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User Manual

Table of Contents

Document Scope.........................................................................................................................................3
Add/Edit Assessment...................................................................................................................................4
Assessment Settings....................................................................................................................................6
Students’ Performance Tracking.................................................................................................................7
Payments Tracking......................................................................................................................................9
One Time Payments.................................................................................................................................9
Recurring Payments...............................................................................................................................10
New Students Listing.................................................................................................................................11

Document Scope
This document is not a complete user manual for GE-Tutors website. It only covers
specific functionalities of the website. These are

i. Adding/Editing Assessment
ii. Checking the recurring payments.
iii. Keeping track of payments and paid members.
iv. Viewing listing of registered students.

All these functionalities are accessed and managed in the admin panel of the website.
So it is assumed that whoever expecting to benefit from this document has access to the
admin panel. Admin panel can be accessed by going to website admin URL and entering
the required credentials. Admin URL and required credentials (Admin Login and
Password) are not provided here. You can contact webmaster for those details.

Add/Edit Assessment
To add an assessment follow the steps given below.

i. Hover the mouse on “Learn Dash LMS” link, available in the menu on left hand
side. As can be seen in the image below.

ii. Click on “Assessments” link in the resulting list. As seen in the image above.
iii. The resulting page will show all the assessments that are already added. To
edit an assessment, click on it and it will open in edit mode.
iv. To add an assessment, click the “Add New” button available near the top right
corner. This will lead to the “Add assessment page”.

v. On the Add assessment page click the text “Add Assessment title” and type
the desired title for the new assessment, as it is shown under section 1 of the
image below.
vi. To add some introduction or any additional information about the
assessment, click “Start writing or type/ to choose a block”. It is shown under
section 2 in the image below.
vii. To add an image for the assessment, click “Featured image” link on the left.
Here you can upload a new image or can choose from the ones that are
already uploaded. The link is shown under section 3 of the image below.
viii. For additional settings, click “Settings” link in the tope left area, as shown
under section 4 of the image below.

Assessment Settings
In the “Settings” section, you can adjust many additional settings for the assessment.
There are a lot of settings and configuration options available. A few that are expected
to be used frequently are:

i. Setting prerequisites for assessment. Here one or more assessments can be

selected that user will have to pass before he can attempt this assessment.
ii. Allowed users type. Either everyone can attempt the assessment or just the
registered users.
iii. Passing score.
iv. Maximum allowed time.
v. Questions ordering i.e. Sequential as added in the assessment or random.
vi. Correct/Incorrect message i.e. any additional text or message that is show in
case of correct and/or incorrect answer. Message can be same or different for
both correct and incorrect answers.

Students’ Performance Tracking
Students’ and course details like the No. of enrolled students, No. of total courses and
latest activities about the completion of courses are available on the dashboard of the
website. Follow the given steps to access these data.

i. In the admin panel click on the “Dashboard” link available near the top left
corner. As can be seen in the image below.

ii. Under ProPanal Overview section Total Number of enrolled students and
Total Number of enlisted courses are shown. A click on Number of students
shows list of all the enrolled students and their courses whereas clicking
Number of courses shows the list of all the available assessments/courses.

iii. To get a list of enrolled users for a specific assessment, select the desired
assessment in “All Courses” drop down in the ProPanel Filtering section and
click “Filter” button. The list of the enrolled students along with their
completion status will be shown under “ProPanel Reporting” section that is
available just below the Propanel Filtering section.
iv. Here you can apply various combinations of filters. For example to get a list of
the students who have completed the Key Stage 4 Chemistry assessment,
choose the assessment from “All Courses” drop down and select “Completed”
from “All Statuses” drop down.

v. Propanel Progress charts shows a visualization of the filtered data in the form
of chart.
vi. ProPanel Activity section shows the latest activities on the basis of data fields
selected in the Propanel Filtering section. It also provides a button to
download the data in the form of CSV file.

Payments Tracking
Website supports two kinds of the modules. The ones that are purchased only once and
the ones that are subscription based. So there are two kinds of payments in the website.
These are One Time Payments and Recurring Payments.

One Time Payments

This type of payments can be accessed under “WooCommerce” module. Follow these
steps to access the orders.

1. Scroll down the L.H.S menu and hover the mouse on “WooCommerce” link.
2. In the resulting menu click on “Orders”. This will show the “Orders” module of
the site.

In the “Orders” module all the orders are enlisted. These orders can be filtered on the
basis of various criteria like Order Status (Processed Orders, Pending Orders, Cancelled
Orders), On the basis of Date/Month when the order was placed (available under “All
Dates” drop down.) and the order(s) placed by a specific customer.

Click on an order opens the order in edit mode. Here the order status can be changed.
For example, to cancel an order click on “Order Status”, Select “Cancel” and click on
“Update” button on R.H.S

Recurring Payments
Subscription based courses with recurring payments are enlisted under “Sumo
Subscriptions” section, available in the L.H.S menu. Click on this link will show the list of
all the subscription based orders. To Edit/Cancel a subscription click on the order ID and
change its status as described in previous section.

New Students Listing
A list of all the students that will fill the registration form is maintained online in the
Gmail account of the website.

i. Log into the website’s Gmail account i.e. You

might need to contact website admin or webmaster for the password of this
ii. Find email from cloudHQ with title “Export Emails to Google sheets.
iii. Click on the link “label New Student”. It will open an online spread sheet
containing data of all the students that have registered for free of charge
prerequisite assessment.


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