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Republic of the Philippines


Main Campus: Boac / Branches: Santa Cruz • Torrijos • Gasan
Panfilo P. Manguera Sr. Rd., Tanza, Boac, Marinduque 4900
Tel. No.: (042) 332-2028 Email Address: LHS Tel. No: (042) 332 – 0351
Website: LHS Email Address:








Vision: MSC-a premier College in the Region along the field of Instruction, Research, Extension and Production.
Mission: Provide quality, responsive and dynamic leadership in the areas of Education, Technology, Engineering, Environment,
Agriculture, Fisheries, Culture, Arts and Sciences to empower God fearing individuals who are innovators and protectors for the
sustainable development of the province and the country as a whole.
Republic of the Philippines
Main Campus: Boac / Branches: Santa Cruz • Torrijos • Gasan
Panfilo P. Manguera Sr. Rd., Tanza, Boac, Marinduque 4900
Tel. No.: (042) 332-2028 Email Address: LHS Tel. No: (042) 332 – 0351
Website: LHS Email Address:



Meeting the satisfaction of the customers is one of the most important things that

a business should do in order to patronize and survive their business.

Customers’ satisfaction plays an important role within a business, not only it is

the leading indicator to measure customer’s loyalty, identify unhappy customers, reduce

churn and increase revenue, it is also a key point of differentiation that helps to attract

new customers in a business. Customers’ satisfaction also provides metric that can use to

manage and improve a business. Through customer’s satisfaction we can identify the

weakest and strongest point of a business and identify the things that should be improve

and things that should maintain.

In order to meet the satisfaction of the customers in a business, a business should

have good customers service. Customers’ service is a term that might have come across

often while purchasing a product. Since customers’ service and the success of a business

are codependent, business should focus on providing excellent service to their customers.

Customers’ service is a way a business is able to serve customers.

Provided service is important in meeting the satisfaction of the customers.

Providing good service quality makes that makes the customers satisfied leads to

patronizing their business, customers keep coming back, giving constructive feedback

Vision: MSC-a premier College in the Region along the field of Instruction, Research, Extension and Production.
Mission: Provide quality, responsive and dynamic leadership in the areas of Education, Technology, Engineering, Environment,
Agriculture, Fisheries, Culture, Arts and Sciences to empower God fearing individuals who are innovators and protectors for the
sustainable development of the province and the country as a whole.
Republic of the Philippines
Main Campus: Boac / Branches: Santa Cruz • Torrijos • Gasan
Panfilo P. Manguera Sr. Rd., Tanza, Boac, Marinduque 4900
Tel. No.: (042) 332-2028 Email Address: LHS Tel. No: (042) 332 – 0351
Website: LHS Email Address:

and so the ability to continues enhancing their business and there is a communication and

cooperation between the staff, management and customers.

Being students who patronized the services of MSC canteen, the researchers are

concerned with the level of satisfaction of the students for them to improve the quality of

the delivery of services.

Background of the Study

School canteen is a great place to promote an enjoyment of healthy living. For

students who use the canteen regularly, the foods purchased make a significant

contribution to their total food intake and nutrition; therefore, it makes sense their ability

to learn and take the information presented to them in class. All universities and colleges

have their own food canteen or cafeteria. According to commission on Higher Education

(CHED) Memorandum Order No. 21 of 2006-Section 10 refers to the insurance of

available, adequate, safe and healthy food within the campus and immediate vicinity.

Marinduque State College (MSC) is a well-known institution in the province of

Marinduque. It provides many programs, courses and high quality education that is why

the students choose to study at MSC. MSC has its own canteen that provides a variety of

foods and services for students. However, the services they provided are not meeting the

satisfaction of the customers because of the affordability of foods and the quality of the

services they offered.

