Muhamad Naufal Daffa - 2005778 - Assigment Porifera and Coelenterata

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Name Muhammad Naufal Daffa Class P-BIO B 2020 Date 21-09-2021

Chapter 26 Sponges and Cnidarians

26–1 Introduction to the
Animal Kingdom
All members of the kingdom Animalia During early development, the cells of
share certain characteristics. Animals are most animal embryos differentiate into
multicellular, eukaryotic heterotrophs three layers, called germ layers. The endo-
whose cells lack cell walls. The bodies of derm is the innermost germ layer; the meso-
most animals contain tissues. Over 95 per- derm is the middle germ layer; and the
cent of all animal species are often grouped ectoderm is the outermost germ layer.
in a single, informal category: invertebrates. With the exception of sponges, every
Invertebrates are animals that do not have a kind of animal exhibits some type of body
backbone, or vertebral column. The other symmetry. Some animals exhibit radial
5 percent of animals are called vertebrates, symmetry, in which any number of imagi-
because they have a backbone. nary planes can be drawn through the cen-
Animals carry out the following essential ter, each dividing the body into equal
functions: feeding, respiration, circulation, halves. More complex animals have bilat-
excretion, response, movement, and repro- eral symmetry, in which only a single
duction. The study of the functions of organ- imaginary plane can divide the body into
isms is called physiology. The structure, or two equal halves. Animals with bilateral
anatomy, of an animal’s body enables it to symmetry usually exhibit cephalization,
carry out physiological functions. which is the concentration of sense organs
Many body functions help animals and nerve cells at the front of the body.
maintain homeostasis. Homeostasis is often Most animals have a body cavity, which is a
maintained by internal feedback mecha- fluid-filled space that lies between the
nisms. Most of these mechanisms involve digestive tract and the body wall.
feedback inhibition, in which the product
or result of a process stops or limits the
process. 26 –2 Sponges
Complex animals tend to have high lev- Sponges make up the phylum Porifera.
els of cell specialization and internal body Sponges are sessile, meaning that they live
organization, bilateral symmetry, a front their entire adult lives attached to a single
end or head with sense organs, and a body spot. Sponges are classified as animals
cavity. because they are multicellular, are het-
Animals that reproduce sexually begin erotrophic, have no cell walls, and contain a
life as zygotes. The zygote undergoes a few specialized cells.
series of divisions to form a blastula, a hol- Sponges are asymmetrical—they have
low ball of cells. The blastula folds in on no front or back ends. Sponges have spe-
itself, forming a single opening called a cialized cells, called choanocytes, that move
blastopore. The blastopore leads to a central a steady current of water through the body.
tube that becomes the digestive tract. A pro- This water enters through pores in the body
tostome is an animal whose mouth is wall and leaves through the osculum, a
formed from the blastopore. A deuterstome large hole at the top of the central cavity.
is an animal whose anus is formed from the The movement of water through the sponge
blastopore. The anus is the opening through provides a simple mechanism for feeding,
which wastes leave the digestive tract. respiration, circulation, and excretion.

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A cnidarian has a gastrovascular cavity,

Sponges are filter feeders that sift micro-
which is a digestive chamber with one
scopic food particles from the water. Diges-
opening. Food enters and wastes leave the
tion is intracellular, meaning that it takes
same opening. Digestion is extracellular,
place inside cells. Sponges can reproduce
meaning that it takes place outside of cells.
either sexually or asexually. In sexual repro-
For gathering information from the envi-
duction, eggs are fertilized inside the
ronment, cnidarians have a nerve net. A
sponge’s body, a process called internal fer-
nerve net is a loosely organized network of
tilization. After fertilization occurs, the
nerve cells that together allow cnidarians
resulting zygote develops into a larva. A
to detect stimuli. Some cnidarians have a
larva is an immature stage of an organism
hydrostatic skeleton. In most cnidarians,
that looks different from the adult form.
sexual reproduction takes place with exter-
Sponges provide habitats for marine
nal fertilization in the water. External fer-
animals such as snails and sea stars.
tilization takes place outside the female’s
Sponges also form partnerships with photo-
synthetic organisms.
Cnidarians include jellyfishes, hydras
and their relatives, and sea anemones and
26 –3 Cnidarians corals. The class Scyphozoa contains the jel-
lyfishes. Scyphozoans live their lives pri-
Cnidarians are soft-bodied, carnivorous ani-
marily as medusas. The class Hydrozoa
mals. They have stinging tentacles arranged
contains hydras and related animals. The
around their mouths. Cnidarians are the
polyps of most hydrozoans grow in
simplest animals to have body symmetry
branching colonies. The Portuguese man-
and specialized tissues. Cnidarians get their
of-war is a colonial hydrozoan composed of
name from cnidocytes, which are stinging
many specialized polyps. The class Antho-
cells on their tentacles.
zoa contains sea anemones and corals.
Cnidarians exhibit radial symmetry.
Anthozoans have only the polyp stage in
They have a central mouth surrounded by
their life cycles. Most corals are colonial,
numerous tentacles. Cnidarians typically
and their polyps grow together in large
have a life cycle that includes two different-
numbers. As the colonies grow, they secrete
looking stages: a polyp and a medusa. A
an underlying skeleton of calcium carbon-
polyp has a cylindrical body with armlike
ate (limestone). Coral colonies produce the
tentacles. In a polyp, the mouth points
structures called coral reefs. Many coral
upward. A medusa has a bell-shaped body
reefs are now suffering from the effects of
with the mouth at the bottom. Polyps are
human activity.
usually sessile, while medusas are motile.

