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Revision of Tenses

1. Put the verb the verb given into simple present or present continuous.
a. What ______________________________ (usually / you / do) at the weekend?
b. Don’t worry about the cat. It ______________________________ (only / eat) once a day.
c. I can’t work out the answer. ______________________________ (you / know) what it is?
d. What’s the matter? Why ______________________________ (you / stare) at me like that?
e. Excuse me, but ______________________________ (you / speak) English? I’m looking for a hotel.
f. Helen ______________________________ (stay) with her brother while her house is being repaired.
g. You should go on a diet. ______________________________ (you / put) on weight.
h. ______________________________ (they / speak) French or German? I can’t tell the difference.

2. Put each verb into either simple past or past continuous.

a. When I ______________________________ (study) abroad, my parents ______________________________ (phone)
me every week.
b. I ______________________________ (find) my lost pen while I ______________________________ (look for) my
pencil sharpener.
c. Ann ______________________________ (watch) television when Julie ______________________________ (arrive).
d. When the lights ______________________________ (go out), I ______________________________ (lie) in bed
e. When you ______________________________ (go) to the new Chinese restaurant, what
______________________________ (you / eat)?

3. Put each verb into simple past, past continuous or past perfect.
The police suspected that Brian ______________________________ (break) the window at his house because he
______________________________ (want) to make them think that a burglar ______________________________ (steal)
his valuable stamp collection. They ______________________________ (think) that Brian
______________________________ (do) this because he ______________________________ (need) the money.
However, they ______________________________ (not / know) that Brian ______________________________ (fly) to
Brazil the week before, and ______________________________ (be) abroad when the burglary
______________________________ (take place).

4. Put each verb given into either present perfect simple, simple past or simple present.
a. I ______________________________ (never / eat) octopus, but once on holiday I ______________________________
(eat) some squid.
b. I ______________________________ (hope) you aren’t a vegetarian. I ______________________________ (cook)
you some lamb chops.
c. Recently a lot of young people ______________________________ (take up) in-line skating.
d. When we ______________________________ (reach) the cinema, there ______________________________ (not /
be) any tickets left.
e. Please come quickly! Nick ______________________________ (have) and accident, and he
______________________________ (go) to hospital.
f. Mary and Paul ______________________________ (never / play) tennis.

5. Put each verb given into a form of will, be going to or present continuous.
a. In fifty years’ time, most people ______________________________ (probably / ride) bicycles to work.
b. Our teacher ______________________________ (give) us a test tomorrow.
c. I ______________________________ (go) to Manchester at the end of the week.
d. Look out! You ______________________________ (hit) that tree!
e. I think our team ______________________________ (probably / win).

6. Put the verbs given into the correct tense.

We have finally finished all our exams. The last one ______________________________ (be) yesterday. It was
History. It was horrible. I ______________________________ (think) History is really difficult because I can’t remember all
the dates.
This was my second year at secondary school. I ______________________________ (have) seven subjects. The worst
______________________________ (be) Science and History. I ______________________________ (already / forget)
most of the things we learnt.
The best subject this year was Geography. We ______________________________ (do) some projects about different
countries. I would like to be a pilot so I could travel and see all those places.
This summer ______________________________ (not / go) abroad because two months ago my father
______________________________ (lose) his job. So he ______________________________ (not / have) much money
and we can’t afford a big holiday. We ______________________________ (go) to Wales to see my grandparents.

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