Mental Health and Integration in Asia Pacific

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care and community settings; advocacy and public aspirational vision to strengthen mental health

awareness; mental wellness for indigenous commu- and reduce the economic effects of mental
nities, vulnerable communities and children; data illness in the Asia Pacific region. Success of the
collection and standardisation; and disaster resili- venture will become an exemplar of the positive
ence and trauma. Within these areas, the Digital influence that multi-stakeholder collaboration and
Hub will facilitate interactive training modules, public–private partnerships can have to improve
map mental health stakeholders, and showcase mental wellness for millions across a wide diversity
novel research on the effects of mental health, of settings and cultures.
as well as the cost–benefit analysis of investment
for interventions. Based on the strategic needs
assessments, five recommendations are proposed
APEC (2014a) APEC Ministerial Endorsement. APEC. Available at
(APEC, 2016b):
1. to advance an APEC-wide strategy that
includes legislative bodies to advocate for APEC (2014b) APEC Roadmap to Promote Mental Wellness in a
mental health, as well as to enhance public Healthy Asia Pacific (2014–2020). APEC. Available at http://mddb.
awareness to reduce social stigma;
2. to establish expert working committees and APEC (2016a) APEC Ministerial Meeting 2016. APEC. Available at
novel partnerships through the APEC
Digital Hub for Mental Health to address
each of the common priority areas; APEC (2016b) APEC Mental Health Initiative. Report on Strategic
3. to strengthen linkages with the APEC Needs in Mental Health. July 2016. APEC. Available at https://
Business Advisory Council and expert organi-
sations, particularly in the promotion and
strengthening of workplace mental health; Bloom D. E., Cafiero E. T., Jané-Llopis E., et al (2011) The Global
Economic Burden of Noncommunicable Diseases. World Economic
4. to build linkages with the APEC Emergency
Forum. Available at
Preparedness Working Group in disaster s18806en/s18806en.pdf.
resilience and trauma activities; and
Ng C. (2013) Mental Health: Towards Economic and Social Inclusion:
5. to develop APEC resources centred on the
A Report to the Commonwealth Secretariat. Commonwealth
linkage between mental health and economic Secretariat.
Sustainable Development (2015) Transforming Our World: The 2030
Implementation of the APEC Roadmap and Digital Agenda for Sustainable Development. United Nations. Available at
Hub will heighten exchange and dissemination of
best practices and innovations in Asia-Pacific mental World Bank (2016) Making Mental Health a Global Priority 2016. World
health partnerships. The Hub provides an unpre- Bank Group. Available at
cedented opportunity to enhance recognition 3131073/0602-SummaryReport-GMH-event-June-3-2016.pdf.
among the highest government leaders, health World Health Organization (2010) Mental Health and Development.
and non-health officials, institutions and organisa- WHO.
tions, as well as the public, of the importance of World Health Organization (2013) Comprehensive Mental Health
strengthened and strategic investment in mental Action Plan (2013–2020). WHO. Available at
health to support economic growth. APEC has an mental_health/action_plan_2013/en/.

THEMATIC Mental health and integration

in Asia Pacific
Chee H. Ng

Department of Psychiatry,
This brief report examines the extent to which
University of Melbourne,
Australia; email cng@unimelb. community-based treatment and integration The 2010 Global Burden of Disease Study estimated that mental and substance use disorders
support are provided for people living with
Acknowledgements. The report mental illness across 15 selected Asia-Pacific accounted for 7.4% of all disability-adjusted life
‘Provision for supporting people economies. Some of the key findings are years (DALYs) globally, an increase of 37.6% over
with mental illness: A comparison the preceding 20 years (Whiteford et al, 2013).
of 15 Asia-Pacific countries’ discussed in light of the diversity of economies
(2016) was prepared and written and cultural contexts. Mental and substance use disorders were the lead-
by The Economist Intelligence ing cause of years lost due to disability (YLDs)
Unit (EIU) and sponsored by
Janssen Asia Pacific. worldwide. Asia Pacific is a region characterised
by rapid changes in economic and technological


