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Self-Assessment Rubric

[insert title of the problem / activity here]

Shows a basic Shows a basic Shows a good Shows original ideas

understanding of most understanding of all understanding and and links between
concepts. Attempts to concepts. Uses makes links between concepts. Uses
understanding/ use of use appropriate appropriate concepts. Uses advanced
mathematical mathematical mathematical mathematical mathematical
terminology: terminology. terminology terminology with terminology with
consistently. precision. precision.


Looks for the next Considers a range of Considers a range of Able to generate a
question, finds some possible avenues for possible avenues for wide range of
areas for exploration. further research. further research. alternative
Selects a promising Selects a promising explorations, evaluate
alternative. alternative and which is worth
Problem finding and outlines the scope of exploring. Defines the
defining: the investigation. problem taking into
consideration the
scope of the problem,
boundary constraints,

Some evidence of a Organised approach Systematic argument Well-reasoned
sequence of thinking which considers most which convinces thorough argument,
with a logical possibilities and is beyond all doubt accounting for all
Construction of a conclusion convincing – though (B.A.D.) possibilities in a
convincing there may be some solution and showing
argument: doubt that all efficiency and / or
possibilities or cases elegance. Convincing
are covered. (B.A.D.)


Evidence of Systematic approach Extensive Extensive and original

development of an to communicating a documentation of documentation of
argument with some solution showing the thinking using a range thinking using a range
supporting sequence of thinking, of techniques such as of techniques such as
calculations supporting annotations, tables, annotations, tables,
Communication of calculations and a diagrams. Reasoning diagrams. Reasoning
ideas: conclusion. is easy to follow, and is easy to follow, and
the conclusion clearly the conclusion clearly
stated. stated. Evidence of
elegance in the


Other items:
You can add your own category to tell us of thinking or outcomes that you celebrate and of which you would like us to be
aware. For example, you may have put a lot of effort into your thinking so add effort as an item. These items should
reflect any learning goals that you had.

Something that I am particularly proud of/ will do again:


Something that I would like to do differently/ improve next time:


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