Statement of the Problems

Vision: MSC-a premier College in the Region along the field of Instruction, Research, Extension and Production.
Mission: Provide quality, responsive and dynamic leadership in the areas of Education, Technology, Engineering, Environment,
Agriculture, Fisheries, Culture, Arts and Sciences to empower God fearing individuals who are innovators and protectors for the
sustainable development of the province and the country as a whole.
Republic of the Philippines
Main Campus: Boac / Branches: Santa Cruz • Torrijos • Gasan
Panfilo P. Manguera Sr. Rd., Tanza, Boac, Marinduque 4900
Tel. No.: (042) 332-2028 Email Address: LHS Tel. No: (042) 332 – 0351
Website: LHS Email Address:

This study aims to determine the customer’s satisfaction on canteen services in

particular and perception to actual performance of the services by Marinduque State

College (MSC) canteen. Specifically, this research aims to answer the following:

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 age

1.2 gender

1.3 family income

2 What is the level of satisfaction of the respondents in terms of:

2.1 Assurance

2.2 Food quality

2.3 Responsiveness

2.4 Hygiene quality

3 Is there a significant difference in the level of satisfaction of the respondent according

to demographic profile?

Objective or Purpose of the Study

The main objective of this study is to know why students prefer to eat outside the

school rather than in the school canteen, how important the students’ satisfaction is, and

provide recommendations that may help to improve the services of the school canteen. To

recommend interaction to improve management and proper service provision at is

another objective of this study.

Vision: MSC-a premier College in the Region along the field of Instruction, Research, Extension and Production.
Mission: Provide quality, responsive and dynamic leadership in the areas of Education, Technology, Engineering, Environment,
Agriculture, Fisheries, Culture, Arts and Sciences to empower God fearing individuals who are innovators and protectors for the
sustainable development of the province and the country as a whole.
Republic of the Philippines
Main Campus: Boac / Branches: Santa Cruz • Torrijos • Gasan
Panfilo P. Manguera Sr. Rd., Tanza, Boac, Marinduque 4900
Tel. No.: (042) 332-2028 Email Address: LHS Tel. No: (042) 332 – 0351
Website: LHS Email Address:

The study aims, in general is to study how to improve the services provided by the

MSC canteen in order to meet the satisfaction of the costumers.

Research Questions or Investigative Problem

Specifically, the study aims to know the importance of costumer’s satisfaction in

the service provided to the students by the school canteen and to know what is things

should the management should improve. Further, it seeks for the following sub-problems:

1. Taste

2. Amount of food

3. Quick service

4. Clean dining area

Specifically, it will seek for the following questions:

1. How demographic profile affects the satisfaction of the customer?

2. How food quality contributes to the satisfaction of the customer

3. Why responsiveness and quality hygiene are important factor in satisfaction of the


Hypothesis or Assumption

H 1: There is no significant difference in the level of satisfaction of the respondent group

according to demographic profile?

Vision: MSC-a premier College in the Region along the field of Instruction, Research, Extension and Production.
Mission: Provide quality, responsive and dynamic leadership in the areas of Education, Technology, Engineering, Environment,
Agriculture, Fisheries, Culture, Arts and Sciences to empower God fearing individuals who are innovators and protectors for the
sustainable development of the province and the country as a whole.
Republic of the Philippines
Main Campus: Boac / Branches: Santa Cruz • Torrijos • Gasan
Panfilo P. Manguera Sr. Rd., Tanza, Boac, Marinduque 4900
Tel. No.: (042) 332-2028 Email Address: LHS Tel. No: (042) 332 – 0351
Website: LHS Email Address:

H 2: There is no significant impact to the level of satisfaction of the respondent regarding

to food quality?

H 3: There is no significant impact to the level of satisfaction of the respondent regarding

to responsiveness?

H 4 : There is no significant impact to the level of satisfaction of the respondent regarding

to hygiene quality?

Significance of the Study

The results of the study would serve as a guide and will be beneficial to the

following in the near future.

To students, this study will allow them to know the importance of satisfaction of

services of a school canteen and give them idea what are the factors that affects the

satisfaction of the customers.

To the management and staff of canteen, this study can be used as their guide to

improve their service and to manage the canteen properly. The study will also help them

to provide for the satisfaction of customers. Also, this study will enable them to know

what are they lacking and what are the things they should do to meet the satisfaction of

the customers and to improve the services they provide.

