2 Marks

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2 marks

1. What is the role of green jobs in toxin free homes?

2. Write any 2 steps which green jobs can take to reduce greenhouse gas emission?
3. Who are the energy auditors?
4. What is the role of chief sustainability officers?
5. Who are entrepreneurs?
6. Write any four competencies of an entrepreneur
7. What is the role of green jobs in water conservation?
8. What do you mean by green jobs in waste reduction recycling and reuse?
9. Write down the role of green jobs in tourism?
10. Green tourism is also referred as new experienced economy. Why?
11. How does green job help in limiting greenhouse emissions?
12. What do you mean by smart goal? Explain with an example.
13. Write the meaning of R in the word SMART GOAL.
14. What do you mean by goal setting?
15. Write any 2 importance of the entrepreneurial competency taking initiative
16. Write down the process of entrepreneurship.
17. What do you mean by decision making?
18. Mention the steps in the process of decision making after analyzing the problem.
19. What do you mean by team building? write any 4 benefits of team building
20. Write a note on ambition and communication skill as the factors of team building.
21. What do you mean by adoptability and why is it necessary for an entrepreneur?
22. Give any 4 ways to practice adoptability.
23. Write any 2 barriers to entrepreneurship.
24. How market entry regulations act as a barrier to entrepreneurship?
25. Lack of entrepreneurial activities and lack of entrepreneurial capacities also act as a
barrier to entrepreneurship. how?
26. What do you mean by fear?
27. What are the different types of fear which an entrepreneur may face while starting
up an enterprise?
28. What do you mean by fear of being wrong?
29. How an entrepreneur can overcome the fear of failure?
30. What happens if an entrepreneur is pushed into uncomfortable situations?
31. What do you mean by idea exploration?
32. What is business plan?
33. Why business plan is known as the blueprint of a business?
34. What are the different components of business plan?
35. What do you mean by SWOT analysis?
36. What are market trends? Explain with an example.
37. Why competitors are considered as threat for any business?
38. What do you mean by team building? Why is it necessary for a new business?
39. What is financial plan? What are the components of financial plan?
40. Explain the meaning of milestone and matrices as a component of business plan.
41. Why sensing opportunity is crucial for any entrepreneur for starting his business?

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