Conflicts of interest. None. development, population growth, migration and 3.5 and 5%, respectively, linked to mental illness
demographics. Across this region, it is alarming (The Royal Australian and New Zealand College
doi:10.1192/bji.2017.28 that fewer than half of those affected by mental of Psychiatrists, 2016). In the next 15 years, it is
© The Author 2018. This is an
illness receive any treatment. This is despite estimated that mental illness will result in a loss
Open Access article, distributed increasing attempts by policy makers and govern- of $11 trillion in economic growth for India and
under the terms of the Creative ments to develop national mental health reforms, China alone.
Commons Attribution-
NonCommercial-NoDerivatives particularly in community mental health (Ng According to a WHO survey of 50 low- and
licence (http://creativecommons. et al, 2009). Consequently, there have been middle-income countries, the median treatment
org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/), which
permits non-commercial re-use, significant multilateral and global ratifications to gap was 69%; that for low-income countries
distribution, and reproduction in prioritise mental health, including by the (89%) was greater than for lower-middle-income
any medium, provided the ori-
ginal work is unaltered and is Commonwealth of Nations (54 economies) (Ng, and upper-middle-income countries (69 and
properly cited. The written per- 2013), the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (21 63%, respectively) (Demyttenaere et al, 2004).
mission of Cambridge University
Press must be obtained for com- economies) (Ng et al, 2017) and the World Health In another study, the treatment gap was 35 to
mercial re-use or in order to cre- Organization (WHO, 2013). 50% in high-income countries, compared with
ate a derivative work.
Recently, the Economist Intelligence Unit 76–85% in lower-income countries (Lora et al,
(EIU) released the results of a regional mental 2012). The EIU report cited similar figures of
health research initiative (EIU, 2016), on which around 90% for those not receiving mental health
this paper is based. The Asia-Pacific Mental treatment in middle-income countries such as
Health Integration Index, which measures per- China and India, whereas in higher-income coun-
formance across a range of areas relative to inte- tries such as Singapore and Australia, the treat-
gration, was devised and constructed by the EIU ment gap was above 50%. More importantly,
research team. The EIU had previously created where services are provided, most are neither
a Europe Mental Health Integration Index in patient-focused nor integrated to support those
2014 which included 30 countries. The Asia- with mental illness to live a meaningful life in
Pacific report also drew on inputs from 20 local the community. The recovery model is gradually
and international experts in mental healthcare emerging as the standard of best practice in treat-
and substantial desk research. Using quantitative ment worldwide. However, in reality, most ser-
and qualitative data, the study examined the vices in the region are hospital-based and not
extent to which community-based treatment and oriented towards a recovery-focused approach
integration support are provided for people living that is integrated with social, housing, employ-
with mental illness across 15 selected Asia Pacific ment and community services.
economies. The ‘integration index’ applied a There are also common challenges, although
range of indicators to assess the ability of people these may take different shapes in the different
with mental illness to lead fulfilling lives in the economies studied. Good epidemiological data on
community. Indicators are grouped into four cat- mental disorders are generally lacking, especially
egories: environment (the extent to which policy in lower-income economies where even basic data
supports the ability of people with mental illness are often absent. Without an adequate mental
to have a stable home and family life); access to health information system, effective service plan-
treatment (the availability of mental health ser- ning and resource allocation are seldom achieved.
vices and human resources); opportunities (the Notably, across the region, the stigma of mental ill-
degree to which policy encourages those with ness – especially serious mental disorders – remains
mental illness to engage in employment); and prevalent and a significant barrier to treatment
governance (efforts to reduce stigma, increase access. This has given rise to various forms of preju-
awareness and promote the human rights of men- dice and discrimination faced by people living with
tal health patients). The aim of the index was not mental illness, ranging from social distance, limited
to provide a competitive ranking system, but to employment prospects and inadequate insurance
promote discourse among economies about cur- coverage to excessive use of physical restraints
rent performance and how they can improve, and human rights abuses.
and to share best practices. The discrepancy between treatment in urban
and rural areas is glaring in both high-income
General common findings and low- to middle-income economies. Rural
Across the Asia Pacific region, mental illness mental health services are typically under-
causes a significant health and socioeconomic resourced, often resulting in a disproportionately
burden, which on average accounts for more wide treatment gap and higher suicide rates. This
than 20% of total YLDs and 9.3% of DALYs highlights considerable nationwide variations not
among the economies included in this report. measured by the integration index, such as vari-
Moreover, the absolute age-standardised DALYs ability of services and coordination across city
attributable to mental illness have remained virtu- and rural areas, policy implementation by indi-
ally unchanged relative to other diseases; together vidual provinces or states, provisions for different
with rapid population growth, this has resulted in sub-populations or cultural groups, and capacities
a rising disease burden and public health and of various local service providers. Therefore,
economic effects (Charlson et al, 2016). Even having an overall country index score may not
such advanced economies as Australia and New provide meaningful information about the degree
Zealand have gross domestic product deficits of of integration at the local level.


