SALVADOR - 05 Hands On Activity 1 ARG

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Salvador, Kaycee Hands-On Activity

IT301A Blood Bank (Part 2)


import java.util.Scanner;
class BloodData {
private String bloodType;
private String rhFactor;

public String getBloodType(){

return bloodType;
public String getRhFactor(){
return rhFactor;
public void setBloodType(String bloodType){
this.bloodType = bloodType;
public void setRhFactor(String rhFactor){
this.rhFactor = rhFactor;

public void BloodData(String bt, String rh){

this.bloodType = bt;
this.rhFactor = rh;
System.out.println(bt+rh +" is added to the blood bank.");

public class RunBloodData05 {

public static void main(String[] args){
BloodData bds = new BloodData();
System.out.println("Enter blood type of patient:");
System.out.println("Enter the Rhesus factor (+ or -):");
System.out.println(bds.getBloodType()+bds.getRhFactor()+" is added
to the blood bank.");

BloodData bd = new BloodData();

Scanner input = new Scanner(;
System.out.print("Enter blood type of patient: ");
String bt = input.nextLine();
System.out.print("Enter the Rhesus factor (+ or -):");
String rh = input.nextLine();
bd.BloodData(bt, rh);

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