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Name Muhammad Naufal Daffa Class P-BIO B 2020 Date 21-09-2021

Section 26–2 Sponges (pages 664–667)

Key Concepts
• Why are sponges classified as animals?
• How do sponges carry out essential functions?

What Is a Sponge? (page 664)

1. Sponges are placed in the phylum Porifera .
2. What are pores, and where are pores on a sponge’s body? Pori-pori merupakan lubang
(saluran tempat masuk dan keluarnya air) di dalam tubuh spons. Pori-pori dibentuk
oleh sel porosity dan terletak pada lapisan terluar spons

3. What does it mean that sponges are sessile? Karena spons hidup menempel pada satu

4. Why are sponges classified as animals? Karena termasuk organisme multiseluler,

heterotroph, tidak memiliki dinding sel, dan memiliki beberapa sel yang terspesialisasi

Form and Function in Sponges (pages 664–667)

5. Is the following sentence true or false? Sponges have no tissues. Benar, karena belum
memiliki jaringan yang terspsialisasi secara khusus
6. What does the movement of water through a sponge provide? Aliran air menyediakan
mekanisme untuk makan, respirasi, sirkulasi dan ekskresi

Match the body part with its description.

Body Part Description
B 7. Choanocyte a. Cell that makes spicules
D 8. Spicule b. Cell that uses flagella to move water through the sponge
C 9. Osculum c. A large hole at the top of the sponge
A 10. Archaeocyte d. A spike-shaped structure

11. Where does digestion take place in sponges? Intaseluler (terjadi di dalam sel)

12. Circle the letter of each sentence that is true about sponges.
a. Sponges are filter feeders.
b. Sponges reproduce only asexually.
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c. Sponges rely on water movement to carry out body functions.

d. Sponges do not have a nervous system.
13. How do many sponges protect themselves from predators? Menghasilkan senyawa dari
hasil metabolit

14. An immature stage of an organism that looks different from the adult form is
called a(an) Larva .
15. How is a sponge larva different from the adult form? Larva spons merupakan zigot yang
berkembang dari proses pembuahan sehingga organ-organnya belum matang dan masih
dalam tahap perkembangan

16. What are gemmules, and what is their role in sponge reproduction? Gemmule merupakan
sekumpulan sel arkeosit yang digunakan sebagai cara reproduksi aseksual ketika keadaan
tidak menguntungkan untuk reproduksi seksual

Ecology of Sponges (page 667)

17. Why do you think many sponges are colored green? Karena spons atau porifera bersimbiosis
dengan organisme yang berfotosintesis

18. What adaptation may allow sponges to survive in a wide range of habitats?
Spons dapat mengeluarkan senyawa toxin dari hasil metabolit untuk menjaga dirinya dari

© Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Pearson Prentice Hall.

Name Muhammad Naufal Daffa Class P-BIO B 2020 Date 21-09-2021

Section 26–3 Cnidarians (pages 669–675)

Key Concepts
• What is a cnidarian?
• What two body plans exist in the cnidarian life cycle?
• What are the three groups of cnidarians?

What Is a Cnidarian? (page 669)

1. Cnidarians are members of the phylum coelenterata .
2. What important features unite the cnidarians as a group? Cnidari memiliki tentakel
penyengat. Cnidaria juga memiliki sistem gastrovaskuler dimana mulut dan anus
adalah lubang yang sama

3. What are cnidocytes? Cnidosit merupakan sel yang terletak pada tentakel yang
berfungsi sebagai penyengat
4. A poison-filled, stinging structure within a cnidocyte that contains a tightly coiled
dart is called a(an) Nematosia .

Form and Function in Cnidarians (pages 670–672)

5. Is the following sentence true or false? Cnidarians have bilateral symmetry.
Salah, Cnidaria memiliki tubuh yang simetri radial
6. What are the two stages in the cnidarian life cycle?
a. Polyp b. Medusa
7. Write labels on each illustration below to name the different body parts.