Comparison between income groups Concluding remarks
The report found a diverse range of perform- Although guidelines are inappropriate for a highly
ance scores in all indicators across the economies, diverse region, some lessons can be learned from
especially in terms of measures that help people this study to assist progress towards community
with mental illness to find and sustain meaning- integration. Various economies are at markedly
ful work, and the provision of training and voca- different stages of reform in the provision of the
tional support programmes. Compared with a care, services and environment necessary for inte-
similar study in European countries conducted gration of people with mental illness into the com-
in 2014, the range of index scores was substan- munity. While there is a growing trend across the
tially greater (about 35%) in this Asia Pacific region in policy and plans to shift from hospital-
study, reflecting a more economically and cultur- centric treatments to community-based care, inte-
ally diverse region. Overall, the features of coun- gration for people with mental illness remains
tries and territories included in this survey fall slow. Overcoming the regional gap to deliver
within four groups of mental health integration community-based care requires strong mental
that are closely linked with economic develop- health policy implementation, sufficient time-
ment levels. frame, consistent efforts and sustainable integra-
tion of all health and non-health sectors to meet
(a) High-income oceanic countries (New
the diverse needs of people living with mental
Zealand and Australia). Similar to leading
European countries (e.g. the UK), both
More important than funding is the question
countries started mental health reform
of how funds are used and applied according to
very early in the 1990s and began addres-
policy goals. Greater emphasis is needed on
sing the transition from institutional to
developing and integrating a range of system
community-based, recovery-focused care.
resources, especially to build capacity among
Substantial investment in policy, resources,
NGOs, non-health sectors and non-professionals
infrastructure and workforce (including
to deliver community mental healthcare. It is
non-governmental organisations (NGOs))
obvious that more reliable data on prevalence,
has led to a decrease in stigma against
best practices and cost-effective treatments are
those living with mental illness.
required. There is a critical need across the Asia
(b) High-income Asian countries (Taiwan,
Pacific region to strengthen information systems
Singapore, South Korea, Japan and Hong
and improve evidence and research in mental
Kong). Backed by advanced health and
health; fundamental goals of the WHO Global
social service systems, these economies
Comprehensive Mental Health Action Plan
have begun implementing community-
(WHO, 2013).
based services for those with mental illness.
Finally, integration depends to a large extent on
The key challenges include lack of human
the cultural acceptance of those living with mental
resources, cross-sectoral coordination,
illness. Explanatory models of mental illness and
funding incentives for community treat-
their treatments are often shaped by different cul-
ment and patient advocacy.
tures in the Asia Pacific region. For instance, family
(c) Upper-middle-income countries (Malaysia,
and societal attitudes towards mental illness are
China and Thailand). Recent increases in
heavily influenced by cultural values, and the con-
national policy commitment to community-
cept of recovery may have different meanings in
based care have been established.
Asian contexts. Along with the development of
However, development of appropriate men-
community-based infrastructure, efforts towards
tal healthcare facilities and personnel
anti-stigma education, human rights campaigns
remains in progress. Major issues still
and patient advocacy should also consider local
need to be addressed, including huge treat-
cultural appropriateness.
ment gaps, inadequate mental and allied
health professionals, and little coordination
between healthcare providers. References
(d) Lower-middle-income countries (India, Charlson F. J., Baxter A. J., Cheng H. G., et al (2016) The burden of
the Philippines, Vietnam, Indonesia and mental, neurological, and substance use disorders in China and India:
Pakistan). All the above mental health chal- a systematic analysis of community representative epidemiological
studies. Lancet, 388(10042), 376–89.
lenges are huge in these countries, where
treatment, resources and workforce are Demyttenaere K., Bruffaerts R., Posada-Villa J., et al (2004)
scarce. Resources, where available, are fre- Prevalence, severity, and unmet need for treatment of mental
disorders in the World Health Organization World Mental Health
quently tied up in outdated institutional Surveys. JAMA, 291, 2581–2590.
facilities and treatment modalities. Health
systems have an insufficient budget or Economist Intelligence Unit (2016) Mental Health and Integration.
Provision for Supporting People with Mental Illness: A Comparison of
lack the technical capacity to fully execute 15 Asia Pacific Countries. The Economist Intelligence Unit Limited.
mental health expenditure. On the other
hand, early signs of improvement in recent Lora A., Kohn R., Levav I., et al (2012) Service availability and
utilization and treatment gap for schizophrenic disorders: a survey in
legislation, policy and programmes are 50 low- and middle income countries. Bulletin of the World Health
encouraging. Organization, 90(1), 47–54.


