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Tim Dosen Analitik

Adi Data

2: Big Data vs Traditional Database

1. DIKW: Information Structure
2. SQL Database System
3. Data Warehouse
4. NOSQL Database System
5. Data Lake
6. Big Data Solution
1. DIKW: Information Structure
Data – facts and statistics collected for reference or analysis.
Information – Facts provided or learned about something or
Knowledge – Facts, information, and skills acquired by
a person through experience or education.
Wisdom – the quality of having experience, knowledge, and
good judgment – or my favorite…knowledge rightly applied.
• What is information?
• Information is data that have been organized and
communicated in a coherent and meaningful manner.
What is data? • Data is converted into information, and information is
Information science defines data as unprocessed converted into knowledge.
information. • Knowledge; information evaluated and organized so that it
can be used purposefully.
Evolution of Data
Information System
• IS are information based solutions for the real life problems
Information Systems are an essential field in the study of business administration and
Improve the effectiveness and efficiency of business processes, managerial decision
making, and workgroup collaboration.
• The Fundamental Roles of IS in Business
Support of Strategies for Competitive Advantage
Support of Business Decision Making
Support of Business Processes and Operations
• Information System Activities
Input of Data Resources
Processing of Data into Information – organize, analyze, and manipulate
Output of Information Products – dissemination of information products to
appropriate end users
Storage of Data Resources Control of System Resources – monitoring
feedback to assure the system meets its performance standards
2. SQL Database System
• The database is any collection of data whether you are writing it on
the report or storing it in the digital format.
Data Manipulation
3. Data Warehouse
• A data warehouse contains data from many
operational sources. It is used to analyze
• Data warehouses are analytical tools, built to
support decision making and reporting for
users across many departments. They are
also archives, holding historical data not
maintained in operational systems.
• Data warehouses work to create a single,
unified system of truth for an entire
organization. Unfortunately, as you might
imagine, trying to maintain accuracy and
thoroughness in such a system is incredibly
Data Warehouse vs. Data Mart
• If a data warehouse holds and integrates data
from across an organization, a data mart is a
smaller subset of the data, specialized for the
use of a given department or division.
• Often data marts are built and controlled by a
single department, using the central data
warehouse along with internal operating systems
and external data.
• Data marts typically hold just one subject area,
for example marketing or sales. Because they are
smaller and more specific, they are often easier
to manage and maintain, as well as having more
flexible structures.
4. NOSQL Database System

• The Name:
Stands for Not
Only SQL, was
introduced by
Carl Strozzi in
1998 to name his
Database: SQL vs NOSQL
5. Data Lake
• Data Lake is an evolving and
scalable infrastructure for big data
storage, processing, and analytics.
• Oriented toward data, a data lake
can retrieve and store full data of
any type and source at any speed
and scale.
• It processes data in multiple
modes and manages data
throughout its lifecycle. It also
supports enterprise applications
by interacting and integrating
with a variety of disparate
external data sources.
Data Lifecycle in a Data Lake
Data Warehouse vs Data Lake
6. Big Data Solution
Big Data is not new! Traditionally, “Big
Data” = massive volumes of data
[Volume of data at CERN, NASA,
Google, …]
Where does the Big Data come
from? Everywhere!
Web logs, RFID, GPS systems,
sensor networks, social networks,
Internet-based text documents,
Internet search indexes, detail call
records, astronomy, atmospheric
science, biology, genomics, nuclear
physics, biochemical experiments,
medical records, scientific research,
military surveillance, multimedia
archives, …
Fundamentals of Big Data Analytics
• Big Data by itself, regardless of the
size, type, or speed, is worthless Big
Data + “big” analytics = value
• With the value proposition, Big Data
also brought about big challenges
• Effectively and efficiently capturing,
storing, and analyzing Big Data
• New breed of technologies needed
(developed or purchased or hired or
outsourced …)
Some Issues
Thank You
1. Understanding when to use a database, data lake, or data warehouse
2. Data-Information-Knowledge-Wisdom
3. Data Utilization – How to share & leverage your data,
4. Foundations of Information Systems in Business,
5. Introduction to database,
6. What Is a Data Warehouse?
7. Introduction to NOSQL Databases
8. Chapter 13: Big Data and Analytics

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