Accept Within 24 Hours To Avoid Impacting Your Response Rate

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FAQ | Rental Apartments

How does Thai Anh House work?

Thai Anh House is an online marketplace which lets people rent out properties or rooms
with the high level of guest satisfaction. There are photos of the property and rooms
with full map listing.

Who can host and what is required?

Make yourself and your home available to your guest. Our hosts must be able to provide a clean,
comfortable and private bedroom for guests. Help your guest settle into a comfortable and safe
home and help them to learn. You will be willing to make them feel at home with conversation,
support, inclusion in family activities and personal warmth. Ideally, you’ll have a sincere interest
in other cultures and a desire to connect with new friends from around the world.

What do I do after I get a request to book?

You have 24 hours to accept or decline a reservation request before it expires. When
you get a reservation request, those dates will be blocked on your calendar so that
other guests can’t request them until you accept or decline the pending request. Accept
within 24 hours to avoid impacting your response rate.

What do I do before the guest arrive?

You’ll get some information about the guest through the booking voucher, but you
probably won’t get to meet them in person until they arrive at your house. In most
cases, you can begin emailing and getting to know your new guest before the guest
leaves their home country.

Do I need to provide transportation to guest?

Most of our guests are old enough to manage public transport on their own and most
will prefer it. If you are happy to provide guests with a lift this is appreciated but not
necessary. We do have some younger guests who do request transport – this is
advised at the time of making the placements.

What if I’m uncomfortable with a prospective guest? Is that discrimination?

We encourage you to use the trust features and communication tools we've built to help give you
peace of mind. When considering a guest’s booking request, it’s important to comply with policy
and to reflect on your reasoning to ensure bias isn’t a factor.

I’ve had bad experiences with guests from a certain country. Am I allowed to stop
hosting guests from that country?

Hosts may not decline guests based on their nationality or ethnic background, or otherwise
discriminate against users from a given country. While you may have had a bad experience with
a previous guest, it is important to remember that each person is different. It is unfair to prejudge
someone new based on the behavior of a past guest. Instead, we suggest exchanging messages
with all of your upcoming guests to clarify house rules and set expectations.

Can I decline guests with disabilities if I don’t think my home is suitable for them?

In many cases hosts are not required to make their homes compliant with the standards set out in
the standard policy. However, you can’t decline a guest based on any actual or perceived
disability. You should do your best to provide accurate information about your home’s
accessibility features (or lack of them), allowing for guests with disabilities to decide for
themselves whether the home is appropriate to their individual needs.

I am allergic to dog hair. How should I handle requests from guests with
assistance animals?

It’s important to be empathetic to guests with assistance animals and to make every effort to
accommodate them. However, if an assistance animal would jeopardize your health, or that of a
roommate or family member, you do not have to host the guests. Please be clear and polite when
communicating with guests about this. We also suggest you include this information in your
listing description in order to better inform prospective guests.

What should I do on check out day?

Make sure that the guest has paid any outstanding balance (if any) and advise the guest has left.
Assist your guest to move to their next destination or airport (if required) and ask them to share a
review about their stays. You can offer additional benefit for good guest experience if you want

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