To the businessmen and women especially for beginners, this study will serve as

their guide on how they manage their own businesses and give them recommendations.

Vision: MSC-a premier College in the Region along the field of Instruction, Research, Extension and Production.
Mission: Provide quality, responsive and dynamic leadership in the areas of Education, Technology, Engineering, Environment,
Agriculture, Fisheries, Culture, Arts and Sciences to empower God fearing individuals who are innovators and protectors for the
sustainable development of the province and the country as a whole.
Republic of the Philippines
Main Campus: Boac / Branches: Santa Cruz • Torrijos • Gasan
Panfilo P. Manguera Sr. Rd., Tanza, Boac, Marinduque 4900
Tel. No.: (042) 332-2028 Email Address: LHS Tel. No: (042) 332 – 0351
Website: LHS Email Address:

To the future researcher, this study will give ideas about the satisfaction of the

customers in terms of the services provided by the school canteen. This study will also

give them important recommendations for further improvement and research.

Scope and Delimitation

This study will be focused only on the satisfaction of the students of Marinduque

State College on the services provided by the school canteen. This study is also delimited

to the selected BS Education major in TLE students of Marinduque State College that are

enrolled in first (1st) semester of AY 2018-2019.

Objective: Determine the level of satisfaction on the service provided by school

canteen and improve the service that the canteen provided.

Participants: The participants of this study will be the students of Marinduque

State College who are BS Education major in TLE students.

Time Frame: This study will be expected to be finished within two (2) months or

eight to ten (8-10) weeks

Locale: The study will be conducted in Marinduque State College –Boac Campus

in Tanza, Boac, Marinduque.

Variables: Demographic Profile, Assurance, Food quality, Responsiveness,

Hygiene quality, and Level of Satisfaction.

Vision: MSC-a premier College in the Region along the field of Instruction, Research, Extension and Production.
Mission: Provide quality, responsive and dynamic leadership in the areas of Education, Technology, Engineering, Environment,
Agriculture, Fisheries, Culture, Arts and Sciences to empower God fearing individuals who are innovators and protectors for the
sustainable development of the province and the country as a whole.
Republic of the Philippines
Main Campus: Boac / Branches: Santa Cruz • Torrijos • Gasan
Panfilo P. Manguera Sr. Rd., Tanza, Boac, Marinduque 4900
Tel. No.: (042) 332-2028 Email Address: LHS Tel. No: (042) 332 – 0351
Website: LHS Email Address:

Research Design: This research study entitled, Level Satisfaction of Service

provided in Marinduque State College Canteen, employs quantitative method of

research. This study will use a descriptive method research design.

Proposed Instrument: Survey questionnaires will be used to gather data.

Definition of Terms

In order to arrive at a common understanding, the following terms used in the

study are hereby defined:

Affordability- it refers to range of which something affordable or attainable, as measured

through it money.

Canteen- refers to MSC canteen.

Cleanliness- it refers to the top standard which people use to keep their surroundings or

their selves clean.

Customers- someone who buys goods from canteen.

Food- this refers to the newly cook ready to eat meals beverages and others item in

school canteen.

Nutrition – it is the intake of food, considered in relation to the bodies dietary needs.

Good nutrition-and adequate, well balance diet combined with regular physical activity-is

a corner stone of good health. Poor nutrition can lead to reduced immunity, increase

susceptibility to disease, impaired physical and mental development, and reduced


Vision: MSC-a premier College in the Region along the field of Instruction, Research, Extension and Production.
Mission: Provide quality, responsive and dynamic leadership in the areas of Education, Technology, Engineering, Environment,
Agriculture, Fisheries, Culture, Arts and Sciences to empower God fearing individuals who are innovators and protectors for the
sustainable development of the province and the country as a whole.
Republic of the Philippines
Main Campus: Boac / Branches: Santa Cruz • Torrijos • Gasan
Panfilo P. Manguera Sr. Rd., Tanza, Boac, Marinduque 4900
Tel. No.: (042) 332-2028 Email Address: LHS Tel. No: (042) 332 – 0351
Website: LHS Email Address:

Price- it refers to the quantity of payment given by one party to another in return for

good or services.

