Course Orientation and The Importance of Rules: Lesson I

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Name: Deploma, Ma.Antonette B. Course/Yr.

Subject: Ethics (GE 118)
Time: 1:00-2:00 (MWF)


Course Orientation and The Importance of rules

1. Go over the course syllabus in Appendix A. Pay particular attention to what is
required and expected from you.
2. Clarify points that need to be clarified with your Instructor/Professor.
1. Recall and share with your group a rule that you have to follow at school and the reasons behind
such rule.

Share with your small group your answers to these questions:

 What if there were no rules? What are possible consequences?

In my own perspective if there’s no rules I think, we don’t have respect and a peaceful
society. If we don’t have this, that will cause a chaos . Our civilization would not operate
effectively if we don’t have a rules to follow. There would be no environmental laws, rules,
or regulations, nor would there be any traffic safety equipment or street and road repair.
Sidewalks would not be shoveled or accessible to the general public. There will be no
punishment or rehabilitation for crimes committed.

 Are rules important? Why or Why not?

The regulations are unquestionably crucial in every part of every individual's life in our
society. We have rules at home, schools, churches, and other places, and these rules tend
to protect and bring us to a good and safe environment. Nothing negative will happen if we
follow the rules, because I know that implementing such rules is for everyone's benefit, and
I believe that no one wants to implement rules that will put us at a disadvantage or destroy
our society.
 Do you find them constricting?

No, because following the rules leads to peace, and a progress to have a better society.


1. The Sabbath is made for man and not man for the Sabbath. What does this mean? Illustrate with an

It implies that the item may not be accepted. For example, the school has the rule of wear
your proper uniform and No ID no entry, so if you are not wearing your uniform and ID
therefore you can't enter the school, the guard will immediately refuse to let you in
because you're not wearing your uniform. That would be the rule that student’s need to
follow and they cannot violate it.
2. Rules/laws are made for the good of man. State the good that is derived from the following school rules:

1. No ID, No Entry

When ID badges are required, staff can identify students with a single glance. This is
especially true for emergency professionals who are unfamiliar with dealing with students.
Visitors who are not permitted should be detected. When everyone is required to wear a
badge, it becomes easier to notice potentially dangerous situations and intrusions.
2. Student/Teacher Tardiness beyond 15 minutes means absence

Attendance at school often begins with little steps. This guideline is intended to
teach students and teachers the importance of being punctual, on time, and managing their time.
Both as a student and as a teacher, It is critical to arrive on time because you are attempting to
demonstrate responsibility and professionalism.
3. Any form of cheating is punishable with suspension.

This rule teaches everybody to be honest in any cost. You need to be true to
yourself and think positive that you can work on it without doing some cheating. If we are already
use to it, you’re just being depending on it and you are not use to study by yourself. We all know
that cheating is really not good and it has some consequences like suspension or even expelled
from school. So, to avoid cheating teach yourself to be responsible enough and make some efforts
to study the lessons and always put in your mind that you don’t need to defend to others.
4. Use of illegal is punishable with dismissal.

It teaches every one of us that every illegal doings have a punishment with dismissal. This
can help people to let them think first before they make some decisions.

3. Give an example of a constricting rule or law. What should be done with it?
The SIDEWALK VENDOR, for example, is a restrictive rule or ordinance in which vendors
have no fixed location or on the sidewalk to sell their wares. And because this is against
the law, if the police catch the merchants on the sidewalk, they will be issued a violation
and will be required to pay the fine. Consider this: sidewalk vending is a noble profession,
yet many addicts and thieves are unaware of how to be apprehended. If people have
authority, the best thing to do is talk to them in a courteous manner and then offer them a
permanent tiny space for their business.

4. The ancients Chinese sages named Lao Tzu taught: “Leave the people to themselves, no laws and inner
goodness will flourish.” “The more laws and commands there are, the more thieves and robbers will be.” Do
you agree? Why or Why not?

I disagree with the statement above because I believe that not all the people have the
same manners, not all the people have a Good Samaritan. If we let people to live without
any laws maybe some of them they don’t know how to respect to others. If there’s no law
there’s a lot of people will have their freedom to do the bad things like killing, rubbery and
etc without any punishment to them. People who are victims of murder’s cannot get the
justice because of there’s no law are implanting.


Why are rules important?
Rules are vital because they protect society's weaker classes, which may be
disadvantaged if the rules are broken. When regulations are applied correctly, they create
a stable environment and allow people to coexist in a country, resulting in peace and

Reflect on your attitudes towards rules. Do you welcome rules? Or are you allergic to rules? What if there
were no rules?

Definitely, I welcome regulations; why should I ignore them or be allergic to them? If it

brings peace, order, and organization to individuals in our society. In our culture,
regulations play a big part in preventing crimes; if there will be rules, there will be no crime.
People become more polite because they understand how to follow the rules, and they are
less likely to do things that are harmful because they are aware of the consequences of
their actions. We must obey or follow the norms and laws as good citizens in this society.

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