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Cambridge International AS Level Biology

Recommended resources
Chapter 1
Further reading
Alberts, B. et al. (2013) Essential Cell Biology, 4th edn. Garland Science.
This classic book has a variety of resources for students that are freely available at There are over 130 movies and animations,
self‑assessment tests, flashcards and interactive micrographs. Of relevance to Chapter 1 is
‘Cells: The Fundamental Units of Life’, which includes electron micrographs of plant and liver cells
(see ‘Cell Explorer’).
Of relevance to Chapter 1 is ‘Introduction to Cells’, which includes interactive electron micrographs
of plant and liver cells.
Plopper, G., Sharp, D. and Sikorski, E. (2014) Lewin’s Cells, 3rd edn. Jones and Bartlett Publishers,
Sudbury, MA.
Another classic American text which is very readable and prolifically illustrated. It is a useful resource
for the student who wants more in-depth coverage of cell biology and biochemistry topics included
in A level biology.

Online and interactive resources
This website has a very informative poster of virus structures.
John Kyrk’s website has excellent animations on cell anatomy and cell functions. It also has
information on viruses.
Histology Guide is an interactive site for histology.
This page on the Histology Guide site gives an introduction to electron micrographs.
This website has excellent animations of protein trafficking (includes transfer of protein through the
Golgi body), protein modification within the Golgi body and two of secretion. These last two are also
relevant to work on cell signalling and regulation of blood sugar.

Cambridge International AS and A Level Biology © Cambridge University Press 2014

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