Quality of food- this refers to the aspect of the food which describes or characterize in

terms of nutrition, variety appearance and the like.

Service quality- it refers to a business with high service quality will meet the customer’s

needs whilst remaining economically competitive.

Satisfaction- refers to perception of the costumers about the service

Vision: MSC-a premier College in the Region along the field of Instruction, Research, Extension and Production.
Mission: Provide quality, responsive and dynamic leadership in the areas of Education, Technology, Engineering, Environment,
Agriculture, Fisheries, Culture, Arts and Sciences to empower God fearing individuals who are innovators and protectors for the
sustainable development of the province and the country as a whole.
Republic of the Philippines
Main Campus: Boac / Branches: Santa Cruz • Torrijos • Gasan
Panfilo P. Manguera Sr. Rd., Tanza, Boac, Marinduque 4900
Tel. No.: (042) 332-2028 Email Address: LHS Tel. No: (042) 332 – 0351
Website: LHS Email Address:



This chapter shows the following related literature and the related studies to the

research entitled Level of Customer’s Satisfaction to the Service Provided by

Marinduque State College’s Canteen.

Service Quality

By definition, service quality concentrates on fulfilling customer’s desire and wishes, and

how well that is conveyed to meet customer wants. Gronroos (1984) noted that an

organization must recognize what comprises quality to those it serves in order to provide

and maintain service quality. Quality is divided into two dimensions: “hard ware”, which

contain product and service quality, and “human ware”, which covers the related

customer interactive components in service (Grønholdt, Martensen, & Kristensen, 2000).

(Grönroos, 1984) divided service quality into two classifications including technical

quality and functional quality. While the primary emphasis of technical quality is on what

customers usually received from the service, functional quality focuses on service

delivery’s procedures. Likewise, Klaus, in 1985, proposed that service quality may be

described in physical, situational, and behavioral terms. In other words, service quality,

according to (Klaus, 1985), focuses on what is delivered, the situation of the delivery, and

how it is delivered (Juwaheer & Ross, 2003). (Klaus, 1985) also stated that standards of

service quality are normally determined by previous experience of customers have

Vision: MSC-a premier College in the Region along the field of Instruction, Research, Extension and Production.
Mission: Provide quality, responsive and dynamic leadership in the areas of Education, Technology, Engineering, Environment,
Agriculture, Fisheries, Culture, Arts and Sciences to empower God fearing individuals who are innovators and protectors for the
sustainable development of the province and the country as a whole.
Republic of the Philippines
Main Campus: Boac / Branches: Santa Cruz • Torrijos • Gasan
Panfilo P. Manguera Sr. Rd., Tanza, Boac, Marinduque 4900
Tel. No.: (042) 332-2028 Email Address: LHS Tel. No: (042) 332 – 0351
Website: LHS Email Address:

toward service providers. These standards frequently reflect the physical and technical

facets of a service due to being most simply measurable (Juwaheer & Ross, 2003).

Service is important to a business. According to Jana (2014), service is can be

defined as an offer by a business in exchange of money for pleasure. Quality is one of

the things that consumer looks for a service that a business provided. Quality can also

define as the totally features and characteristics of product or service that makes the

customers be satisfied (Kotler, et al (2001).

According to Fogil (2006), that service quality is the impression of the customer

to an organization’s service. Service quality is a reasoning judgment. It also how the

customers react to the service or products that a business offers that make them satisfied

or not. In addition, according to Parasuraman et al., (1988) as cited by Ramanathan, R.,

Yun, D., & Ramanathan, U. (2016), Service quality is usually based on the assessment of

customers in relation to quality of the service provided.

According to Parasuraman (1985) as cited by Jana (2014) Service quality is the

differences between customer expectations and perceptions of the service. Perceptions of

service quality are formed according to the performance of the service they experienced.

Fast food restaurants that provide quality service can easily meet their survival

goals (Mahatma, Bakti, & Sumaedi, 2015); therefore, the service quality have vital role in

the survival of the business and the satisfaction of the customers.

