch and communicate

with peers; find and interact with people with shared interests; organize and co-ordinate

political engagement and action; for virtual volunteering; and to engage in self

expression. However, online social networking can also expose young people to new

risks. Risks from: inappropriate content; commercialism and unsuitable advertising;

inappropriate or offensive conduct on SNS; criminal activities such as identify theft; and

inappropriate contact (online and offline) from strangers – which may include grooming

and in the most serious cases, sexual abuse. For many young people, online social

networking is not a distinct activity, but is part of day-to-day life, communication and

interaction with peers. This can lead to some ‘risks’ crossing over into, and potentially

being amplified by SNS. Both young people and youth workers identify bullying on SNS

as one of the most significant negative issues linked to online social networking (Davies

and Cranston, 2008). Moreover, Davies and Cranston (2008) said that group and

communication tools on social networking sites can provide ways to keep young people

in touch with services and with each other, to build bridges between different groups,

and to promote

According to Dr. Wilma A. Hurtada (March 30, 2010) “ One of the very nicest

things about life is the way regularly stop whatever it is we are doing and devote our

attention to eating.” Most of the college students were all busy doing some paper works

and school activities, others are in reviewing. They can’t find time taking a break and

have something to eat, because of this things, another same problem is with students

residing on dormitories. They can’t also find time eating because, they doesn’t have

someone to accompany them in eating. Some cases are, they are busy doing

homework’s, projects and papers to be passed, resulting them for skipping meal. This

may affect the physical and mental health of a student, it can be the reason of your

absences in school, poor performance, and a failing grade. As Dr. Hurtada says,

whatever we are doing we must stop in order to eat. One thing is, our brain would not

function well if we did not eat, how can we focus on studying if our stomach is empty?

What will happen on your academic performances? Is skipping meal will help you to

excel in your studies? NO it will not, it will just weaken your body and mind. Therefore in

order to keep up with your studies you must eat regularly to feed your stomach and



This chapter presents concentrates on the discussion of the Conceptual

framework and research methodology which was emphasized to systematically, the

research method, research environment, the respondents, the research instrument,

questionnaire and treatment of data.

Research Design

The research design adopted for the study was a descriptive survey. This design

is considered apt because it enables the researcher to generate data through the

standardized collection procedures based on highly structured research instrument(s)

and well defined study concepts and related variables


This research will be conducted in St. Rose of Lima (Las Pinas) School by which

its students in Grade 12 will be the subject of study. The school is situated at 917 Tramo

St., Daniel Fajardo (Poblacion), Las Pinas City, Metro Manila. The researchers has

been chosen the said locale, for the purpose of determining the impact of social media

towards the study habits performance of students, thus the school, the administration,

and the teachers of SRLLS will be guided in the formation and conceptualization of

different approaches that will boost the motivation of students in terms of their


Population of the study will be the high school students of St. Rose of Lima (Las Pinas)

School, S.Y. 2018 – 2019, from 12 with a total number of 16 students. The entire

population will be the subject or respondents of the study. The distribution of

respondents per year-level is presented in table below.


Boys 11
Girls 5

There will be no sampling technique to use and no sample size to identify since there is

a very small number of population, thus all of them are considered participants of this


Data Gathering Instrument

The researchers will utilize a survey instrument to gather the necessary data and

information to complete and materialize this undertaking. The researchers have

undergone inquiries and consultations among the experts all throughout the

conceptualization of the data gathering instrument. After, the researchers tested

formulated questionnaire to another set of population which possess the same

characteristics of the target respondents for reliability purposes, and determine what the

areas of improvement are.

The finalized questionnaire is comprised of various parts that will gather data in

terms of respondents’ demographic profile, behavior towards academics and the effect

of using social media in the academic performance of respondent.

Data Gathering Procedure

The finalized questionnaire will be distributed among respondents. Prior to the

administration of the survey, the researchers will secure permission from the school

directress to allow them to conduct survey among high schools students. The respective

advisers of each level will also be informed regarding the survey and will be asked for

the assistance in the distribution and retrieval of the questionnaire to and from the

respondents. The researchers will explain the purpose of the survey and will discuss the

content of the instrument, as well as the process on how to accomplish the

questionnaire. The duration of administering the survey will be one day.

Statistical Tools

The researchers will use the percentage and frequency as a tool in the analysis

and interpretation to data to be gathered. The formula in getting the percentage and

frequency is illustrated below


P - is the Percentage
f - is the frequency
N – is the total population
The Questionnaire

“The Effects of social networking sites in the study habits of the Grade 12 students of

St. Rose of Lima Las Pinas School SY: 2018 - 2019”


Part I. Demographic Profile of the Respondents

Instruction: Kindly put a check (a) mark on the box provided which reflects the

applicable information about yourself.

Name (optional):__________________________


Gender: c Male c Female

Age: c 11-12 years old

c 13-14 years old

c 15-16 years old

c 17-18 years old

Part II: Effects of social networking sites in the study habits of the Grade 12 students of

St. Rose of Lima Las Pinas School.

This part of the questionnaire seeks to find out the perception of the respondents on the

Effects of social networking sites in the study habits of the Grade 12 students of St.

Rose of Lima Las Pinas School.

Instruction: Kindly put a check (Check) mark on the column of your choice that

corresponds to the questions.

1. Are you a member of social networking sites?

Yes No

2. If yes, check the box of the following sites that you are a member of,

Facebook Instagram Twitter

Others(specify) ___________ All of the above

3. Choose the top three reasons behind the attraction of these sites.

Looks and Layouts Research Friend Trends Games Blogging

Others (specify) ___________

4. Do you accept/answer friends request or messages that come from a person which

you don’t know

Yes No

5. Does a using social networking site make your study habits more easier than before?

Yes No

6. Does spending more time on social networking sites, somehow gives a bad effects

on your study habits?

Yes No

7. Do you spend more time on social networking sites than your study habits?

Yes No

8. Does using social networking sites improves your IQ and thinking ability about certain

things that involves to your study?

Yes No

9. Does, somehow gives a good effects on your study habits?

Yes No

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