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Idea in Brief
2. Rethinking capitalism
3. Externalities – taxes to internalise
4. Assumption of each (corporate/govt/society) being hindrances to the other
5. Shared value means working together, understanding that externalities create internal costs
and using innovations to increase income and address social needs
6. Fair trade vs creating new shared value perspectives – Cote d’Ivoire
7. What companies were vs what CSV can bring for them – company and community
8. Ecomagination, Wells Fargo and creating better debt management, taste vs nutrition
9. WaterHealth International, Revolution Foods, Waste Concern
10. Kenya M-Pesa – 10 million customers
11. India & Thomson Reuters – 2 million farmers
12. Increasing value chain productivity –
a. Energy usage – Marks & Spencer saving 175 million $ annually
b. Resource usage – Dow Chemicals’ fresh water usage reduction to save $4 million,
Jain Irrigation 41% annual growth
c. Procurement – Creating value for producers – Nespresso
d. Distribution – Itunes, Google Scholar and paper usage reduction, Project Shakti
e. Employee Productivity – J&J and the no smoking policies and wellness programmes
has saved them $250 million on health care costs
f. Location – savings in transportation and maintaining lower stocks reduces wastage,
Olam International and cashew production – 25% reduction of costs and increase in
women’s income
13. Enabling Local Cluster Development –
a. Developing transparent markets – Nespresso example
b. Governmental goal setting and regulations
i. Clear & Measurable social goals and prices
ii. Set performance standards but not methods
iii. Phase-in periods to achieve the standards
iv. Set universal measurement systems
c. Yara - fertilizers in Mozambique
d. Mexico’s financial company, Urbi, setting up rent-to-own plans for housing
14. Creating a new capitalism with an involved stakeholder view

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