Vision: MSC-a premier College in the Region along the field of Instruction, Research, Extension and Production.
Mission: Provide quality, responsive and dynamic leadership in the areas of Education, Technology, Engineering, Environment,
Agriculture, Fisheries, Culture, Arts and Sciences to empower God fearing individuals who are innovators and protectors for the
sustainable development of the province and the country as a whole.
Republic of the Philippines
Main Campus: Boac / Branches: Santa Cruz • Torrijos • Gasan
Panfilo P. Manguera Sr. Rd., Tanza, Boac, Marinduque 4900
Tel. No.: (042) 332-2028 Email Address: LHS Tel. No: (042) 332 – 0351
Website: LHS Email Address:

One of the key define the customer satisfaction is service quality (Jana, 2014).

Therefore, service quality has a significant impact to the customer satisfaction.

According to Fullerton (2014), he showed that customers are unlikely to return if

a service quality met their expectations. Therefore, fast food restaurant managers must

improve the quality of customer service to retain their customers. Given the competition

among fast food restaurants, attractiving new customers can no longer assure that the

business may survive, while keeping existing customers is absolutely profitable (Eniola

& Ektebang, 2014).

Existing customers who are satisfied with the quality service they receive may not

only return for the same service, but they may also promote the services to others,

thereby bringing in new customers (So et al., 2016). Therefore, business gain popularity

and encourage more customers.

Food Quality

Food quality is important factor in order to meet the satisfaction of the customers.

Food quality in the current study refers to the quality characteristics of the food, such as

taste, temperature, food safety, healthy menu options, etc. According to the National

Restaurant Association (2014), 65% of adults consider healthy menu option when

choosing a quick service restaurant. Food quality has presentation, variety, healthy

options, taste, freshness, and temperature (Namkung & Jang, 2007).

Vision: MSC-a premier College in the Region along the field of Instruction, Research, Extension and Production.
Mission: Provide quality, responsive and dynamic leadership in the areas of Education, Technology, Engineering, Environment,
Agriculture, Fisheries, Culture, Arts and Sciences to empower God fearing individuals who are innovators and protectors for the
sustainable development of the province and the country as a whole.
Republic of the Philippines
Main Campus: Boac / Branches: Santa Cruz • Torrijos • Gasan
Panfilo P. Manguera Sr. Rd., Tanza, Boac, Marinduque 4900
Tel. No.: (042) 332-2028 Email Address: LHS Tel. No: (042) 332 – 0351
Website: LHS Email Address:

Healthy food is one of the measurements of qualities of a restaurant. With

growing number of experienced, attractiveness has become the standard when customers

evaluate the performance of the customers. In addition, based on the study of Soriano

(2002) as cited by Ramanathan, R., Yun, D., & Ramanathan, U. (2016), investigated a

Spanish restaurant and indicated that respondents rated food quality as the most vital

element of the restaurant.

As a result, as cited to Wansink et al. (2005), customers could generate some

favorable comments to the food a business offered. For instance, if cooking method of the

dish is labelled in detail, customers are intending to think it is more appealing and tasty

than other dishes without labelling. It is particularly important for Chinese restaurants,

since rsome customers are unfamiliar with Chinese cuisines. If it has detailed information

of dishes (such as calorie and nutrition level, involved ingredients, warning labels,

cooking method) is offered inside of the restaurant or on its website, consumers could

generate positive evaluations for the restaurant’s service quality.


Responsiveness has an important role in providing and meeting the satisfaction of

the customers. According to Mehrabian & Russell (1974) as cited by Sabir (2014),

Responsiveness is defined as the willingness of the staff to provide and help to the

customers. In a restaurant, understanding the needs of the customer and coping up the

problems that may occur.

