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HOMEWORK-Grammar exercise-2 : the simple present tense

Grammar Exercise-2
This grammar exercise tests your ability to identify verbs in the Simple present tense

In the simple present tense, the verb takes the marker –s when the subject is a singular noun or
pronoun. With plural subjects, the verb does not take the marker –s.
My sister sings very well. (Here the verb ‘sing’ takes the marker ‘-s’ because the subject is
the singular noun ‘my sister’.)
My sisters sing very well. (Here the verb ‘sing’ does not take the marker –s because the
subject is a plural noun – my sisters.)

Questions-1: Make sentences in the simple present tense.

verbs in the Simple present tense
1. I usually   (go) to school.

2. They   (visit) us often.

3. You   (play) basketball once a week.

4. Tom   (work) every day.

5. He always   (tell) us funny stories.

6. She never   (help) me with that!

7. Martha and Kevin   (swim) twice a week.

8. In this club people usually   (dance) a lot.

9. Linda   (take care) of her sister.

10. John rarely   (leave) the country.

11. We   (live) in the city most of the year.

12. Lorie  (travel) to Paris every Sunday.

13. I   (bake) cookies twice a month.

14. You always   (teach) me new things.

15. She   (help) the kids of the neighborhood.

Questions-2: verbs in the Simple present tense

Put a cross in front the right answer.

1. I ——————— at a bank.
2. She ——————– with her parents.

3. Cows ———————– on grass.

HOMEWORK-Grammar exercise-2 : the simple present tense

4. He ———————- a handsome salary.
5. Janet ———————- to be a singer.
6. Emily ———————– delicious cookies.
7. Arti and her husband ——————- in Singapore.
8. Rohan and Sania ———————- to play card games.
9. Sophia ————————– English very well.
10. Martin ———————– for a walk in the morning.
11. My grandfather ——————– his pet dog.
12. Plants ———————– water and sunlight for making their food.

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