Jazen Andrea Abitong - GE Activity 2-FT

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Semester/A.Y: 1st / 2021 – 2022

Professor: Prof. Rommel R. Bravo
Period: Finals

Jazen Andrea D. Abitong
Name: _____________________________________________ BSA1-A1
Course/Section: ____________________

Instructions: Instruction: Read and analyze the case below. Provide what is required in
the questions. (35 pts.)


1. Companies should not be held morally responsible because many were unaware of what
was going on. I believe Simpson and Brown should be held morally responsible because
they continued to try to sweep the issue under the rug and not let many people know what
was really going on, despite knowing that the end result would affect a large number of
2. Their actions are open to criticism based on the morality and ethics of their decision. Even
though it wasn't illegal, they made decisions that affected the lives of many people while
attempting to cover it up rather than being proactive and doing something about it. When
they discovered that asbestos had serious side effects, they needed to inform the rest of the
company so that they could be tested to see if it was affecting them.
3. Yes, I think it is more appropriate and ethical if they just acknowledge the truth behind the
asbestos. Even if it end up to a situation wherein they cannot launch the product at all, it
will still be better rather than to ruin the lives of many people because of its side effects.
4. No, because it is very harmful for our employees. I am fully aware that business is all about
gaining profit; however the money that you will gain from deceiving people will just come

GE3_TCW The Contemporary World /Bravo/1stSem/2021-2022
back to you even worse. If I am a stockholder, I would choose to just lose my hard earned
money rather than bringing danger to thousands of people who are just working and living
their life with dignity.
5. I disagree to that thinking, because other than the government, a company also has the
ability to know what is right or wrong. Not all legal things are appropriate to do. Even the
government makes mistakes and you cannot just blame it on them, especially when the
company itself knew about the side effects that it would bring. And I believe that everyone
involved in the incident should be held liable and take their responsibility.
6. The way Dr. Smith believed that not telling their employees about its side effects until it is
visible was the right thing to do is very disturbing at all. This just shows that he thinks
unethically and only care about the money. He thought of those employees not as a
human, but just one of his possessions. It is very sad that some people are willing to
sacrifice thousands of lives for the sake of money and profit. Both he and Lanza are the
same. They would do bad things and blame it on other people when they got caught.
7. Yes, it is just right that every member of the company who knew about it will be held
responsible. All victims including spouses or the families of the worker should be well
compensated and given justice. These people who developed diseases are just working for
survival and living their life honestly. However, these companies do not care and let them
suffer for themselves. If they would not be held responsible, it just shows how messed up
our justice system is, especially to those who do not have money and power to pay for the

GE3_TCW The Contemporary World /Bravo/1stSem/2021-2022
GE3_TCW The Contemporary World /Bravo/1stSem/2021-2022
GE3_TCW The Contemporary World /Bravo/1stSem/2021-2022

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