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doi: 10.1016/S2215-0366(17)30034-2. of disease attributable to mental and substance use disorders:
findings from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2010. Lancet, 382
Ng C. H., Herrman H., Chiu E., et al (2009) Community mental health (9904), 1575–86.
care in the Asia-Pacific region: using current best-practice models to
inform future policy. World Psychiatry, 8, 49–55. World Health Organization (2013) Comprehensive Mental Health
The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists Action Plan 2013–2020. WHO. Available at
(2016) The Economic Cost of Serious Mental Illness and mental_health/action_plan_2013/en/.

THEMATIC Resilience in Haiti: is it culturally

Daniel Derivois,1 Jude Mary Cénat,2 Amira Karray,3 Nathalie Guillier-Pasut,4
Jeff M. Cadichon,5 Baptiste Lignier,6 Nephtalie E. Joseph,7 Lisbeth Brolles8
and Yoram Mouchenik9

Professor of Clinical Psychology, do not work (compared with those of working par-
Laboratoire de Psychologie, Not for the first time in recent history, the
Psy-DREPI, EA-7458, Université ents), and (b) people with disabilities following the
people of Haiti have been obliged to fall back
Bourgogne Franche-Comté; email earthquake (compared with those with no disabil- on their resilience strategies in the aftermath
ity). Although a high level of resilience does not
Postdoctoral Fellow, Université of Hurricane Matthew. Following the powerful
du Québec à Montréal imply an absence of trauma (as emphasised by
earthquake that struck the country on 12
Lecturer in Clinical Psychology, Almedom & Glandon, 2007), it is surprising that
January 2010, the entire population had to
LPCPP EA 3278, Université children and adolescents who live in the street,
Aix-Marseille find the resources to survive in the face of
do not go to school, have a disability or whose par-
PhD, Laboratoire de Psychologie, extensive material damage and loss of life:
Psy-DREPI, EA-7458, Université ents are unemployed have more resources to cope
over 222 000 dead, more than 300 000 injured
Bourgogne Franche-Comté with adversity.
and between 4000 and 7000 amputees
PhD in Psychology, Laboratoire
de Psychologie, Psy-DREPI, EA- (UNDP, 2010).
7458, Université Bourgogne
Halfway resiliency or a pathological
Lecturer in Clinical Psychology,
Laboratoire de Psychologie, How can we make sense of these findings, is resili-
Psy-DREPI, EA-7458, Université
Bourgogne Franche-Comté
Paradoxical resilience ence the central issue? Various studies (Cénat &
PhD, Laboratoire de Psychologie, Several post-disaster studies (Cénat & Derivois, Derivois, 2014a, 2014b) have postulated that
Psy-DREPI, EA-7458, Université 2014a, 2014b; Derivois et al, 2014b) found that resilience goes beyond dealing with and adapting
Bourgogne Franche-Comté
there was a marked prevalence (varying between to traumatic experiences, i.e. being able to absorb
PhD in psychology, associate
researcher, CRPPC, University of 30 and 50%) of post-traumatic stress disorder and or resist them. Resilience is, above all, the capacity
Lyon depression symptoms in the population. These to bounce back and develop in a positive way
Professor of Intercultural studies show that these traumas are complex and following traumatic events and adversities. But
Psychology, Université Paris 13
not just related to natural disasters (Derivois et al, does this definition remain valid in light of the
Conflicts of interest. None. 2014a). Furthermore, the research showed that outcomes of sociological studies that reported
the resilience levels of survivors in Haiti were day-to-day life in post-earthquake Haiti (Farmer,
doi:10.1192/bji.2017.25 superior to those of other countries with experi- 2012)? Although these studies reported that
ence of similar natural disasters such as China, people were able to cope with the quake’s
Armenia, Japan, Italy and Taiwan (Cénat & aftermath, they have not experienced a ‘positive
Derivois, 2014b; Derivois et al, 2014a, 2014b). The development’. Indeed, they did not collapse psy-
same studies also highlight a paradox: the most vul- chologically, but they did not rebound either.
nerable populations in Haiti have the highest resili- The data from studies cited above indicate that
ence scores. Children living in the street with no the more difficult the conditions are, the more
schooling have higher resilience levels than chil- likely people are to invent paradoxical coping
dren who go to school and have a house in which strategies. They were not more ready, however,
to live. A more recent study (Cadichon & for new natural disasters.
Derivois, 2016) conducted 6 years after the seismic Hurricane Matthew, which left hundreds dead
event has revealed that resilience levels are higher in Haiti, has recently shown that although the
among: (a) children and adolescents whose parents population was completely unprepared to tackle


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