Law et al. (2008) investigated the Mainland Chinese travellers’ perceptions in

terms of their dining experiences in Hong Kong restaurants. As the results, it showed that
Vision: MSC-a premier College in the Region along the field of Instruction, Research, Extension and Production.
Mission: Provide quality, responsive and dynamic leadership in the areas of Education, Technology, Engineering, Environment,
Agriculture, Fisheries, Culture, Arts and Sciences to empower God fearing individuals who are innovators and protectors for the
sustainable development of the province and the country as a whole.
Republic of the Philippines
Main Campus: Boac / Branches: Santa Cruz • Torrijos • Gasan
Panfilo P. Manguera Sr. Rd., Tanza, Boac, Marinduque 4900
Tel. No.: (042) 332-2028 Email Address: LHS Tel. No: (042) 332 – 0351
Website: LHS Email Address:

many respondents have unsatisfied to the meal and experiences due to the difficulties in

communicating with servers. Therefore, the servers or waiters’ language proficiency is an

essential attribute which has influence on customers’ satisfaction on the restaurant’s


Hygiene Quality

Neatness, cleanliness and maintaining hygiene of the space is expected in every

hospitality establishment. ... Each person working with food must maintain a high degree

of cleanliness and a tidy external appearance. Personal hygiene in restaurants is

extremely important in order to maintain food health standards

Customer Satisfaction

Customer satisfaction plays an important role within your business. Not only is it

the leading indicator to measure customer loyalty, identify unhappy customers, reduce
churn and increase revenue; it is also a key point of differentiation that helps you to
attract new customers in competitive business environments

According to Hossan (2012) customer satisfaction is a vital component in

positioning a performance of a business. Meeting the satisfaction of the customers enable

a business to survive and patronize for a range of time.

Food quality, service quality, responsiveness is some of the factors that has an

impact to the customer’s satisfaction. Based on the study Almohaimmeed (2017), it

Vision: MSC-a premier College in the Region along the field of Instruction, Research, Extension and Production.
Mission: Provide quality, responsive and dynamic leadership in the areas of Education, Technology, Engineering, Environment,
Agriculture, Fisheries, Culture, Arts and Sciences to empower God fearing individuals who are innovators and protectors for the
sustainable development of the province and the country as a whole.
Republic of the Philippines
Main Campus: Boac / Branches: Santa Cruz • Torrijos • Gasan
Panfilo P. Manguera Sr. Rd., Tanza, Boac, Marinduque 4900
Tel. No.: (042) 332-2028 Email Address: LHS Tel. No: (042) 332 – 0351
Website: LHS Email Address:

shows that those factors have an impact to customer satisfaction and it should be the

focus of food business.

Customers have their own expectations and perceptions about the kind of care

they want from a service organization. The ability to provide the services that a customer

wants requires an employee to understand the basic components of the customer service

process, which includes: physical product that may be delivered, the service product,

such as the manner the service is delivered, the environment in which the service is

offered, and the service delivery system, which entails the process management puts in

place to address service issues (Kordupleski, Rust & Zahorik, 1993 as cited by Adufutse,


Those factors are not only contributing to the satisfaction of the customers also

the ambiance of the the business. According Kabir (2016); décor, cleanliness, seating

arrangements, and design of restaurants have also an impact to the customer satisfaction.

In addition, according to NRA (2014), 60% of consumers consider whether the restaurant

is children and family friendly while 54% consider décor and atmosphere of the

restaurant to be important for satisfaction.

Fast food restaurant managers may adopt and implement customer service

strategies to address customer needs and satisfaction to enjoy a competitive edge (Eniola

& Ektebang, 2014). Customer service refers to the activities carried out to enhance the

quality of service to customers and to improve their satisfaction (Kurgunluoglu, 2014).

Customer service is the primary driver of customer satisfaction, which increases

competitive advantage and organizational survivability (Kessler, Pachucki, Stummer,

Vision: MSC-a premier College in the Region along the field of Instruction, Research, Extension and Production.
Mission: Provide quality, responsive and dynamic leadership in the areas of Education, Technology, Engineering, Environment,
Agriculture, Fisheries, Culture, Arts and Sciences to empower God fearing individuals who are innovators and protectors for the
sustainable development of the province and the country as a whole.
Republic of the Philippines
Main Campus: Boac / Branches: Santa Cruz • Torrijos • Gasan
Panfilo P. Manguera Sr. Rd., Tanza, Boac, Marinduque 4900
Tel. No.: (042) 332-2028 Email Address: LHS Tel. No: (042) 332 – 0351
Website: LHS Email Address:

Mair, & Binder, 2015). Additionally, Piekkari (2015) noted that placing customer’s

external and internal needs above every other need in an organization yields dividends.

