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Mend a VACCINES COMPARED TECHNOLOGY: Viral Vector (Genstcally modi fied virus When injected, the vaccine instructs human ces to produce the $ARS-CoV'2 spike protein ~ the immune sytem’ main target in coronaviruses EFFICIENCY: 62-90% PROCESS:Passed all bres tr MAZORBUYERS: EU MOU million doses, US (800 milion ose, LX [100 mlion ses! THAILAND: 28 milion doses PRICE:USSA- ner dase DOSED REQUIRED: 2 t GY; Inactivated vaccine Using the dead Covid-19 virus toe ta trigger animmune response 50-70% [varies in testerd coun ties) Phase 3 wials Indonesia (40 USS perstase z TECHNOLOGY: mRNA Anew type of vaccine which uses messenger RNA, which contains instructions for human cellsto make proteins that mimic part of the coronavirus, to trigger an immune response. EFFICIENCY: 95% PROCESS; Passed all three trials MAJOR BUYERS: EU (169 millien doses), US (200 milion doses), Canada {40 million doses) PRICE: USS22 per dose DOSED REQUIRED: 2 Source: World Health Organization (WHO), agencies, respective companies mRNA The new mRNA technology tricks the body Into making the wiral protein itself which, in turn, triggers an immune response 35% Passed al three triats EU countries (200 mition doses}, US [100 million doses) s$20 por eese 2 Aencniral sed platform The technology delivers the genetic instructions for SARS-Col-2 antigens directly into patients cells, triggering an immune response Phase Strials angoing 5: Brazil (10 million dosest Augen: 0 milan doses) Bolivia (26 million dass antracted \olacally produce and ditrute lion doses) USSL0 perdose RED: 2 TECHNOLOGY: Uses 3 cold wirus to detver (genetic material from the coronavirus it body to prompt amt immune response. EFFICIENCY: Expacted to be released by the ed of January PROCESS: Phase 3 clinical trials engoing MAJOR BUYERS: EU (169 millign doses, US 200 million doses]. Canada 40 million doses) PRICE: Estinated USS10 per dose DOSED REQUIRED: 1

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