21st Century Literature From The Philippines and The World

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John Francis S.

21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World
Quarter 1 – Module 2: Historical Overview of Philippine
Literature: Pre-colonial Period

What I know
1. C.
2. A.
3. A.
4. C.
5. C.
6. D.
7. B.
8. D.
9. C.
10. B.
What’s In

"Aswang" is a creature from Philippine legend that can transform

from a human form into other animals. When I was younger, I was
afraid of "aswangs" since my mother would warn me that "aswangs"
would break into houses, notably on the roofs of buildings, to feed on
sick people, tiny children, and unborn fetuses, and that if I didn't sleep
early, an "aswang" would be fed by me.

What’s New

Time Activities Short description

6:00-7:00 AM Drinking coffee The prospect of a cup of coffee
is exactly what motivates us to
get out of bed in the morning.
Coffee acts as a tool to fight the
gravitational pull of our pillow
in a world when there is no
technology to make us stay up
late. The warm and delicious
scent of coffee in the cold wind
of early morning would wake us
up and motivate us to do tasks
for the rest of the day.
7:00-8:00 AM Cooking and eating with the Family dinners allow family
family. members to gather together,
deepen bonds, and build
stronger relationships. This
fosters a sense of belonging,
which leads to increased self-
8:00-11:00 AM Doing chores and making my In a world without technology,
own resources. performing activities like
cleaning and creating our own
resources, such as growing our
own food, would be a nice way
to pass the time. Furthermore,
going outside in the fresh air and
sunshine may enhance our mood
and make us feel invigorated
and cheerful. We also get a great
sense of accomplishment from
growing our own goods.
11:00-12:00 PM Cooking and eating with the Family meals provide an
family. opportunity for family members
to get together, strengthen
connections, and establish better
relations. This promotes a sense
of belonging, which leads to
higher self-esteem.
12:00-1:00 PM Bath After a long day of strenuous
exertion, a refreshing bath
would undoubtedly be calming.
Bathing induces emotions of
comfort and ease, and this sense
of security helps our minds, and
hence our bodies, to relax.
1:00-3:00 PM Nap After a relaxing bath, a nap
would be ideal to let our
muscles recuperate from the
strenuous duties. Our pituitary
gland secretes growth hormone
when we sleep. This hormone is
required by our muscles to
repair and create tissue. This is
necessary for muscular
development, athletic
performance, and enjoying the
advantages of physical activity.
4:00-5:00 Draw or paint Painting or drawing as a pastime
might not be a terrible idea.
Making something lovely for
ourselves stimulates the creative
mind while reducing mental
pressure. A reduced stress level
promotes a happier, healthier
lifestyle and aids in the
improvement of overall mental
5:00-7:00 PM Do religious activities. Rituals were frequently as vital
as the everyday duties required
to exist in our civilization. The
most frequent and essential
occurrences were elevated and
required a spark of the divine as
a result of ceremonies.
7:00-8:00 PM Eat dinner Dinner is vital because our body
needs nourishment after a long
day of activity and endurance. It
is unhealthy to miss supper or
eat much too much for dinner.
8:00 PM-6: AM Sleep. Sleep is the foundation of good
health. During this time, our
bodies repair muscles that have
been worn down during the day
and remove poisons from the
brain that have accumulated
while we are awake.

What’s More
Activity 1: Appreciating Words of Wisdom
Assessment 1a
1. F
2. T
3. T
4. F
5. T
Assessment 1b
1. Praying helps since we think God can perform miracles; nevertheless, we cannot rely solely on
prayers. It is necessary to put up some effort in order to obtain what you seek. Hard effort and
dedication would ensure success, as miracles occur for those who seek them.
2. This alludes to knowing how to deal with adversity. It teaches you how to adapt in moments of
crisis. This would serve as a reminder of the need of spending wisely and responding to the
situation. This can also include anything that has to be adjusted or stretched as the circumstance
Assessment 1c
“Be Kind and Respectful to Everyone.”
- My grandma used to tell me that I should treat everyone with same respect and love, regardless of
who they are, what color their skin is, or what their background is. As she stated, I am not in a
position to criticize them because I am not in their position.
“Everything happens for a reason, whether it may be good or good, you should treat it as a blessing.”
- My mother told me once or twice that whatever occurs in my life, I should consider it a blessing
since everything happens for a purpose. And if anything results in a negative outcome, it is not
for me, and I should go on so that I may look forward to what is waiting for me and what was
truly intended for me.
“Choose to make the greatest and wisest decision for yourself.”
- My father once told me that if I make the wisest option I can think of, I would be in a better path
to fulfill better consequences. As he put it, I am the author of my own life, and only I have the
power to create my own destiny and create my own happy ending.
Activity 2: Becoming Real Heroes
Assessment 2a