Service plays an important role in customer satisfaction and retention, which

should be the primary responsibility of all running a business (Lockett & Wild, 2014).

Sivakumar, Li, and Dong (2014) suggested that good strategies could have a positive

influence on customer satisfaction. On the other hand, customers are dissatisfied and

disloyal when expectations exceed outcomes (Sivakumar, Li, & Dong, 2014).

Customer service and customer satisfaction have become two of the most

important areas in which organizations can differentiate themselves from their

competitors. This differentiation is essential for service organizations, especially, because

the profit margin on their many products is small. In addition, fierce global competition

has forced service organizations to find ways to keep their existing customers and attract

new ones (Paradise-Tornow, 1991 cited by Qin, & Prybutok, 2008).

Conceptual Framework



Data Collection
Food Quality
Survey Questionnaires

Data analysis Implimentations

Vision: MSC-a premier College in the Region along the fieldof
Presenting of Gathered
Instruction, Research, Extension and Production.
Mission: Provide quality, responsive and dynamic leadership in the areas of Education, Technology, Engineering, Environment,
Agriculture, Fisheries, Culture, Arts and Sciences to empower God datafearing individuals who are innovators and protectors for the
sustainable development of the province and the country as a whole.
Republic of the Philippines
Main Campus: Boac / Branches: Santa Cruz • Torrijos • Gasan
Panfilo P. Manguera Sr. Rd., Tanza, Boac, Marinduque 4900
Tel. No.: (042) 332-2028 Email Address: LHS Tel. No: (042) 332 – 0351
Website: LHS Email Address:


Hygiene Quality


Figure 1. Research Paradigm

Figure no. 1 shows the Input-Process-Output of this study. Customer satisfaction,

demographic profile, assurance, responsiveness and hygiene quality would be the input of

this study, where it serves as guide in data gathering. Data collection, survey

questionnaires, data analysis and presenting gathered would be the process, because it

would be the basis in hypothesis testing inorder to determine if the hypothesis should be

accepted or not. Implication stands for output of the research where interpretation of the

data that will be gathered, summary, conclusions, and recommendations are coincide.




This chapter gives an outline of research methods that will be followed in the

study. It provides information about the participants, that is the criteria for inclusion in

the study, and who are the participants in the study. The researchers describe the research

design, instruments, methods used in analyzing the data, and the ethical consideration.

Vision: MSC-a premier College in the Region along the field of Instruction, Research, Extension and Production.
Mission: Provide quality, responsive and dynamic leadership in the areas of Education, Technology, Engineering, Environment,
Agriculture, Fisheries, Culture, Arts and Sciences to empower God fearing individuals who are innovators and protectors for the
sustainable development of the province and the country as a whole.
Republic of the Philippines
Main Campus: Boac / Branches: Santa Cruz • Torrijos • Gasan
Panfilo P. Manguera Sr. Rd., Tanza, Boac, Marinduque 4900
Tel. No.: (042) 332-2028 Email Address: LHS Tel. No: (042) 332 – 0351
Website: LHS Email Address:

Research Design

This research study entitled, Level Satisfaction of Service provided in

Marinduque State College Canteen, employs quantitative method of research. This study

will use a descriptive method research design.