Sistem Tentakel
Gastrovaskuler Mulut

Polyp Medusa
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Match the cnidarian structure with its description.

Structure Description
C 8. Gastroderm a. Digestive chamber with single opening
E 9. Mesoglea b. Sensory cells that help determine direction of
A 10. Gastrovascular cavity
c. Inner lining of the gastrovascular cavity
D 11. Nerve net
d. Loosely organized network of nerve cells
B 12. Statocysts
e. Layer that lies between gastroderm and epidermis
F 13. Ocelli
f. Eyespots that detect light

14. Circle the letter of each sentence that is true about form and function in cnidarians.
a. In a polyp, the mouth points downward.
b. Materials that cannot be digested are passed out of the body
through the mouth.
c. Cnidarians respire by diffusion through their body walls.
d. Most cnidarians reproduce sexually and asexually.
15. What does a cnidarian’s hydrostatic skeleton consist of? Terdiri dari lapisan otot melingkar,
lapisan otot longitudinal dan air di rongga gastrovaskuler

16. Cnidarian polyps can reproduce asexually by Tunas .

17. In the Aurelia life cycle, how are young medusas released? Dilepaskan melalui polip

Groups of Cnidarians (pages 672–674)

18. Complete the table about classes of cnidarians.


Class Characteristics of Life Cycle Examples

Syphozoa Aurelia sp
Live lives primarily as medusas

Hydrozoa Polyps of most grow in branching

Hydra sp
colonies; some lack a medusa stage

Anthozoa Have only the polyp stage

Anemon Laut

19. What is bioluminescence? Kemampuan untuk menghasilkan cahaya sendiri

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Name Muhammad Naufal Daffa Class P-BIO B 2020 Date 21-09-2021

20. How do hydras differ from other cnidarians in the class Hydrozoa?
Pada hydrozoa, fase polip mendominasi siklus hidupnya sedengkan fase medusa hanya
terjadi sesekali

21. Circle the letter of each sentence that is true about corals.
a. Corals secrete an underlying skeleton of calcium carbonate.
b. Corals are solitary polyps that live at all depths of the ocean.
c. Coral colonies growing near one another produce coral reefs.
d. Most corals are colonial.
22. Is the following sentence true or false? Sea anemones are solitary polyps.
23. How are coral reefs produced? Terumbu karang dibentuk oleh polip karang karena
mengeluarkan lapisan kalsium karbonat

Ecology of Corals (page 675)

24. What variables determine the worldwide distribution of corals?
a. Instesita cahaya
b. Kedalaman air
c. temperatur
25. What do corals depend on to capture solar energy, recycle nutrients, and help lay
down their skeletons? Bergantung pada symbiosis alga

26. Circle the letter of each way that coral reefs can be harmed.
a. Sediments from logging can smother corals.
b. Overfishing can upset the ecological balance of coral reefs.
c. Algae can remove energy from corals.
d. Industrial pollutants can poison corals.
27. What is coral bleaching? Persitiwa keluaranya zooxanthella dari karang ditandai
dengan memudarnya warna karan menjadi putih

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Chapter 26 Sponges and Cnidarians

Vocabulary Review
Completion Fill in the blanks with terms from Chapter 26.
1. An animal without a backbone is called a(an) invertebrata .
2. In sexual reproduction, the zygote undergoes a series of divisions to form a(an)
Blastula , a hollow ball of cells.
3. A(An) prosostome is an animal whose mouth is formed from the
4. In bilateral symmetry, only a single imaginary plane can divide the
body into two equal halves.
5. The concentration of sense organs and nerve cells at the front end of the body is called
sepalisasi .
6. A(An) larva is an immature stage of an organism that looks
different from the adult form.
7. Sponges are placed in the phylum porifera .
8. A(An) polyp is a stage in the cnidarian life cycle in which the
mouth points upward.
9. A digestive chamber with one opening is called a(an) gastrovaskuler cavity.

Answering Questions In the space provided, write an answer to each question.

10. What are the names of an animal’s three germ layers? Endoderm, mesoderm, dan

11. What is a body cavity? Rongga tubuah adalah ruang berisi cairan di dalam tubuh dan
melindungi organ

12. What does the movement of water through a sponge provide for the sponge?
mekanisme makan, respirasi, sirkulasi, dan ekskresi

13. What kind of fertilization do sponges use? Fertilisasi internal

14. Which way does the mouth point in a medusa? Mulut fase medusa menghadap ke bawah

15. What structures do coral colonies produce? Koloni mengahasilkan terumbu karang

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Name Muhammad Naufal Daffa Class P-BIO B 2020 Date 21-09-2021

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