The Hero His/her Great Acts His/her Motives

Alunsina She was regarded as the goddess Alunsina was a patroness of
of the eastern skies, bringing in clandestine affairs and a symbol
Virgin Goddess of the Eastern
the light of the sun and cool of matrimonial loyalty, and
winds during the hot days of the wives would pray to her to keep
dry season; she was also said to their husbands faithful and
be a protector against strong prevent them from fleeing or
typhoons and of beauty and gradually shifting with other
marriage; she was also regarded women in secret.
as the patron goddess of women,
particularly single women and
virgins, lovers, housewives, and
Apolinario Mabini Apolinario Mabini was a Mabini was dubbed the
Filipino political philosopher revolution's brains and
who was a key figure in the conscience because of his
Philippine revolution. He tremendous intellect, political
developed the ideas of a knowledge, and eloquence.
democratic popular government, Mabini's work and ideas on
giving the Filipino people's governance inspired the
historical battles a cohesive Philippines' campaign for
ideological orientation. independence throughout the
following century, despite his
tragic death in 1903.

Assessment 2b
First and foremost, if I wanted to be a superhero in my own little manner, I would need to
know what my intentions were. For example, my objective is to advocate for people, particularly
those close to me. If no one had their back when things were tough, I would stick up for them if they
were being treated unfairly. A genuine hero will be willing to act and fight injustice front-on. I
might feel like a hero in this tiny way. I may not be a hero to everyone, but I did become a hero to
What I have learned
What I can do

If I had a superpower, it would be the capacity to predict and travel to the future. Going
back and forth allows you to do a great deal. If I could predict the future and know what
will happen, I may be able to alter the unfavorable events that will occur in the future,
which may aid in keeping our country peaceful and achieving full independence. Who
wouldn't want to live in a serene and tranquil country where everyone can live in

1. C
2. B
3. B
4. B
5. C
6. B
7. A
8. A
9. C
10. B
Additional Activities

Bukidnon The Bukidnon tale about how Blaan 

the world was created was
In one Bukidnon cosmogony The god Melu constantly
detailed, as it said that
myth, the supreme god rubbed his skin so that he
deity Magbabaya produced
Magbabaya created the earth after may be pure white; he later
eight components to create the
he saw that there was only a hole,
sea, sky, moon, and stars. In accumulated a lot of dead
no sky and soil; he first made the
eight elements, tumbaga (bronze), another account, he created skin, and in his annoyance, he
bulawan (gold), salapi (coins), the earth with Dadanhayan ha used the dead skin to create
bato (rocks), Gabon (clouds), ulan Sugay, and before creating the earth.
(rain), puthaw (iron), and tubig mankind, they also created six
(water); from the elements, he guardian deities. While in
created the sea, sky, the moon, Blaan myth, it was amusing
and the stars; in another Bukidnon how deity Melu created the
cosmogony myth, Magbabaya universe just out of
(referred as Diwata na displeasure at having gathered
Magbabaya) created the world a large amount of dead skin. It
with the god Dadanhayan ha nearly sounded ridiculous.
Sugay; before creating mankind,
the two deities created the
Incantus, six guardian deities that
contain good and evil qualities
and can send calamities if

Both myths are separate constructs, and I am aware that they differ from one another according to
their origins. What amazed me was how they all came up with these stories. What is the context, or
what is their only reason/intention for writing it? Are these myths merely works of fiction? How did
they all come up with these concepts and how was it put together? I understand that all of this has
been addressed, but I'm still perplexed as to how and where they came up with the statements they
made. Overall, they're both instructive and amusing to read.

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