Research Locale

Figure2. Map of Marinduque State College

The locale of this study will be the school of Marinduque State College which is

located in Barangay Tanza, Boac, Marinduque. Marinduque State College is in the

Municipality of Boac and it is the main campus of all branches of MSC in Marinduque. It

is 2.8 kmrom the town proper and measures 69,356.31 square meters or 6.9356 hectares


Vision: MSC-a premier College in the Region along the field of Instruction, Research, Extension and Production.
Mission: Provide quality, responsive and dynamic leadership in the areas of Education, Technology, Engineering, Environment,
Agriculture, Fisheries, Culture, Arts and Sciences to empower God fearing individuals who are innovators and protectors for the
sustainable development of the province and the country as a whole.
Republic of the Philippines
Main Campus: Boac / Branches: Santa Cruz • Torrijos • Gasan
Panfilo P. Manguera Sr. Rd., Tanza, Boac, Marinduque 4900
Tel. No.: (042) 332-2028 Email Address: LHS Tel. No: (042) 332 – 0351
Website: LHS Email Address:

Figure 1, shows the Map of the Marinduque State College where the researcher

will be conducting this study to know and to determine the level of service satisfaction of

the customers at the Marinduque State College canteen.

Research Population and Sample

Statified Sampling Method will be used in this study.

Participants of the Study

The participants of the study are in this study are the BS Education Major in TLE

students of Marinduque State College.

Research Instrument

The instruments or tool that will be used in gathering data is a survey

questionnairres. Before that, the researchers will explain clearly the information that the

researcher will gather. Therefore, if the participants in this study misunderstood the

questions the researchers may clarify it. The survey questionnairres will serve as the

primary source of data of the researchers and it is adopted from the study of

Almohaimmeed (2017). At the same time, the researchers will also review some

documents regarding to satisfaction.

Validation of Research Instruments

A trial run to test the research instrument and will help to improve it if it may be

difficult to understand and answer by the respondents. This will test if the reliability of

the the questionairres that will be used. It will also know if the questionairres is will suit

to this study.

Vision: MSC-a premier College in the Region along the field of Instruction, Research, Extension and Production.
Mission: Provide quality, responsive and dynamic leadership in the areas of Education, Technology, Engineering, Environment,
Agriculture, Fisheries, Culture, Arts and Sciences to empower God fearing individuals who are innovators and protectors for the
sustainable development of the province and the country as a whole.
Republic of the Philippines
Main Campus: Boac / Branches: Santa Cruz • Torrijos • Gasan
Panfilo P. Manguera Sr. Rd., Tanza, Boac, Marinduque 4900
Tel. No.: (042) 332-2028 Email Address: LHS Tel. No: (042) 332 – 0351
Website: LHS Email Address:

Data Gathering

In gathering data, the researchers will hand the survey questionnaires to the

particpants. In case, they do not understand some questions, the researchers will readily

available. The researcher will take the survey questionnairres after the particpants

finished answering.

Data Analysis

The data and information will be gathered from different participants. These will

be recorded and transcribed using charts. The researchers will compare the data from

different sources and will search about the demographic profile and their satisfaction. In

addition, the researcher will identify if the hypothesis is true or not.

Statistical Treatment of Data

This will be used to determine the percentage of level of satisfaction provided by

service provided by the canteen, the parameter that will be used in this research.

P= N


P= Percentage

X= Number of Response

N= Total number of Respondents

Vision: MSC-a premier College in the Region along the field of Instruction, Research, Extension and Production.
Mission: Provide quality, responsive and dynamic leadership in the areas of Education, Technology, Engineering, Environment,
Agriculture, Fisheries, Culture, Arts and Sciences to empower God fearing individuals who are innovators and protectors for the
sustainable development of the province and the country as a whole.
Republic of the Philippines
Main Campus: Boac / Branches: Santa Cruz • Torrijos • Gasan
Panfilo P. Manguera Sr. Rd., Tanza, Boac, Marinduque 4900
Tel. No.: (042) 332-2028 Email Address: LHS Tel. No: (042) 332 – 0351
Website: LHS Email Address:

Vision: MSC-a premier College in the Region along the field of Instruction, Research, Extension and Production.
Mission: Provide quality, responsive and dynamic leadership in the areas of Education, Technology, Engineering, Environment,
Agriculture, Fisheries, Culture, Arts and Sciences to empower God fearing individuals who are innovators and protectors for the
sustainable development of the province and the country as a whole.

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